Our family is in decline

Chapter 715 Today we are all Hamlet people

For Hamlet's people, they don't have the habit of abandoning their teammates, not to mention that this place is occupied by evil, and they want to see the people alive and the corpses dead. Even if they are going to die, they have to snatch the corpses back from those evil hands.

Although Hamlet as a whole is not very good in terms of morality, these guards are all fanatical "brainless fans" of the lord. They will really follow the words preached by the lord.

Among them, even bounty hunters like Tardif and eagles like Laura acquiesce to this. There is no doubt that Hamlet will be assimilated after staying for a long time.

But it's different for those adventurers. They are not my teammates. Who the hell cares about you?

Not to mention that for them, even if they are their own teammates, they will ask for their own luck if they really encounter problems. What kind of selfless spirit is it to turn back to save people?

No, it should be a psychopath!

There was an obvious split in the team, and the several commanders of the guards were not surprised by this. They completed the communication with a simple eye contact and turned to speak to indicate.

"Anyway, the evacuation location has been given, you go first, and the rest is our Hamlet's business."

This made the adventurers obviously relieved. They were most afraid of being kidnapped and taking risks to save strangers. Now they just wanted to evacuate as soon as possible.

But some people didn't think so...

After being tricked by Lance several times, Martin became alert the first time he encountered such a thing. These Hamlet people were as insidious as their lords and must not be trusted easily.

He seriously suspected that these guards deliberately set up a game to let them lead away the skeletons, and then they turned around and broke out from another direction?

It is very likely that because such a large team advances, it will attract the surrounding skeletons. If there are no skeletons to fill in in a short time, it will cause other places to be empty, and then they can get away more easily.

Who knows if they are really short of people, that is, they are going to throw these adventurers out as bait? No wonder you gathered so many people, it turns out that this is your real plan.

Yes, it must be like this!

Martin's old age doesn't mean he's confused. His mind works quickly and he seems to understand something, but he didn't question the behavior of the guards. Instead, he kept silent because he also wanted to use those adventurers as targets to lead away the skeletons and reduce his pressure to break out.

Time is running out, and those adventurers didn't waste words and prepared to break out directly, but they felt something was wrong before they walked out of the building.

Because the friar didn't move, and the candle priest naturally didn't react.

"Sir Martin, let's go quickly." Someone couldn't help but remind him, and everyone's eyes fell on the friar.

But Martin was not timid at all, on the contrary, he spoke with righteousness.

"You go first. In such an evil place, I must help them. Holy Light will not give up anyone."

Martin also wanted to raise the banner of the church, which sounded so nice, and revealed that they planned to act together with Hamlet's people.

But who the hell doesn't know that Hamlet doesn't even have a church? When did the people in your church become Hamlet's people?

Those adventurers knew very well that the main force of the breakout was actually the church duo. Without them, how could they fight against the skeletons?

The team that was excited because of the evacuation signal calmed down immediately. Everyone was an adult. Those who could come here were not stupid. They soon realized something.

"Our mercenary group was rescued by Hamlet. Without them, there would be no us. How can we just leave at this time? We will stay to help and will definitely rescue the rest of the people!"

Scorpion came up with a set of beautiful words, which directly confused the others. You are not Hamlet's man, right? I heard that you were arrested before. What medicine did they feed you? Or was it caught by some handle?

Okay, okay, that's it.

The other adventurers also reacted and expressed their opinions in various strange words that they themselves did not believe.

"Without Hamlet, there would be no me. At this time, we are also Hamlet people!"

"No matter who fights the skeleton, our mercenary group will definitely help!"

"Hamlet's kindness is not over yet..."

The team that was about to split was inexplicably reunited, and even the momentum was even stronger, as if it was determined to live and die with Hamlet.


The people of Hamlet looked at their inexplicable reactions and felt a little nervous. Anyone who really believed these adventurers would be stupid, but they didn't say much about it.

No matter what these people planned, since they expressed their position, they were allowed to join. One more person means more strength.

The people of Hamlet also knew that the evacuation time would not be too long, and they had to find the missing team as soon as possible. Laura's falcon had flown around several times, but did not find much.

But those who came from Hamlet's army had their own ideas, and they would not waste time waiting for the signal to come. If there was no signal, would they just wait to death?

"If they see the signal to evacuate, they will definitely move in this direction."

"If they are trapped, then the density of skeletons around them will definitely increase, and they will attract those skeletons, so they can explore from this direction."

"We also have to think about the retreat route. Why did our family choose this place for us to evacuate?"

"Yes, the shortest distance should be the straight line from the church to the town. What's there?"

"It's the main road, the main road that once connected the center of Hamlet. It needs to be deployed here. The only cavalry is suitable to pick us up."

The guards gathered together to ask and answer questions quickly, but they quickly sorted out the situation and responded.

"Now let Brother Martin release a beam of light to give both sides an answer."

"Let the falcon send a message back."

Although Brother Martin has a special identity, he did not act like a big shot. After all, everyone is in the same boat.

And someone in the guard quickly took out a pen and paper to write down the message, and quickly took it to the roof to give it to Laura.

If anyone knows about it, they will find that the origins of these guards are ordinary civilians, and serfs and refugees account for the vast majority.

For those free men who come from the church and live a rich life or adventurers, it is even lowly, but to be honest, there are so many adventurers here, and there are probably not many who can read, and these Hamlet soldiers can actually read and write!

