Our family is in decline

Chapter 693 I am the flame 6

A very ordinary room, even compared to the previous places where there are no exaggerated sculptures or huge dark gold decorations, this place looks very monotonous.

But there is something that instantly fills this space with a dangerous atmosphere, because what is entrenched here is not a cultist, but a void demon who once had a close relationship, the most terrifying thing lurking in every shadow of Hamlet. The monster - the limp!

The purple-black skin is like the boundless void, with tentacles of different sizes, and sharp "7"-shaped bone spurs on them. The lower abdomen is full of tumors. Lance, who has seen it spit out, knows what is released inside. A poisonous gas that can easily corrode flesh and blood.

There are numerous black eyeballs on the ferocious alien face. The large torn mouth seems to affect the exaggerated proportions of the entire head, and a row of spikes stand up on the back.

It's just that there was a reason why Lance said those words. This limp man was not the one who was summoned by the cult saint.

Compared with the one he saw at that time, the "limping man" who appeared in the dungeon now has deeper skin, a larger body, and a more terrifying aura.

What's more important is that its body is covered with traces of flesh and blood corruption, tentacles, blood vessels, eyeballs... large pieces of twisted flesh cling to it, or more accurately, it merges into one, forming a new monster——

Chaos horror!

This thing has been encountered once before, and Boudica and Amanda also experienced that battle. Now they see the instinctive pressure again, and their hands are trembling.

Only when you have faced it can you know how terrifying the Void Demon is, and now that it has been transformed and strengthened, its strength is even more terrifying!

"I thought I couldn't beat this thing!"

"No~ fate played a joke on us."

The reactions of Boudica and Amanda were enough to illustrate something. Unconscious fear had already taken over their minds.

"It's not like we haven't killed before, so what are we afraid of? Besides, it's not like we haven't made progress."

Although Lance was a little panicked, he couldn't show it. He quickly took out a few bottles of holy water and handed them to them, urging: "Drink it quickly."

From previous encounters, we knew that the limp's tricks had a great impact on humans, causing all kinds of bleeding, corrosion, and dislocation. Holy water, a medicine that comprehensively improves physical fitness and enhances resistance, is basically Tianke. Fortunately, I was well prepared.

I have to say that Lance's words were very direct, but also very effective. Boudica immediately became impressed.

Amanda is still a little worried. After all, who was on the same team before? Occult scholar, powerful spellcaster Alhazred, and now Audrey is a tomb robber...

But when Lance said this, she could only remain silent and quickly took the holy water.

Audrey didn't know the specific situation, but any fool could see how terrifying that monster was, releasing suffocating pressure anytime and anywhere.

When the potion was handed over, she drank it without hesitation. The power nourished her and she was able to calm down with difficulty.

When Lance and the others broke in, they alerted the Chaotic Horrors guarding the place, as well as a cult priest nearby.

But before they could react, Lance took action first.

"Kill them!"

Along with this command, the roar of the hand cannon sounded simultaneously. The flames pushed the cannonball out, and it instantly hit the body of the Chaos Horror, directly tearing an exaggerated wound and smashing the bracts on the chest and abdomen. part.

But the cannonballs that hit the cultists in a row could not penetrate the monster's body, which shows its toughness.

What made Lance even more troubled was that the squirming flesh and blood in the wound continued to proliferate, and the twisted flesh filled the wound. It seemed that the great blessing gave it more powerful vitality.

But Lance noticed a problem, that is, if this happened due to injury, then what exactly caused the corruption that caused the corruption on the Chaos Horror's body now?

When Lance quickly loaded the hand cannon, Amanda also responded to the order, raised her hand and threw something at the monster.

It's just that it's not a flying knife or a windmill blade, but a metal sphere.

Weaken the bomb!

The thing hit the monster and exploded, and the contents inside were scattered all over the body. With the initiation of the ritual, the chaotic horror immediately fell into a sluggish state.

This thing has such a good effect, of course because of the powerful power it contains.

This also means that things are difficult to make. Unlike those flying knives that can be enchanted after use, only organizations have the ability to make them, and even Amanda doesn't have many on hand.

She wouldn't be willing to use it against ordinary enemies, but she couldn't care less about it at this time.

