Our family is in decline

Chapter 612 It’s good to learn foreign languages


The nobles and grain merchants raised the price of food, artificial famine, and the chaos caused by the riots.

Although the main firepower was drawn away from the wealthy areas at that time, and the riots that occurred in the civilian areas were suppressed by Vic and his men as soon as they emerged.

But that situation still caused strong uneasiness among ordinary people. Sometimes the loss of confidence is more serious than the loss of others.

If the city cannot bring them a sense of security, then the remaining people will leave here to seek a way out, just like those who are forced to leave their homes by natural disasters and wars and become members of the refugees.

Once there is a large-scale exodus, the city of Ovendo will fall directly into decline like Hamlet's destruction.

Because only a sufficient population can form a city, otherwise there will be no industrial advantages, and it would be worse than a farmer with two acres of land.

Therefore, after Walter took control, he took strong measures to restrict ordinary people from leaving. Troops patrolling the streets could be seen everywhere, and a complete curfew was implemented at night.

On the other side, they gave out porridge, distributed relief grains, and at the same time promised to lower grain prices, restore material supplies, and bring jobs. This barely stabilized the people's hearts.

Walter has a good reputation in the local area, is half a local, and has management experience, so he quickly sorted out the situation.

At the same time, a number of marginalized figures who were capable but excluded for various reasons were promoted on a large scale to take over the affairs and began to form their own governing team to firmly hold power in their own hands.

Of course, there are also some people who miss the past because the interests of the reform have been harmed.

But an old fox like Walter is not Tiffany. It is so considerate to send them directly to meet the old nobles.

The core of Walter's hand is the guard he trained himself, as well as the thugs left behind by Vic before he left. As long as he holds this in his hand, Ovindo will not be able to cause chaos.

But the lack of chaos is only a very low requirement. What he needs to do is to restore Owendo's production and life as soon as possible. Only in this way can he truly bring long-term stability.

Give the lord a satisfactory answer when the time comes.

This is too difficult when almost all industries, personnel, resources, and channels are destroyed. Walter sometimes wonders how long his hair can last.

This is only if there is a plan, an action plan is prepared in advance, and the lord leaves a large amount of money, otherwise this mess will be even more troublesome.

The only good thing is that the lord left him a quite "clean" Owendo.

It can only be said that Lance acted decisively. Except for the part of the list that was selected in advance, all possible threats in Owendo City disappeared.

Otherwise, Walter would have to waste time dealing with all parties, and he would always have to be wary of some careerists who would overturn the table.

Now let go and have a big fight and that's it.

Walter probably didn't expect that he, a businessman, could actually sit in this position.

It has to be said that power is the best aphrodisiac. Although Walter was tired, he showed full energy.

Now, after tough measures in governance, Owendo's industry has begun to recover, at least there are signs of it.

As the core pillar industry was cleared of gangs at the dock, fishermen and crew members became active.

At the same time, we will target the public facilities renovation plan in Owendo, eliminate the traces of damage after the riots, and take the opportunity to re-plan the unreasonable layout of Owendo city.

To put it simply, it is to provide work for relief and create demand.

These civil construction projects are not very good jobs, but they also provide many people with temporary jobs and income.

Especially the young and middle-aged labor force. To stabilize them is to stabilize a family.

This all supports the premise of throwing away a lot of money. If the nobles take over the city of Owendo, they will definitely not care about this, because there will be no return on the money invested.

But the money Watt spread was not his own, and the plan was formulated together with the lord, and he was just executing it.

At the same time, Owendo received good news—the autumn harvest had begun.

Autumn harvest, for the entire agricultural society, there is almost nothing more important than this.

Because the food harvest will be related to whether they can survive the severe cold in winter and is the key to whether they can continue to survive.

Although they are all city dwellers and do not have their own fields, the harvest is also related to the price of food.

They have endured it once, and no one can bear it again.

