Our family is in decline

Chapter 692 I am the flame 5

It was time to eat and drink, and a hot meal restored their tired spirits.

But there is still one thing missing, the simplest and most luxurious activity at this time - sleep.

"You can rest, I will watch."

As soon as Lance spoke, Boudica and Amanda rolled out of the folding bed and lay down on their backs.

Audrey was no longer surprised about what the lord would do, and she didn't have the extra energy to think about those things. Now that she was full, she wanted to take a good rest. Seeing them like that, she followed suit and lay down.

When Lance saw them lying down, his smiling expression gradually faded, and he stared at the flames and fell into thought.

There was one thing he did not say and could not say.

You must know that his strength has skyrocketed from the beginning to now, and he has never encountered a bottleneck. He may have been covered by spirituality, but he has rarely improved after being promoted to legend.

Originally, he thought that compared to his own strength, the improvement was too small, and fighting was not worthy of his blessing, so he didn't pay much attention.

It wasn't until after he came in that he consumed a lot of energy that he felt something. He realized that the blessing could only restore his physical strength, but it could no longer improve him.

I vaguely feel that this [Legendary Realm] is the limit of human beings.

The battle just now made Lance feel the kind of pressure that he hadn't felt in a long time.

It wasn't that Boudica and the others felt like a burden. On the contrary, Lance was a little lucky to have brought them in, otherwise it would have been more troublesome to face this situation alone.

And in other places, when facing opponents who are far weaker than themselves, they can naturally use Wushuang to mow the grass.

But in the dark dungeon, it is a bit difficult for the cultists who were corrupted by the "Great Blessing" but also gained great power.

The cult priest has high attack speed and armor penetration. If he is surrounded by three cult priests, Lance can't say that he will be uninjured. If he is stabbed in the head, he may lose consciousness and die instantly.

On the contrary, the existence of Amanda and others helped him share the pressure. Could it be regarded as another form of "wall of flesh and blood"?

The ancestors have followers, and I have an army.

Look, I will send an army to send you to heaven one by one!

After being frustrated here, Lance wanted to send a messenger directly back and ask Greendale to summon the army to bulldoze the dungeon.

But the fact is that this is basically impossible. First of all, there are not many people in the army who can face the dungeon directly.

After all, even people like Amanda are affected by the dungeon, and ordinary soldiers who come in large numbers are most afraid of being contaminated and corrupted.

Even if nothing happens at the scene, no one can see what will happen after the psychology comes in.

By then, a large number of soldiers with psychological problems will be in the army, and they will be like bombs. No one knows when they will explode.

There is also the issue of strength. Ordinary muskets have no effect at all on them. Lance has already tried it, and even a hand cannon cannot kill them instantly.

If ordinary soldiers want to fight against the cultists here, they may only have to use heavy firepower such as artillery, bombs, and incendiary bottles.

But the problem is that they are in an uncertain space. If an accident occurs, a big problem will occur and everyone will be buried here.

And if you are approached by a cultist, it will be a massacre, but it will become the ancestor's nourishment.

Also, Hamlet needs to be guarded by the army, not delivered to the ancestor's mouth.

The most important thing is that the family scandal should not be made public. The more people know about it, the harder it will be to hide it in history. Even if he successfully suppresses it, it will cause criticism.

Reason suppresses impulse. After all the hardships in the past, this is not enough...?

Fuck you, I've never been angry like this.

The army can't come, but the Guards and various heroes can always come. If I don't use superior tactics to fight you here, then why did it take me so long to develop?

I took out the [Messenger] and planned to ask Greendale to gather the personal guards and pull them over, replace the navy outside, and move a few artillery vehicles in to do it directly!

But at this time, Lance discovered a very strange situation, that is, the messenger failed and did not respond.

After being stunned for a moment, Lance finally came to his senses.

No wonder those cultists didn't swarm up. It turned out that the power here was too strong, and it directly covered other extraordinary powers.

Coupled with the red mist blocking their sight, they had no idea anything was intruding.


