Our family is in decline

Chapter 601 Retreat and Return

Boudica and Alhazred had different opinions, and now the three teams were indeed faced with the question of whether to advance or retreat.

"The scholar's premonition has never been missed. There must be something very dangerous ahead, but we came here just to explore the beast's cave. If we just leave like this, I'm afraid it wouldn't be appropriate.

The best thing is to find a way to determine what the situation is, and it will be valuable to go back with the news. "

Barristan also expressed his opinion.

"You go first and stay here to prepare for the response. I have better survivability when wearing armor and shield. If I go up to explore the path, I can save myself even if there is a problem. If the situation goes wrong, I will retreat."

There is no doubt that Barristan wants to put himself in danger. According to the requirements of wanting to obtain information and avoid danger, this is the most reasonable choice.

Because he has the strongest defense ability, he is indeed sure to survive an attack.

But they seemed to have overlooked one person.

"I'll do it." Laura said, "I'm a professional reconnaissance person, and you can't see clearly even if you can't run fast."

Laura didn't speak much along the way, but she was quite venomous when she spoke. However, she was not complaining about Barristan's one-eyedness, but the fact that he was wearing heavy armor limited his movement speed, and at the same time, normal people's dim vision was not much better. .

But Laura's eagle eye is different. She can see far away, and her vision in dim light is much better.

Not to mention that she is light in stature, agile and responsive, making her undoubtedly the best candidate.

More importantly, she is a practical person. After saying this, she set off directly. Wrapped in a black robe, she seemed to have disappeared after leaving the firelight.

"I..." Boudica was a little itchy when she saw it and wanted to go up, but the other two interrupted her as soon as she opened her mouth.

"As promised before coming down, we will abide by the team's decision," Barristan reminded.

Who in Hamlet doesn't know that Boudica is a ruthless person who won't obey anyone except the lord.

Who would dare to team up with her without agreeing with her?

"You go up and start a fight. Why do you need to do reconnaissance?" Alhazred said angrily. Scholars are still very thoughtful.

Boudica could only stand aside in boredom, holding her ax and gun.

And Alhazred had already begun to arrange something, holding some ritual materials and placing them.

There was no movement for a while, and Boudica couldn't help but start walking around.

And at this moment, a penetrating scream came from the darkness at the end of the passage.

Then, before the three of them could react, there was an inexplicable vibration on the ground, as if some tunnel had collapsed.

The subsequent vibration was accompanied by a pig's roar as thick as thunder, which seemed to contain some strange power. Listening to it made people feel inexplicably uneasy, and the pressure could not be suppressed.

It was as exaggerated as if it had alarmed some ancient behemoth.

This movement woke up several people instantly. No one knew what was happening on the other end, but with such an exaggerated movement, no one could guarantee that Laura could come back.

So the first thing in front of them is to run away or wait?

"Boudica, protect the scholar and leave first." Barristan immediately decided that it was no longer necessary for the two of them to stay.

"And you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't intend to die, but someone must abide by the agreement." Barristan is fearless, death has never been his end.

"I don't know how to protect you! I'm going to kill him!"

While they were still arguing, shouts of curses came from the dim passage.

"Run away!"

At the same time as the sound came out, Laura's figure appeared, and the strong wind stirred the cloak like an eagle spreading its wings.

It's just that she was running away as if something was chasing her, which destroyed the predator.

"What happened ahead?"

"Why are you hanging around here? Get out of here!" Laura's breath was a little disordered, and there was uncontrollable panic on her face. She just urged everyone and didn't mention what happened at all.

Barristan and the others were relieved to see Laura back, but before they could say anything, the sound of breaking through the air came from the darkness.

Just in time to catch Laura's tricky moment when she was distracted, shouting, or taking a breath, something invisible seemed to be about to penetrate.

But she never fights alone.


Barristan's resolute figure stood behind Laura, holding up his shield in a protective posture.

