Our family is in decline

Chapter 738 Preparation

"get out of class is over!"

Lance smiled and raised his hand to indicate that the students who had gathered around came to their senses as if they had just woken up from a dream. Listening to the lord's lecture was simply a pleasure.

The teaching methods are not limited to textbooks and are very interesting. Even children like Mary can easily understand them, and there is a refreshing feeling that the knowledge is drilling into their heads.

I really feel what the joy of learning is.

Lance cannot teach them much in a simple lesson, but it can give them a start, plant a seed, and leave "science" as a tool for analyzing the world.

Lance was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he went down to the stage and walked among the students. He could name them casually and ask them in casual chat whether they had encountered any difficulties in life and study, or if they had encountered any problems. What a fun thing.

Those same students were also willing to tell him some seemingly trivial things, but Lance was able to listen patiently.

There were only a few of them, so Lance naturally remembered them as a key training target, and he also knew that most people at this age were very lively and active, and it was also dangerous to be suppressed in studying for a long time.

Just take this opportunity to relieve their stress and call it conversation therapy through conversation.

Suffering education is an extremely failed method because they are really in suffering.

Most of the people here were rescued from refugees by Lance. Guess what kind of strong stimulation can awaken their talents?

What they need most in the midst of suffering is not chewing the pain and swallowing it hard, but hope.

Lance advocates optimism more and should be optimistic when times become more and more difficult. Only in this way can we get out of the predicament.

He couldn't remember how he felt on the old road at that time, but he must have been optimistic after resisting the pressure, otherwise he wouldn't be where he is now.

Fucking ancestor!

Lance was surrounded by those students, and his witty and interesting words made the students laugh non-stop. There was no sense of alienation between being a lord or a noble and ordinary people when they got along. This scene was very special.

At least this is the case for Margaret. Her father has a good reputation in Bastia. He does not bully the common people and manages the territory so that he is loved by the people. He can be called a good nobleman, but he definitely does not Not like this.

"Go play, I'll give you a day off today!"



Mary, who had been drowsy in class before, heard this and immediately raised her hands in the air and cheered, making Lance laugh, and the others also laughed.

But her brother Tom couldn't laugh, he raised his hand and slapped his forehead with a look of helplessness, because he had to look at his sister.

A group of people left get out of class noisily, but there were some who had a personality like Isaac. They usually preferred to go to the library to study instead of having fun. They cherished this opportunity given by the lord very much, and they were so precocious that it made people feel distressed. .

"I'm really not fit to take care of them. When will you let me out?"

Margaret is not stupid, she knows that Lance transferred her back to protect herself, but she does not need this protection.

"Have you finished learning? Don't waste your talent, and learning to control this talent can reduce the pressure you are under, and at least reduce the possibility of losing control. You should be aware of this risk."

Lance looked around but didn't answer directly. Margaret was a little speechless about this, but she also understood what the nightmare that haunted her was. This was why she was willing to stay here, and it was also a sign of the extraordinary power. curious.

"But my learning progress is faster than those students. The different progress wastes a lot of time."

"Isn't that just right? Only in this way can you teach them to consolidate their knowledge after class, otherwise I would be worried that I wouldn't have this ability."

Lance is on guard against everything. If you do this to him, how can you possibly be able to talk to him like that?

Margaret retreated and had no choice but to leave, leaving only Amanda in the classroom who had been silent since the end of get out of class.

"Is the operation going well?" Amanda asked tentatively. Only after seeing the dungeon could he understand the terrifying existence of the enemy he faced.

"The operation went very smoothly. It is estimated that it will return to normal soon. It is just a few minor problems and they are all under control."

When extreme darkness fell, she had exceeded the limits of the Roma race by not running away. She also actively dealt with the chaos, which was enough to prove her loyalty. It was for this reason that Lance didn't mind some of her shortcomings.

She bet all her fortune on Lance, so naturally she couldn't help but think about it. Lance's calm and confident attitude greatly calmed Amanda's uneasiness.

The pressure in her heart immediately dissipated, and Amanda's mood quickly improved.

"Are you free? I have a topic I'm going to study with you."

Lance found that staying in a dark environment for a long time will indeed make you emotionally depressed. This is a very important issue that needs to be studied carefully.

"This research topic is great. The more research you do, the more you can make progress." Amanda said and put her arm around Lance, "Let's go home with me."

Seeing her like that, Lance could only smile helplessly and follow her. He only waited until the door closed before continuing to speak.

"Do you still remember the blood flowing like a river in the dungeon? I plan to use the Blood Holy Grail to refine it, but the scholar feels that the effect seems unstable. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Ah! Is this really a research topic?" Amanda was dumbfounded when she heard this, and she seemed a little unresponsive.

"Hahaha! But there are some serious matters that need to be resolved before that." Lance finally couldn't help laughing when he saw her reaction, picked her up directly, and buried his head into the mountains...

Blessings, start!

Amanda had been in the dungeon. Although the rich aura of life was strange, it did improve her strength, allowing her to advance all the way after breaking through to the master. Now she has received the blessing of Lance, who forcibly stacked her up. Once you reach the coveted championship, it seems like you are just one step away from becoming a legend.

Never had such a wonderful start!

This person's state began to become wild, and he even wanted to seize the initiative.

Fight to the edge of the universe!


"Don't sleep. You promised to help me do some research."

"No, I'm exhausted now. Let's talk next time."

Amanda pushed away Lance's fiddling hand with her backhand, turned around and pretended to be dead.

Lance was speechless about this. Isn't this right... I've always been the one who prostituted others for free, so why is it my turn to be prostituted for free today?

Wasn't it just teasing her just now? She was so stingy.

