Our family is in decline

Chapter 614 Reorganization of the Security Team

William knocked on the office door and finally saw the lord who had disappeared for who knows how long.

"Come on, sit down." Lance stood up with a smile and went over to meet him. He saw William, who had been busy recently and looked a little haggard. "Thank you for your hard work. The security pressure during this period is so great."

After sitting down, the hound named Fergus next to William came over as if he knew Lance, with a flattering smile on his face, which seemed very healing.

"Figgs is so good."

Lance touched the dog's head and took out the dried meat and fed it to it. Figgus actually turned back to look at William. When he nodded, he carefully took the dried meat with his mouth, without even touching Lance's hand with his saliva.

Then he lay down on the ground and started to chew the dried meat, holding it with his paws.

With that smart look, sometimes Lance even felt that Figgus was smarter than Boudica, and at least he would refuse to eat.

But now is not the time to talk about this. Calling William here is not to pet the dog, but to solve the current dilemma facing the Sheriff.

"I also have some ideas about the Sheriff's situation. Let's see what your opinion is..."

The first problem is insufficient manpower. Compared with before, Hamlet's population has increased several times in a short period of time, and the per capita ratio of sheriffs is too low.

It is equivalent to the fact that one sheriff corresponded to one hundred in the past, but now corresponds to one thousand, and the management difficulty has increased exponentially.

The second problem is that law enforcement is difficult. Many people have no sense of morality. If you talk about quality to those people, you are just joking.

If you want them to abide by the rules, you must have strong control to make them be honest. If you dare to defecate anywhere, you will be fined.

The third problem is the issue of strength. If you deal with some ordinary people, it will be fine, but if you face those mercenaries who are professional in fighting, it will obviously not work. Even the equipment will be at a disadvantage.

The fourth problem is the venue. The small place cannot accommodate it...

The two sides communicated and found that there were many problems that could not be seen in the report, but could only be felt by front-line personnel.

A problem extends from this, and that is a psychological problem.

I deal with those trivial things for a long time, face very unfavorable people every day, keep repeating those words, and be exposed to a lot of negative emotions, which makes my mood more and more irritable.

“To solve these current problems, I plan to reorganize the security force, establish a formal police system, and then improve the system. The problems will be solved soon.

If there are not enough people, then recruit more people. These people do not belong to the police system, but are outsourced. Their role is to assist the police in law enforcement, but they have no law enforcement power.

At the same time, the division of labor within the police must be clear. Clerks are clerks and field officers are field officers. This should be more refined and professional, and the threshold must be lowered.

If there is not enough space, then set up a general bureau and branch bureaus so that they can respond to police situations more quickly. At the same time, a real prison will be built to hold prisoners and only retain the function of short-term detention.

The functions of handling cases will also be separated, and courts will be established to specialize in trials.

If you can't defeat the problem of mercenaries, I will select a few people from the army for you, and then allocate money to you, and use this as a basis to form a special police force.

They don't deal with trivial matters. They usually have enough time to train, have better weapons and equipment, and specialize in gnawing hard bones. Anyone who refuses to accept will be killed. "

Lance has obviously been aware of these problems for a long time. Now that the town's original sheriff system is no longer applicable, he just takes this opportunity to reform it.

Break it down into the police system, the prison system, the court system.

At the same time, when there is insufficient manpower, they directly resort to stealing and copy the temporary labor system.

The salary was lowered and the matter was settled. Now Lance understood why this thing existed.

If there is no space, then divert the work. Land is not valuable now anyway, so just plan it well. This will actually improve efficiency and make it more convenient for everyone.

As an institution of violent rule, the police cannot defeat professional mercenaries? Don't you know how to call someone? Don't you know how to fight in a group? Don’t you know how to equip suppression?

This is actually the simplest. The army just changes their body and skin and goes to work.

Send them to heaven one by one!

But in the end, this psychological problem becomes a bit troublesome...