Boudica has already rushed towards the Chaotic Horror, but don't forget that there is also a cult priest who floats up and performs deep sacrifices with one move and one finger.

The sharp blade pierced out of the spine, but Boudica was not unprepared. She raised her ax gun and struck it with a violent impact, but it was blocked.

But Boudica is not satisfied with this. If she dares to block her way, she is seeking death!


A savage roar ignited the anger, Boudica turned her head and pointed the ax blade at the priest and struck it...

Audrey hesitated a little. She could tell that Boudica charged towards the monster at first, but was stopped halfway.

He didn't dare to rush like her, and tried throwing daggers and poison darts at the chaotic horror, but it was obvious that the effect was not good.

Amanda was also throwing the throwing knife, but the power that kept erupting from it tried to suppress its strength. This was the professional strength of magic and martial arts practitioners.

Unfortunately, this kind of attack could not kill it, but instead made it even more manic. Upon seeing this, Audrey actually retreated behind everyone, and lost her trace under the cover of the shadow.

But the attack of the Chaotic Horror would not stop. It crawled over strangely, then threw out its tentacles with 7-shaped barbed bone blades and grabbed it.


Lance loaded the hand cannon and pushed forward without caring about it. He was the only one who could withstand the confrontation with the Chaos Horror.

The wolf fang in his hand collided with the tentacle, but only a small cut was made, at least for the huge figure of the Chaos Horror.

I have to say that the sharpness of the wolf's teeth is very useful when cutting grass, but when dealing with larger monsters, the shape of the long knife is still not as effective as the giant sword.

But Lance didn't even think about attacking you. He pulled away a little and took out the Molotov cocktail and threw it hard at its head.

The glass bottle under the strength was no less than a cannonball, but the Chaos Horror was not an easy target. He immediately threw out his tentacles and smashed the incendiary bottle into pieces in the air.

It cracked when it hit the Tentacle of the Chaotic Horror, and the fuel mixture inside flowed on it.

Then the flames exploded instantly, engulfing the thick tentacles. Under the billowing smoke was the chaotic terror struggling crazily.

"Feel the purification of the flames!"

It's just that Lance thought too simply. That tentacle was not too big for the Chaos Horror, so he actually threw the ignited tentacle over with his backhand. Now it was Lance's turn to feel the purification of the flames.

How the hell did he end up enchanting the enemy with fire?

Lance struggled to resist, and for a moment he couldn't express his pain. After all, he threw the thing away.

The Savior of Wealth was eager to bite the huge Chaos Horror, but you must know that the Chaos Horror is based on a limp.

The void essence of the limp gives it the ability to tear apart the void. Wangcai encountered an unprecedented crisis, and as soon as he got close to the past, the Chaos Terror activated the power of the void.

Chaos and shaking!

Strange power swept across the entire battlefield, and everyone felt as if they were being thrown into a washing machine. The world was spinning and the space was shaking.

Amanda and the others had just drank the holy water and were somewhat resistant to these. Lance's physique and will could withstand it, but Wangcai, who was the closest and the main target of the attack, was not so lucky, and was directly attacked by the power of the void. Crush.

Hiss~ It’s so scary!

How dare you fucking hit my dog!

Lance got angry and took advantage of the monster's attention. He immediately found an opportunity and pointed the loaded hand cannon at the monster's head.

Head into the bombardment!

As long as its head is smashed, the sacrifice will drag it into the void the moment it loses consciousness.

Lance thought well, but even a specially made lead requires delicate timing. The Chaotic Horror that had just been shot also felt a huge threat and immediately twisted its tentacles to adjust its body and retreat.

When the hand cannon was fired, the Chaos Horror dodged it, but by forcing it back, Lance had time to distract himself and make money.

Fortunately, Wangcai was not so fragile that he was shattered by the void, but when he reassembled the body, he could see that the purple-black power lingered in the spirit body, causing it to fall into chaos due to pollution and corruption.

Bless you!

Lance took action directly, and the uncontrolled spiritual torrent instantly dispersed the corrupt power, and the illusory body of Wangcai solidified again.

"Come back, that thing will ruin your stomach."

Lance didn't dare to let Wangcai continue to be successful. The body with a purely spiritual structure lacked physical anchorage and was easily affected. Just because it was okay just now didn't mean the next time, he could only call it back first.

