Our family is in decline

Chapter 623 A private seat in the nursing home

"So just for a woman?" After listening to his story, Lance had an incomprehensible look on his face and couldn't help but ask.

"You can be considered someone who was with me in the early days, and now you betrayed me for a prostitute?"

"I..." Such an accusation made the man unable to answer at all.

"Send him to a nursing home." Lance waved his hand, showing no intention of listening to his explanation and not even bothering to look at him again.

Some people are destined to be unworthy.

"My lord, I don't want it!"

Foreigners don’t know, don’t they, the locals, know?

And as a person who has some access to Hamlet's secrets, he knows that once you enter that place, you can't get out. The few that come out are put on display shelves.

"I have done merit for Hamlet, I have shed blood for the lord..."

"You fucking betrayed Hamlet!"

Before Lance could say anything, someone from the police on the side couldn't help but rushed up and punched the guy, then dragged him out.

"Lord! Lord!" The man didn't care about this at all, struggling and shouting crazily.

But do you really think that the police dare not take action?

I've been putting up with you for a damn long time!


"fuck your mother!"


After a severe beating, there was nothing good to say to the traitor. By the time he was dragged out, he was already unconscious.

It's just that this time Lance didn't mean to give any advice at all, as if he didn't see all this.

If you engage another Lance, it will give you a way to survive based on your efforts along the way, but only betrayal will not be forgiven.

"How do you do things? Why hasn't Hamlet responded to so many prostitutes flowing into it?"

A very interesting point about this incident is that Lance didn't even know about the development of exotic pheasants in Hamlet?

"This is difficult to determine. Unless we directly seize the transaction, we have no direct evidence to prove that it was sold."

Some people still explained the reason. They were also helpless about this issue because it was difficult to obtain evidence. They couldn't just arrest him when he went to bed. They also had to find conclusive evidence, such as money transactions or other things.

But one reason is that more outsiders have poured in, and these people are not peaceful owners. Without these pheasants, it would probably be even more troublesome.

Lance calmed down quickly and realized that there was no way to solve this matter, let alone a few of them, not even modern society could solve it.

"Control and suppression, this attitude must be adopted, we cannot let more people fall."

In the end, Lance could only say this, even if the matter was over.

"Sir, the most important thing now is to control those spies first?"

Someone wisely brought the topic back to the traitor.

"Many of them haven't surfaced yet. This arrest will cause chaos. Wait a minute and let the news out that we are going to arrest corruption. I will send a team of troops back to block the old road."

An anti-corruption storm started from within swept Hamlet, but this time no one dared to cause trouble, because it was the lord who presided over the operation.

It is difficult to completely conceal the news, or it may have become difficult to conceal it, because many people have been missing in a short period of time, and many projects have even had progress problems due to people being arrested.

Not to mention the vigilantes who roam the streets, but now call the police.

Everyone is afraid of that thing appearing at their doorstep, and as long as it appears, it means that they have to take a trip.

The lord didn't know why he didn't come forward. Instead, an army took over the pass in and out of Hamlet.

Even the local residents feel a little uneasy if this commotion continues. They have also heard a lot of inexplicable rumors recently.

As for those who seemed very uncomfortable under the jurisdiction, they naturally gloated and laughed at Hamlet's current appearance.

Some have even taken action.

In the corner of the town, the group of gangsters who had been released were finally found.

"You said they beat you?"

"Two fucking teeth were knocked out, and now my face is still swollen, what do you think?" When the leader talked about this, he felt that his mouth was still hurting, and he couldn't help but cover half of his face. He looked aggrieved and embarrassed. Irritated, he asked the visitor.

"Didn't you say they don't beat people? They're so cruel. You have to pay more for this."

The man responded with a smile.

"This is a drink for you."

As he said that, the man took out a money bag and threw it over. The sound of the copper coins colliding immediately made the gangster forget the pain on his face. After taking it, a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Go and spread the news about being beaten..."