He actually noticed this very early, because the first batch of sheriffs were people who were not suitable for military transition.

It can be said that they have some psychological problems to begin with, but they are just suppressed, not non-existent.

Normally, the so-called peace officers in the empire are just gang members wearing skins, and their role is no different from that of gangs.

He does not assume many responsibilities at all, but his power is very great, especially in the area under his jurisdiction.

They don't need any strict assessment before they can take up the job. What they do is bullying ordinary people, so naturally there will be no pressure.

In Hamlet, Lance's requirements for the Sheriff are too high, and professional norms restrict them from doing things like other gangsters.

But have they actually reached that level of psychological construction?

Lance understood that they were purely for the lord, not really for Hamlet.

So it’s not surprising that this happens in such a high-pressure environment, but how to solve this problem?

"The solution to psychological problems is to take a vacation."

"Then what?"

"Didn't I say it? It's a holiday."

William originally thought that the lord would have a long speech like before, but now it's just one sentence?

After receiving the repeated affirmation, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Seeing him like this, Lance asked with a smile.

"Let me put it this way, how long has it been since you took a vacation?"

"Uh... the last time I took a vacation was... the last time."

William couldn't quite remember the exact time, but it was true that he didn't rest for a long time.

But with the challenges Hamlet faces now with the security situation, how can he get away with it?

"So, the solution to psychological problems is very simple, that is, take a vacation, once a week. If you encounter some serious tasks, you can also take a vacation to reduce stress."

Lance was a bull and horse in his previous life, how could he not know the most effective method?

It's just that things like holidays are really difficult to operate. Even modern holidays are very abstract, so be cautious.

This is not the modern era, and there is basically no such thing as a holiday.

However, Lance's reform of taking two days off for one month and two days has already made great progress, and he was the one who forced it to be implemented.

Of course, there is a price to pay. The person who opposed the most strongly at the beginning was Tiffany. She has the talent of a profiteer like Walter. Of course, the most fundamental reason is that she has no money.

But Tiffany probably won’t care about it now, she probably hasn’t finished counting the money yet.

“Police officers and some special professions can take four days off a month and one day off a week, giving them time to return to their families and their own lives.

Think about it, how long has it been since you took Fergus hunting with you? I think this kid is holding himself back and wants to run away. "

Lance said, raising his hand and touching the dog's head, and motioned to Figs, "right Figs?"

"Woof! Woof woof woof!"

William didn't have any objections now. Sometimes people shouldn't just work, they can only be human when they return to life.

Of course, what Lance said is just the simplest, there are many details behind it.

For example, we have begun to establish a psychological assessment mechanism and conduct long-term research on related aspects.

And then there’s…

Related issues are destined not to be solved in one step, but to be adjusted over a long period of time.

But before that, Lance still had something to discuss with William.

"How are the recent complaints and reports?"

William's state returned as soon as he said this, and he seemed to feel what the lord meant.

"In some cases, we are still gathering evidence."

To be jealous of evil also requires evidence. Although the technology has not developed to that extent now, at least there are complete human and physical evidence.

William is busy with these things, so it is naturally impossible for him to gain nothing.

It was not surprising that Lance heard this affirmative answer. You can't speculate on people's hearts, but that didn't mean he allowed it.

“If weeds are not removed from the fields, the grains will not grow because the nutrients are absorbed by the weeds.

Therefore, we must frequently clear these weeds in order to usher in a good harvest. The action code name is "Autumn Harvest". "

Soon William took Figes and left here, but many people did not realize that their conversation just now determined the fate of many people.

In response, Lance got up and went back, looking for Amanda again.

Seeing that she hadn't gotten up yet, she was half-lying on the bed holding a pillow, with a thin quilt covering her body to cover her key parts, but it couldn't cover her proud figure, and instead outlined the lines at her back.

Lance had heard her say that sleeping lying down felt like something was pressing on her chest. Only in this way would she not feel chest tightness while sleeping.

