Our family is in decline

Chapter 622 Traitor

"Go and bring the people up."

Lance immediately lifted the person out with an order.

There are a few guys who don't look very smart. The oldest one is probably in his twenties and the younger one is in his teens. They are wearing very simple clothes and they don't look like real mercenaries. , more like a group of hooligans.

"You are very powerful. The protection money is collected from me."

Lance was still laughing when he said this because it was so abstract.

It's interesting to say that these idiots actually went to the casino. Maybe they got their wrong ideas when they saw people who weren't watching.

They didn't want to rob or make money, but they actually approached the manager and said they wanted to watch the scene, which meant they wanted to collect protection fees.

This is very funny, who the hell doesn't know that this is driven by the lord?

After the casino management appeased them, they turned around and called in the sheriff, who immediately arrested a few of them.

Then why is it so difficult?

Because...this isn't the first fucking time.

I was arrested twice before, and it happened again after I was released after being detained for a few days.

However, they did not take any substantive action, they just harassed her. This made it difficult to impose severe punishment according to the regulations. She could only be imprisoned for a few days, and this was already her third entry into the palace.

If it were a casino elsewhere, they would have been beaten up the first time, and the second time they dared to cause trouble, they would have been thrown into the sea.

On the contrary, the police officers did not beat them the first time because of the rules, but just captured them and locked them up for a few days.

Doesn't this kind of punishment mean nothing to them?

Anyway, he was only detained for a few days after being caught, so he became even more arrogant, and this was the second and third time.

"Who is taking the lead?" Lance looked at them, the smile on his face not diminishing.

The criminals who didn't know him laughed too, but the policemen had serious faces.

"You haven't seen me yet." One of the gang members responded. The smile on his face was a bit mean, and his eyes were cunning like a mouse.

"Is there any problem with the confession in the file? There are your fingerprints on it." Lance didn't pay attention, but followed the procedure and picked up the document and gestured towards him.

"Yes, I did it." The man was inexplicably proud when he talked about this. He was the first to seize the loophole in the rules.

The younger brother looked at the boss with a look of admiration. The boss is really strong. There is a future for him if he follows him!

"Very good. I like your attitude of admitting guilt. It helps us reduce a lot of work."

Looking at his appearance, Lance nodded with satisfaction, and then pronounced the sentence directly.

"The circumstances of endangering Hamlet's safety are extremely abominable. Three cases are punished simultaneously. The ringleader is sentenced to death, and the remaining accomplices are sentenced to life-long labor camps."

As soon as these words came out, the few people who were quite arrogant just now withered instantly and seemed to be somewhat unresponsive.

Is this...this situation wrong?

Why was he just sentenced to death?

Isn't this different from what the rules say?

The fear of death has made him panic, and he wants to grab every possible life-saving straw.

"Don't bully me. I don't understand. We will only be detained for a few days at most. It is impossible to impose the death penalty. You want to scare me? I will file a complaint against you because you don't follow the rules!"

"Who are you complaining to?" Lance looked at his flustered and angry look with a smile.

"If you are sensible, let us go quickly, otherwise I will complain to your lord!"

Lance just looked at him with a smile, "Okay, what do you have to complain to me about?"

The gangster leader naturally understood what this sentence meant. The strange man in front of him was the lord.

The bloodline suppression brought about by his noble status was instantly reflected on his body. He could have yelled a few words, but at this time, he couldn't speak. His face looked like his whole family had died, and his legs were shaking.

"Tell me, why don't you tell me?" Lance reminded him with a serious look, "You should know what the crime of false accusation is."

"Lord, please spare your life!" The guy knelt down and cried out to Lance, begging for mercy, "I was wrong..."

You still want to get closer, do you really think those police officers are fake?

Especially for someone who has just transferred from the army, you, a fucking criminal, want to get close to the lord?

He kicked him directly and screamed, two of his teeth were knocked out, and blood spilled on the ground.