However, the land in Hamlet is fertile, and there are no natural disasters like in the central part of the empire, so although this year's harvest is not a bumper harvest, it can be considered normal.

Several surrounding farms have been cleaned and replaced with Walter's cronies. It can be said that the food in the surrounding area is really monopolized at present.

Looking at the carts of food being transported into the city, the uneasiness of those people subsided slightly.

Grain prices also began to be listed. When prices returned to the levels before the price increase, many people even cried.

It’s just that although the price has fallen back, their pockets have long been emptied. How can they have any money?

In response to this, Walter used his working hours to offset the price and gave out food without paying, and Walter's rule was truly stable.

Moreover, everyone must have a daily quota. The purpose of releasing it is to prevent some profiteers from hoarding goods and pushing up food prices.

At the same time, it promised that there would be sufficient food, priority would be given to local supply, and restrictions would be lifted when the situation is completely stable.

If you say purchase restrictions, they will definitely disagree, even if they have no money to buy them.

But if you say that the price of food will rise when restrictions on food purchases are lifted, then they agree and even take the initiative to protect it.

But the real situation is, is there really anyone in Owendo who can be this profiteer?

The purpose of purchasing restrictions is mainly to monopolize and prevent Hamlet's food from flowing out. This is the role of Ovendo.

But now there is one thing before Walter, and that is whether to provide food to the empire?


When he looked through the information and started researching, Lance felt that he did not have enough knowledge in this area.

Many of the ancient words used by lost civilizations are very different from today's. Sometimes the same thing is two different words, and there are also regional styles and the style of the civilization itself.

Even if Lance has a foundation in ancient writing, he originally learned it for the purpose of picking up girls. His true level can only be said to be a rough guess.

But the processing technology cannot be sloppy, as a single mistake can cause big trouble.

Fortunately, there is a very interesting situation, that is, because of the dangers of the path of extraordinary beings, the inheritance text is the most stable, because making mistakes can really kill people.

And they all have the results of researching a large number of ancient books, especially large organizations with stable inheritance.

So Lance went to Amanda to ask some questions.

You have to learn this foreign language. It’s better to learn more.

I just don’t know how I came to study some very profound topics and discussed them all night...

It's dawn now, and it's rare for Lance to sleep until he wakes up naturally, so he prepares for a new day of work.

As for Amanda, she was too tired from teaching foreign languages ​​and couldn’t get up at all with her tired body.

However, the learning is still fruitful. The formula and process have been deciphered, and you only need to conduct physical research to see the results.

As for the effect, it's hard to say. Lance is already prepared to gain experience through failure.

At this time, walking on the street can already feel a slight chill.

Although Lance was not afraid of the cold, he still habitually shrank his shoulders and said to himself:

"It's almost October now..."

No matter how hard Lance rushed, time was still passing quickly.

Although it won't fall into the absurd situation of a lost civilization, it is inevitably a bit stressful.

Counting from the time he left for the bay, it was almost half a month since he left. There were many things about Hamlet that he needed to understand and then solve.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but quicken my pace and quickly came to the Government Affairs Building.

Now that the entire system has been built, and after it is gradually improved, she does not need to worry too much about it. Only by delegating power appropriately can she select capable talents.

Greendale was still working here in the morning, but Lance saw someone who shouldn't be here.

That imperial princess named Sophia, the last time we met was in Greendale's garden, why is she here now?

"Lord." Sophia saw that Lance was also in a daze.

Only then did I realize that this lord seemed to have disappeared for almost half a month.

"Hmm~" Lance looked at her and just nodded in response, without saying much.

"Let's talk about these later. You go and do your work first."

Greendale handed the file back and sent it away. Sophia didn't say anything. She picked up the file and left the office, but before leaving and closing the door, her eyes couldn't help but fall on the lord.

"Why is she here?" Lance's slightly frowning brow did not hide his dissatisfaction.

"We can't let a princess be a gardener. She is well-educated and has good abilities."

