Our family is in decline

Chapter 785: Territory Recovery Completed

A large number of teams began to enter the city, divided the area according to the plan, and began to "clean up" in depth. Carts of things were pulled into the castle.

Here, only this place is separated from other areas, and there is enough space to accommodate those things.

Lance didn't care about many things, because there were people in charge of these things. When he arrived at the castle, he started picking up garbage and exploring the secret doors that might be hidden.

This is not a secret. After all, it is very common in this era. Eagles have it, and earls also have it.

There are many secrets hidden in the complex structure of the castle, but Lance found them quickly.

The treasure room is full of gold and silver treasures, and some strange things he collected but didn't dare to use.

Most of them are the things of the mountain barbarians, probably the inheritance of the tribes he broke through, as well as the carriers that once hosted the spirit of nature, and all kinds of strange and extraordinary equipment.

Lance likes this, and has no interest in those jewelry, jade, gold coins and antiques. Instead, he plunged into those things.

Soon Lance understood why the Count put these things aside, because all of them are based on the core of the Spirit of Nature, which the Count does not have.

And it is obvious that the church will not allow him to study these things openly, so he can only do it secretly.

With the Count's suspicious and distrustful character, let alone finding a consultant, he would not reveal these things even if he did.

The best example is that Francis, a supernatural person, actually let him be a white glove? Instead of using these knowledge to win him over?

Even if he met consultants like Amanda and Alhazred, he would not be able to recruit such an operation, not to mention that if he angered these two, it would not be surprising that the scholar would pull a meteorite to smash Bastia.

So the Count can only study a little bit by himself, but the problem is that the Count's own supernatural talent is average, and at most he has a little power by relying on the amplification of a few pieces of equipment.

He is even more ignorant of mysticism. He has collected some things but doesn't understand them. He only knows the danger of supernatural power.

In simple terms, you can't expect an illiterate person to understand a book, or one written in another language.

Fortunately, he didn't understand it, so nothing happened. Otherwise, if he really did it, it would probably be a big problem. You know, supernatural power is not so fun.

Ignorance is also a kind of protection in some cases.

This is the lack of foundation. If they are allowed to continue to develop for a few generations, collect enough mystical knowledge, and then someone with the talent to become a spellcaster comes, then they can transform these things.

But the death of the second generation can only be a bargain for Lance.

Greendale may understand these things, so she also came in, but when she saw these things, she felt a little bit of sympathy.

These tribes, like the Deer Head Tribe, disappeared in the long river of time, and only these things left behind can prove that they once existed.

"We will go back and study slowly." Lance also felt Greendale's emotions, and didn't say anything more, and took the things away first.

The Count had too many messy collections, and the exhibition room was full. Lance could only put some non-dangerous things in the space of Alvis.

As for those pollutants such as the [Secret Book of Ascension], they could only be carried with them to feel at ease.

Lance had studied it a little on the way before. It seemed that a powerful spellcaster had opened up a space in the narrow space, and the core was a magician tower.

A legendary spellcaster could be created, so there must be more secrets than those of the barbarians. This made Lance impatient to go back and study it.

After leaving the secret room, Lance came to the terrace at the highest point of the castle. The traces left here showed that the earl seemed to like coming here very much, whether it was looking at the direction of Hamlet or the mountains...

"Do you want to go?"

Grendel noticed that Lance's eyes were on the mountains, so she blurted out.

"Although Bastia has occupied part of Hamlet's territory, they have actually opened up a lot of territory that spreads to the mountains, otherwise there would not be a city here.

Although the mountains have rugged terrain and complex environment, they have also nurtured a very unique ecology, and the resources in them are an excellent supplement to the development of the territory, especially in the extraordinary aspect."

This sounds like Lance is talking nonsense, but it shows that now that Hamlet has recaptured the city, he has taken over the cause and effect of the earl and has an irreconcilable contradiction with the mountain barbarians.