It is conceivable that it is not that they don't work hard, but they can't even guarantee their survival, and there is no such opportunity, and Hamlet gave them a chance.

But now everyone is thinking about running away, who would care about these, Brother Martin also went to the roof and sent out a beam of light.

The hawk's vision in the dim environment is not as strong as that of the owl, but its speed is very amazing. It completed the message in a short time and confirmed that the evacuation plan was indeed on the road.

At the same time, it brought back the second good news. The hawk found the disappeared team when it flew to the rendezvous area.

"What? They have run ahead of us?"

Now everyone knows why they can't find it, because they are all looking in the direction of the deep ruins, but they didn't expect them to run out first.

Martin was listening next to him. He didn't expect that there was really a team of people. Regardless of whether it was true or not, they had to hurry up now.

"Don't waste time, act quickly."

At Martin's urging, the huge team that was resting in the building started to move, which also affected the skeletons, and the surroundings were boiling in an instant.

Everyone fought hard and squeezed out of those "waves".

Why does Martin think those adventurers have no future?

Because their cooperation is really poor. When they are in a well-coordinated mercenary group, they still cooperate.

But the more people there are, the more chaotic it is. Everyone has their own ideas and wants others to take the lead. If someone around them has an accident, they will not react at all and just want to stay away.

If they are asked to protect themselves, they will probably have to distract themselves to take care of those guys, not to mention concentrating on casting spells.

On the contrary, those people in Hamlet, everyone knows what they need to do. If their teammates encounter trouble, they will really go up. The more people there are, the stronger they are, like an indestructible whole, revealing tenacity and tenacity.

In fact, Martin doesn't understand these people. The entire Hamlet has selected only about fifty people from tens of thousands of people. Their quality must be strong.

Moreover, they all started from the grassroots level of the army, participated in the battle of the thousand-man army, and have rich experience in team combat.

These mercenary groups have at most a dozen people, and their combat mode is more suitable for small-scale combat.

The gap becomes more obvious when the number of people increases. It is not a problem of strength, but a problem of coordination.

The adventurers close to Hamlet can still help, but it is hard to say for the others. There are some who fall behind. Once they fall, they will be swallowed by the skeletons in an instant, and there is no need to shout.

The guards did not react at all to this. Their unity is only internal. Those are not Hamlet people, who cares?

But there is no doubt that the situation Martin guessed before has occurred. Such a large team will attract all the surrounding skeletons when it is mobilized, creating a gap.

Some adventurers who did not follow the breakout but hid in the dim and unknown buildings saw them struggling and couldn't help laughing.

"These idiots."

"Fortunately, I didn't run with them."

"The boss is still smart. We just need to hide."

But have they ever thought about one thing, that is, there is another protagonist in the ruins who has not appeared, that is, the rat.

Those skeletons attack all living things, even rats, especially since those skeletons are all bones. Rats dare not show their heads when they have nothing to eat.

But now the skeletons are gone, and without restraint, a large number of hidden rats have shown their heads. They have been breeding here for more than ten years. When you see a rat, it means there are thousands of them.

They dare to appear in broad daylight and are not afraid of people at all. Now they are stimulated by the evil power that permeates this area. Madness and hunger have occupied their small brains.

Finally, they broke out at this moment.

"Chiji... Bang!"

There was a sound of something falling, and the people who were still laughing just now couldn't help but turn around. In the light of the torch, they saw that it was just a rat that hurriedly fled into the darkness, and they breathed a sigh of relief. They were almost scared.


Only one person raised the torch and looked at the roof, but suddenly let out a scream and fell to the ground. The light of the torch also shook, reflecting the constantly distorted shadows of several people.

"What the hell are you screaming about?"

The other people were not scared by the rats, but were scared by his voice, and they couldn't help but yell.

"You... you look..."

The man hurriedly stood up and raised the torch, and at this time the others also saw that the beams were full of dense red eyes and layers of black shadows. It was obvious that the one just now did not fall down by mistake, but was squeezed down!

And the raised torch seemed to stimulate the rats on the beams. They moved like a frying pan, and this movement also collapsed and fell down, as crazy as a rat rain.

"Ahhh! Get out! Get out!"

"Damn it! It's biting me!"

"No! They want to eat us..."

The scene was out of control. Even if they waved the torches in their hands frantically, they could not resist the angry rats. They lost their fear and had only madness and greed.

Especially when the first bite of flesh and blood, the "sweet" smell ignited them, no rat could refuse, more and more rats poured in, no one knew where they came from.

The screams in that room were fierce, but they disappeared soon, and the fire had long been extinguished.

Similar situations occurred everywhere around, and those adventurers who chose to stay here did not even last a day.

Some adventurers rushed out of the room desperately, and even caused a melee between the skeletons and rats, but it was a pity that this scene was not seen.

But who cares?

Under the guidance of the falcon, the team that broke through has joined the last team.

Barristan, Disma, William, Margaret.

Their team has a special mission, which is to find the traces of the legion and explore their purpose, so the deep position is different from other teams, not in the same area.

And they were able to withdraw so quickly, which was completely decisive. From the time the hound Figes noticed the danger and William issued a warning, they withdrew without caring about others.

They ran a long way before it was completely dark. It can only be said that the steady old man has strong survival ability.

When the light column came on, they had already passed it, and then saw the evacuation point marked, so they turned around and rushed up, and then the eagle flew over to join everyone.

Now as long as you keep moving towards the evacuation point, the road will continue to extend...

Thanks to [yzxd_159] for 100 rewards

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