Our family is in decline

Chapter 784 The Legacy of the Eagles

"Why are you looking at me like that? You don't think I will be affected by that thing, do you?" Lance noticed their strange looks and was a little amused for a moment, but he still explained.

"The book left by the cult leader is indeed a pollutant, but it won't affect me. But it also reminds me that the enemies in this world are not so simple. Be careful of arrogance."

Lance raised his hand to calm everyone's anxiety, and at the same time warned them of the dangers of this world. If they encounter pollutants, stay away quickly.

At the same time, he also began to order them to arrange people to clean up the city, which is actually to call people to plunder the city quickly.

The cultists have no interest in money or other materials, so it's a bargain for them. They all belong to the public. Otherwise, where would they get the money to clean up, repair, and resettle the refugees outside?

As for whether this will cause any negative effects?

Lance said he didn't know. When Hamlet's army defeated the cultists and took back the city, it was like this. He didn't know anything else.

If the cult suffers again, they will bear the infamy.

When the people familiar with Lance saw that the lord's first reaction after he came to his senses was "picking up trash", they realized that he was really not affected, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, the others were also a little scared. After the lord punched the cult leader, he picked up a book from the ground. Everyone could feel that something was wrong with that thing.

What's more terrifying is that the lord was stunned after opening the book, and his expression was thoughtful, smiling, serious, and even uneasy. His expression kept changing as if he was trapped in it.

Fortunately, the lord looks fine now.

Covering up this matter, Lance also completely ended the battle and looked back at everyone.

Coming in caused fierce resistance from the cultists. It is estimated that those guys thought that Bruce led people to capture the city and had no idea what was happening outside.

Then they were hit hard by the guards and heroes. Who are these people here? Do you dare to rush up?

There is no doubt that those cultists were killed, even if a small number of spellcasters cast evil spells on the team.

The power that could easily distort reason and make people collapse would burst out even crazier power when it fell on those guys, and they would kill them while shouting some messy things.

There was no way. The lord was present, and the morale bonus was too exaggerated. It was like putting on the aura of courage. There was no fear and pressure, let alone torture. There was only virtue, and the cultists had no room to fight back.

Lance was too lazy to even take action. He just followed behind to refresh their status and treatment, and blessed the guards with the spirituality obtained from the sacrifice.

Those cultists also quickly realized that these were not the troops led by Bruce, and began to run away. Obviously, after the ancestor was gone, these low-level cultists were not completely distorted, and they still had the psychology of fear.

And it was obvious that those high-level people wanted to escape, but how could they escape Lance's perception? The flow of the corrupt breath was extremely clear in his eyes.

Lance marked the target and couldn't let him run away. He rushed over without any nonsense, fought all the way here, and finally caught the hidden leader.

Then the war started. Lance was responsible for entanglement with the leader, forcing the cult leader to call for protection from the followers, and instead gathered people together.

Others cleaned up the rotten fish and shrimp. After part of the population fled, the war in these days, even if they devoured each other, it was estimated that there were less than 10,000 people. No one knew how many thousands there were.

Anyway, this place became a meat grinder, with a constant stream of cultists attacking, and then they fought.

Under the influence of the flesh and blood evil magic, the cultists devoured the corpses to recover, and even turned into more twisted monsters.

But here are not only the seeds that have just been selected, but also legends like Reynard and other legends, as well as powerful spellcasters like Greendale.

Lance deliberately trained them, and it was also a test for them to officially join the guards, and it was obvious that they succeeded.

Being injured is not important, not collapsing is important, and willpower is the key to fighting against extraordinary pollution.

And now it's over, the strength of those guards has also changed from average elites to masters. To be honest, this group of cultists only provides this spirituality, but when multiplied by thirty, it's very powerful.

Although not as good as the first batch of Hamlet champions, it is a very terrifying force in reality. If the Earl had such a team, he would have completed the integration of Bastia long ago and would not be dragged down by those nobles.

As for...