The thing that was shot hit the shield and made a sound of metal collision. The exaggerated force was transmitted, but it could not shake him even half a step.

It happened almost in an instant, and even Laura almost didn't react, but veterans are always so trustworthy at critical moments.

It was only then that everyone noticed that what was stuck on the shield was a rusty and dirty iron spear.

It looks like it was made from scrap metal picked up somewhere and sharpened. The rough appearance does look like the work of a pig.

But what's surprising is that this tattered thing actually penetrated the shield. You can imagine how exaggerated the power it contains is.

Fortunately, Barristan's shield is also specially made, otherwise the ordinary iron and wooden shield might be penetrated.

What makes everyone even more surprised is that they have never encountered anything similar among the pigs before. What is it about the pigs that are so powerful?

But Laura seemed to be frightened. She turned around and drew two bows and shot into the darkness, but she kept urging her.

"Don't worry about that thing, run away! Get out of here!"

Although everyone was puzzled, they also knew that Laura was not Boudica's kind of person who had a hot head, so they started to retreat.

Retreating is not an escape, but a sophisticated tactical move, a formation that has been discussed before coming down.

Boudicca leads the way, followed closely by Alhazred in position 2. Laura falls in position 3, turning back and shooting into the darkness from time to time, while Barristan covers each other and retreats.

After retreating a certain distance, Alhazred seemed to realize something, and the skull candlestick in his hand suddenly ignited.

The ritual that had just been arranged in the passage was activated, directly summoning countless shadow tentacles to block the enemies behind them, and then distanced themselves.

At this time, the other two teams in the Pig Transformation Room and the Pig Breeding Room also seemed to notice the faint vibrations coming from the depths and the weird pig noises, and they all realized that something was wrong.

And those pigs rushed out from deeper depths like chicken blood, stronger and more dangerous.


The other two teams almost made the same decision because they had complete plans before coming down.

The most dangerous thing in the cave is not the pigs, but the landslide. The situation is already very unstable.

They were all marked when they came in, and they easily found the route back. Among the three teams, the first and second teams withdrew first at about the same time.

"What happened?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one got an answer.

After the three teams that were deepest came out, all eyes were focused on them.

But the problem is that Alhazred and the others don't know, and their eyes also turn to Laura.

"Weird ritual...a monster like a mountain of meat, the pigmen enshrined it as king..." Faced with this situation, Laura said this with a somewhat uneasy expression.

"This is beyond our ability to handle. We are suspending operations on the den and we need to notify the lord."

Everyone basically agreed with this decision. The operation was terminated in the middle of the operation, and the guards who were "cutting out" the den were also recalled. All parties strictly guarded the passage, waiting for orders from the lords...

So what is Lance doing now?

"The boat is gently floating in the water~"

Lance was very leisurely and took the boat back to Hamlet from the bay.

During this process, I did not forget to briefly inventory the harvest of this trip.

Various gems the size of pigeon eggs were sorted out and thrown into a box as if they were free of charge. Only those containing extraordinary power were eligible to be placed alone.

As for the gold coins and so on, they were placed in piles all over the cabin. If this was not a ghost ship shrouded in extraordinary power, the keel might be broken.

All kinds of gold and silver treasures have lost the meaning of valuation. Hamlet's wealth is enough to make the whole world crazy.

But Lance was numb to this, and he selected extraordinary items containing strange powers and released them alone.

Only the protection of that power can allow this part of things to be passed down.

Among them, Lance found weird and twisted idols, alien-style antiques, evil scrolls, and weird props...

That is to say, these things were sealed by deep divers. Otherwise, if they flow into human society, we don't know how serious the situation will be.

The power above will tempt people to fall, and while it brings power, it comes with a heavy price. It can even take away everything, including your soul, without you even realizing it.

Anyway, these things are telling him that the world is a mess.

This is the true face of extraordinary power. It is full of evil twists and stability. However, the price paid behind it has long disappeared into history.

