Our family is in decline

Chapter 806 A Heart Longing for Freedom

"But what if I add money?"

"Don't ask, don't ask." Sierra waved her hands awkwardly, "This is not a question of money, I really don't know."

She is not stupid. In fact, she has long realized that Amanda is the mouthpiece of the lord, and they are the mouth. But here is the business, what is the price of those ascension potions? She can tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal...

"It seems that the lord is indeed very powerful. Not even you Roma dare to offend him."

"The lord doesn't meet ordinary people at all. I only met him twice in total, and he was in a safe place with other people. How could I see him take action."

The voice from the throne made Sera a little embarrassed. It was obvious that she had misunderstood something.

Why do you make it sound like they Roma people will do anything for money? This is slander and blatant discrimination!

But she definitely didn't dare to speak. She could only explain a few words with a smile, and left the manor after a while. When she returned, she heard from the guard that Tamara had left on her own.

"Huh! You still want to fight with me? You're too young." Sierra snorted coldly, and then asked nonchalantly, "Where did she go?"

"The ship to Hamlet has sailed now, it doesn't look like a lie."

"I thought she would go back and find the teacher, but I didn't expect she would still have some courage. But Hamlet's Amanda is not as nice as me. There is a good show about to begin."

"Should we inform Hamlet?"

"No, if I ask, I'll tell you that Tamara left Totnes secretly, and we don't know where she went."

Who doesn’t know that Amanda and Tamara are on the same page? Tamara went back to get tissue culture, but Amanda turned around and climbed up to the lord, and her life was very comfortable.

Although Sierra didn't dare to offend Amanda and Lance, she didn't mind disgusting them and asking Tamara to disrupt the situation, so as to show that it was more important for her to cooperate with them, otherwise those guys would really think she was easy to bully!


Although there is a certain degree of professional ethics in this business, and reputation is crucial to life, smart people will not completely believe the news about the Roma people.

The owner of the manor also has his own channels. He doesn't think that the people running the boat are just ordinary businessmen, right? Count Bastia used caravans to explore the mountains, Lance also used them to explore the territory, and so did everyone else.

The ships that go to and from Hamlet every day, a large number of commodity transactions, and the news between the two places flow, so she is very familiar with this.

Meeting that Roma man today was more just to confirm what I knew, and at the same time, I wanted some information that ordinary people couldn't access. But now it seems that he is indeed a character, and he has fixed that mess in just one year. stand up.

But just like the conversation between the emperor and the minister, when Hamlet gets up, Totnes is the one who feels the most uncomfortable.

The prosperous business here relies entirely on shipping to connect rivers and oceans. It is a commodity distribution center without much output. More importantly, the surrounding areas are divided into many aristocratic territories, which are not unified. No matter how big Totnes is, it is only a city. .

But Hamlet occupies a large area, and it is an area where resources are produced. The fertile land ensures food stability. The mountains contain a large amount of precious materials. The geographical location at the junction of the mainland is an advantage that Totnes does not have.

In the past, ocean voyages to communicate with another continent were forced to take the sea route because of Hamlet's accident and the land passage was cut off.

On the sea, pirates, strange monsters, storms, curses...these risks are too terrifying, and no body can be found in the event of an accident.

The main reason is that Hamlet also has a channel. The sea conditions along the continental shelf are safer and more convenient than crossing the sea. There is no need to face the most terrifying waves in the deep sea.

How could she not know the nature of those businessmen? Now that Hamlet has made it clear to reopen the business, and clearly marked the prices and set the rules, she doesn't know how many people will change their trade.

As one rises, the other weakens, just like before...

Although she doesn't care about this worldly world, and gold and silver are of no use to her, she still needs to provide resources.

As for Lord Hamlet? No matter how powerful Hamlet was back then, he didn't end up like this.

Dark red blood eyes suddenly lit up in the dim environment, and a low voice came.

"It's boring, I want to see a river of blood..."



Even in the north, it doesn't snow every day. The kind of blizzard that can be said to cover the sky may only happen two or three times a month. The rest may be just the howling cold wind or the continuous drifting of fine snow.

