Our family is in decline

Chapter 736 School Development

Lance can't give them privileges to appease them. The so-called policy of showing benevolence will only appease them temporarily. Instead, they will be pushed together by deliberately marking the difference in identity.

People's hearts will never be satisfied. When there are more people, there will be more demands. If they are not satisfied, they will give you a big one. You will have no chance to regret it then.

Lance has seen too many such things. It is obviously just a matter that can be solved by equal treatment, but they have to leave a mess for future generations.

He came to Hamlet for three things: fairness, fairness, and fairness!

So everyone is treated equally. It's best to be honest. Whoever dares to make trouble will be hit hard.

Paracelsus is also very curious whether the body structure of the barbarians is really special...

But there is still a difference in treatment. It is a means to encourage them to work actively and give them hope to strive.

There is a difference between treatment and privilege, just like the selection of outstanding workers and the innovation design award of the institute. In addition to honors, there are also bonuses.

Or the treatment of the army, these are all heavier responsibilities they bear, and they need to fight for their lives.

As for the barbarian children, all of them have to go to school to study because they want to integrate into Hamlet, they must learn the language and understand that the world is not just mountains.

Of course, this is calculated for money, but the money is paid by the lord for them, not the official subsidy.

Such an obvious favor, this account is the lord's favor, even Boslake has to bear it, because his son is also receiving education in school.

The lord's favor is not over yet!

But Lance doesn't care about these. The hundred or so barbarians can't make any waves. The only one who is really worth Lance's concern is Boslake, who is capable and powerful.

"You did a good job. Dale told me about your son. I think it is possible to cure him with Hamlet's medical technology. At worst, it can improve the current situation."

Glendale once reminded Boslake, a half-fellow villager, that his son's problem could not be cured in the mountains, but it did not mean that it could not be cured in Hamlet.

Of course he understood what this meant, so he had been working hard on the tasks assigned by the lord, fearing that something might go wrong, and now he finally got a response.

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Well, you've been here for a while, and you should know that Hamlet never lets his people down. You'll know who I am when you get along with me, and I'll never let my people down."

Lance didn't need to be thanked, the win-over in his words was obvious, and what he needed was loyalty.

Although it was just an empty talk, Lance's reputation was enough to make Boslake offer his loyalty.

"The elders and spirits have witnessed..."

But as soon as Boslake opened his mouth, Lance raised his hand and interrupted him.

"So don't tell me these, you just know what to do."

Lance didn't believe in any oaths, and no matter how good you said it, it was useless, he only looked at how you did it.

Boslake could only agree to this strange lord, and the two sides talked about the follow-up situation, and soon took up the task to get busy.

Although Alvis was taken away, the army was ready, possible conflicts had been sorted out, and three champions were left. Those who should unite in the town had united, so Lance returned to the city.

Walking in Hamlet, the adaptability of human beings was fully demonstrated, and even darkness could not stop them.

After going through the most difficult changes, they quickly adapted again and found what they needed to do under collective planning.

After many days without light, they could see the slightly pale faces of those people under the firelight. Lance knew that time could not be delayed any longer.

Humans cannot lose the sun, and plants cannot lose light.

But now it is others who need to rest, give the guards a holiday, and give scholars time to prepare props for the ceremony.

Lance also has to take advantage of this time to continue to find ways to improve the overall strength of Hamlet to ensure that there will be no problems in his final battle with the ancestor.

But at this time, he came to the school, a place transformed from a church.

However, it has doubled in size after subsequent construction, and many buildings have been built on the original cemetery. Overall, there are no traces of the original church.

There are more than a thousand teachers and students in it, but the interesting thing is that most of the students are minors.

Most of the courses taught here are basic enlightenment, such as literacy and mathematics, which are the most basic and most needed by ordinary people.

Of course, the reason why only these courses are offered is that there are not many teachers at all, and many of these people are half-way monks.

At the beginning, those "teachers" studied at night and taught students during the day. If you progress a little slower, you will be caught up by the students.

It was not until the civil strife in the empire spread to the city and a large number of educated urban refugees poured in that the situation was alleviated.

But the main thing is still enlightenment education, and no other subjects are randomly offered.

Because this is the admission ticket they need most.

The colleges in those big cities are basically similar to universities, accepting students with a certain foundation.

However, enlightenment education is difficult for ordinary people to get. Nobles or wealthy businessmen can hire private teachers, and even take courses in music, painting, sculpture, swordsmanship, wine tasting, and horse riding.

The middle class can only teach themselves, or pay to send their children to some tutors, where several people learn from one teacher.

The courses are relatively simple, just literacy. If you want to learn other things, you have to pay extra money or buy books yourself.

What is the threshold? This is the threshold. Ordinary people can't afford this kind of education, let alone go to university.

It can be said that all the students in those colleges are rich boys and girls, or they are like Lance's original body who have a certain inheritance in the education system.

Even if civilians are very talented, it is difficult to cross the threshold.

Of course, there are also church schools, which are the most accessible to ordinary people. Reynard was born there, but the effect... If it is really useful, there will not be so many illiterates.

Just to recite the ceremony, not to teach literacy, and the means of corporal punishment and abuse are not for education, but more like taming a sheep.

And although it is a little less, it also costs money, but how can the church's business be said to be collected? They say it is donated.

There are also people like Patton who are born in the commoner family. They have to thank the nobles for not liking firearms. The newly built gun and artillery academy can only recruit some commoners for training. The principal is also born in the commoner family and gave him the opportunity.

But he was able to climb up step by step. His learning ability and talent are absolutely top-notch.

So large-scale enlightenment schools like Reims are very rare. The reason is very simple, that is, these ordinary students cannot provide too much tuition.

