Our family is in decline

Chapter 778 Warning

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle…

The burning fuse and the charging knights seemed to form a sharp contrast. Who was faster, you or me?

It was obvious that Patton's estimation of the distance was correct, and the fuse burned out first.

The knight knew that as long as he avoided the straight line of the muzzle, the distance of 30 yards was just a matter of breath for the speed of the charge, and victory was at hand!

However, this time, it was not fist-sized shells that came out of the muzzle, but smaller and more numerous projectiles.

Shotgun bombardment!

The projectiles splashed by just a few cannons formed a barrage blockade, and the charging knights seemed to rush up and rushed forward as if they were actively meeting them.


The next second, the wailing and fierce wailing of the war horses even drowned out the sound of the cannons. The knights had no time to react and were torn through their armor by the projectiles and penetrated their bodies, and they fell down with their horses.

Inertia rolled a long distance before stopping, and the miserable situation was basically hopeless.

Whether it was a warhorse or a human, there was no creature standing in the large area in front of the artillery.

Patton was a little entangled when he saw this scene, and even had a headache.

It's over. How to write the battle report after killing so many warhorses?

The remaining knights who didn't rush so fast were completely scared and didn't even react that the artillery needed to be reloaded. If they rushed up now, they might be able to kill the gunners.

But fear took away their ability to think. Not everyone can burst virtue, which is why it is precious.

Run away! The farther the better... Leave this ghost place...

The remaining knights abandoned the so-called glory they were proud of, but how could they escape the pursuit of Hamlet's cavalry when they were scared?

More and more artillery entered the position, and when they roared wantonly, it meant that the war was over...

The ordinary people were originally crushed by the musket array, and now the knights who had been gathered with great difficulty were also killed by the artillery by one-third, and the rest were scared and were running for their lives.

But at this time, there were still people who insisted.

Patton looked at the only enemies who were still holding out, and recalled the defeat at the beginning. It was the church troops who fought to the end and let him escape alive.

Yes, the last rebels were the church troops. Their fanatical beliefs gave them psychological support. They had no fear of death for the sake of the Holy Light.

And the divine arts performed by the clergy did pull them back from death again and again.

"Target...fire." Patton's silence was not out of pity for this scene, but because he was calculating the trajectory.

When the voice fell, the shells were thrown at the rebels. No divine arts were used. They just ran over the formation and destroyed it.

When the last trace of resistance disappeared, the rest was garbage time, treatment, prisoner capture statistics...

Patton also had a headache about how to write a report, because this battle was won, but it was not won well.

To be honest, this battle was not fought well, because it was halfway through the enemy, and many things were not prepared.

If the position was occupied in advance, the artillery could cover a distance of more than a thousand yards, completely crushing the enemy, and there was no need to fight any blocking battles.

This sudden encounter caused the infantry to fight those guys head-on without artillery cover, resulting in many unnecessary casualties.

They miscalculated the speed of the noble coalition's advance, thinking they had mastered their actions, and did not send more reconnaissance. In the final analysis, they underestimated the enemy.


"Report!" The messenger rushed in and handed over the briefing, "Report to the Lord, our army defeated the noble coalition in one fell swoop."

"Good." Lance did not react much. Isn't it normal to win?

But after reading the briefing, he was a little speechless. So many casualties?

Whether it was our own side or the enemy, what happened to the agreed artillery to kill the nobles and end the battle quickly? How did it turn out like this?

Damn it!

"Keep marching, take these places for me." Lance tapped the document with a little dissatisfaction, "Also, tell Patton to be vigilant at all times! Pride and complacency are slow but insidious killers. I can accept failure, but I can't accept such a stupid victory. It's just playing with the lives of soldiers."


When others were celebrating the victory, the lord's warning hit the commanders' heads. This sentence is to be cautious.

After leaving the wounded and adjusting, the army started again, and it was necessary to eat up the territories of those nobles as soon as possible before the news spread.


In Owendo, a banquet was held in the manor belonging to the governor, and all the big and small people in the city were invited to attend.

Most of the people on the first floor were gentlemen and ladies talking and communicating with each other. For them, this is a rare communication channel, where they can meet people who are difficult to see on weekdays and expand their network.

But the real key to the banquet is in the living room on the second floor. Only those who really have the power to influence Owendo can sit here, and what they talk about is naturally the key to Owendo's survival.

"Hamlet's army is heading south, and those nobles are asking us for help. Everyone should know about this. Let's talk about it."

Water threw out the reason for summoning them here. In fact, everyone here has their own channels to receive news.

"That Lord Hamlet is simply a madman, he doesn't follow any rules!"

"Send troops, we must support them, otherwise it will be our turn if they fall."

"That is, we must not let him call us, otherwise our family fortune will be lost."

Judging from the leaked news, Hamlet will collect everything in those places as assets of the territory, and then plan to manage and distribute them from above.

And those nobles and various forces were all arrested. Those who had not committed any crime were easy to say. If there were any problems, they were directly arrested and sent to labor camps.

Let them go to work? To be like those serfs? Isn't this an insult to them?

If the circumstances were serious enough to require the death penalty, then it would be even worse. There are not many clean ones who could get into this position.

This method simply kills them. In their eyes, Hamlet is even more terrifying than the cult.

The dozen or so people present expressed their strong support for the aristocratic coalition's war against Hamlet.

"It seems that everyone supports it, so I won't talk nonsense. How much will you pay?"

One sentence made them fall into silence. It seemed that these people were not as fanatical as they seemed. After all, it was related to their own interests.

When Walter looked at them, he couldn't help but secretly curse in his heart - shouting so loudly, all of them stopped talking if they wanted to pay, and if they really relied on you, they would be waiting to die.

