Our family is in decline

Chapter 602 Mission: Destroy Pigmen

"The bay is really not a place for people to live. The fishy stench is all over the place."

While Lance was complaining to Greendale, he had been trapped in the bay for so many days, and he and Wangcai could only talk to themselves in there. Anyone with a weaker mental endurance would have suffered from fish disease.

"You haven't tasted such a big crab?" Greendale was also used to Lance's words and agreed with a smile.

"I don't dare to eat that stuff. I'm afraid that Pennsylvania will glow at night after eating it."

It's not like Lance can stuff anything into his mouth. It looks like he drank too much nuclear sewage and doesn't belong to the category of normal organisms.

And maybe it was mutated from humans.

"Now that the sea is open, you can eat seafood."

"Don't mention it, now I feel like vomiting when I smell the fishy smell."


The two chatted and walked back to the town. When the people saw that his work efficiency had improved to a new level.

Because as long as the lord shows his face, Hamlet cannot cause chaos.

When they reached the door of the lord's mansion, the two stopped.

"I just want to take a good wash now to wash away the fishy smell."

"Then take a good rest." Greendale added, seemingly unquestionable, "I will take care of the rest."

"Okay, okay~!" Lance agreed with a smile. Do you really think he wanted to do it? He wished he could lie down and enjoy it every day.

But at this point, Lance suddenly remembered something to add.

"That's right, pirate!"

Lance probably told the news he had learned. Before that, Hamlet had already spread among the pirates' dens.

"Who do you think it is?"

"That's too much. It's just that those guys who drank Hamlet's blood and ate Hamlet's flesh were afraid that Hamlet would take revenge after he got up.

But it doesn't matter. The surrounding pirates basically robbed Hamlet back then. They came just in time, and the materials in the sanatorium were consumed too quickly. "

Lance didn't care when he talked about this. If no one in the navy had no ships before, he would still be worried when shore defense relied on two artillery pieces.

But now that he has the [No Light] in hand, he is eager to get more pirates to give away their heads to repair the No.

There is no need to buy the boats and equipment that Hamlet urgently needs, they can be delivered directly to his door.

The sanatorium can also replenish some consumables. There are a lot of things discovered recently, and there are more applications from Paracelsus.

Lance kept talking more and more, with no intention of stopping.

“Speaking of which, I brought back the pirate ship and quickly cleaned it up, and then found manpower to go to Totnes with the two clippers to carry people.

We now wanted to make a profit on this route, and at the same time inform the merchant ships in Totnes that Hamlet's trouble was solved and the channel was clear. "

This ship is an unexpected blessing. Although it is a bit old, it can still be used. If more sailors are trained, they can also make a fortune while transporting it.

Those people must really want to come to Hamlet, and it's normal to pay some money for a boat ride.

Greendale listened attentively at first, but she always felt something was wrong. Then she suddenly realized and spoke to remind.

"What did I just say? Do you still need to worry about such a trivial matter? Go and rest quickly."

"I'm used to it, I'm used to it." Lance stopped and turned back, muttering to himself: "Haha, it's time for me to enjoy it..."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a familiar falcon stopped at the door, and Laura's figure also walked out of the house.

Immediately, Lance made a move, and the smile on his face gradually faded. His eyes couldn't help but wander between Laura and Grendel, and he murmured: "This... you are connecting very well~ "

Greendale was also a little surprised. Lance was not as busy as she was and had no reason to come here. She really didn’t know when Laura would come back.

For a moment, the expression on his face was vaguely speechless. I just came back, don't let anything happen again...

"The lord has been busy for a few days. If you have anything to do, come and tell me."

Greendale wanted to stop the person, and if it wasn't too urgent, at least let him take a rest.

Laura’s steps were hesitant for a moment, and her gaze under the hood swept across.

But at this time, Lance took the initiative to greet him and spoke in a gentle tone.

"It's okay. If you have any questions, you can come to me. Tell me if you are encountering any difficulties."

