Our family is in decline

Chapter 714 Efforts in two directions

"Now that you're out of this building, you're going to die. You should be aware of the madness of those skeletons."

Martin understood the crazy thoughts of these people, and also heard that he had nothing to do with them in their plans, and that this was to commit suicide.

"Here we are waiting to die. Hamlet doesn't believe in death." Barrett said coolly, while the other guards showed no fear.

"I'm going with you. You can't get out without me."

Martin thought for a moment and made a decision. It was not that he was moved by the behavior of the Guards, but that he felt that what he said made sense.

In fact, the first-line area where the first echelon is located is not too big compared to the way back from the entire ruins. It is indeed feasible to accumulate strength through a short-distance breakout and then turn back at the end. Although it sounds mysterious, it is already Now the best answer.

There was no time to talk nonsense. A strong beam of light suddenly erupted in the dark ruins. Although it broke into pieces in less than two seconds and turned into light spots and scattered, the movement undoubtedly gave the people scattered everywhere a target.

"What is that? The church's magic, probably the beggar monk."

"Go there quickly! The Holy Light hasn't abandoned us yet."


The falcon has been hovering in the sky. It is difficult to see its trace under the dim sky, but the flash of light at this time attracts it.

It passed quickly, and the whistle just happened to attract it.

Yes, hawks can also understand whistles, or the eagles themselves have the habit of using bone whistles to control birds.

Sure enough, when the flash of light appears, the falcon will definitely come over for reconnaissance, and the opponent's location can be determined.

When the falcon took off again, the team and the church duo walked out of the building, and the gathered skeletons rushed in like a tidal wave.

"The Holy Light is shining!"

At the beginning of the first position of Priest Ranzhu, he raised his shield and a strong flash of light erupted instantly. To ordinary people, it was a dazzling light, but it could force those evil and filthy things to move away.

He swung the war hammer at will to smash those who couldn't dodge, and he was like a dump truck crashing into the group of skeletons. Even if there were some skeletons scratching, they were not qualified to leave traces on the armor.

The beggar monk was protected by the team in the middle, which allowed him to concentrate more energy on casting spells. The flash of light that reached the sky just now was also very costly for him.

Therefore, he must restore his condition as much as possible, holding up the staff to cast magical spells, and the flashes of light on the way forward will ignite the dirty souls of those skeletons as firewood. The power of feedback allows him to finally recover under the shroud of darkness.

The extraordinary person who came from the church also has very strong battery life. However, when he was besieged before, he could only use a large amount of magic to avoid being interrupted by skeletons. Now that he is protected by the personal guards, he can let go.

The Guards and the Church fought their way out, but the mercenaries chose to stay in the building.

Seeing them struggling to advance, the mercenaries couldn't help but laugh with pride.

"Why don't we wait until dawn and those bones will move away?"

"That's right, wouldn't it be better to wait honestly? You have to seek death."


No matter how much they said, no one cared about them, because the scattered personal guards and some mercenary groups in trouble all moved closer here consciously, and the bright lights that flashed in the darkness from time to time gave them the motivation to persevere.

Laura put the bow on her waist, and in her hand was a hammer specially prepared to deal with those skeletons.

In fact, it is an arm-length wooden stick with a fist-sized metal hammer on top. This weapon has become very popular in small towns recently. Basically everyone has one. Some of the differences are also in the style of the hammer.

Because after a lot of actual combat tests, the curled edge of the sword collapsed after a few blows, but the hammer did not have this worry, and it was cheap, even scavengers could afford it.

Until the falcon came back and brought her news from afar.

"Move towards the direction of the light pillar, our people are over there."

As he spoke, he had gathered people to prepare for departure, and this team happened to be encountered by Xie Zi and the others, who were also trapped in a building at this time.

Everyone finally cleared up, but now they have to abandon their safe place and go out to fight those skeletons?

Scorpion couldn't help but remind him at this time.

"The situation ahead is unknown. If you rush out like this, you may get into trouble without finding them. Why not stay and wait until the situation stabilizes?"

