Our family is in decline

Chapter 613 You can’t beat her

Lance opened his mouth to share some information he had learned from Archon Ovindo, and the huge amount of information brought by this topic instantly overwhelmed the heaviness just now.

"You should know who she is. She is a person with the right to inherit. What trouble will it cause for a princess under the imperial aristocratic system to be familiar with the government affairs of the Hamlet system? You are cultivating enemies."

"Isn't this... right?" Greendale knew that Hamlet had irreconcilable conflicts with the Empire, but with so many contacts recently, he didn't seem like that kind of person.

In response, Lance sneered and continued to explain.

"Ambition is born. If she doesn't have that ability, she won't think too much. But once she gains the ability through Hamlet, she will definitely seek more.

The rebels are looking for her everywhere to gain claims, and if she is willing, she can immediately gain the support of the rebels.

Neither the empire nor the rebels will allow Hamlet to rise again, which will harm their interests.

It's too dangerous for us to have someone who knows Hamlet and knows so many of our secrets taking their side. "

Lance knew that these words were a bit vague, so he immediately told some interesting details.

"If you really understand her behavior, you will know that she is definitely a ruthless person. The weak look she shows now is just a disguise to gain sympathy. The first time Laura saw her was..."

Lance has really paid attention to and studied Sophia, which was confirmed by the words of Laura and Margaret.

In the dark and chaotic environment of the Eagle's Nest, just by looking at each other for a moment, it was possible to see that Laura was unbearable for a moment, and she was crying and shouting one second, and decisively seeking help the next second?

Can you still fake your own death and deceive those eagle members? You must know that they are all battle-hardened hunters. How can they not notice fainting or suspended animation?

The dim environment and the chaos caused by Laura's overturned hat attracting most people's attention did have some influence, but Lance even suspected that Sophia's fainting after hitting the table was probably just faking.

Because Laura said she only raised her hand to block it instead of pushing it away, Sophia leaned back and hit the table accurately. When talking about this, Laura herself said that she didn't react.

This was most likely a ploy to create chaos. By using Laura to attract the attention of those people, she could pretend to be dead.

This further shows that Sophia is a scheming person, and she planned to fake her death to escape the moment she dragged Laura into the water.

And the calmness and resilience shown when escaping from Bastia are even more terrifying.

After running with Laura for so long despite being seriously injured, he didn’t panic when something happened.

And Laura was afraid that she would be exposed and wouldn’t let her speak, so she really didn’t say a word the whole way.

Not the section out of the city, but the section from the Eagle's Nest to Hamlet.

This kind of execution ability may not even be possible if you ask Lance to do it by himself.

Mixing among the refugees and walking to Hamlet under extremely difficult conditions is beyond a sentence or two.

Just compare it to Margaret.

She, a noble who likes hunting and has a habit of exercising, almost didn't persist. On the contrary, Sophia was injured and actually helped Hamlet with her.

Are you telling him that this is a pampered princess?

Not even the Wolf Warriors are that strong!

This woman is so amazing...

"Do you still remember how you walked out of the mountains? You couldn't do this without faith. Your thoughts and will even make me feel terrible."

Greendale was lost in thought as if she was only realizing it later.

She had not considered such a complicated situation, and her concern for Sophia was indeed due to the effect of her status as a princess.

In addition, her tragic life experience also aroused pity and gave him the confidence to control her.

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a kind of use mentality, but after Lance said this, Greendale realized that she seemed to be the one being used, right?

Such a deep city, I have been tricked!

"Could it be that everything she told me was also false?"

"If you think about it, if what she said is true, then if she were an ordinary person, could she really escape the military pursuit so easily? Can she escape after being caught?"

As he spoke, Lance couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "You~ are still too kind. Not everyone is as good as me."

I don't know if Lance felt shy when he said this. Anyway, Greendale fell into silence, seeming to have realized that she had been deceived, and her gentle face could not help but get angry.