In addition, Lance is also greedy for the resources of the mountains, especially after getting the eagle group and the earl's legacy, he has become more interested in the richness of the mountains.

Not only furs, herbs and other mountain products, but also those magical beasts with extraordinary bloodlines and various extraordinary resources.

Grendel understood that this was not an inquiry, but it meant that when the mountains have been included in Lance's plan, the barbarians in them have only two choices.

Either surrender or die!

But she didn't say anything. The barbarians didn't have much to do with each other, and they fought each other to death.

"Are we going to do it now? We don't know what the beast disease is?"

"No, it's not the right time yet. The army has been out for so long, and we can't go on like this.

What's more, those who escaped from the mountain were only people from small tribes. Those big tribes probably still have strength. If we meet them in a complex and unfamiliar environment, we will suffer.

And the territory that has just been recovered is in need of reconstruction, which has even taken up our energy. Now Hamlet has no ability to start a new war. "

Lance is very rational. When he took over the city of Bastia, the war was over. Not only did he recover the territory, but he also swallowed up a lot of it.

But it is not enough to conquer a place. It needs governance to control it. For example, the current situation in Bastia cannot be solved in a short time.

"No more blockades and hunting of those small tribes. If they escape, they will be resettled. But if they cause trouble, they will be dealt with directly. There is still room in the sanatorium."

Although Lance gave up the Earl's plan to weaken the barbarians, he did not relax his supervision of them.

It is a bit excessive to shoot all those bastards, but there must be omissions if half of them are shot. Burning, killing and looting are their specialties, and barbarity and blood are their synonyms.

"Leave Boslake here to take charge of this matter. He has experience. "

Suddenly Lance looked up at the sky, stretched out his hand and said leisurely-

"It's snowing..."

Grendel looked around, the white snow drifting in the cold wind seemed to wash away the blood and tears shed on this land...

The first snow of this year came later than usual, but Lance also completed the plan and restored the territory before the snow season came.

Lance left the matter of Bastia to the people below. After training, they are able to complete those tasks, and everything is progressing in an orderly manner.

Lance caught those guys and at most sent them to build roads. Generally speaking, they would not be sentenced to death unless they were too bad.

But the cult really achieved "equality for all". It can be said that few of the bureaucrats and wealthy businessmen in the city were alive, which saved a lot of investigation and trial.

The main task now is to ensure that most of them People's survival, and then restore production and life as much as possible.

That is, count and census, concentrate resources for allocation, and settle those people first, at least no one will starve to death or freeze to death outside.

Then start to call people to work, such as cleaning up the city, anyway, find something for them to do, work-for-relief, and gradually restore Bastia...

These things are destined to not be completed in a short time, because Bastia is not only a city, but also the surrounding territories that have been granted fiefs also need to be rectified.

For those knights or barons, it is not enough to have an official in charge of grassroots management, and people with sufficient prestige in the local area are needed to cooperate.

Bruce fulfilled his promise, announced that he had given up the inheritance of Bastia, and persuaded the knights to give up resistance.

But he did not stay, turned around and left, like made some kind of decision.

Lance did not try to keep him, nor did he do anything dirty, and even gave him a horse.

This was quite generous to him, and Lance might just be curious about what kind of fame the wandering knight Bruce would make.

Once Bruce left, all the nobles were arrested, so the facade could only be placed on Lawrence, and he would be responsible for this matter.

Margaret stayed there because she could check and balance Lawrence, and this righteous child would truly implement Lance's will.

The army left a commander and 500 regular troops there, along with 20 artillery pieces placed on the city wall.

Because after the territory was recovered, that was the border, although the heavy snow would close the mountain, at least there would not be much movement until the snow melted in the spring of next year.

But we also need to be wary of the invasion of the barbarians, so and the spread of the beast disease, and even other noble lords.

Five hundred is obviously not enough, so some conscripts will be recruited. Their treatment is definitely not so good, but they can be guaranteed to be well fed and clothed, and there will be pensions for those who die in battle.