Lance took a long breath and looked a little speechless. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

In the end, I could only suppress the urge to call people, take out the information on the Ascension Sect and start reading...

This kind of rest cannot really give you a whole day's sleep. It is more of a nap of one or two hours to restore your tired mind and body through a short rest.

When it was almost time, Lance woke them up, briefly tidied them up, and then continued to clean this level of dungeon.

The terrain here is actually not too big. Although there are forked roads, it is not too complicated. It is just a simple symmetrical structure.

Although those scenes are ferocious and terrifying, you get used to them after seeing them too many times.

Or maybe they were numb, because the fierce battle left them too busy to care.

Once again, he broke into a platform and killed the cultists entrenched in it. It was easy to solve without encountering the extreme situation of several cult priests appearing at the same time. After all, he had Lance as his backing, and his wealth gradually increased. Come up instead.

Instead, Lance retreated to the back and was responsible for increasing blood, blowing the conch horn to encourage them to increase the boost or reduce pressure, or use guns to save the situation in some critical situations.

Of course, there is also a steady stream of blessings to Wangcai, Boudica and Amanda.

Having too much spirituality is also a kind of trouble, and it is useless for oneself. In Lance's eyes, Audrey is not one of his own at all, so he will naturally not invest in her.

Amanda felt the lord's gaze, and she used her full fighting posture, changing from the cautious posture before, because she knew someone was standing behind her.

Boudica didn't think too much, she knew that the boss asked her to chop these hairy people to death.

The battle was over, the others were easing up, and Lance just went up to end it.

I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but I found a rather exquisite leather bag in the room.

Those cultists are all wrong, so don't even think about asking them to clean it. Just look at what the old house has been made by those hair pickers, including all kinds of garbage and excrement.

But the dungeon should be a quite sacred place for these cultists. At least they didn't see anything superfluous when they entered, as if these guys didn't need to eat or excrete.

This made the leather bag look very out of place. I'm afraid they didn't dare to touch it unless it was something left by their ancestor.

Lance didn't waste any time and opened the bag directly. Then he was startled and reached out and took out a strange-looking musket.

The power contained on it was really surprising, and it caught Amanda's attention as soon as it came out.

"Gun! Why is there such a thing here?"

"Who knows." Lance smiled and did not answer, playing with the musket in his hand.

Feeling that power, even he could feel the improvement in perception. One can imagine how strong it is.

It is another piece of legendary equipment, and more importantly, it has little negative effects and does not have many restrictions.

"you try."

Amanda didn't think Lance would harm her, so she immediately took the gun, and her face suddenly turned surprised.

Pick up the gun and aim it in the air. I'm afraid even a person who has never touched a musket can use this to shoot accurately.

"How could something like this be discarded here so casually?"

When Amanda handed the gun back, she emphasized it again to Lance, but Lance didn't say anything and just accepted it with a smile.

He had seen something, but he couldn't tell. Could it be that this was the ancestor's equipment?

This thing is the ancestor's crotch pulling. Lance knew it was shit, but he had to hold back his nausea and dig it out like mud to get the Hamlet family out of this matter.

Fucking ancestor!

He was cursing secretly in his heart, but on the outside he remained calm, and he could even laugh and change the topic.

"There's something else in the bag."

Lance reached out and continued to dig out the contents, including some gold coins and gems, among which were some rolled-up manuscripts. Lance did not open them in front of Amanda, as he would be embarrassed if there was anything bad inside.

"Let's go on."

Everyone no longer had the fear they had at the beginning, and even Lance no longer had the same passion. The continuous high-intensity battles really made them feel numb.

Until they encountered something new.

It was an unsurprising battle. It was nothing more than a few cultists that I had seen before. Boudica Wangcaikai rushed to the front, followed by Amanda and Audrey.

The battle was almost one-sided, but suddenly the sculpture on the side suddenly stretched out its slender tentacles to grab Amanda who was approaching to kill the ascended witch.

No one expected that there were hidden enemies there. Even if Amanda was nimble but unable to react, how could she dodge?

