Our family is in decline

Chapter 615 A ​​wonderful accident

Greendale didn't seem to care about the hope she had, and spoke with a sense of showing off and claiming credit.

"As a sommelier, you do quality inspection for the products produced by Hamlet Winery. You just sit and drink every day. The job is easy, the salary is good, and you can drink for free. I don't know how many people are eyeing this position.

I begged the lord for a long time for this job, and talked about your ability to taste wine, your opinions on [Girls' Dream] and the direction for improvement, and then he agreed.

More importantly, this job does not require contact with too many people, which is very conducive to hiding your identity. "

When Sophia heard this, her heart that had just been put down was raised again, and her smile froze.

Greendale looked at Sophia's repeated emotions, but she understood something in her heart, and the last trace of emotion was erased.

It wasn't that she didn't believe Lance, but emotionally she still had a glimmer of hope for Sophia.

If Sophia shows a positive reaction to the position of sommelier, no matter whether she has dirty intentions or not, Greendale will not care too much about what happened before.

But the woman in front of him now showed her unwillingness.

Sure enough, it was just like Lance said, he was an ambitious guy, and he was actually deceived by her.

But it's a pity that your opponent next is not me, but that man.

Thinking of this, Greendale couldn't help but have a bright smile on her face.

As if noticing her silence, Greendale took the initiative to speak.

"What? It seems like you don't like it?"

"No, it's just that I don't have a good drinking capacity. I drank just one glass for fear of delaying my work."

Sophia seemed to react and explained helplessly, but with a hint of bitterness.

Unexpectedly, her performance at that time would actually pave the way for today. Knowing this, she would not have been so talkative in the first place.

But Sophia didn't seem to realize that it was those words that made Greendale notice her.

It can only be said that fate is so interesting. It connects all these things early, but it is usually difficult to detect it until a certain moment when it suddenly wakes up.

"It's okay. Wine tasting is not about drinking big gulps, nor is it about drinking every day. It is just a random inspection of a batch of wine to verify the quality. You can usually study how to improve the wine-making technology, and you can also mix your favorite wine."

Greendale spoke casually, but her attention was obviously on the flowers.

Sometimes ignoring is the scariest attitude, because she doesn't care anymore.

However, Sophia still had no intention of giving up. She had also learned about it during this period. The lord often disappeared and it was Greendale who was responsible.

Although he has stepped down now, as long as the lord disappears again, it is possible to rise again.

Thinking of this, Sophia felt a little better, and her relieved mood was reflected in a steady smile, so she went over and echoed.

"It's better to have some leisure time. When the lord leaves things behind, I can still help Sister Dai'er with some help."

The girl's intimate and naughty words failed to make Greendale put down her guard. On the contrary, her face showed displeasure.

Greendale had no intention of paying attention to her, but this sentence was undoubtedly a test.

The meaning is nothing more than a hint to the lord to leave and take her with him when he once again handles matters temporarily.

He still refuses to give up and hopes that the lord will disappear and gain power. Isn't this person's ambition too great?

Greendale's character is still very tolerant, but Sophia has touched Lance, which is a bottom line that she cannot bear.


A strange smile appeared on Greendale's cold face. She broke off a flower and dangled it on the tip of her nose, playing with the petals with her fingertips.

"I finally escaped. I won't go back to work. It's great that you can help me plant flowers when you have time. I'm going to open another flower field over there."

Greendale seems to understand why Lance doesn't expose her. If he exposes her, he can only kill her, but if he doesn't expose her, he can play with her.

If you have the energy, come and help me plow two acres of land first.

When Sophia heard this, she didn't know what to say.

If you run away with a bucket and say you don't want to do it, then won't my backer be completely ruined?

The barbarians are incapable of planning!

Sophia was really speechless. Could it be that she really had no choice but to drink?

The two exchanged some nonsense, and Greendale pretended to be dumbfounded, and then let it go.