Although Wangcai was dissatisfied, he still knew what was going on. He turned around and glanced at the Chaotic Horror, not hiding his resentment.

Audrey, who had just disappeared in Shadow Escape, finally showed up, but instead of running away, this guy ran to interfere in the battle between Boudica and the cult priest.

I couldn't defeat the Chaos Horror, so I didn't dare to go up there, but my life was still hanging on, so I had to do something to make it easier.

I'm afraid the cult priest never expected that he would become a "soft persimmon", but no one noticed his attitude. Audrey, who felt behind the priest, had already struck with a pickaxe.

When she killed the tomb keeper, she had done it with a black hand, but now this trick was easy to do.

Have you seen the black hand?

The priest was already restrained by Boudica in front, but now he couldn't dodge at all. He was directly hit by the attack. The iron pick penetrated the cloak and penetrated into the body, and Audrey's figure was revealed.

What resulted was a series of fluctuations, because Boudica would not give up this opportunity, so he picked up the ax gun and chopped it down.

Facing justice, the two-on-one cult priest could not hold on any longer. Within a few moments, he was severely injured. One of the tentacles of his arm was cut off, and the spores contaminated by the wound were constantly eroding and limiting regeneration.

Most of the damage was done by Boudica, but Audrey wanted to get it for the first kill, and she immediately became a little anxious when she noticed this.

It happened that at this time, the Chaos Horror activated its ability to deal with Wangcai, and everyone was affected instantly.

The effect of the holy water basically lasted, but Audrey's activation speed was much faster than Boudica's.

Throwing a dagger with his hand, a strong flash of light erupted in the next second, swallowing up everything in front of him.

But you know that Amanda has used this trick before, and it proved to be ineffective against the cult priest. Why would she do such a thing even though she was watching from the sidelines?

And if you pay attention, Audrey threw the flash dagger in the opposite direction of the cult priest. When the flash appeared, she started to move.

Rushing into the shadow created by the flash of light swallowing up the cult priest, he took out his dagger and plunged it into the shadow underground.

Shadow is destroyed!

The bright light disappeared, and the shadow retracted into the priest's body. However, if anyone noticed, the shadow was actually cut open by the dagger nailed to it.

All this happened in just a blink of an eye. When the shadows merged together, a strange force suddenly acted on the cult priest, as if he had been severely injured. He let out a weird but painful wail. His whole body was twitching, and then he fell to the ground unresponsive.

At this time, Audrey pulled out the dagger and flicked it in her hand. This way she explained what it meant to be cool.

Throw the Flash Dagger, then use the burst of bright light to create a shadow and cast Shadow Destruction.

This set is simply smooth and smooth, which shows that Audrey still has some tricks that she has not used.

When Boudica came back to her senses from the strong strangeness, the priest had already died suddenly. She just glanced at Audrey without saying anything, but turned around and joined the siege of the chaotic terror. In the battle of demons.

Audrey didn't feel any guilt or embarrassment. She was going all out. Even if she put it in front of the lord, she would say that she was the one who killed the priest.

But now she also went up. Although she didn't dare to go up directly, she didn't mind showing off herself if she had the chance.

Amanda's attack on the other side did not stop at all, but continued to throw enchanted flying knives, using the power above to continuously weaken the body of the Chaotic Horror.

After the hand cannon failed and the Chaos Horror opened its distance, it threw another weakening bomb. The continuous weakening caused it to fall into a slump.

Lance was also dealing with him, and after sensing that he was weakening, he increased his intensity in attacking.

Lance suffered most of the damage from the front, and the weapon in his hand also changed. He already held a shield in his left hand, otherwise he would not be able to withstand it.

Lance, the sword and shield bearer, attacks!

Having a shield doesn't mean that you have to go up and resist. Even Lance can't bear the overwhelming power of the Chaos Horror.

Not to mention the spiked barbs on the tentacles, tearing steel is not a very strange thing. This is the power of extraordinary power.

The more important thing is that Amanda weakened the Chaos Horror, otherwise Lance wouldn't be able to withstand it.

It seems that he has seen the hope of defeating the chaos terror.

Even Amanda couldn't help but sigh, the two of us together are really too powerful!

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