"Then I'll go and get busy. You can have a good rest."

Lance didn't bother to care about her. He came here to consume his spiritual energy. Once he finished consuming it, he directly picked up his pants and walked out.

Amanda turned over when she heard the sound, looking a little unhappy when she saw that Lance really left like this.

This guy even refuses to say a few nice words to himself...

If he had nothing to do, Lance wouldn't mind pestering her.

I can fight like this for a day with you.

But unfortunately not.

Now others think that the lord is very calm and measured, but in fact they just can't feel Lance's eagerness. He can't wait to go faster, go faster, directly step on the accelerator, accelerate hard, and hit the ancestor with a dump truck.

Lance found Bigby, and he still had to say what he had promised him before.

"I have arranged for people to start preparing the laboratory, but it will take a while, but I can make available to you the information I have collected about alchemy."

Where could Lance collect it?

It wasn’t given by the ancestor.

The ancestor is really an out-and-out genius. He is not only proficient in all kinds of flesh and blood magic, but also herbalism, necromancy, alchemy... Anyway, he spares no effort to collect and learn anything related to extraordinary power.

Compared with those studies of flesh and blood, which are full of danger and corruption, alchemy is not so exaggerated. Most of it is all kinds of alchemy-related knowledge collected in the past.

Lance didn't bother to look at those messy experimental records, because he didn't have time to study them, and he didn't understand them very well. He just needed to make sure that they were ordinary paper notes without any evil aura such as curses.

Even if there is, it's okay, because Bigby's resistance is frighteningly high, so any evil curse you have will probably have to fight his other half before it can invade his body.

He is inherently bound by a curse, just like you can't kill someone who is already dead.

Lance wanted him to sort out the information first, and also wanted him to write down the alchemy passed down by his family.

Look at what materials are needed for research and make a list. Collect the materials while the laboratory is still being prepared. Once the laboratory is built, you can get started directly.

To put it simply, Lance likes to prepare in advance, otherwise it will be embarrassing if there is no materials when it is built.

At the same time, it also allows Bigby to have something to do while he is away. He should be honest and stop running around. He will deal with his troubles when he can free his hands.

Bigby didn't expect the lord to act so quickly and have already arranged everything.

Although the Bigby Society may not have much contact with other extraordinary beings or alchemists, they still feel the preciousness of knowledge from the family's information and the difficult collection of their father.

And now that the information that the lord promised to give him was opened to him so quickly, it really made him feel rare and excited.

As expected, it is difficult to acquire this precious knowledge on your own, and joining Hamlet can really provide you with support.

Nonsense, as far as Lance is concerned, those things will not produce any benefits if they are left alone. Only when they are put into operation can they profit from them.

But that doesn't matter anymore. Lance left those materials and a batch of pens and papers, and even arranged for the meals to be delivered on time every day. You can just do your research without leaving the house.

Of course, this is Lance too... It may not be appropriate to use surveillance, but it is safer. He trusts Bigby, but the other person inside him is a beast.

After settling Bigby, Lance came to a very interesting place.

There is indeed a place where Hamlet has little impact when extreme darkness comes, and that is the sanatorium, an inherently gloomy place.

No matter how much you scream, your screams will be difficult to hear. There are many death row prisoners imprisoned in it, and few can come out after entering.

Because a group of doctors were recruited from Totnes, the place was more lively than before.

Their role is not in treatment, but in research and in developing new medical technologies.

Lance gave them support and told them to use their skills if they wanted to leave their names in medical history.

Because it was a closed management, Lance gradually opened up the experimental data and medical technology to them.

Perhaps some of them felt uncomfortable at first, but soon got into the mood after being exposed to those experiments, kicked the so-called medicine of the old era into the garbage heap, and began to embrace new medicine.

Not to mention that Hamlet has sufficient experimental resources. This is the place they dream of. In the medical school, a corpse is used by countless people. How can they get their turn?

Here they can dissect every few days, and there are also live experiments. The mystery of the human body seems to be unfolding under their hands. No researcher can bear this temptation.

As for the "materials" used by them for experimental research, they don't care. The crimes they have committed are already written on the list. Ordinary prisoners will not be sent here at all. Only those who are extremely vicious and sentenced to death are eligible.

Lance had to add another rule to the sanatorium. Experimental research is one thing, but experimental subjects cannot be deliberately abused.

It's not that Lance is involved in human rights, but he is worried that this behavior will affect the accuracy of experimental data.

The results of medical research are to be used to cure diseases and save lives, and there must be no mistakes.

Lance went to meet these people and looked at their experimental results. Basically, they are still studying Paracelsus's experiments. They are not researching, but learning.

Lance didn't care about their waste of resources. People can't learn by teaching, but they can learn by teaching once. If you don't believe the experimental data, you can do it yourself. If you can find loopholes, you can even get rewards.

But what he was not satisfied with was that they had just come in for a short time, and they made themselves more embarrassed than those experimental subjects.

"I always say that research should not be rushed. Who took the lead in staying up late? Do you really think you won't die suddenly?"

"Sir, sudden death is theoretically caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In the research data, you will feel dizzy and confused..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Lance interrupted them hurriedly, "Why are you using yourself for experiments? This is what the doctor recorded casually. What are you learning!"

Lance was really speechless. When he got his hands free, he must rectify the sanatorium and not let them mess around like this.

Especially Paracelsus, the stubborn one!

Lance could only give them a bottle of universal potion each, and simply adjusted their abnormalities, but this made them keep asking about the potion.

Lance was also in a headache. He could only tell them that they had no authority to know and let them continue their research. They finally got out of the sanatorium.

These guys must have lost their minds by doing research, right? Crazy... (End of this chapter)

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