"How can the picked flowers withstand the cold wind? I don't even understand this..." Greendale murmured as she looked at Sophia's leaving figure.

The strange thing was that the flowers in her hands withered in an instant, but she just threw them back into the soil without even looking at them.


After Lance came back, he quickly dealt with matters. In the face of the bonus brought by the demigod body, he seemed to have completely transcended the category of human beings.

The movement of his mind is equivalent to that of an ordinary person walking, but he seems to be flying.

Once you get through your backlog, you may even have time to distract yourself with other things.

Of course, I don’t mean learning foreign languages ​​from Amanda. You can’t learn this stuff every day.

And now Lance is studying the materials collected from the beast's cave with Paracelsus in the sanatorium.

"For the convenience of distinction, and the entire evolutionary chain has not been observed, we can only divide the three forms of Flesh Devourers into small, large and giant."

"What about medium size?"

Lance asked subconsciously for some reason. Paracelsus looked over with his calm eyes and emphasized again in his cold tone.

"There is no medium, only small, large and giant."

"Okay, continue." Lance didn't dwell on this anymore.

"Based on my research, I discovered a very interesting phenomenon, that is, the secretions of small phagocytoses do not have the effect of stimulating the immune system.

But I found that small secretions have a paralyzing effect after dilution, and the effect decreases as the concentration decreases. When the concentration is low enough, the test subjects showed a relaxing and pleasant effect.

The giant devourer has no direct secretions, but its body fluids also have a magical effect, which is to eliminate corrosion.

I used several corrosive materials to test, and they were able to remove them. I don’t know what the ingredients are. It’s very magical. According to what you said, it has a special power. "

"Stop talking about that, where is my healing potion?"

Paracelsus was still immersed in the discoveries brought about by those interesting materials, but Lance was impatient.

Where is my red bottle?

"I have cracked the secret a long time ago!" Paracelsus smiled crookedly and raised his hand to hold his glasses. The backlight of the lenses instantly seemed like a cold-toned light film covering his eyes.

"In a large number of repeated controlled experiments, only the secretions of large flesh-devourers showed the effects we had before.

Moreover, pure secretions do not have that kind of self-healing effect. They need to be mixed with body fluids, and the impact of the ratio between the two on the effect is still being studied.

We also have information about the condensed crystal..."

Paracelsus talked to the rats in the cages and described the experiment in detail.

Lance seemed to realize why no one had discovered the function of this for so many years.

Lance didn't know what was going on with the Mother of Worms sect back then. His ancestor didn't have this awareness, probably because the effect was no different to him who controlled the power of flesh and blood.

At the same time, his purpose in creating the Flesh Devourer was to control invisible flesh and blood, so his research direction was not here.

Even being discovered by Lance now is a wonderful misunderstanding.

If Lance had brought back not only the remains of the large Devourer with its broken head, but the remains had been directly sacrificed, either as complete corpses or as small ones.

Anyway, there are many interfering conditions, and if you miss the opportunity, you may not be able to directly extract the mixture of secretions and body fluids of the large flesh-devourer.

Then there was the accidental failure of Paracelsus’ experiments.

This interesting effect was discovered through the superposition of multiple factors. It can be said to be a very wonderful feeling. Maybe this is reality and there is no logic at all.

Lance didn't care about this, he only cared about what to do next after determining the ingredients of the potion.

Red bottles also need to be manufactured in grades. Different concentrations bring different effects, and naturally the prices are also different. Harvest the patient's leeks.


Lance has a lot of ideas, but the research on this thing isn't over yet.

"Cure those lepers first, and then it's time to fulfill our promise."

"Are you sure you're not testing drugs on them?" Paracelsus looked at Lance with a strange look in his eyes.

Although these things have obvious effects, no one knows what impact they will have on the human body.

The last time it was a direct human experiment, now again?

"Don't make trouble, I'm serious." Lance was speechless. Is he that kind of person?