"They will pick us up." The commander of this team was not Laura, but another personal guard, who was extremely sure when he said this.

To be honest, they had no intention of asking the Scorpion Mercenary Group to follow them, so they just went downstairs under the guidance of the falcon and prepared for action.

Scorpion looked at those people with a tangled expression, but he quickly made a decisive decision.

"Follow up!"

"Huh?" Others didn't understand, and they were somewhat dissatisfied with Hamlet's enforcers. After all, they had been caught.

If you want to do such a dangerous thing with them now, you might as well stay and wait for the weather to clear.

"Don't talk nonsense. If we want to survive, we have to follow them closely. No one will be cunning later. Only if they survive can we survive."

It's too late for Scorpion to talk nonsense. Abnormal celestial phenomena mean uncontrollable dangers. There must be a way out by following the locals, or else stay here and wait for death?

"We are here to help you. With more people, we can share more pressure."

Scorpion rushed down to express his position, and the others had to follow. Although they had some complaints, they still supported the leader's decision.

The guards did not say much about this. Now they really had to unite all possible forces.

The Scorpion Mercenary Group chose to follow and fight out, advancing with difficulty in the tide of skeletons.

To be honest, their configuration was still good. More than 20 people advanced along the edge of the building, and everyone was trying their best to break those skeletons.

Fortunately, without flesh and blood, their mass was limited and they could be pushed away, otherwise the accumulation of flesh and blood could seal them.

It was like an arrow struggling to squeeze into the bone. It had to pierce before the tip of the arrow became blunt, otherwise there would be no way back once it stopped.

But soon they fell into trouble, because there was no extraordinary person with recovery ability in the team, and competing with endless skeletons was a complete joke. Even if their will was strong, the limit of reality still existed.

Unlike the guards who had experienced the bloody battle in the wilderness pit No. 3, the fighting will of these mercenaries was not as firm as that of living to the death. Countless scratches would always overwhelm them once, and the exhaustion and despair of being surrounded began to erode their hearts.

Even Scorpion could not help but doubt whether his choice was correct, whether he had brought his trusted teammates to death...

However, at this time, the falcon hovering above them made a loud cry, and Laura followed with a shout.

"Just in front!"

As soon as the voice fell, a team suddenly rushed out from the corner in front, but it was stronger than before, because there were people joining them on the road, some of them were guards, and some were mercenaries who also chose Hamlet.

The beggar monk stood in the middle with his staff raised high, and the holy light shone on the people who persisted hard, and their injuries healed quickly, and their condition also improved.

And those skeletons avoided them like mice encountering cats under the holy light, which gave the gathered people a moment of respite.

"Damn! We're saved."

"The Holy Light has never been so beautiful."

"We survived, at least for now."

The scorpion's hanging heart could not help but fall back to its original position with a breath of turbid air, and all the words turned into that breath and spit out.

However, their action was not over yet. The two sides quickly contacted each other, and after confirming the plan, the falcon took off to search for others.

We must move again and continue to expand the team...

On the other side, Hamlet's army returned to defend and built a defense line around the town. Those adventurers also fled back in large numbers, but compared to the orderly evacuation of the army, the chaos of those guys was simply crazy.

What made Reynard even more headache was that those guys occupied the main road leading to the city, hindering the cavalry's actions.

At the same time, what was more troublesome was that when these guys ran away, they also led those skeletons out, and skeletons began to appear in the outer area that had been cleaned up.

At this time, the flash of light from the depths of the ruins reminded Reynard that he could not delay any longer and must make a decision.

"Eight, nine, ten, you teams lead a team of cavalry to lead the skeletons away from here, try not to get involved in the battle, your task is to attract them and then pull them away.

Teams four, five, six, and seven, go and evacuate the adventurers on the main road for me, guide them in the direction of retreat, and whoever makes trouble will be killed, I want you to clear them out as soon as possible.

The rest of you follow me to seize the sentry tower, and then support others, charge!"