People clean the streets every day to keep the city clean and tidy, so the normal travel of residents will not be affected too much. When the wind and snow stop or it is not so heavy, people come and go on the streets, and normal production and life go on as usual. .

Lance has done some research. How did ordinary people in the north survive the winter in the past? The old clothes are stuffed with hay, and the mud is stuck in the cracks of the walls. The family gathers together, and sometimes they don’t even dare to light a fire, because everything in the territory belongs to the noble lords, and you have to pay taxes when cutting firewood, which ordinary people simply can’t bear. Can't live.

Even if you have some food and firewood, you should use it as soon as possible, because no one knows how long it will take to get through it. Even if you have to go when the master calls you to work, sometimes your hands and feet will be covered with frostbite within a few days, and you will be injured. There are also many people who freeze to death.

It is very difficult for the barbarians in the mountains to survive the heavy snowfall. At least they do not need to pay taxes on their firewood, and the people who plundered during the autumn hunt were also ordinary people.

The nobles of the empire had people waiting on them, and they used endless firewood every day to make the whole house very hot. I don't know how many civilians froze to death before collecting it.

The barbarians robbed ordinary people, and the aristocrats and bureaucrats of the damn empire also robbed ordinary people for the winter. What big crime did the civilians commit?

It’s no wonder that religion is so popular. It seems that as long as you suffer in this life, you will enjoy happiness after death. However, in the end, the church is just a part of exploitation.

People living in the city also need to work constantly to maintain their lives, and the cold never ignores them, even if their hands are covered with frostbite, they still have to work.

Nowadays, houses in rural areas are built with kangs, coupled with stoves and cheap firewood supplies, families in cities also have similar heating methods.

Even if they go to work, there is heating in the workshop. They don't even want to stay at home. Instead, they go to enjoy the free heating because the public literacy class has started. Since they have nothing to do, they just go and take a look.

And the most important thing is that everyone has some savings. The stable situation and promising future make them willing to buy a new set of clothes at the end of the year. Clothes made of rat fur are very popular.

This winter is not difficult for many people. It can even be called the best winter. After all, it is so cold that I don’t even get frostbite.

And the roads along with the towns in various places will also be cleaned, and people will continue to come and go. As long as the contact is not broken, there will be no chaos, and they will also take the opportunity to digest these recovered territories.

It's just that the progress of road construction has inevitably slowed down due to the frozen soil. This is a pity. Fortunately, there are many criminals and there is no need to pay. They just use it hard and it's over.

These former nobles, knights, bureaucrats, and church members enjoyed an unprecedented winter, and what they experienced was not even one-tenth of what ordinary people experienced. At least Lance did not let them go out to work in heavy snow. And they don’t have to bring their own food.

Because he is good!

No matter how stirred up the outside world is, Hamlet has been very calm recently, and everything is going according to plan.

The ruins have been thoroughly explored, and even if there are some risks, they have been solved by the Guards. Now the labor reform prisoners have been arranged to clear the road to the north.

The wild plants have not invaded the city under the air of death, so it is not difficult to recover. Maybe this problem can be solved in winter, and we can go north next spring.

Those personal guards were also arranged by Lance to continue exploring, preparing to completely plan and develop Hamlet next spring. After all, some books dug out from the old house's library recorded Hamlet's former mineral resources.

As for Lance, he also has time to devote himself to the research of extraordinary powers and mysticism, constantly sorting out his various gains.

A fire lit up in the room of the Lord's Mansion. In the warmth, Lance sat on a chair covered with fur and immersed himself in the information in his hands.

[When they are sleeping, they will be linked to dreams with mortal souls; when the stars return, they will wake up, and the Day of Destruction will come soon...]

The ancestor is gone, and everything in Hamlet is flourishing. Even the cold winter cannot stop the vitality, but the shadow of the ancient god has always shrouded Lance's heart...

"Boss, what is this?"

Seeing Lance stunned, Boudica couldn't help but leaned over, but saw Lance raise his hand and push Boudica away with a calm expression, complaining, "Astrological records, do you know the words?"

"Knowing each other!"

Boudica is not afraid at all. It has been so long. Even if she doesn't like studying, she still knows a lot of words and likes to show off.