In some cases, it is really a screening mechanism, because too evil forces can easily backfire, and if they are cut off, they will disappear, and inheritance is difficult.

Only those relatively stable and gentle supernatural powers have a greater chance of spreading.

But none of these powers could shake Lance at all. If time didn't allow, he would really want to study these powers.

But now, find a box and throw it together to see which of you can beat the other. Lance is really looking forward to what the scene of "Foreign Bodhisattva vs. Predator" will be like.

The only thing of real value to Lance was the manuscript found in the hidden compartment, but there was no time.

Because Hamlet is here.

Lance seemed to have noticed something and walked out of the cabin, looking at the looming buildings on the horizon outside. However, his eyes did not pay too much attention to them, but instead turned to look at the surrounding sea.

The sea breeze blew and the waves rolled, but there was no original evil atmosphere.

The deep divers all feed the ship, and the blockade faced by Hamlet is solved by Lance in an exaggerated way.

Maritime trade, which is the lifeline of all ports, can now be resumed due to the safety of the routes.

I saw mist rising out of thin air on the sea, and the ghost ship did not come out after sailing in. When the mist was blown away by the sea breeze, I discovered that only a small circle of pirate ships remained on the sea.

Lance had no intention of letting the [Lightless] appear in everyone's sight, but put it back into the void.

The trump card is most effective when it is hidden; if exposed it is just an ordinary ship.

Lance sailed the sailing pirate ship to Hamlet alone.

The coast of Hamlet is still patrolled, and the docks of the port are also on duty to guard against harassment and invasion by deep divers.

But the person on duty on the high platform saw a ship sailing on the sea in the distance. It looked a bit like a pirate ship, with a red cloth tied to the top of the mast.

What's strange is that during this period of time, the fishmen were making trouble, and the ship came so arrogantly that it was not attacked by the deep divers.

This situation was reported immediately, but instead of being nervous, the leader was very excited.

"Red cloth? That's the lord coming back!"

Lance had already informed Greendale, and the same news was also sent here.

Seeing that his subordinates didn't respond, the administrator couldn't help but urge him.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and get ready."


The news was transmitted very quickly. During this period, the silent dock became active again, and many people spontaneously came over to watch.

The ship sailed into the dock from the pier, and Lance walked down to look at and signal to everyone.

"The monster has disappeared, the sea ban is over, and everyone can go to sea again."

This announcement directly activated the entire port, and finally no longer had to worry about monster invasion.

At the same time, those fishermen with debts can also go out to fish as soon as possible.

At the same time, the town can also resume the supply of seafood such as fish and shrimp, which is a source of cheap and high-quality protein.

"The lord is back, and the fishmen disappeared!"

"Long live Hamlet!"

Lance just smiled and waved. He wanted this effect when he came back from the sea in front of so many people.

Only by allowing everyone to see the lord sailing back with their own eyes can the safety of the sea be proved. Otherwise, it would be difficult to eliminate the people's fear of the sea with just one word.

Even if the sea opens, many people will choose to wait and see. It’s unclear how long it will take to truly recover.

And now that the lord is demonstrating it himself, no effect can be more direct than this.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Greendale appeared and led people to take over the subsequent opening of the sea. In fact, the corresponding plan had already been prepared.

This is why Lance is constantly promoting a new set of administrative models, clarifying powers and responsibilities, making plans before doing things, and having a detailed plan, the people below will naturally know what to do.

The model where one sentence is left to the bottom, regardless of the process and only the results, is not efficient at all, and can easily breed corruption, further leading to the loss of control of power.

Anyway, Hamlet seems pretty good now, but I don’t know about the future.

Lance left the dock, and Greendale followed him out, giving a brief report on the current progress of various projects.

There really hasn't been any big fluctuations these days, everything is proceeding steadily.

Just when Lance was preparing to lie down for a few days, the falcon sent a message.

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