The leader was beaten, and the remaining ones understood what was going on. Their mentality collapsed in an instant, and they were even scared to the point of peeing.

"Really, everyone knows that I don't like to see blood." Lance looked at the blood on the ground and reminded with a hint of dissatisfaction, "Calm down next time, this is a police station, not an army, and we do not allow violence to extract confessions. .”


Seeing this, Lance turned his head to look at the guy and said a signal.

"Tell me, who asked you to cause trouble?"

The leader felt a sense of panic. His brain, which was originally occupied by severe pain, was shocked when he heard these words, and he looked up at Lance.

"Don't say yes. Go and hang him in front of the casino. I want to see how many days he can last before he dies."

Lance didn't bother to waste time on the garbage and just called for people to drag them away.

The little leader who was covering his mouth looked even more sad when he heard this. Didn't he say that this lord was a good man and very kind? Who the fuck said that?

"I said! I said, it's all..."

Now the leader could no longer hold back and told the story about others hiring him.

In fact, you can probably guess without asking Lance that there must be someone with expert guidance behind them, otherwise they would not be able to find any loopholes in the rules.

After all, they didn't even recognize the words, because what Lance just held up to them was a file from another case, but he agreed directly.

Those people had studied Hamlet's rules and knew that the sheriff acted according to the rules, so they tried to commit suicide.

It's just to test Hamlet's rules. If it doesn't matter if you break the rules, more people will learn from it. It only takes more similar rogues to bring down the law and order.

If the police enforce the law toughly or do not follow the rules, they will become their targets.

The rules they want Hamlet to adhere to become a joke, and they can use this to dismantle Hamlet's flourishing order and bring chaos back.

It seems that Hamlet’s order makes many people uncomfortable~

But Lance has always been indifferent.

Want to take advantage of the loophole? How many lives do you have?

"You see, some abnormal cases require more consideration. The crimes committed by these people now are not misdemeanors, but intentional endangerment of Hamlet's safety. They can even do target shooting on the spot."

Lance explained the case to those people, but he frightened the leader.

"Sir, I said it! I said it!" The leader kept emphasizing with a sad face. The blood blurred the lower half of his face, making him look miserable.

"You've said so, so I won't hang you up and send you to a nursing home."

"Thank you, sir!" The leader seemed to have forgotten the pain and burst into tears of gratitude.

Outsiders know where the Hammer Sanitarium is, but it sounds like the lord will not hang himself, but will help him treat him. Now he understands that the lord is really a good person.

"But what we pay attention to when handling a case is one piece of evidence. If the person you mentioned is not caught, it will be difficult for us to help you."

"He was the one who came to me, and I didn't know..."

"It's easy. If I let you out, he will definitely look for you. You help me find them. They are the ones hanging on top. If you can't find them, you still have to hang on."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The leader didn't have any choice. In order to avoid being the one on top, he had to suffer the other party.

"Take it down and let it go."

Lance waved his hand, and soon someone took them all down.

"Have you seen it? To deal with rogues, you have to be even more rogue than rogues. Haven't you noticed anything unusual after doing this three times? When you sense their intentions, you should use the most serious charges against them."

"Sir, it's just that this is not appropriate." William still felt that something was wrong. It was easy to get out of control. In order to solve the case as quickly as possible, those people might put in everything.

"If it were a stable era, I would agree with you, but unfortunately there are many people who want to challenge Hamlet's rules. Then I can only let them feel the power of order."

Lance did not fall into the trap of arguing with William. What is important now is to catch those enemies who want to mess with Hamlet.

"Find two smarter brothers to dress up and sneak in. Ask Instructor Laura to come and keep an eye on them in case something happens. Prepare in plain clothes to control the arrest..."

Lance took over the command and began to plan the next actions.

In fact, as long as he catches the contact person, Lance can make him confess his accomplices and catch them all in one fell swoop.

