Our family is in decline

Chapter 713 Self-rescue

What do ordinary people think of the increasingly dense dark clouds?

"Captain, it feels like it's going to rain heavily." A mercenary sighed as he looked at the dark clouds above his head that were getting thicker and thicker.

"Will that affect our actions? What should we do? Just withdraw?"

"Isn't it just raining? What's the fuss about?"

The mercenaries had different attitudes towards this. Some were worried, while others were very calm. After all, they had experienced some heavy rains when they went out. There were so many buildings here, they could easily take shelter from the rain, and they were protected by buildings. They can also survive the attacks of skeletons in the darkness.

While others were still arguing, Scorpion, as the group leader, did not speak because he discovered something.

"Did you notice? There's something wrong with those rats."

Following these words, everyone in the mercenary group also noticed the rustling sounds around them, but the mercenary didn't think anything of it.

"What's weird about this? Apart from skeletons, there are only rats here."

"And these guys are not afraid of people at all. They often come out during the day."

"But you look at them as if they are afraid of something."

It's not that Scorpion can really see through the psychology of those rats, but those rats used to stare straight at people, but now they actually don't care about people at all, and instead run away as hard as they can.

"Let's go! Get out quickly."

Scorpion observed the mice active in the darkness and quickly made a decision. He had to go back after running out of supplies anyway, so he might as well evacuate immediately!

Having the ability to rush into the depths of the ruins, to put it simply, those in the first echelon all have some means. It is not surprising that some are similar to scorpions who have noticed the strangeness of the environment, or that they have some extraordinary means to give early warning.

But compared to decisive withdrawal, some people do not have such courage. Of course, it can also be said that the smooth operation at the ruins some time ago has paralyzed them.

Let them think that the buildings in the ruins can help them survive this "heavy rain", and everything will be over by the time dawn comes.

Some people even think that this is the time for them to take the initiative, such as those in the second echelon. They feel that as long as they stay and survive, they will have an advantage over most people.

Just a little bit of wind and rain...

The activities of those teams active in the ruins are scattered almost everywhere, and of course they are probably behind the first echelon. After all, they are not here to clear the way.

In a certain team, William squatted down to comfort the restless hound Figgus, and at the same time issued warnings to his teammates.

"My girl was very upset and she told me danger was coming."

Laura from the other team looked up at the falcons circling in the sky and also issued a warning to her companions.

"The wind carries a strange smell, we shouldn't stop."

The strange weather also alarmed other teams. For them, such long-term missions are all planned. When uncontrollable factors occur, the first priority is to save themselves, so everyone retreats simply.

But the darkness struck faster than everyone expected. The haziness from the beginning gradually condensed into a thick black mist, which instantly blocked the light of the sun and plunged the entire ruins into darkness.

What's even more terrifying is that the strange power is even spreading outwards, with no sign of stagnation at all, as if it is dragging this world into darkness.

The adventurers and scavengers on the periphery, no matter how stupid they were, noticed that something was wrong. The mobilizing troops, the rushing horses... everything reminded them of the approaching danger.

In particular, some people have experienced the previous tragedy caused by the Forbidden Legion, and the traces of being massacred by skeletons are still there.

Fortunately, the skeletons on the periphery had been cleared many times during this period, so the number had been reduced a lot, and there were no casualties as soon as it got dark.

But the large number of adventurers returning will be a shock to the town, and it is inevitable that there will be people with evil intentions.

Not to mention that some of the forces suppressed by Lance have come to the town. Will they give up this opportunity?

I don’t know, but the darkness has covered the sun, and the skeleton has become more ferocious, and its hatred of the living has become even more fierce.

Not to mention that in the ruins, the number of millions of skeletons is no exaggeration, especially the density in the central area is even more exaggerated than in the periphery.

The surrounding skeletons that should be hiding in the shadows of the buildings now surge out, and any living creature will become the target of their attacks.

Even the Scorpion Mercenary Group, which started to retreat immediately, was also attacked. The bones that could be cut in one or two blows but could fall apart with one hammer are much tougher.

It doesn't need to be much, just a little bit, which means more physical strength is needed. Multiplied by the countless base numbers of skeletons, that is the terrifying power that can overwhelm them.

They all knew that they couldn't be held back and had to break out before the skeletons were fully spread out, otherwise the crowds around them would gather more and more to fight.

Alhazred was right. The teams that were deep inside were scattered and dispersed. If they didn't gather in an accurate direction, they would be like a mess. They would be easily divided by the skeletons and then consumed to death.

Even the mendicant monks and the candle-burning priests were no exception, and soon fell deeply into the skeleton.

It's just that the name of the legendary spellcaster is no joke. Except for Lance, who is immune to spells, no one in the empire can beat him.

Although the candle burning priest has not reached the legendary level, he is also the champion of the church, and his specialty just makes up for the weakness of the monk, or the common problem of the spellcaster.

Once the guarding ceremony begins, the priest and the two are like conjoined twins. You are not facing one person, but two complementary strong men. Even Lance has to knock out the priest before he can hurt the monk.

Nowadays, the holy power is simply a natural nemesis in the face of those evils. The light emitted by the staff raised high is like a lawn mower, sweeping over the skeletons and emitting flames like self-ignition, and then falling apart piece by piece.

"That evil is worth a fight!"

In the shouting, the shield was pushed forward to block the scratches of the skeletons, and the war hammer surrounded by holy light was swung out to easily destroy the bodies of the skeletons.

The candle burning priest was a little excited. Now those skeletons seemed to have been strengthened in some way, more brutal and more powerful, but the power of evil did not knock him down, but made him more fanatical.

