Our family is in decline

Chapter 694 I am the flame 7

Compared to Amanda's optimism, Lance seemed a little solemn.

Because he is not hiding behind to cast spells, but is really standing in front, feeling the powerful power of the Chaos Horror.

Two or three weakening bombs were thrown at him, and so many enchanted flying knives were inserted into his body. The overall condition was weakened by at least half, but Lance had to stop it with difficulty. It was unrealistic to cause more injuries.

You must know that this is not the first time he has met that time. In the early stage, the gap in ranks was not so big, but in the later stage, the gap between champions and legends was enough to stop most people.

It can be said that if he didn't bring his teammates in to start a righteous group fight, he would have to use black armor as soon as he met the Chaos Horror, and anything slower would cause trouble.

It was precisely because of this that he couldn't help but suspect——

Can such a powerful void demon really be controlled by human power?

What makes Lance even more confused is that although the Chaos Horror's attacks are fierce, they only rely on the power of the body, which is very different from the ability displayed by the Void Limper.

If it hadn't been for the emergence of wealth that caused it to shake the void, Lance doubted whether it had been stripped of the power to stir the void by its ancestor, just like the transformation directed at the flesh-devourer.

It was not Lance's turn to think too much at this time, because Boudica and Audrey had already dealt with the priest and arrived.

No matter how you put it, four against one, the advantage is mine!

At the same time, Audrey kills the cult priest and Boudica joins the siege.

The ax spear slashed from behind, causing more exaggerated wounds than a long knife. The zombie spores seemed to be resisted by the limp's own inhuman flesh.

But Boudica was not stupid at all. He turned around and launched an attack on the twisted flesh on its body.

The ax blade crushed eyeballs, split crooked mouths, and cut open tumors.

The specially targeted zombie spores took effect on these strange flesh and blood, and strange blood continued to flow out of the wounds that were difficult to heal.

Audrey just wanted to hide behind and throw a dagger, and participate in the battle formally, but she had no intention of risking her life at all.

The besieged Chaos Terror activated its abilities, and all its tentacles danced wildly, causing dark chaos out of thin air, and the strange power instantly spread to the entire place.

Chaos and shaking!

A strong strangeness surged into his heart, and the sudden turbulence wanted to push him, but Lance held up his shield and held on, unwavering.

He had resisted once before. Once he was prepared, it would be difficult for the same move to have an effect on him. He would be exempted by relying solely on his physical fitness and willpower.

But others were not so good. The power of the holy water had long been exhausted after so many confrontations, and they were directly pushed into chaos by the turbulent flow.

The funny thing is that Boudica was pushed behind during a melee fight, and was thrown away because she was too close. She fell to the ground and rolled around a few times before getting up with difficulty using her axe. She kept shaking her head in an attempt to drive away the strangeness. .

On the contrary, Audrey, who was hiding behind, was directly pulled forward by the turbulent current. When she opened her eyes, she saw the twisted and terrifying figure of the Chaos Horror right in front of her. It could be said that she could reach out and touch it, with such terrifying momentum. Oppress her soul.

Amanda was also affected. Although Lance stood in front and did not let the turbulence disturb her, the force still affected her condition.

It can be said that just one move of the Chaos Terror put the team into trouble.

Under this situation, Lance didn't care to take the opportunity to attack the Chaos Horror. He could only raise his hand and give a blessing to all members to boost their status and eliminate the negative effects.

But the strange thing is that the Chaos Horror didn't launch an attack at this time, but was brewing something.

But this was a more dangerous move for Lance, who immediately shouted for them to adjust their positions.

"Everyone, get out of here!"

The blessing suppressed everyone's strangeness, but when they woke up, they heard the lord's call. Needless to say, Boudica and Amanda, and Audrey also launched Shadow Escape to escape as if under stress.

At the same time, the Chaos Horror finally moved, raised its head and let out an indescribable scream.

Honkai Impact!

The terrifying power almost condensed into substantial darkness and spread from its mouth. The strange power spread out like a black curtain, making the entire space dim and affecting everyone present at the same time.