But the few hundred words she had just learned were completely incomparable with the complex content in the astrology records. She couldn't understand many of them individually, let alone connect them together.

"I was thinking...um...this..."

Lance wanted to laugh when he saw her scratching her head, so he stopped teasing her. After all, he was willing to learn something and could not dampen her enthusiasm, so he helped her change the topic.

"Okay, okay, why didn't you go to the animal pen to play with your wolf cub today, instead of coming to see me when you had time?"

"Oh, by the way!" Boudica seemed to have come to her senses. She dropped the notes and began to tell the story, "The mad dog ran away."

"..." Lance couldn't help but frown when he heard this, "What's going on? Isn't that cage a special one? How could it escape?"

"I thought it would become more trustworthy after a few days of beating it, so I left it in the yard to walk around for a while. Who knows, in the blink of an eye it jumped out of the fence on the hardened snowdrifts, and by the time we found out, it had already run into the wilderness. middle."

Lance was speechless when he heard this. How could a man as big as you be fooled by a mad dog?

Fortunately, the animal pen was in a remote outskirts. The mad dog was probably really afraid of being beaten and did not dare to go where the crowd gathered. Instead, he ran into the wilderness of the mountains and forests, otherwise it would be troublesome to hurt someone.

"I'm going to catch it and bring it back!" Boudica's character can't be called a kind person at all. After finding out that the mad dog was lost, she was going to tell Lance and then go to catch it and bring it back.

"The weather is not good. If there is a snowstorm, don't you go in alone to seek death? And how will you find it?" Lance was also speechless, but he could not let the man-eating mad dog wander outside.

"Go to William and Fergus to see if Laura is free. Junia should be in the city. Call them together. Ask Amanda to divine the weather before you go. Remember, their bounty will be deducted from your deposit. ”

Lance waved his hand, but still arranged a team for her, otherwise it would be easy for her to get into trouble alone in the wilderness in the deep winter.

Those bears may be hibernating, but there are still many wild beasts like tigers and wolves, and they are starving.

The team is full of experienced hunters and healers, so as long as they don’t encounter screaming demons, they should be fine.

That is to say, Greendale is unwilling to go out at all in winter, otherwise the mad dog will not be able to escape in front of nature.

Rewards and punishments are clear. Since it is her fault, she must pay the price. She has to pay the bounty for this mission herself.

"Take enough supplies and go quickly. Come back quickly if you can't find it in three days."

Three days is to go, and three days is also counted as coming back. Six days in the wild is very risky, and it will be even more difficult to control if it exceeds.

"Don't worry, boss." Boudica stretched out her hand and grabbed it, her face became fierce, "I will definitely catch it and bring it back for wine!"

Boudica didn't care about money. She saved all her money for Lance. In fact, she didn't have much to spend. She asked Lance for anything she needed, and many of them were sent by Lance.

What she cared about was that the stupid dog actually lied to her and embarrassed her. The mad dog had better pray to die directly, otherwise she would not know how many dragon fruits it would eat if it was caught.

Boudica came and left in a hurry. Lance was disturbed by this incident. Lance, who was a little bored in the room, went out and went to the animal pen that he had not been to for a few days to see what was going on.

There was no crazy behavior on the full moon night some time ago. Of course, it may be that the wolf cubs are too young and many of their eyes have just opened. It may also be related to the rituals of the disappeared Wolf Fang Tribe.

Anyway, nothing happened. After a few days of raising them, they became more and more lively, even making the mother wolf a little impatient.

Fortunately, there are many dog ​​training apprentices here to take care of them, so there is no trouble.

As for the hounds that were caught, William came up with a very interesting way, which is to catch those troublemakers to watch Boudica beat the dogs.

Dogs are wolves in the wild. They are naturally obedient to the pack. They followed the mad dog before, but now they are obedient after seeing the mad dog whimpering under Boudica's fist.

Later, the mad dog was locked up alone. That's why Boudica was worried that it would be suffocated in the cage alone. She was kind enough to let it stay in the yard for a while after eating. But something happened in that short time. The obedience was all pretended. She had a heart that yearned for freedom.

Thanks to [Nostalgia is a Poem] for 500 rewards

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