Our family is in decline

Chapter 777 Cruel battlefield

A distance of 120 yards is almost the limit of the effective killing distance of the musket currently equipped by Hamlet.

And in this span, the accuracy of ordinary musketeers can basically be called random, so there is a reason why a round of shooting is so powerful but only shoots a dozen people.

But when the distance enters a hundred yards, the damage becomes obvious after the accuracy is improved, and coupled with the continuous barrage, it is basically like mowing the grass.

"Oh~ my holy light!"

"Damn, didn't you say there was only one shot? We were deceived!"

"Ah! Save me, I don't want to die yet..."

The roar of the gunfire was like the approaching footsteps of a giant. They rushed forward with their heads down, but the companions who were constantly shot and fell beside them also made the soldiers with blood rushing to their heads calm down a little.

Some were even too calm, screams and wails mixed with blood rushed to their brains, and the soldiers who had never experienced such a scene suddenly collapsed.

"Ahhh! I want to go home, mother..."

Just as he turned to flee, he took a few steps before a crossbow arrow shot into his chest. The severe pain took away his strength. He struggled to the ground and saw the supervisors behind him and the roar of the knight waving his sword.

"Forward! Forward! Those who dare to retreat will die!"

As his consciousness gradually blurred, he began to imagine the figure of the knight on the warhorse.

How great it would be if I were a knight... No... Mom, I should listen to you...

No one cared about him on the chaotic battlefield. The fierce confrontation entered within a hundred yards, and the true power hidden in the ordinary soldiers was revealed.

"Longbowmen, release your arrows!"

Amid the knight's shouts, the chaotic team of the noble coalition flew scattered heavy arrows and threw them. When they converged in front of Hamlet's musket formation, they seemed a little denser.

The musket formations were not so dense to advance, but some soldiers were still shot when the arrows fell.

For skilled archers, the accuracy is more controllable, and the power of the arrows thrown by the longbow is also very considerable.

The heavy arrows that can penetrate the armor easily tore the body apart, and even Hamlet's soldiers could not bear it and fell to the ground.

This is why the army is still a great threat to ordinary extraordinary people. Crossbows, heavy arrows, and even bed crossbows can kill them.

Who will fight you in close combat? I will directly shoot thousands of arrows!

However, after the casualties on Hamlet's side, there was no hesitation or chaos. The other soldiers seemed not to see the fallen comrades around them, and they continued to advance and shoot calmly like machines.

Those soldiers who were shot by arrows did not scream, but fell to the ground with a groan. The medical soldiers immediately came up to drag them away for emergency treatment. The support of the shield car in the back was a temporary operating room.

With the longbowmen fighting against the musketeers, the nobles finally breathed a sigh of relief when Hamlet suffered casualties.

As long as they were injured, they would die. They were just flesh and blood.

But seeing others get hurt boosts morale, isn't it too easy for the nobles who are too arrogant to be satisfied?

Both sides suffered casualties, and the number of longbowmen was small, but their rate of fire of five rounds per minute still brought some pressure.

Hamlet was not shaken by this, but he also realized that he could not move forward, otherwise the distance would be too close and he would lose the advantage of the musket array.

"Stop! Free shooting!"

When there is no need to move forward and shoot at the same time, the individual's strength will be displayed. Although it sounds less deterrent than shooting at the same time, the rate of fire and accuracy are improved, and one shot kills a kid.

That is, the clergy and commanders hide in the back and are not easy to snipe, while the cavalry and knights are scattered and wandering among the teams to command.

From this, we can see that they have no grassroots officers, have not undergone legion training, and lack of cooperation, resulting in the transmission and execution of command orders not being smooth.

Some tactics just drive the serfs to rush forward, and all kinds of words encourage them.