This is the purpose of Lance's decompression. In the past, in order to fight against the old ancestors' constantly increasing treatment, basic living security only accounted for a small part, and wages, subsidies, training and other things were the big part.

Now Lance wants to tell them that evil has been eliminated, the territory has been recovered, and Hamlet is peaceful.

Let some of those who are not adapted or tired of fighting retire, give them a one-time sum of money, give them priority to distribute land, and go home to their wives and children.

Of course, there are also those who retire from the army and become affairs officers and policemen. These people have been trained, and Lance is unwilling to waste them like this.

As for the soldiers who stay, they will be transferred to non-commissioned officers, and a part of the reserve forces whose treatment has been restored to normal levels will be supplemented. At that time, new recruits can directly select good performance from these people.

In the end, among the three or four thousand people who were forcibly recruited in the chaos, only about one thousand may be retained as non-commissioned officers, and the rest will be recruited as new soldiers, and they can just be called conscripts.

Not only in Bastia, Lance plans to arrange troops to garrison in Owendo and the south, which will also divide the already small army, and these will be used as the backbone to recruit new soldiers later.

It is estimated that when the reform is completed and stabilized, the number of troops will be about three thousand, because the territory is larger, and you need more people to defend it.

It seems that there is not much reduction, but military expenditure has definitely been reduced, because the training cost of the most basic musketeers is lower, but artillery also needs to be trained.

Next, it is necessary to recuperate, develop industry, commerce and technology, and invest in infrastructure and development. The army cannot be allowed to drag down Hamlet's already unhealthy economy.

Bruce can pat his butt and leave, but Lance still has to solve this headache.

The corresponding plans were constantly improved, and the military reform was quickly completed. Retirement applications signed by the lords were sent back to the soldiers, freeing them from the war.

They survived, but how many people along the way did not see today...

"The army cannot interfere in local governance at will, and cannot become a city defense force guarding the gate. This will seriously damage the combat effectiveness of the army.

Local areas should set up their own police stations and solve public security problems by themselves. We can help train personnel, and you can also train your own people and send people to learn..."

In that hall, Lance was not satisfied with the requirements of those people. Although the state of martial law can remain stable, it cannot be like this forever. The army also has its own things to do and adapt to the new round of military reforms as soon as possible.

Lance still advocates that the police should be responsible for public security. In cities such as Bastia and Owendo, there should be a branch with independent training capabilities that can radiate to surrounding areas.

Because those towns may not have garrisons, public security is the responsibility of the police.

But small places obviously do not have the ability to train a qualified policeman, at most some militia training.

Therefore, the city must be responsible, and Lance cannot let the grassroots lose control.

As for Hamlet's law, many patches have appeared under the accumulation of various messy cases along the way, but it will take time to integrate and perfect the new law, because there are still many cases that have not been investigated.

After regaining the territory, although Lance has a lot more resources and land, and also harvested the assets of those nobles, bureaucrats and wealthy businessmen, there are also many more places that need to be managed.

It is more difficult to digest these than to fight a war. Fortunately, a large group of people have been trained now, and some smart and capable people have been promoted during this period of experience, so he finally doesn't have to worry about it.

"I know everyone has their own relationship, but if someone asks you for help, just refuse. Don't talk about comradeship or life-saving grace. If there is really a problem, won't the organization help you? Why do you need to intervene?

Finally, I emphasize again that I don't care about your background, identity, or how many contributions you have made. If anyone wants to use power for personal gain and abuse power to harm everyone's interests, I will not forgive them at all."

A large number of soldiers have been transferred to become affairs officers and police officers. These people are scattered all over the territory, which involves politics, public security and economy.

If they collude with each other, it will be a big trouble. Lance must warn them.

Lance is not a child anymore. He knows that people will change. How much merit he has made is different from whether he will do evil. Don't ignore human nature. Only by strengthening supervision can we save them.

Let's drink from the golden cup together, and don't spare each other! (End of this chapter)

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