When the leader heard this, his expression quickly changed. He grabbed the money bag and weighed it a few times, while showing no trace of greed.

"I didn't say anything like this before. What if I get caught again this time? No way!"

What it means is obvious, this amount of money is not enough, you have to add more money.

The man wasn't angry or anything about it. He had dealt with these gangsters a lot. These guys were nothing but meat. Even if they were beaten once or twice, they just wanted money.

Isn't it just money? Just give it. It's not necessarily whose pocket it will end up in anyway.

The two sides talked for a while before settling on a number, but the man didn't forget to give a warning at the end.

"Remember, no one else can know about this."

"I know, I know, will I have trouble with money?"

Soon both parties ended the conversation, and the leader left in a hurry. The man followed the leader carefully for a long distance after watching him leave.

Seeing that the leader had no contact with anyone and simply blended in with the younger brothers, he was sure that there was no problem.

But I'm afraid he didn't expect that a pair of strange eyes in the distance were staring at him while he was tracking.

On the other side, the gangster leader met with his companions. He immediately changed his appearance and carefully approached the undercover two men to report what had just happened.

In order to avoid being the one hanging up, he didn't dare to hide a word, for fear that something would go wrong.

"Very good. If you catch them, you don't have to hang them up."

"Sir, then..." The leader held the money bag with a vulgar look and knew what it meant.

"Take it, this little money is nothing. As long as you perform meritorious service, I will explain it to the adults, and you can just wait to receive the reward."

The two undercover agents looked to be young people in their teens. They were dressed in rags, their hair was greasy and messy as if they hadn't been washed for days, and their expressions looked even more rogue.

But they were selected not for their youth and skinny, but for their brains.

At a young age, he is already good at drawing pie, and he looks like he is a leader.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The man grinned like a cooked dog's head. He was a little resistant at first, but now he is more cooperative.

"Sir, what should we do next?"

"Just do what he says and let's spread the word."

The two of them did not intend to do so much, but wanted to continue to paralyze them and take the opportunity to attract more enemies.

This is part of the plan...

Late at night, before the candles in the study room of the Lord's Mansion were extinguished, a person arrived.

"Sir!" Laura walked in quickly, lifting the hem of the cloak with her steps, and what stood out was a vigorous and resolute voice. She stopped in front of the stage and spoke directly, "Those people have been determined."

A falcon beside her landed directly on her shoulder when she stood still, its sharp eyes looking at the man reflected in the candlelight.

Lance then slowly raised his head to look at the visitor, but the first sentence he spoke was not about the case, but...

"Have you eaten?"

Laura couldn’t stand this sentence directly, and the words she had prepared to report were also interrupted.

"No matter how busy you are at work, you still need to eat. Irregular eating is not good for your health." Lance smiled and pushed the snacks on the table to signal, which gave people a very casual look. "Here, sit down first." Let’s eat something, those guys can’t run away.”

There was no exaggerated performance, just a casual word or action, but it made Laura feel inexplicably close and respected.

He treats me as a human being, not a tool.

Laura was actually a little embarrassed when she sat down, because she really didn't have this kind of treatment, and it was impossible to eat with the nobles. She couldn't help but think of the cumbersome rules of the nobles.

To be dignified or something...?

However, Lance seemed to notice her embarrassment and joked with a smile, "Relax, Hamlet doesn't have those cumbersome rules. Eating is just eating, and it's not a fucking grave visit. How come there are so many rules."

Anyone who has had a little contact with the lord knows that he likes to tease and ridicule those nobles. No one knows why and dare not ask. After all, he is a noble himself.

If you speak politely, it will increase Laura's pressure, but such vulgar words will make her relax, because she grew up in the savage and chaotic environment of the eagles.

Picking up a piece and tasting it, she suddenly realized that she had never eaten biscuits before. The sweet smell of roasted grains and fat was really tempting.

"Wheat flour, add eggs, milk, butter..."