When the man in front fell, the flesh and blood torn by the bullets splattered, and he could even feel the warmth on his face from some unknown time, and the stench rushed into his nose. He stared at the black muzzle of the gun in the distance in a daze, and suddenly it seemed to be magnified countless times and pointed at him. The next one was himself. "Bang!" A distant gunshot sounded very clear in his ears, and his footsteps paused, and then he fell down. He seemed to understand something... The distance that seemed to be impossible to cross forever was... whether it was himself and the nobles, or death. The serfs simply could not bear the people around them being shot and falling one by one. All the glory, money, women, and power were leaving them. Fear devoured their hearts. This was not a carnival for them, but a massacre! They wanted to escape, but they couldn't. The supervisors and knights behind them directly punched hard and killed without any hesitation. Finally, the road paved with flesh and blood and death stepped into a distance of 60 yards, and shouts continued to come. The knights drove the spearmen to disperse from the left and right wings and let the middle door open. "Get out of the way!"

"Raise your shields and move forward!"

"Archers, prepare to shoot!"

After opening the middle gate, the serfs, who were already close to collapse, got a moment's respite. They didn't know how many of them died when they faced the musket array head-on, and no one remembered how many died when they fled backwards.

When they left, the middle road facing Hamlet was not empty, but rows of large shields were advancing.

In fact, those nobles had also studied muskets, so they equipped some people with shields.

And it was not an ordinary wooden shield, but a full-body shield covered with iron sheets. Only those who were strong could carry it.

These shieldmen rushed forward with their shields raised in both hands. The speed was not fast, but the purpose was to provide protection for the bows, crossbows, and musketeers behind them.

Now they finally entered their range.

In other words, these nobles knew the power of muskets and encouraged those ordinary soldiers to go up and consume them, just to hide the real longbowmen approaching and protect the elite units.

Now they entered the shooting range of the crossbows, so they became useless and were driven to the two sides to spread out.

As for the dead serfs, who cares? They are just used for consumption. If they die, just summon another 5,000.

And this round of archers and even musketeers hid behind the big shields and began to pour arrows at the musket array.

The arrow rain was much denser than that of the longbowmen, and it was obvious that there were no fortifications here. If they resisted at this time, they would not be brave, but stupid.

"Be careful! Raise your shield!"

"Pay attention to defense!"

After discovering that the crossbowmen had emerged from behind their shields, some musketeers put down their rifles and raised their zither-shaped shields, overlapping each other to form a shield wall to block the front and top.

There were crackling collisions. Without longbows and heavy arrows, it would be difficult for those ordinary arrows to break armor at a distance of fifty or sixty yards.

But there were still arrows that penetrated and caused various injuries, not to mention the heavy arrows shot by the mixed longbows that broke armor.

The injured soldiers immediately checked their conditions, the seriously injured were dragged away, and some of the slightly injured took care of themselves.

You can see that they took out a bottle of healing potion from their bags and drank it, pulled out the arrows with a cold face, and bandaged the hemostatic bandages. The ferocious faces could feel the pain, but there was no hesitation in their actions. They were all first-class ruthless people.

What's more terrifying is that the potions in their hands are of higher purity, so the effect is naturally better. After bandaging themselves, they reloaded and fired as if nothing had happened.

The counterattack began, and the muskets stretched out to fire. The bullets hit the shields of the noble coalition forces, and most of them were blocked.

The lead bullets were still too soft, and they were somewhat powerless in front of those specially thickened large shields. They broke and left dents when they hit the iron sheets riveted to the shield surface. Only a few of them hit those who wanted to show their heads and shoot to cause damage.

The enemies also discovered this, and accelerated in excited shouts, while constantly shooting arrows to harass.

At the same time, the spearmen on both wings also began to advance, as if the vultures finally stretched out their heads to show their sharp beaks, and spread their wings on both sides to surround the musketeers.

But the problem is that Hamlet's soldiers are not fighting alone, and the infantry is just one of the arms.

"Bang! Bang!"

The dense sound of artillery appeared, but it was not the cannon, but the mortars.

The twenty more flexible mortars finally caught up after the infantry's blocking.

They loaded and fired directly, throwing bombs at the shooters hiding behind the shields.

The damage caused by the first round of rough bombardment was even higher than that of several rounds of muskets.

Because that thing was fragment damage, it directly crossed the shield's defense and killed indiscriminately within ten yards.

