Our family is in decline

Chapter 807 Tamara

William believed that it was his inadequate management that caused the mad dog to run away, so he did not refuse, but handed the matters here to the apprentices and took Figes to participate in this operation.

Because the apprentices had been exposed to these things for a long time, they were not unfamiliar with them, and they took good care of the animal pen, so Lance did not need to worry.

The animal pen was mainly for wolves and dogs, perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it a dog training center, and there was another place in Hamlet, which was newly built with the bird eggs brought back by Laura.

In the Bastia eagle group, this place is called an eagle's nest, but in Hamlet it is more directly called a bird breeding room.

Laura was also called by Boudica to find a dog, but her place had just been built, and Lance also went there to take a look.

Birds, which lay eggs, are very different from mammals such as wolves. Eggs need to be incubated.

But here, they can only be replaced by humans. No, it is actually chickens that hatch eggs.

Hamlet Farm has many chickens. It is not difficult to find a few chickens to hatch eggs. These eggs have been blessed by Lance and have strong vitality. They hatch quickly after being brought back, and there are no dead eggs.

They are all young birds of raptors such as eagles, falcons, and owls. They need to eat meat when they hatch from their shells.

Normally, parents will go out hunting, eat the prey, and then regurgitate to feed the young birds. Because they have strong digestive ability, they grow fast if they eat more, and they do it day and night.

Now according to Laura's experience and the information found in the eagle's nest, they basically have to eat a meal every three or four hours, and they have to be fed six times a day.

However, in an artificial environment, they can only be fed by mashing blood and meat, and they cannot eat meat with too much fat, that is, pork. It is best to eat rabbit and mouse meat, and even bones.

Fortunately, Hamlet doesn't have much of anything, but there are a lot of rats, and there are all kinds of them, specially cultivated clean experimental rats, docile rats cultivated by eagle groups, and crazy rats the size of cats.

Some staff were also recruited here, otherwise they would not be able to feed dozens of birds every two or three hours.

Those who like birds or have some talent were also selected as bird trainers.

Laura is not as good at teaching as William. Her personality is quite indifferent to everyone, just like a falcon isolated under the moon.

But simple guidance, plus so much information, is not a problem at all. Everything here will soon be on the right track. At least there will be no problems if Laura leaves for a while. After all, the young birds can eat meat now, and the apprentices will tear them apart piece by piece, with internal organs and bones.

As long as they grow up a little bit, they can eat by themselves, and then start to tame them. Soon Hamlet will have his own flock of eagles...

Hamlet's calm does not mean that it is the same outside. At this time, there is a chase in the channel, and a pirate ship is chasing after the cargo ship.

Although the ship Hamlet belongs to is a modified speedboat, it has a lot of cargo, so it is naturally difficult to increase the speed, allowing the pirate ship to approach with a speed that is one point faster, as if it is going to catch up with them.

It was only because of Tamara's reminder that the situation was delayed until now. Yes, she was also on the ship.

She felt something was wrong when the ship was halfway through, but the captain refused to listen to her and change the route. It turned out that the pirates had targeted them, which led to the current situation.

The passengers were all hiding in the cabin, while the crew were trying their best to control the ship. On the deck, Tamara complained to the captain.

"Humph! I told you to avoid it a long time ago, but you didn't believe it. It's too late to regret it now."

"We are not in the deep sea. The coastal routes are fixed. How can we change them at will? If we hit a reef, we won't be able to escape."

The captain patiently explained, but the fact that he did not panic in the face of the pirates still attracted Tamara's attention.

"Are you really not afraid of those pirates?"

"Many of our brothers have retired from the army. No matter how fast a pirate is, he can't be faster than a bullet." The captain patted the percussion cap revolver on his waist and said confidently, "How can Hamlet's ship be so easy to rob?"

The military reform even affected the navy. They were too weak when they were established. There were few naval battles and they were used as marines most of the time.

A lot of people retired later, just filling the gap of lack of seamen. After all, many team members have been trained and know how to operate ships. They are technical talents.

And what about those who retired from the army? Those who survived these wars could not be afraid of those rotten fish and shrimp pirates. Even if there are some powerful pirate leaders, can they withstand six bursts?

After testing, those in the research institute unanimously felt that the percussion cap revolver worked better on the ship. In addition, pirates have risen recently, so they selected some trustworthy ones and gave them to do the test.

These official cargo ships all have guards. Now there are at least five revolvers and dozens of flintlock pistols on board, which are just right for testing the pirates.

"But what if the pirates start fighting from the inside?" Seeing the captain so confident, Tamara couldn't help but sneer, with a slightly weird smile on her face.

Those who can become captains are naturally not stupid. They almost instantly understood what Tamara meant, and couldn't help but lower their voices.

"Pirates have sneaked in? They want to stir up those goods?"

Yes, the goods on their ship are mostly people, or more accurately, ordinary people who want to go to Hamlet to beg for food.

Even if there were no wars or natural disasters, countless people in the empire would still starve to death or freeze to death every winter. This was not the case in big cities like Totnes.

Because they had no land, they were dependent on workshops, farms, and shops... Once the business activities slowed down in winter, or when the farming season was slack, they would be abandoned.

The boss or the farmer would not be able to support you, so they would just optimize you. Totnes would attract countless people every year anyway, so they would just recruit them when the time came.

If you don't do it, there are plenty of people who will do it, and the newcomers are better, with a hope of staying in Totnes, working hard, and not having to pay so much.

As for how the unemployed ordinary people would spend the winter, it was not in their consideration, and it had been like this for thousands of years.

And now Lance noticed this, and his understanding was that Hamlet needed more people to develop, and it happened that these experienced farmers and workers had more experience than those who knew nothing, and they would start working as soon as they arrived, without the need for long-term training, because Hamlet did not have that foundation.