He likes to have some late-night snacks when working at night. He taught Susan how to make these biscuits. After all, an ordinary peasant woman doesn't understand these.

Behind this little biscuit are some of Hamlet's technological advances, that is, the making of butter and cheese.

Eggs can be stored for ten days and a half, but milk deteriorates quickly after being squeezed out, so various methods must be used to preserve it.

In fact, the world itself has a similar approach, but Lance wants to do it in a stable and large-scale way.

To put it simply, we need to standardize and industrialize it, and at the same time start researching various flavors and other process improvements.

But Laura didn't care about this. She only knew that these biscuits were available in salty and sweet flavors, as well as different textures brought by nuts and petals.

It's quite fragrant...

Lance didn't say anything when he saw this. He just poured a cup of dried berries to make tea for her, "Eat slowly, there is still more."

Perhaps because he felt that he had nothing to eat, the falcon following Laura actually spread its wings and flapped its wings from Laura's shoulders at this time, as if it was dissatisfied.

"Come here." Lance raised his arm towards it and called out.

What's weird is that it actually flew up and landed on Lance's arm, or pecked it lightly with its beak to signal Lance to brush its fur.

You must know that this thing was even knocked into a cage before, but now it is so obedient.

Of course there are reasons for the easing of the relationship between Lance and Laura, as well as the power of the charming voice.

It's more that Lance gave it a blessing when he saw it sluggish. The falcon, which follows biological instinct, naturally wants to get more, so it gets particularly close to Lance.

Lance stroked the bird's head, and it only took a few fingers to make it narrow its eagle eyes and raise its neck. When he let go, it would even intentionally tilt its head to rub against Lance's hand.

Laura also felt strange at first. You must know that the falcon was raised by her since she was a child. She has never been close to other humans except herself. If outsiders come close, she will even attack, let alone take the initiative to get close to him now.

But then I thought, if even the eagle is close to him, then the lord must be a trustworthy person.

The conversation was completed in a very relaxed environment, and Laura did not even feel the pressure of the report.

Even the fatigue from the constant follow-up and investigation these past few days has dissipated, and his body is even stronger than before.

"Sir, those people are not bad in strength, and they are not alone. I'm afraid they are a bit troublesome. We might as well kill them secretly."

Laura carried out many assassination missions during her time in Bastia, demanding that the lives of those who opposed her be wiped out quietly.

Those people seem to have some strength. If those police are allowed to go up, I'm afraid there will be problems in the arrest operation.

"Killing people won't solve the problem." However, Lance shook his head and objected.

Paracelsus is asking me for a test subject. What will he do if he kills me?

It's great to be strong. All of those Diao Mao are strong and strong enough to be doctors for a while.

Laura never talks much, and she will do whatever the lord says. She only made this suggestion here. If she were in front of Count Bastia, she would not say a single unnecessary word.

"If you like it, take more. I still have it here. If it gets soft for a long time, it won't taste good."

Before leaving, Lance gave her two packs of biscuits wrapped in oil paper. There was only a small part of this product for production testing, and she happened to bump into it.

Lance has always believed that people's level of happiness in life has a lot to do with food. Even if you live in a villa, eating those things will not be much better.

The more reason is that Lance can't help but eat bread every day. It's fine for a day or two, but as time goes by - is it for human beings?

If he doesn't really have time, the first thing he needs to conquer is food preparation.

Laura didn't know about Lance's resentment on the biscuits, so she just took them anyway. She didn't go back to sleep with the two bags of biscuits, but planned to continue watching.

The lord asked her to lead the newbies, from the former guards to the current police.

Her current mission is no longer the kind of dark conspiracy, assassination full of negative aura, and reconnaissance like a tool.

It is an action that stands in the front, has an object of protection, and has a true companion.

She couldn't even feel her existence before, but in Hamlet, she found the meaning of her existence.

Thank you [Tianbi Qingyun] for the 5000 reward

Thanks to [The Only Son of Light] for the 500 reward

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