Audrey, who was trying to escape through Shadow Escape, was forced out of the shadows by the force before she could get too far, and the shadow power surrounding her body dissipated instantly.

Then Audrey, who was invaded by that evil force, fell directly into madness and screamed tragically.

Although Amanda and Boudica were a little further apart, it was difficult for humans to resist the speed of sound at this distance, and they were affected almost at the same time. Their faces suddenly changed, showing a look of panic.

Lance had withstood so many attacks before, and was already prepared when he discovered the strange behavior of the Chaos Horror.

But when it actually broke out, he was actually affected. He felt that his heart was violently grasped, and his instantly pale face and the beads of sweat that kept coming out showed his pain.

He knew that he was afraid. He was afraid that the ancient gods would awaken, and that the new gods would be born. He was afraid that he would become a monster, and he was afraid that he would lose everything he has now...

Fear, despair, madness...the suppressed emotions kept rising, impacting his remaining sanity.

Originally, he was excited to surround and suppress the Chaos Horror, but when he turned around, he was violently beaten by this move, and everyone fell into panic.

The situation really took a turn for the worse...

Just as Lance guessed, this monster from the void could never be controlled by the Ascension Sect.

But those people didn't think about why a cult priest who was in charge of various rituals would appear here?

In other words... is it possible... that the rituals that the cult priest was in charge of were to control the Chaos Terror?

Now that the cult priest was killed, did it mean that the Chaos Terror had lost its last restriction...

No one knew this guess, but the Chaos Terror had given the answer.

After sending out the echo of the collapse, this guy didn't go to deal with Lance and other enemies at the first time. Instead, he actually attacked the growths that parasitized on his body.

The tentacles aimed at himself and tore deeply, and the hooked claws were like sickles that cut off the rotten flesh and blood attached to his body, and then swung the tentacles to throw it away.

However, the torn and twisted flesh and blood did not die like a pool of mud. Instead, they began to wriggle, devouring the sticky flesh and blood, and then began to seek new parasites.

They stretched out their small tentacles to grab something and then dragged their bodies over.

Or they just jumped like fleas, full of elasticity.

Some wanted to return to the chaotic monster and crawl towards the chaotic monster that could no longer distinguish between self-harm and self-rescue.

Some targeted the unlucky Audrey who was closest to them, crawled towards her, and jumped directly on her face when they were close enough.


At this moment, a muffled sound of slapping appeared, and the augmented creature that wanted to jump on the face was directly slapped away by the shield.

It was Lance who came with a shield. Although he was not in a good state at this time, there was no doubt that the move just now did not penetrate his rationality.

Many people may fall into panic and confusion, but not this person, at least not today.

Lance raised his hand to bless and refresh the status of everyone, but the things around him were not less, slapping one away and another one popped out of the flesh and blood to grab.

Lance raised his shield to block it, but the tentacles stuck to the shield, and his body flew over as the tentacles shrank.


Another slap, the moment the thing adhered to the shield, Lance slapped the floor with his backhand, and directly slapped it into a meat paste.

The sacrifice followed, and Lance didn't bother to care about the little bits and pieces. He glanced at the flesh and blood creatures around him, picked up Audrey and dragged her back, away from the weird scene.

The blessing can only drive away the negative effects, but the pressure of fear accumulated in the heart is not easy to eliminate.

Lance looked at several people trapped in torture, and immediately took out the conch to blow, and the melodious and soothing relaxing tune appeared, instantly pulling people from the dark dungeon of hell into the sunny beach.

It was as if the sound of the waves beating in the ears, which made people's tense nerves relax, and the pressure accumulated in the heart due to fear also dissipated, or at least suppressed some, so that they could wake up.

"You are a real warrior now, and you will not succumb to the fear in your heart."

Lance's call gave Boudica an effect of enlightenment.

Boudica was the first to break free from the fear in her heart and wake up. Perhaps it was because her experience was simple enough that she only had that one thing to regret.

Now she is a real warrior, even Lance has to admit it.