"What's wrong with the princess? Does the princess have a bright face? As a lord, I have to go to the beast's cave to stomp the shit myself. Is it bad to let her plant flowers?"

Lance opened his mouth without hiding his dissatisfaction with this statement.

Greendale also felt the strangeness shown by Lance, but she didn't know what happened, so she could only ask with doubts.

"What's wrong? You seem to have some problem with Sophia?"

When Lance heard her words, his eyes narrowed slightly unconsciously, and the look he looked at Greendale revealed an indescribable disappointment.

You really don't understand? Or are you just pretending not to understand?

He never liked playing riddles, and he didn't even mean to cover up, so he just spoke.

"There is a process for selecting personnel. Although it is not perfect now, the rules are the rules.

Firstly, she has no outstanding ability, secondly, she has not made any significant contribution to Hamlet, and thirdly, her identity is still not completely determined. Why does she have direct access to Hamlet's secrets today?

Just because she is an imperial princess? Just because she wins your favor? Or is it because she is beautiful?

You promoted her directly like this, is it worthy of those who work hard and work hard for Hamlet? What will they think when they see it? "

When it came to the key point, Lance's voice couldn't help but raise a few points, and he spoke out the most critical issue loudly.

"It's not that she has a problem, it's that you have a problem. You broke the rules, you know!"

Lance's words were extremely offensive, directed at Grendel.

He rarely has this attitude in front of people close to him, unless there is a bottom line issue.

Such direct words also woke up Greendale, and she immediately understood why Lance was so resistant to Sophia.

Or to be more precise, Sophia is not important at all. What he resists is the privilege phenomenon that Sophia represents.

Because this phenomenon destroyed the foundation he had built, and he seemed to have inadvertently contributed to this privilege...

Greendale was stunned, but for some reason she became even more depressed, so she couldn't help but ask a question with doubts.

"But didn't I just come up directly...?"

"What was your identity at that time? You were the doctor who cured the blight, the hero who saved Hamlet from the plague.

Think about it for yourself, who in Hamlet didn’t know you at that time? Moreover, these rules had not had time to be perfected at that time, and the entire system was just a rough creation.

Who is she Sophia? Except for the two of us, no one knew her at all, and her identity was even in doubt. Who knew if she was a real princess? I even said that I was an emperor. "

To put it clearly, Lance looked at her reaction and knew that she had no such awareness at all.

Greendale still has abilities, but tribal thinking still limits her.

There are only a few people in your tribe, and everyone can be said to be relatives with everyone. In addition, the external pressure is strong enough to force everyone to unite in order to survive, so it is natural to play this way.

This set of pure nepotism is not far behind even in the empire. The difference is that this thing has an aristocratic system as its foundation.

Just like the emperor can quickly promote only close ministers, but he cannot interfere in appointments within other territories, because that is nepotism by the lord.

It can only be said that this era is like this. Instead of feeling strange, this kind of behavior feels normal, which is why it is so confusing.

But if you put this system in Hamlet, there is no bad thing. The underlying logic of Lance's design of this system cannot be played like this.

It is not her fault for not knowing, and it is not her fault for not being able to get rid of the inherent thinking, because the environment is like this, and even modern society cannot solve the problem. It is unrealistic to instantly distort the concept.

Lance said this just to make her realize the seriousness of the problem, not to scold her in a real sense.

In addition to simply venting negative emotions, this kind of scolding cannot solve any problems, but will intensify conflicts.

What's more, she didn't like these things in the first place, but it was just because of him, the lord, that she was forced to be busy in Hamlet's tedious affairs.

Lance was unwilling to continue this embarrassing situation, so in the end he could only sigh and start to explain it from a deeper level to Grendel, who had no political mind.

"I don't blame you for this. I do have a problem with Sophia, because there are some things I haven't explained to you clearly. There was an influence from the empire behind the destruction of Hamlet..."

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