However, at this moment, a gunshot rang out, and the lead bullet tore the outstretched tentacles at a faster speed, and then the crisis was resolved.

Lance was holding that peculiar musket. I have to say that what his ancestor left behind was indeed a good thing. The faster and more accurate gun feel can directly turn an ordinary person into a fast shooter.

Amanda, who escaped, didn't even have time to take a look at the thing. The witch was threatening them, so she could only stay away and rejoin the battle.

Lance did have the energy. While reloading the ammunition, he looked at the monster squirming from the broken sculpture with a rather amused expression.

To be honest, the changes in flesh and blood are not strange. Although Lance has long seen that the tumors are controlling the bodies of the cultists, they have not shown themselves after all.

It's just strange that during this battle, the one who attacked Amanda just now was a flesh and blood monster that was completely separated from the flesh and blood of the cultist, but attached to the dilapidated sculptures in the dungeon.

That thing is no different from the hemosarcoma on a cultist's body, whether it's the twisted hemosarcoma formed by the eyeballs, mouth, and blood vessels, or the tentacles growing out of the tumor.

But this thing no longer requires a human body to parasitize it, but an independent life form to attack.

In other words, it is an independent individual and has self-awareness...

The thing squirmed and regenerated the flesh and blood that had been shot away by the bullet, and then Lance strode over, which also triggered its attack.

Several tentacles that were much slender in comparison came out from the flesh and blood, but they were easily dodged by Lance.

This is the way he attacked Amanda just now, except that one was a sneak attack and the other was prepared.

Lance came closer because he wanted to continue to guide this strange growth to attack him. Only in this way can he collect more information.

But he didn't expect that the squirming flesh would immediately eject, wanting to jump up and hug his face.

Can Lance tolerate it?

He fired a shot directly into the flesh-enhanced creature, inserted the gun tip into it and pulled the trigger.


With a muffled sound, the sound of the gun was much lowered by using the flesh-enhanced creature as a silencer, but it was a pity that the flesh-enhanced creature could not withstand the chamber pressure?

A large piece of the enlarged creature was instantly missing, and the flesh-enhanced creature exploded and splashed, falling from the muzzle to the ground like a pool of mud.

In addition to the wound torn by the lead bullet, the part that touched the muzzle still had burnt smoke, but this thing was not dead yet, but slowly squirmed to heal again.

That's it?

The battle on the other side ended quickly, and several other people came to watch this strange thing.

"What on earth is this?"

Amanda was almost ambushed just now, and she is still in shock.

"It looks like a flesh-enhanced creature that was peeled off from the parasites of those cultists."

"I haven't encountered it before. Will there be any situation when it appears here?"

While everyone was still struggling with this, Boudica threw out a sentence directly.

"I thought, why not just chop them to death?"

Lance also stopped looking for the source, smiled and nodded.

"Yes, just chop them all to death, and then go home and have a good rest."

Lance quickly cleaned up the battlefield, and then continued on the road.

But soon after he walked on, everyone realized that something was wrong.

Because there were no cultists in the next section of the road, but the sculptures on the road were abnormally damaged.

The broken stone pillars, railings and even the barbed arcs were scattered on the road at will, and obvious traces of fighting could be found on those stones.

You know, they didn't damage it much when they killed their way up, what kind of battle could cause this situation?

What's more troublesome is that the flesh-and-blood creatures that you have encountered before are lurking in those damaged stone sculptures, and they may launch sneak attacks on you at any time.

If you explore the road with your body, you will probably pay a lot of price. Fortunately, Wangcai is here, and he goes up and shuttles through those ruins, killing them one by one.

The pressure brought by the environment was too great. Fighting against the indescribable corruption kept their nerves tense all the time, not to mention that they now had to be on guard against lurking monsters. Even Lance was a little numb.

"It's just over there, maybe I can take a good rest then."

Fortunately, there was a convenient door in front, and they finally got through this disgusting road.

But when they broke into the next room, the scene made Lance sigh to himself.

"Even it can't escape corruption...?"

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