Lance knew Laura's style, but the stiff pace, tired face, and fear hidden deep in her eyes showed that something was wrong.

Otherwise she wouldn't be waiting for him here.

For Laura, her uneasiness was suppressed when she saw the lord himself, and she felt an inexplicable sense of security when she saw him walking towards her.

His voice seemed to have some magical power, and it could easily soothe Laura's suppressed anxiety.

"In the beast's cave, I saw a mountain of meat that was worshiped as a god by pig people."

When Laura said this, Greendale beside her couldn't help but frown, as if she still didn't understand what it meant.

Lance looked thoughtful, but the first question he asked was not about Roshan, but...

"How are you? Are you injured?" Lance raised his hand and gently pressed her shoulder, and the power of blessing dispelled her fear.

Not to mention these words, Laura was stunned for a moment, and even Greendale didn’t react.

Normally, shouldn't we ask for more detailed information? Why do you ask about this?

However, this unusual attitude made Laura's heart tremble. As she grew up, she had long forgotten what caring was, and the warmth in her heart instantly dispelled her fatigue.

After all, when he was working under Count Bastia, those people didn't care about their own lives and beat and scolded him at every turn.

Even the oppression within the eagle group is not small, and even the leader wants to kill himself.

Even though the earl was experienced and well-educated, when I saw him with serious injuries, I didn't have a kind word to say to him. In the end, his gesture was still like giving alms.

Laura didn't feel much at first. After all, she had never been respected in the first half of her life, but was treated like a tool. Now when she compares what she has experienced in Hamlet, the difference becomes clear.

"Ah...I'm fine!" Slightly panicked words came out of Laura's mouth. It was not fear, but simply flattered and uncomfortable.

"It's okay. The den is very dangerous. Thank you for your hard work in bringing this news back."

Lance was not surprised that there was anything strange in the cave. After all, it was a garbage dump where his ancestors conducted experiments, and everything was thrown into it.

Laura also realized that she was down to business and quickly added the findings of the other two teams.

The discovery of the Pig Weaponsmith deciphered the source of the traces of transformation on those Pigs, and also demonstrated their terrifying creativity.

When talking about this, Lance was still calm, until Laura talked about the breeding farm, his expression suddenly turned gloomy, his strong murderous intention was undisguised, and he almost spoke with gritted teeth.

"These pigs must die! No one will be left alive!"

He didn't mean to talk nonsense, he turned around and started to rush over there.

The two people who were left on the spot couldn't help but look at each other. Although Greendale was not happy that Lance was disturbed just after he came back, she knew very well that Lance would not be able to sit still in this situation.

Whether it is the mysterious and terrifying meat mountain or the wisdom and reproductive ability shown by the pig man, they all touch upon the core interests of mankind.

Catching people for breeding touches that man's bottom line.

In response, she could only nod towards Laura.

"Go and take care of the lord and tell him not to worry about the town."

Laura also nodded and agreed, not caring too much and quickly followed Lance's pace, and the falcon also took off into the sky.

Lance was really angry, with a rare straight face. He didn't even have a carriage, but just galloped towards him.

Laura naturally prepared her horse when she came back from the front line. She could only barely keep up along the way. First, there was a gap in horsepower. Not everyone could drive at full strength, otherwise the horse would lose its strength.

The second reason is technical reasons. Although Laura can ride a horse, she is only at an ordinary level and is far from a superb skill.

So she was quickly thrown away, which also proved the lord's anger.

Lance didn't even stop at the outpost or the newly built town, but ran all the way there.

More than 500 reform-through-labor prisoners have been put here one after another. After this period of labor, the roads that were once destroyed by wilderness erosion have been cleared again. All this proves that the development of the wilderness has always been in progress.

When he appeared at Stronghold No. 3, he caused a certain amount of movement. The already tall figure sat on the war horse, making it look very majestic.

But Lance's stern face looked oppressive.

The heroes and guards stationed in the temporary camp seemed to be uneasy and depressed.