At the beginning, I didn't have much energy to control it, so I adopted a relatively safe method to quickly restore order. I just eliminated those bureaucrats and church forces, and at the same time promoted a lot of old bureaucrats, without doing much to those at the bottom.

I just didn't expect that so many characters would appear in Owendo in such a short period of time.

There are still reasons. Like Walter, most of these businessmen have their own manors outside the city, or in other cities. Anyway, most of them will run away first when encountering a situation and then look at the situation.

The last time the food shortage caused chaos in the city, they left here and escaped, and Lance didn't have much time to care about them.

After order was restored later, these guys came back. The relationship was complicated, and Walter had to look at their faces if he wanted to control Ovendo.

"No one will come out, no money will be given, so just surrender."

Suddenly, when those people were silent, an out-of-place sound came out. Others looked over and saw that it was an ordinary-looking young man.

It seems that the face is covered with a layer of mist, as hazy as myopia. It can always be seen clearly, but it seems to be seen clearly, but the next second it is forgotten.

But no one cared about this, almost the young man's words aroused ridicule from others.

"What kid is causing trouble here!"

"Come out and talk about background and strength. Since when did you talk about age?" The young man was not afraid. He looked at the man and sneered and mocked, "You are an old guy, right?"

This sound caused everyone to laugh. Only the one who stood up just now looked a little ugly. When had he ever been so angry?

But they did agree with what the young man said. Those who could sit here were all respectable people, at least recognized by Walter, the consul.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Walter, but saw that he was pretending not to see him, and couldn't help but become worried.

Everyone is here, and they know that the previous consul had some relationship with the empire. I heard that this one got connected with the empire as soon as he took office, and even got involved himself and made a lot of money.

In this way, he subconsciously regarded the young man as someone from the empire, and his background was naturally not comparable to that of businessmen like them.

The person who reacted just now also felt a little regretful. Why did he come forward just now...

The businessman didn't have to worry about face. When he found out the young man's identity, he immediately changed his face and started complimenting him with a smile.

"That's that, I didn't know you were...?"

"I am the Lord Hamlet you are looking for."

Lance responded with a smile, not trying to hide anything.

It's just that those people couldn't believe it. At the same time, they also realized a very serious problem. The person who organized this banquet was...

Almost everyone turned their attention to Walter, and the more direct question seemed naked than before.

"Walt! This isn't funny."

"What does it mean?"

"What on earth are you doing?"

Walter sat calmly and spoke briefly.

"Your information is out of date. Hamlet's army defeated the coalition of nobles a few days ago, so you don't have to waste time worrying about whether to pay or hire people.

The 6,000 men of the noble coalition surrendered in less than half a day, so we should not do so many things, because the army has now entered the city, and this fact cannot be changed that this land is called Hamlet. "

Hearing these words basically confirmed Lance's identity, but when these words fell on those people, they boiled like fried fish, and their frightened expressions showed the purest emotion, that is, yelling.

"Traitor! You betrayed us!"

"Damn! Do you think he will let you go?"


Suddenly, amidst these shouts and curses, a gunshot without warning echoed in the room, but this shot was not fired by Lance, but by one of the people in the crowd.

And he was not targeting Walt, but Lance.

"But you shouldn't just show up here alone."

The gunman spoke confidently, so what if he was surrounded, as long as he took down the lord, would he still be afraid of those guys?

But the next terrifying scene unfolded, and the smoke cleared. When everyone came back to their senses, they discovered that the man who claimed to be the lord raised his hand and held out a flower with two fingers, holding something in it.

Letting go, the sound of the thing falling to the ground could be clearly heard, and everyone's eyes followed and found that it was a deformed bullet.

Although the current muskets have poor chamber pressure due to airtightness technical problems, not to mention that it is a pistol, the initial velocity of the bullet leaving the chamber is average.

But this information is compared with modern firearms. In fact, whether it is a flintlock or a modern firearm, it is completely beyond the reaction of ordinary people to fire a shot.

And the man in front of them caught the bullet with his bare hands... What is this concept?

Not to mention those guys, even Walter's calm personality that he had managed to maintain with great difficulty was almost strained.

He knew that the lord was strong, and he also knew some information about extraordinary powers, but he didn't expect it to be so strong!

Fortunately, he didn't have any extra ideas, otherwise it would be a dead end if he really joined forces with those guys to defend the city.

However, when the lord is one of his own, there is indeed an unparalleled sense of security, stable!

"Your gun is quite exquisite."

The man came back to his senses, but found that Lance had walked in front of him without knowing when, and the musket in his hand turned into his hand, and he was playing with it.


He didn't understand Lance's mumbling at all, and he stepped back subconsciously with a scream, which also woke up the others, and the panic seemed to spread again.

But Lance didn't seem to want to play anymore, just uttered a word.


The voice seemed to have some kind of magic, and those people calmed down as if they were controlled in an instant, and then there was a sentence.

"What are you doing? Am I a very bad person?"

How do you want others to answer?

"My Lord, they forced me to come. I didn't want to come at all. I am absolutely loyal to Hamlet."

"You are the one who shouted the loudest just now, and you scolded me." Lance played with the musket, but he couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and teased.

"Sir! I'll give you all my assets in Owendo, will you let me go?"

Decisiveness is a skill of a businessman, because hesitation will lose the opportunity to make money, but unfortunately Lance doesn't appreciate it.

"I've told some idiots not to trade my things with me. I hope I don't have to repeat it too many times, because my patience with stupid guys is always short."

"I have old people and young children. If something happens to me, they won't be able to live. Have pity on me."

"That's easy. It would be great if I could take it and reunite the family."

Lance finally took his eyes off the musket in his hand. The gunsmith's skills were good, but unfortunately he was destined to be eliminated by the times.

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