"This is Hamlet, no one is worth your fear." Lance reached out and held Amanda's trembling hand, pulling her out of the uneasiness.

Amanda's mind is flexible, which also means that there are many complex emotions intertwined. Lance doesn't know anything else, just need to give her enough sense of security.

As for Audrey, this guy doesn't even need Lance to wake her up, because her thinking is very abstract.

I'm afraid she has already built her own set of theories in her mind. She is not responsible for anything, so naturally she has no guilt or anything like that.

The responsibility is all on your side!

She was scared just now, but now she is out of danger and recovers quickly.

And Lance is too lazy to waste energy on her, and instead peeks into the weird scene that happened to the chaotic demon.

The chaotic demon wants to dig out the growths on his body, but how can it be so easy to remove them when they are connected by blood and flesh?

As long as a little bit is left, the wound will soon be filled with new malignant growths. Such madness is completely suicidal.

The tentacles swung and threw the rotten flesh everywhere. Soon, the rotten flesh dug out merged into growths and attached to various places.

Some of them wanted to return to the body of the chaotic terror to parasitize, while some of them that were too far away would lurk in the dilapidated sculptures, waiting to parasitize.

The "counterattack" of the growths began. They would stretch out their tentacles towards the chaotic terror. As long as they touched any part, the main body would immediately pull over and start parasitizing.

And this would also make the growths on the body of the chaotic terror more and more, which was really terrifying!

This scene was so similar to the attack on Amanda. As long as they touched the flesh, they would parasitize.

Lance inexplicably thought of the tumor on the body of the ecstatic cultist. Could this be the origin of the ecstatic cultist?

Lance soon realized what was going on. The chaos demon began to break free because the cult priest died first, and then Boudica took the twisted flesh and blood as a weakness, and continued to attack from the side to release the suppression of the corrupted flesh and blood on the lame man.

But it's a pity that even this is difficult to get rid of. Lance looked at the deranged horror that was being tortured and self-harming.

Most importantly, it reveals the true nature of what lurks in the deepest dungeon, a parasite slowly eating away at its host's flesh and replacing it with its own cancerous growth.

It's just that Lance has always been a ruthless person. When he realized that the Chaos Horror was resisting corruption, he immediately had a different idea.

Can it be instigated to rebel against it?

He was tortured so miserably by his ancestor. If he could free him, he probably wouldn't let the cultist who imprisoned him just like this.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. As long as it can cause trouble for his ancestor, Lance doesn't mind a little trouble.

Lance always dared to think and act, so he immediately blew the conch towards the Chaos Horror.

But he also knew that this thing was very powerful. Lance didn't control it directly, but talked to it.

"Limp, let me negotiate terms with you!"

Lance activated [Charming Sound], and his complex consciousness was transmitted through the sound of the conch as a medium, indicating that he could help it remove the corruption of flesh and blood, and now he just needed to calm down.

The charming voice that easily affects ordinary people is very powerful with the blessing of the conch horn. I didn't see that just a word from him could pull people who were immersed in torture out of the predicament.

But it seemed a little difficult to use it on the Chaos Horror, and he couldn't help but let out a howl.

In the desperate situation of life and death, it is not its turn to trust any human beings, let alone these guys were also attacking themselves just now.

Lance could feel the pain and struggle it conveyed, and he felt helpless for a moment.

It is so difficult to subdue a crazy beast, let alone a void demon.

But it was difficult to overcome, and instead of being deterred, Lance took more active actions.

Because what the Chaos Horror showed just now is that it has self-awareness and is able to communicate. Although ordinary people may be scared to death by the sound, who is Lance?

He even dared to step forward and continue to blow the conch horn to convey his consciousness.

I'm here to help you. It's us who helped you kill the priests. It's us who are helping you remove the corrupted flesh and blood...

It can only be said that Lance is not embarrassed at all when he brags about it. Not being able to win becomes not wanting to hurt you, killing the priest and cutting off his wings becomes rescuing you, and chopping the tumors on your body is also to release his control over you...

That chaotic battle was directly twisted by Lance into - Saving Private Rick!

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