As expected, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

"Still not getting up? It's not breakfast, but lunch." Lance looked like he was still lazily awake but unwilling to get up, so he couldn't help but joke.

"Then do you want breakfast~ or lunch?" Amanda tilted her head and looked over, leaning up slightly, and the words in her mouth seemed to be full of temptation.

As he spoke, he raised his hand and slowly pulled the thin quilt covering his body. The plump but not greasy legs were slowly exposed from the ankles, and the wheat-colored skin showed a healthy and energetic feeling.

Lance just smiled at this. How dare a defeated general to be so arrogant?

But he came for business, and he didn't mean to play with her. Instead, he directly explained his purpose.

"I want to know if the emperor or his family has any extraordinary ways?"

"Why are you asking this? Is this why you came back to me?" Seeing that Lance was asking about serious matters, Amanda lay back directly, looking a little uninterested.

"Wrong, this is all your fault."

"Huh?" Amanda was dumbfounded. Her head that had just been lying down couldn't help but turn back violently, and her long hair was spread out.

"I should have asked this last night, but I forgot about it when I saw you." Lance sat on the edge of the bed and raised his hand to brush away her thick, wavy hair, revealing her slightly stunned face, "It's all your fault. So tempting.”

Amanda's face changed, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise, and her smile was a bit proud.

"How many women have you said this to?"

"Am I that kind of person? Please don't slander me."


"Okay, please sign here." The staff member turned the document over and looked at the woman in front of him with a strange look.

Sophia was a little reluctant to look at the documents handed over, but in the end she still wrote down the pseudonym she was currently using in the document.

After the staff member confirmed that he didn't mean to talk nonsense, he took away all the documents and other things without leaving a single piece of paper.

Sophia stared at the bare tabletop and froze in her seat for a while without reacting.

I just got started, why suddenly...

With unspeakable emotions, Sophia immediately thought of her backer and got up to find Greendale.

It's just that several common work scenes are not there on weekdays. As for the office on the top floor, access is restricted and requires an appointment in advance.

You have to know that she just came out in the morning. She has been in and out countless times in the past half month. Now you tell her that she can't go in?

Some things don't feel like anything once you get used to them, but once you lose them, you will feel a strong strangeness.

It's like those people were nodding and bowing to you one second, but the next second they showed no concealment of their indifference and alienation. Who can bear this feeling?

Sophia looked anxiously in the town, and finally saw Grendel watering leisurely in the yard, and quickly walked over.

"Sister Dai'er, I wanted to report to you just now, but they stopped me directly, took away all my things, and kicked me out." Sophia paused specifically, as if hesitating uncertainly. After a while, he continued, "Could it be that... my sister was also kicked out?"

After becoming wary, Greendale immediately realized the trap hidden in these words.

play self pity? Emphasis on the same experience? Want me to show up? To start a fight between me and Lance?

You are using your own name both inside and outside of your words. If the lord hadn't reminded you, who knows what you did in my name?

Are you a bitch worthy of calling me sister?

Greendale wanted to poison her directly with medicine, but at this time, she still had a gentle and peaceful smile on her face and explained in a calm tone.

"I was originally temporary. Of course I had to quit when the lord came back. And you were not in the system originally. I pulled you to help. Now there is no problem in quitting together.

And finally I don’t have to worry about those messy things anymore. I have time to take good care of these plants. Look, it’s better than it was some time ago. "

After speaking, Greendale looked at the flowers, and the smile on her face became slightly normal. Even the autumn wind couldn't make it bend, and it was still gorgeous.

Sophia looked a little embarrassed and helpless when she heard this. Why did you feel a little bit weird when you said this?

Seemingly aware of Sophia's uneasiness, Greendale seemed to have remembered something and added something.

"But don't worry about work, I've already helped you find a better job."

"What kind of work?" After hearing this, Sophia's attention was drawn back. She knew that the process was a bit cumbersome. As long as she completed the process...

Extra update, the debt this month has been paid off.

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