Lance's last gaze fell on Bruce, and he could see the bloody traces. It was obvious that he had not been lazy in the battle just now.

"Bruce, according to the habits of those cultists, you should be prepared."

As for Bruce, he thought he would die at the hands of those cultists and end this tragedy completely.

But unexpectedly... Even at this time he was a little confused, whether all this was true.

Others began to get busy according to Lance's instructions, and cleaned up more carefully, and Bruce was also pulled out of the reality by these words, remembering that he still had things to do.

It's just that he came to a certain place on the battlefield as soon as possible, and in front of him was a flesh and blood monster lying on the ground, but now it has withered and become a mummy.

As for why Bruce looked at that thing with a strange expression, it was because it was his stupid brother Alvin.

At the beginning, those cultists relied on Alvin to hide, and originally wanted to use him to control Bastia, but it was obvious that he was a pig teammate, and whoever was his teammate would be unlucky.

Killing the count in a moment of impulse not only caught Bruce and his team off guard, but also caught the cult off guard, leading to the chaos later.

After the incident, the leader obviously did not let him go, and Alvin, who had lost his function, was twisted into a monster in a second.

If it weren't for the remaining face, it would really be unrecognizable. Even if it turned into a monster, it was killed as soon as its head was exposed, and it was killed by his own hands.

However, without much hesitation, Bruce swung his sword and cut off the monster's dry head and held it in his hand, and then walked towards the castle.

The castle seemed to still retain the tragic situation at that time, and it might have been looted again afterwards. Anyway, it had long lost its original majesty, leaving only dried blood and the stench that filled the air.

The bodies were eaten up, and they might have been turned into food for the cultists. Anyway, the obvious result was that the bodies could not be found, and Bruce could not even bury his family.

Although he had been prepared, even Bruce could not bear it at this moment. He knelt down in front of the blood in the study and cried.

The shrill sound echoed in the empty castle...

Lance ignored him and took Laura to the location of the eagle's nest.

According to the eagle leader's story, he soon found the hidden secret door and entered the core secret of the eagle group.

Lance found a lot of hidden treasures in it. It seems that these guys also made a lot of money without telling the count.

But Lance is not interested in money, nor does he like money...

He is more concerned about some extraordinary aspects, whether it is materials or props, or mystical knowledge.

Obviously, there is also the answer he wants here, the accumulation of the tribe that was the predecessor of the eagle group.

Lance flipped through it briefly, and the inheritance was not cut off. He even found some cool-sounding abilities in it. The most powerful shaman can even stir up a storm.

In the era of the mountain barbarians, the eagle group was able to tame the raptors with the help of the power of the natural spirits worshiped by the tribe.

Later, after surrendering to the earl and leaving the mountains, they did survive the crisis of extinction, but they also lost the protection of the natural spirits, and at the same time lost many related secrets.

In the past, they could easily communicate and tame raptors, and could perform the secrets inherited by the tribe, but now they have difficulty in even the simplest communication and taming of birds, not to mention the secrets recorded in the records such as sharing the bird's vision, or transforming into a giant bird, and growing wings to soar.

Even the threshold for performing those ordinary secrets is increasing, and it requires extraordinary talents to master them, or rely on the extraordinary equipment left behind.

Most of the powerful powers are lost, and they can only get some riding the wind, eagle eyes, light body and the like.

In short, the original secret arts were actually using the power of the natural spirits, which is equivalent to divine arts, and later became spellcasting, from relying on "gods" to relying on themselves.

What's more terrifying is that there is a principle of extraordinary power, that is, what is the price?

Without the protection of the spirit of nature, the more they perform their secret arts, the more they will be mutated, and they will grow bird-like traces like a curse.

At first, they have eagle eyes, and then they grow feathers... The more powerful the eagle group members are, the more such traces they have, and now the leader's entire face looks like a bird.

So they usually cover their faces and cover their bodies with cloaks to cover up this change and hide the truth.

Lance also felt that the structure of the leader's body began to change before, and he might become a birdman in the end.