Those students can go to the beach to catch two crabs for you, but it is difficult to ask them to pay.

The reason why the families of students here can afford the tuition is because of the subsidies from the lords.

You should know that there are also a group of orphans without families and the families of heroes. They can't afford it and have to pay it back.

It can be said that if there is no funding from Reims, this place will go bankrupt tomorrow.

There are people who do the business of killing heads, and no one does the business of losing money.

Such a simple truth is understood by everyone, not to mention that monopolizing knowledge is also a means to maintain their advantages, and even deliberately raising the threshold and making some cumbersome routines.

Reims doesn't care about them. Hamlet has his own special situation here.

Why is it said that the school is the most fanatical about Lance outside the army? This is the reason. They entered the school because they were favored by the lord.

Similarly, those barbarian children were sent to school for education under this background.

Lance is already kind. Through education, children are integrated into Hamlet. At least they are treated the same as other students. There is no targeting or suppression. As long as they are smart, they can stand out.

Thinking back to the time when the Eagle Country was massacred, they liked to catch indigenous children and throw them into closed ethnic schools like concentration camps. Bullying, suppression, abuse... are as common as eating. Those who come out of those places are destroyed beyond human form, and more can't come out directly.

Some schools are built on cemeteries, and some cemeteries are built on schools.

Lance walked silently in the school. Many people don't understand about the school, but he understands that these young people are the foundation of Hamlet.

It is also the right time to shape their thoughts, remove those ideological tumors, and establish scientific social concepts.

Arriving at the principal's office, I met Mrs. Rosa. She had been in charge of the school for many years, which gave her a kind of aura of power without anger. Otherwise, she would not be able to control such a place.

But she was humble in front of the lord, managing the school in an orderly manner, and being able to perform tasks well, which was enough to show her loyalty.

"No matter how much work you have, you must pay attention to your health. If you fall down due to exhaustion, it will be Hamlet's loss."

Lance took out a bottle of universal potion and gave it to her. He directly gave her a blood and flesh reconstruction to eliminate the accumulated pain, and then spent spiritual blessing to improve her physique a little.

Such a good worker, can't let her fall down, only in the job can she play a role.

Rosa drank the potion and blinked her eyes, which were inexplicably sore. When she opened them, she felt strange. When she stabilized, she found that her vision, which was originally a little blurry, became clear.

This was myopia before coming to Hamlet, and the same was true of the stomach disease left during the escape, but now she could feel the pain was gone.

The pressure on the neck and lumbar spine caused by long hours of work suddenly eased, just like a piece of iron that was originally hung around the neck every day was suddenly taken away.

The brain that was somewhat numb from work suddenly became clear, and the surging vitality made her glow with a different kind of vitality.

As one of the top leaders of Hamlet, Rosa did not participate in things outside the school, but she also knew the magic of extraordinary power, and it was only because she knew it that she knew the power of this power.

"Such a precious potion should be given to those warriors, how can I be given a person sitting here..."

"Everyone is contributing to Hamlet, no one is nobler, and your task in charge of the school is also very important, so you have to take good care of your body so that you can devote more energy to the school."

Lance was too lazy to talk nonsense with her. He came here to understand the situation of the school. He talked directly about the problems facing the school now and the future direction.

For these, Rosa could basically answer all the questions asked by the lord, and she could execute the problems encountered according to the lord's instructions. She had no interests of her own, only the tasks assigned to her by the lord.

Lance was very satisfied with her work. Reading reports was part of it, and now the ability to communicate face to face is also part of it.

After solving the work problems, Lance still habitually cares about the family situation of employees, so as to comfort them.

"How is Joan's recent study?"

"As an assistant teacher in the specialty class..."

Speaking of her daughter Rosa, she is still quite proud. Seeing her daughter grow up, her efforts have not been in vain.

After a brief discussion, Lance did not disturb her work, and came to the [Specialty Class] mentioned just now by himself.

Lance had intended to collect those children with extraordinary talents, even spellcasting talents, a long time ago.

At the beginning, there were less than ten children in the refugee camp in Totnes. You can imagine how ruthless the church's extortion is.

However, more and more refugees came later. The city is different from the countryside, and the power of the church is also vaguely opposed, so Lance finally gathered a group of people, and then began a systematic training plan.

Lance was like a teacher patrolling the class, quietly coming to the specialty class for inspection.

An independent class separated from the school, the students in it are of different ages, but basically all of them are minors.

The person who teaches them today is a rather unexpected person, Amanda.

The course she teaches is tedious and complicated, but it is the ancient texts commonly used by supernaturals.

Supernaturals, especially spellcasters, must master these, otherwise you can't even enter the door.

Many people awaken inexplicably, or step into the supernatural world, but struggle and waste their talents in vain, because their foundation is not solid.

Originally, antique expert Catherine was supposed to teach them these basic knowledge similar to ancient texts, but because Catherine went to the town to preside over the appraisal work, she asked Amanda to take over the class.

Amanda's background determines that she is very knowledgeable. The depth of her research on mysticism may not be as deep as Alhazred, but thanks to the Romani intelligence agency, the breadth of her knowledge is definitely good. She is the kind of person who knows a little bit about everything, otherwise Lance would not have kept her as a consultant.

But her character is somewhat dark and stingy, and she is really cut from the same mold as Tamara.

This is not a coincidence, because this mold is the abstract environment of the Romani people.

Growing up in a distorted environment, the character is the best embodiment in some cases.

So she is only willing to teach the basics of ancient characters, and is unwilling to share her own knowledge. Lance has no objection to this, he always respects others. (End of this chapter)

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