To purify all evil!

The beggar monk was not so optimistic. Although it looked like mowing the lawn, he knew the actual situation.

Casting a spell consumes strength. With darkness covering the ruins, he felt it was difficult to recover. If he dragged on, he would probably be beaten to death by the skeletons with sticks, which would be funny.

At this time, they heard the sharp whistle piercing the air. They were very familiar with this Brother Martin. Only Hamlet's people liked this.

Although he didn't understand what the whistle meant, he made a very strange move and took the initiative to move over there.

Not only did they get into trouble, but almost everyone in the ruins fell into the crazy attack of the skeletons.

And Hamlet's team naturally wanted to gather together.

Here, the disadvantage of the whistle is highlighted, that is, the transmission range is too small, especially in the complex environment of the ruins.

William can use the dog to find the location of Hamlet's other teams, and Laura's falcon can also mark its position when it takes off, but these means are still too poor compared to so many teams.

He can only blow the whistle while breaking through, but he didn't attract his teammates, but attracted many mercenaries around him.

If they could trust anyone here, it would only be the Hamlet people who had been mocked by them for being old-fashioned and stubborn, and who tried to maintain order in the ruins.

In the chaos, the first thing they thought of was to get closer, so it is conceivable that they had some recognition and even dependence.

Scorpion and his men also heard the whistle during the breakout, and immediately approached, believing that the Hamlet people would definitely find a way to escape from here.

Yes, Brother Martin also thought so, regardless of other things, the chance of survival would be greater if he followed those people.

As for him, he hated the lord of Hamlet, and he didn't like the glory of Hamlet abandoning the church, but at his age, he didn't care much about these face issues.

A big figure in the church who was praised as a [martyr], and a faction that emphasized poverty and asceticism, was so flexible, it was really...

"Back off! Evil things!"

The beggar raised his staff high, and a holy light fell and ignited the skulls. You should know that he didn't shout slogans before, and now he shouted naturally to show the existence of the church.

But no one cared about these. Everyone was trapped in the siege of those skeletons and could only rely on buildings for defense. The appearance of the church duo undoubtedly temporarily solved the dilemma of the guard.

No one would be stupid enough to refuse such a strong man, especially in this situation.

Especially a mercenary group that also gathered here, seeing Martin appear was even happier than seeing his own father.

During this period, he also treated many people and re-established the reputation of Martin, the legendary martyr of the church. Under the crazy praise of those believers, no one still remembered the time when he was down and out. Instead, whether they were believers or not, they would flatter him.

After all, who doesn't want to provoke big people, and there will be a day when they need treatment. I didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

"It's Brother Martin, are we saved?"

"Oh! Thank the Holy Light, it must be the guidance of the Holy Light."


All kinds of messy words made Martin a little headache. Although he didn't like these mercenaries, he still raised his hand to signal.

However, his attention was mainly on the Hamlet team.

"What should we do now?"

Brother Martin still has a big picture view, otherwise someone else would definitely ask what happened in the ruins.

This is a topic that cannot be discussed, because they don't know either.

In fact, no matter how you answer this question, it will lead hatred to Hamlet. If it were in the outside world, Martin would be happy to do so, but now he is also in the game, and it is not good for them to mess up.

No matter what the situation is, you have to leave here alive before you can talk.

Hamlet's team is also a little embarrassed about this question, not knowing what to say.

"This is not a simple rain or darkness. If you want to survive, you must find a way to break out. Staying here is a dead end."

But Martin was not satisfied with this. Who doesn't know? Do you need to say this? What I want to know is whether you, Hamlet, have any way to escape.

I can only emphasize again, "I ask how to leave here!"

"There is only one way to kill."

Hamlet's team's answer was very honest, but not everyone could accept it.

After all, the mercenaries who could walk here were more or less rational and intervened.

"If it was the periphery, we could still charge, but our position is too deep, and there are skeletons all around. With so few of us, the safest way is to rely on building defense and wait for rescue."

Martin made up his mind without even hesitating for a minute.

"You are familiar with the situation here, which route do you take?"

This directly explained the choice of the two of them, leaving the mercenaries speechless, but neither side cared about their opinions.

"With our limited number of people, any of the options we choose will lead to a dead end, unless we can gather everyone's strength, which requires a reverse attack."

"What do you mean?"

"In fact, most of the development of the ruins is on the periphery, and at this stage, the deep ones are all aimed at the rich areas. Although different routes have been planned, they are basically from the town to the church.

It is certain that there are still many teams trapped in the surrounding area, but they are divided without a clear target. We need to find a way to summon them, and we also need to go to meet them."

The commander of this guard is Barrett, and any sniper must be calm enough.

And the plan he proposed is also a bit shocking. Instead of breaking out as soon as possible, he went back to summon other teams. There are guards here, of course, including mercenaries. Those who can come here are all good players.

"Originally, we planned to meet another team with falcons. With them, we have eyes. If we rely on our own strength, this plan will be very difficult, but Mr. Martin may be able to help us."

"What do you want us to do?" Martin knew it was crazy, but now he had no choice.

"I heard you can create flashes, so tell them we are here, and we need them to break through to us, so that we can reduce the pressure on us."

Barrett said as he sorted out his equipment. He was a sniper, but that didn't mean his close combat ability was bad. On the contrary, those who were selected to join the Royal Guards were the best.

His bayonet had crushed countless cultists' heads, and his rifle butt had smashed countless skulls here. The Royal Guards were not afraid of fighting because they were the best!

The team that fell into the ruins did not sit and wait for death when the outside world was preparing to rescue them. They were also actively saving themselves, but the plan was crazy...

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