"Disperse! Disperse!"

"Don't stop, charge!"

This scene finally made the knights feel distressed, because these were not serfs, but regular troops gathered by their confidants.

But at this time, there was no choice to retreat, and they could only rush forward. As long as they broke up the musket array, they would win!

The number of people on the noble coalition side was still large, especially after they dispersed, they were a large group, and the closer they got, the more they could feel the threat.

Even if the mortars were bombarded at full force, the effect was not very good, because the distance between the two sides was too close, and it was easy to accidentally hurt their own people, so after two rounds, they gave up the front line and dropped bombs on the guys hiding behind.

For the main force of the noble coalition, 50 yards is a dividing line, but for Hamlet, 30 yards is the dividing line, because grenades can be used.

When those guys rushed up and found that there were no shells above their heads, they were only ecstatic, and then they bumped into the thrown grenades.

The power is a little smaller, but it can't withstand the large number. Each soldier carries three or four. There are more than a thousand infantry here. There are at least hundreds of grenades thrown in that round, scattered among those people like raindrops.

The repeated explosions that overlapped and repeated were like the death knell for the noble coalition. They were obviously not exploding next to them, but the pain without any warning made them fall to the ground. No place was safe.

The situation was already high pressure due to the bombardment, and now they collapsed without the second round. The serfs shouted and wanted to run away, just wanting to escape from this horrible battlefield.

The knight wanted to stop the collapse, but he was shot by a gun after he shouted a few words. Although he was protected by armor, he fell down as if he was hit by a heavy punch.

Those snipers have always been mixed in with the gunmen, and they will be killed in seconds if they show their heads in this distance.

In fact, even if the knights were fine, it would be difficult to stop it, because the rear was bombarded by mortars, and many of the supervisors were killed. They were also afraid!

Even the serfs ran away with them. What's the point of a few silver coins...


A roar several times louder than the mortar sounded. Soldiers familiar with the sound of the cannon realized that it was the cannon firing. Looking back, they saw that the artillery had already occupied the position...

As early as the beginning of the game, the noble coalition forces knew that they must not let the power of the artillery play out. They left a few knights to command the main force to advance, and the rest of the knights pressed forward directly.

With the help of war horses, they charged directly and destroyed the artillery before the enemy stood firm. It can be said that Hamlet's infantry blocked the enemy, and the other side thought the same.

Reynard naturally would not watch them kill them. Hamlet's cavalry was dispatched. Although there was a gap in numbers, the three axes entangled those knights.

This time, the teammates did not run away. Both the infantry and the cavalry bought time for the artillery. Patton quickly led his men to seize the hilltop.

Only a few artillery pieces entered the position, and with a loud whistle, Reynard seemed to have received something, and immediately led the cavalry to distance themselves from the knights.

Then there was the roar of the artillery, and the projectiles crashed into the knight formation, easily tearing the armor, and some fell to the ground with missing arms and legs, and some were directly pierced with a hole, whether it was a knight or a horse.

Even if the projectile just rolled on the ground, the horse's hoof that touched it would be broken by the force.

In the cavalry duel just now, even if they were shot and dismounted, there would not be such a strong visual impact, because the bloody scene could not be seen, but fear enveloped them at this moment.

Because in the past, this scene should not have happened to them, but to the enemies who were charging against them.

"Retreating will lead to death, only charging forward can have a chance of survival!"

"This is our only chance!"

"Knights, charge!"

Lance put too much pressure on them, leaving them no choice but to surrender, and they actually burst into virtue under high pressure.

One person stood up and the others instantly joined forces, all rushing towards the position without sparing any effort.

Reynard had just taken the initiative to distance himself, and the artillery was still in the tedious reloading, as if they had really seized the fleeting opportunity.

Run faster, run faster, as long as you rush into the position, the artillery will be useless, and those guys can't resist the knights' charge.

Kill them all and then turn back and rush down the hillside. The gunmen will surely be defeated if they are attacked from both sides, and the victory belongs to them...

Patton looked at the knights rushing over with a cold face, without any panic, and just said calmly.


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