"You knew she had a problem, why didn't you tell me?"

"I said it!" Lance retorted directly: "I said at that time that she had a secret and asked you to leave her alone."

Greendale thought for a moment and then realized that she meant this. How could she have imagined it at the time...

She was not an unreasonable person, and it was impossible for her to vent her resentment on Lance. She hesitated for a while before speaking to Lance.

"I'm going to kill her."

Good guy, when Lance heard this, he couldn't help but sigh that the barbarian's thinking was ruthless.

Even Greendale, who has a relatively gentle personality, first thinks of solving the problem itself directly when solving the problem.

"I have a potion. If you drink it, you will become stupid..."

When Lance didn't reply, she added that it was okay not to kill him.

"Let's calm down first, these are just our conjectures, and just like her identity, it has not been confirmed.

What's more, she has not shown any real threat now. We cannot convict someone simply with a few words. "

Lance is not a detective who can convict people with just two mouths.

"Then what should we do with her?" Although Greendale didn't want to let Sophia go, she knew it was best to listen to what Lance had to say.

"Keep her harmless and let her do something very busy but of no practical significance. Anyway, she can no longer be exposed to our internal affairs."

Lance gave a general idea, then paused for a moment and couldn't help but ask.

"Do you know what she is good at? Or a hobby or something like that?"

"She once said during a chat that she likes perfume, asked me many related things, and is very knowledgeable about these luxury goods."

"Let her study new wines. This is a good job. Boudica can't even go there if she wants to."

Lance made the decision directly. He had no time to waste on a woman, so he got into the mood and started handling matters.

"How is the autumn harvest going?"

"This is the detailed data of the autumn harvest." Greendale was also familiar with this situation and did not find it strange. She immediately pulled out the file from the desktop and began to report.

"Although there are no natural disasters this year, there are man-made disasters, bandit invasions, and wilderness pollution. Based on previous years when there were no natural disasters or man-made disasters, the harvest in the areas around the town this year is estimated to be only 70%. This is assuming the farmers have taken good care of it.

Our forecast for agriculture outside the town is even more pessimistic, with some coming from external reasons, such as refugees, deserters, bandits, barbarians, and the movement of cultists.

Many small villages simply disappeared, leaving only fields with average growth and no one taking care of them. As for large villages and towns, their production capacity was greatly damaged for these reasons.

The harvest is expected to shrink to 60% of previous years, and this is even when we organize people to harvest. Unfortunately, those fields are expected to be abandoned. "

In this era, there were no machines for reclamation. It could only be done by manpower plus animal power. The price to pay was even greater for small and remote villages. They did not even have metal farm tools, let alone animal power.

It is no exaggeration to say that every field is soaked with the sweat and blood of farmers.

But being abandoned now only shows that the physical meaning of their flesh and blood has penetrated into the fields, otherwise they would never give up the fields and the grains on them.

Such is the age of chaos that sometimes threats from nature are far less effective than those posed by humans within themselves.

We call it efficient…

Lance looked through the situations and was not surprised at all, because he had already been mentally prepared for this.

Fortunately, even in previous years, the Hamlet region exported a large amount of grain, so even if production was reduced, the grain could still supply its own needs.

Even if the town has a population of tens of thousands, it is more than enough, and there is even room for export.

Because Hamlet is really rich, otherwise this area would not have been able to support a giant city.

Nowadays, fields are being reclaimed. Under the effects of composting and various operations, as long as the land is conserved enough, it can be planted in the next year. It does not require two or three years of treatment as usual.

Anyway, Hamlet will never starve to death under his control. As for what will happen if there is no blood transfusion from Hamlet outside?

What does it have to do with him?

“The empire now lacks the food supply in the central part of the country, and if we are cut off again, food will probably be more expensive in the future.

The matter of the ruins will still take time to ferment, but it is certain that many people will come here, and it will also cause huge consumption.