Those lepers did not threaten him, nor did they commit any crime. He was just trying to save people.

Baldwin has already formed a connection with Hamlet, and he will not leave until those things are over, so it is not good to continue to watch the remaining people continue to suffer from the disease.

Look, I'm obviously a good person!

"You have also been in contact with those patients, don't you understand their desire to get rid of leprosy?

Even if you tell them that it is extremely poisonous, they will drink it without hesitation if there is even a slight possibility. Who cares what happens next.

Because for them nothing can be worse than now. "

Paracelsus said nothing about this, and was even in a daze.

It seems to be my wish to end the patient's suffering...but it has been a long, long time...

"Come on, let me show you something nice."

Lance's voice drew Paracelsus' attention back, and he saw the pearl in his hand that was almost the size of a fist.

It looks white, but the surface seems to have a brilliant luster.

"What is this?"

"A very interesting prop, the power contained in it can turn ordinary water into a potion with magical power."

"Extraordinary items?" Paracelsus didn't seem surprised. He even added as if he was prepared to help Lance, "There must be a price."

"Yes, the price is flesh and blood. You don't need to ask me to deal with your experimental waste."

Lance was in a daze when he said this, as if he suddenly realized something.

Did the ancestor start his research in this way back then?

Paracelsus was about to take the pearl, but suddenly Lance grabbed it hard and warned.

"Remember what we are here for, don't lose control, don't!"

Paracelsus was also suddenly confused by Lance's move, but he just nodded slightly to indicate that he knew.

This was meant for her, so why not for herself.

When Lance saw this, he let go and handed the pearl to her...

His thoughts were confused for some reason, and Lance had no intention of staying, so he walked out of the sanatorium.

As soon as the chilly night wind blew, the whole person could not help but wake up, and the messy thoughts just now were cleared instantly.

"I'm still too tired, go back to sleep."

Lance walked back and saw an unexpected figure outside the door of the lord's mansion.

As he glanced over, a long dress like white gauze outlined a graceful figure. Thick black hair fell as softly as silk to her waist. The ravine in front of her body was revealed. What a bad omen!

This kind of autumn night was not summer, and it was still a bit chilly. The way she was dressed made her hug herself, which made her look even more delicate, which aroused the protective desire of others.

Basically, you can tell at a glance that it’s someone with bad intentions!

Lance's expression changed slightly, but he didn't stop. Instead, he took the initiative to lean over.

"Is something wrong?" Lance seemed to smell something as soon as he got closer. Looking at her slightly tipsy face, he subconsciously blurted out, "Drinking?"

"Well..." Sophia seemed to be drunk before she left. The gesture of picking up the basket in her hand made her steps sloppy, "I have mixed a new wine... I want the lord to taste it and give me some opinions."

"You have a very strong working ability. You have already achieved results in just a few days. No wonder Greendale strongly recommends you. Work hard. I am very optimistic about you."

Lance gave a habitual encouragement, but he didn't mean to get the wine, but a reminder.

"But you need to be familiar with the work process. I'm off work now, and I'm not responsible for the winery. Even if you come to me for something, you have to report it first."

He is a lord, not an ordinary person on the street. Not all cats and dogs can meet him. Work matters should be discussed at work.

The long speech directly confused Sophia. Was there something wrong with this development that she had imagined?

I'm talking about wine with you, and you just want to make a big deal with me. Why are you talking about rules and regulations?

"Okay, let's go back early. It's a bit cold to wear this, and it's night now. Although there are police patrols in the town, those outsiders don't care. Remember to take the main road back."

However, Lance continued to urge and reawakened Sophia's attention.

"This wine..."

Sophia staggered like she was drunk but still wanted to hand over the basket. Lance subconsciously reached out to refuse, but he didn't expect that the person would turn over directly.

Can I pamper you?

Lance frowned and backed away silently... (End of chapter)

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