Reynard did not catch the team and charge hard. In the current chaotic situation, hundreds of cavalrymen rushing in will only be blocked, but it is impossible to simply kill those adventurers, so it can only be like this.

According to the characteristics of those skeletons chasing the living, the mobility of horses can be used to pull them away, reducing the pressure on the front battlefield.

The most important task now is to drive away those adventurers, and then take down the tower to signal.

The combat quality of the cavalry is very good. After all, they are all selected from the best, and they execute orders without hesitation and start.

The other two routes are naturally commanded by grassroots officers, and Reynard directly led the team to rush to the tower. The skeletons along the way have no ability to resist under the sword and can only be crushed by the horse's hooves.

The location of the tower is actually in the outer area of ​​the ruins, but this place is obviously related to the troops stationed in the city, because you can see a circle of active skeletons around them wearing rusty armor and holding tattered blades in their hands.

Even though they are dead, these loyal soldiers are still obsessed with protecting this place. What's more troublesome is that these skeleton warriors still retain a certain fighting instinct. Compared with scratching, a sword cut will really kill people.

It is for this reason that those powerful adventurers look down on them, and those who are not powerful can't beat them, so they keep a lot of skeleton warriors.

However, for these warriors, they did not protect Hamlet during the catastrophe, and it is still the same now after many years. Reynard led the cavalry to tear them apart with a charge.

"Come on, two people get off the horse and bring your things with me, and the others will clean up the surroundings."

Reynard said as he turned over and got off the horse and rushed in. As soon as he stepped in, he backhanded a sword to block the blade swung by the skeleton warrior, and then kicked it out to repel it.

In an instant, the bones and tattered armor collided with a noise, and various parts fell to the ground, revealing the empty shelf underneath. However, the strange power was still maintained and it did not fall apart.

But with another sword strike from Reynard, the battle was over. At this time, the teammates also took up their props and rushed in to occupy the sentry tower.

The most difficult thing about occupying the sentry tower is not the skeletons, but the building itself that has not been maintained for many years. You never know whether a step on it will cause it to collapse.

Fortunately, this thing should have been built before the ancestor fell. Although it is dilapidated, it can still be used. It can be seen that Hamlet's engineering quality was good at that time.

Rushing to the top of the sentry tower, Reynard almost didn't say anything and directly set up an iron pipe with a closed bottom.

The so-called signal flares, that is, the launch of fireworks and firearms such as guns and cannons, are based on the same principle. They all use the high-temperature gas generated by the combustion of gunpowder to push the fireworks out.

The moment the fireworks "shell" is fired, the fuse is ignited at the same time, and the fuse burns during the ascent process, and finally reaches a height to explode.

The slightly technical content is to calculate the relationship between the amount of propellant and the ascent height, and then the burning time of the fuse is just right to reach the highest point to explode.

However, they don't need to worry about these. The people in the research institute have already designed it. All they need is to ignite the ammunition.

Hamlet pays attention to firearms, and Reynard knows how to operate them. Soon, the first flare was fired with a dull sound.

The height of the sentry tower plus the firing height, and finally the physical light, which is different from the divine art of holy light, exploded above the ruins shrouded in darkness.

Not only did the darkness fail to cover the light, but on the contrary, it highlighted the brilliant brilliance. Even the people far away in the depths discovered this.

Others don't understand, but how can those people in Hamlet not understand it.

"What does this mean?" Brother Martin noticed the reaction of those Hamlet people and immediately asked them.

"Let us evacuate from there, they will meet us."

Barrett explained very straightforwardly, which made the adventurers excited and Martin smiled. Although he was unhappy with Hamlet, he had to say that they were really united.

"Then let's go!"

"No, we still have one team to find." Barrett shook his head and rejected this suggestion.

Now the team has expanded to a hundred people. Some of the guards scattered around the ruins have gathered together, and more are the adventurers.

Now they are gathered in a building because there is still one team left to find, so they can't abandon them and leave easily.

But as soon as these words came out, the scene was divided...

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