There were reasons for failing to complete the mission, they had betrayed the trust of the lord, and there were also reasons for hearing about the tragic situation in the den. Anyway, the overall atmosphere was quite depressing.

Lance's appearance did not change this situation, on the contrary, it increased their pressure.

Looking around them, Lance did not comfort them as usual, but instead hurled harsh words.

"I've heard about it, so I rushed here, don't show me that look, I want the pigs to die, leaving no one alive.

Because this is no longer a battle between our Hamlet and the pigs, but a battle between humans and pigs. They must-"

As he spoke, Lance roared as hard as he could at them.


Lance didn't even use [Charming Voice], but these people themselves had resentment. His words just gave them a reason to release them.


The suppressed anger of the guards boiled in their hearts. When they heard this, they roared like crazy, and responded to the lord's attitude with their fanatical attitude.

Because the lord's will is the meaning of their actions, the Pigs must bear the lord's wrath.

Except for Boudica who likes to yell, the heroes are much calmer in comparison, but they have already grasped their weapons and can't wait to prove their loyalty with actions.

Lance looked at them quite satisfied, but instead of taking action immediately, he tried to suppress their emotions.

"Control your anger, reason is our most powerful weapon."

Lance got off his horse and began to walk among the guards. Then he began to express condolences and encourage them. After a circle, his state was reversed, showing full fighting enthusiasm.

"Now I will give you time to rest and adjust, and be ready for action at any time."


A group of guards responded, and among them, Lance stood out like a star holding the moon.

Laura arrived at this time and happened to see this scene. You must know that when she left, the entire camp was still shrouded in negative emotions, but now everyone is in high spirits.

But comparing her state before leaving, it can only be said that she understood why these personal guards were so excited.

After appeasing the guards, Lance came to the heroes.

Lance's eyes fell on Paracelsus and Baldwin for a moment. They were not in the original plan, but now is not the time to talk about that.

"Tell me the situation in detail first."

All parties explained the original plan, which was to consume the pigs' vitality from the second position, and at the same time, they would lead the personal guards to conduct targeted training of the pigs.

After this was completed, we began to further explore and contain the pigs from Stronghold No. 3, which is where we are now, and cooperated with the Guards to surgically cut the den.

It went smoothly at first, but it triggered an unknown terrorist existence, so the operation could only be temporarily suspended and withdrawn.

They are not waiting here. In fact, during this period, the newly explored routes of the three teams were integrated, and the new map was marked.

At the same time, they are studying a new plan. Even if Lance does not come, they are preparing to organize a strong enough team to go in.

"A kind of powerful pigman we haven't seen before. According to Laura, this is just a guard chasing out."

Barristan took out his shield, which had been pierced by an iron spear.

Lance probably understood what was going on when he saw this. It was an elite monster in the cave in the game, called the Labyrinth Stalker. It was much more ferocious than the Giant Pincer Raider.

"You made the right choice. Our advantage is the continuous combat capability brought by complete logistics. Now is not a very dangerous time, so we don't need to take such a big risk to fight head-on."

Lance confirmed their choice. If there were casualties in the hard-fought fight, he would be even more troubled.

"Where are the SS operations going now?"

"The map is here."

The map I took had a newly drawn route on it, as well as several cut-out passages. It could be seen that the guards acted very quickly, cutting off some of the root systems on the periphery.

The effect of the early war of attrition was reflected here, as all the pigmen on the periphery were killed.

I called a few personal guards and asked, and they all said that they didn't encounter pigs along the way, so they just installed bombs and were next.

Lance looked at the route above and started to prepare... Prepare a hammer and that's it!

"You also said just now that during the sharp pig roar, those pigs seemed to be going crazy, so we can use this characteristic.

No more planning was needed. The Guards continued to cut off the pigs' escape routes and tightened the perimeter to prevent the pigs from escaping.

And everyone, follow me down there to find this monster directly, and then completely destroy the Cave Pigmen. "

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