More importantly, most of these people came with their families, and they couldn't leave once they came.

The only place Hamlet had direct contact with the outside world was Totnes, and there happened to be countless people there. He sent people to the workshops and farms to look for these people.

Now the ship fare is free, and food and accommodation are provided there, and wages are also counted. After paying it back, you will be free and can make a fortune. Some people with some money followed to make a living and spend this cold winter.

Waiting to die in Totnes? Or go to Hamlet to find a glimmer of hope? They made their choice.

But because it was an open recruitment and tickets were sold, the people on the ship were a mixed bag, so it would not be surprising if a few pirates really got in.

If a fight really broke out, those guys would shout a few words, and then a few more would come to cooperate, and it would be chaotic if they were agitated.

"Which cabin are those people in? What do they look like?"

"The whole ship is mixed."

The captain didn't waste any words, and directly called a few sailors to bring their weapons, and captured a few people from the cabin according to Tamara's description.

"Why did you capture us?"

"Let us go?"

"Brother, please let me go..."

The first few people who were captured did not resist, probably because they thought they were not exposed, but later they realized that they wanted to resist and incite others.

However, they were suppressed as soon as they showed their heads. Even if they wanted to hijack others, it was just a joke in front of Tamara, the champion spellcaster, who could control people with just a few spells.

"These are pirate spies. They are the ones who led the pirates here. They have nothing to do with ordinary people. You don't have to worry. If you find someone talking nonsense, they must be pirates." The captain also comforted the others, and then waved his hand and said, "Take them away!"

Several guys were taken to the deck. The captain was also a ruthless man. He tortured them directly and found out that these guys were preparing to fight and incite those in the cabin, saying that Hamlet was going to sell them to pirates, and then the people mixed in them would lead the riot and attack from both inside and outside.

After confirming this, the captain affirmed Tamara, "Thank you for your help, I will apply for a bounty after I return."

"I said I am a friend of your lord." Tamara didn't care about these things. She helped these people just because she needed to show her face in front of Lance.

She didn't stay in Hamlet for a long time, and not many people knew her, and now it's even more.

"Captain, the pirate ship is coming!"

The shouting of the sentinel made everyone nervous, and the captain didn't care too much and quickly arranged it.

"Hang them up!"

"Distribute weapons and let them see who is the prey."

The pirates didn't have gunboats, so they could only want to come over and board, but those screaming pirates were shot as soon as they approached.

There were only thirty or forty people on a pirate ship. If there were more, they would have to fight each other. One third of them died in this round.

But the pirates didn't care about these things at all. They rushed up frantically with ferocious faces, but they couldn't scare these sailors at all. Their guns were terribly stable.

Another round of shooting, a habit left by the navy, these sailors generally have two guns, and they are loaded with shotguns, not seeking to kill, but to injure in a wide range, and it is even more deadly without a shield.

After these two rounds of shooting, the pirates felt something was wrong, either fell into the water, or were shot into a honeycomb and wailed in pain.

Even if a few rushed forward without being injured, they could not escape the revolver's name, one shot at a time, blood stained the deck red, and then it was garbage time...

The ship with a heavy blood returned to the Hamlet Port Dock, and a pirate ship was brought along.

As those people got off the ship and were settled, their experiences soon spread, and Lance also heard the captain's report. As for those pirates, they either fed the fish in the sea or were caught and sent to the sanatorium.

"It is indeed an old friend, you don't have to worry about this matter, let her in."

The captain retreated in response, and soon Tamara, who had not been seen for a long time, appeared in front of Lance again.

However, she is no longer dressed simply or even plainly. Instead, she is dressed much more gorgeously. A large number of exquisite jewels make her look dazzled and her face is more refined. It is obvious that her improved strength has also made her more energetic and spirited.

But Lance seemed to have noticed something, and his expression gradually became a little subtle, but he still took the initiative to greet her: "It's been a long time since we last met. I didn't expect that I would bother you to take action."

"What do you mean by that? Do we need to do this?" Tamara approached casually, and her tone was not pretentious, but rather a bit intimate.

Lance smiled but said nothing. Don't forget the connection between Sera and Amanda. He guessed something when he knew that Tamara stayed in Totnes and didn't respond.

But he didn't feel too strange about it, because she was like that. She wanted to cheat him of his equipment when they first met, and she was reluctant to recruit him.

If it weren't for her special talent, Lance wouldn't have had time to waste on her. He was originally afraid that she might be useful in the duel with the ancestor. Now that the ancestor is dead and there has been no contact for a long time, she is not that important in Lance's heart.

If she is not important, he naturally won't care too much.

Tamara also felt Lance's estrangement, and her expression was stunned for a moment. She thought she didn't care, but for some reason she felt like there was a stagnation in her heart.

"I..." After struggling for a long time to say something, she didn't know what to say when she opened her mouth, and fell into silence instead.

"To be honest, I can't help you if you want to check the accounts, because I haven't cared about these for a long time, and you can only check your side, and my accounts are not yours."

Lance helped her open the topic. He came to Hamlet quietly just to find Sera's problem, but Sera is doing well now. She is a partner, and there is no reason to take her down.

Tamara listened to Lance's official words and calm tone, and she couldn't help but say it.

"Has our relationship really reached this point?"

Facing Tamara's gaze, Lance's expression also restrained a little. Just when he was about to say something, someone suddenly walked in through the door.

"I guess I came at the wrong time?" Amanda's eyes lingered on the two of them, and her expression seemed a little strange.

"No~" Lance raised his hand and waved at Amanda, smiling: "You came at the right time." (End of this chapter)

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