But Lance didn't do this. Instead, he taught them how to go undercover, track, investigate, and arrest.

After all, he couldn't do it all. He needed this new police system to grow quickly, so today's chaotic situation was the best opportunity to practice.

"This is the first major case completed in the police reform. We must handle this case as a model. We must catch all the criminals and combat their arrogance!"


Hamlet's machine is in motion, and anything that stands in its way will be crushed.

It would take time to investigate to catch them all, so Lance still worked with those people to quickly handle those cases.

Sentence those who should be sentenced, release those who should be released, and empty out the overcrowded detention cells.

At the same time, the law was also adjusted based on the feedback from these cases, but some people felt inappropriate about this. After all, many people could not accept such a big change in such a short period of time.

"Our laws are not the holy scriptures of the church, so why are we afraid of changing them?" Lance turned around and asked, of course taking their feelings into consideration, and added that the changes were correct.

"Nothing is perfect as soon as it appears. Everything in the world is in change. We must also learn to change according to different realities, so that we can not deviate from reality and truly maintain the order of Hamlet."

Lance uses this kind of high-intensity practice to recruit a group of people as quickly as possible. If you have the ability, you must have the means. If you are too young, you will easily suffer.

"I have high hopes for you and I hope you don't let me down."

Lance suddenly sighed. The cases handled in the past few days were basically cases involving outsiders, and the remaining cases were all locals, and involved...

Corruption, and depravity!

But Lance remained calm and chose a signal from the collected evidence.

"Come on, let's go ahead and start with him."

At Lance's signal, a person was quickly brought in. From the looks of it, he didn't seem to know what was going on. No one was holding him down, and there were no shackles. Instead, he asked Lance as soon as he came in.

"What are your orders, Lord?"

"Sit down." Lance motioned for him to sit up, then pointed the collected evidence toward him, "Explain these."

Before the man could sit down, his eyes rested on those documents, and his expression suddenly froze.

Seeing him like this, Lance understood something and had no choice but to shake his head.

"You have failed Hamlet..."

"Lord Lord!"

"Don't call me lord, you have betrayed my trust in you."

As soon as these words came out, the man collapsed immediately, as if his energy and energy were taken away instantly, his face turned pale and he fell on the chair.

These people are not afraid of death, but if they lose the trust of the lord, it is equivalent to losing the believers who are favored by the gods, and their lives will be meaningless.

The police officers all looked serious when they saw this scene, and some did not hide the hatred and disgust in their eyes.

"Tell me, do you have anything else to say?"

"I'm sorry to everyone, I'm sorry to the lord, I'm sorry..." The man lowered his head, unable to tell whether it was guilt or some other reason.

Lance hoped that the evidence collected by William was somewhat biased and that Hamlet was not so corrupt.

But in fact it was still less. I caught a few and confessed them in front of Lance, and soon a lot more were involved.

Although most of them are just small troubles, Lance doesn't care. For large-scale development, more people are needed to build roads for me.

However, he unexpectedly discovered some situations that made Lance furious.

What is more terrifying than corruption is betrayal!

Those forces that have ideas about Hamlet will naturally find ways to develop some spies to understand the local situation and even gain access to internal affairs.

Those people will use various methods to screen out the target people and contact them. At first they just meet and make friends, but once they start, they will slowly fall into it.

Some are more straightforward, directly taking advantage of them, either with money or women, seizing on the pain point to threaten them. It is all insignificant things at the beginning, but gradually it becomes difficult to escape.

For example, if Lance can place an undercover agent in Bastia, others can do the same.

Originally a grassroots team, few ordinary people from ordinary backgrounds can resist various temptations, let alone the tricks hidden within them, but those enemies are proficient in these.

Of course, it is not that no one can resist. William was able to receive the news because someone was keenly aware of this situation and reported it.

Most of them were loyal, which made Lance feel a little at ease.

But this makes these traitors look even more ugly. (End of chapter)

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