Lance thought of Greendale, her tribe was gone, but the reason why she didn't show up was probably because she took away the spirit of nature, and the spirit of nature of the eagle group dissipated.

However, those were her secrets, and Lance would not care, but the erosion of the body by the secret arts was real, and plant transformation had appeared a long time ago, but it was suppressed by him.

Want to solve this problem...

Lance seemed to have thought of something.

Divinity, the kind of power with infinite possibilities.

But these still need time to slowly study.

Lance flipped through the things quickly, and suddenly noticed something, his eyes fell on the information.

The things he flipped through were the Eagle Group's records of some strange things that the tribe encountered, which was a means of accumulating experience.

You should know that their tribe would look for birds and try to domesticate them, so there were also many special birds recorded in it.

In one of the bird figures drawn in simple strokes, it roughly looked like a crow, but the description said that it was larger than a human, and it would also make a terrifying cry. People who heard this sound sometimes died directly without external injuries, as if their souls were taken away, so it was called a soul-stealing demon.

This monster is powerful and cunning, leaving behind legends that it would suddenly appear in the dark and take people away and eat them.

But no matter how Lance looked at it, this thing looked like a screaming demon, but it was a version that was not contaminated by flesh and blood. In the records, they had tried to capture and domesticate it, but it was obviously unsuccessful.

Lance was also curious about the source of the screaming demon. He didn't expect it to be in the misty mountains. That's no wonder. There must be an antidote for a snake that walks a hundred steps, and Hamlet is next to the mountains.

Just because the people in the Eagle Group are not good enough doesn’t mean that I can’t do it. When I have time, catch two and study them.

And this thing also records the corresponding location, what a great harvest...

Suddenly, a strange whistle was heard outside, and Lance could only temporarily put down those things and go out.

Following the sound, he was brought to a lush tree in the eagle's nest, and Laura was trying to communicate with the things on the tree.

"My lord, some of those eggs should still be preserved, but these guys are a little crazy. Not only did they attack me, but they also look a little strange."

Laura just went to find a very important thing in the eagle's nest, that is, bird eggs, which is also the premise for Hamlet's future bird training.

Lance looked up and saw that there were many bird nests, some artificial and some woven by birds themselves.

The big tree separated the birds from the cultists, and they would not go to take the eggs if they had someone to eat, so they were preserved.

The breeding cycle of general birds of prey usually starts in autumn, courtship and mating occur during this period, and then eggs are laid in early spring. The eggs are hatched for several weeks under the care of their parents, avoiding the winter when everything withers, and growing in the spring and summer when food is abundant.

However, the birds living in these eagle groups have no worries about food, so they lay eggs all year round. However, once the eggs lose the insulation of their parents and are blown by the cold wind for a few hours, they become dead eggs.

The sudden war happened to make the members of the eagle group have no time to take care of these things. Some birds were killed, and some birds returned here after their owners died, that is, only some of the eggs were preserved.

However, Lance saw a few birds that seemed a little crazy.

"Those birds ate the rotten flesh and blood and were infected, but they didn't abandon the nest. It can only be said that motherhood is great."

Lance saw the problem at a glance. These birds of prey eat meat. Usually, there are special people who raise rats to feed them, but now something went wrong. The rats raised in cages started to eat each other.

For these birds, they can only eat the meat of the corpses to survive during this period, which has been contaminated.

Lance raised his hand and waved, and the birds that were corroded and eroded died suddenly, and this may be their best ending.

Laura looked at the fallen birds with a strange expression, but she also understood something and began to climb up the tree to take out the eggs, hoping to protect them as much as possible.

After a busy period of taking out hundreds of eggs, only less than 30 healthy eggs were rescued. Some were frozen to death, some were contaminated, and how many of the remaining eggs could be hatched and grow healthily?

"It's okay, it's the same to go back and find a hen to hatch them."

Lance looked at Laura who was carefully wrapping the eggs in her cloak and comforted her, but surprisingly, Laura responded very positively.

"No matter what, they will be reborn in Hamlet, that's enough..."

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