We must have a plan to establish a stable food supply in order to control the situation, and the fundamentals cannot be disrupted. "

Lance made inferences and indicated the next policy direction.

"Go on, buy as much grain as possible and store it for the winter."

But Greendale also mentioned another thing.

"Walter has a plan to maintain the supply of the Imperial Army. I would like to ask your opinion, sir."

Speaking of this, Lance couldn't help but fall into thinking.

At this time, food was an absolute hard currency, even more practical than gold coins.

It can be said that the more food, the better, but storage costs, losses and other complex situations must also be taken into consideration.

After all, food will expire, but gold coins will not...

"The Michelle family has been taken down, and now the new person in charge of logistics is probably having a headache. Now that he is here, it is a timely help. The bargaining power is in our hands, and he has to say thank you.

Let Walt go ahead and do it. The empire cannot fall yet, and it is in our best interest to let them continue to fight.

At the same time, we can also take the opportunity to extend our hands, and Owendo can be considered to have a backer in imperial politics. "

Lance was willing to use a little food in exchange for the Empire to divert its attention from Ovindo.

After all, on the surface, it was Walter who overthrew the consuls and a large number of nobles who originally had imperial backgrounds, and slapped the emperor in the face.

If you want to be stable, you have to show your willingness to cooperate, otherwise it will be too troublesome.

"It's just that you have to get the money. If you don't have the money, you have to get something good. Don't accept credit. Don't use a fucking noble title to get around. I'll give him the title of emperor. It's useless."

The handover was very quick. Even though he had been away for a while, Lance still knew those things very well and he had planned them all.

After the handover of the matter was completed, Greendale hesitated for a while before speaking.

"I'll go tell Sophia. If I start this matter, I'll end it."

"No~ we can't have a showdown with her directly." Lance shook his head in denial, "Instead, you have to pretend to be stupid and blame the problem on me. I will be the villain and transfer her to the winery."

Greendale looked very troubled. This was a trouble caused by herself, and she wanted to solve it herself.

But how could Lance not read her thoughts? Throw out a sentence immediately.

"She survived the palace conspiracy. You can't play with her."

Greendale couldn't hide the bitterness in her expression when she heard this.

"That's it. You're really tired during this period. Then take a good rest and do something you like."

Lance said this, and there was another meaning hidden in the seemingly caring words.

That is to let her give up the power in her hands and return to her identity as a pharmacist.

"Yeah~" Greendale nodded and agreed, with a hint of helplessness and exhaustion on her face, but she also seemed to be relieved.

She could still understand the words, and she didn't show any nostalgia for power to make it difficult for Lance.

Because he did break the rules, which were emphasized countless times and even relayed from his own mouth.

But he was unintentionally deceived and used by a scheming bitch.

Greendale knew that she was not suitable for these things. She did not like these things in the first place. She preferred to feel nature in the bright sunshine.

When Greendale left, Lance's expression also fell into deep thought.

Some things can't be weighed even if they don't weigh a thousand pounds.

This incident was very typical. Lance could have pretended not to notice, but he still disclosed the matter directly.

This is not because he does not love Greendale, but on the contrary, he is protecting her. People with unclear political minds like her cannot do these things and can easily be taken advantage of.

In the past, there was really no one there, and Greendale was forced to go up. Now, using this thing to take her down, she can land safely.

Otherwise, there would be big trouble, and it would be impossible for him to actually kill her, which would make it even more troublesome.

However, this incident also made Lance understand that if Greendale habitually breaks the rules, then the situation below may not be much better.

Moreover, he was busy in the wilderness, beast caves, and bays, wiping the ancestors' butts everywhere, focusing on building the army, and was separated from the construction of Hamlet itself for a period of time.

It's been a while since the last major purge, and many people probably regard his words as nonsense. It seems like it's time to find some sense of presence...

Thanks to [Renpuppet 02] for the 500 reward

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