Our family is in decline

Chapter 830: Conjecture and Research

"I don't know if you can feel it. The closer you get to the mill, the more chaotic the space and time becomes. The space is divided into countless pieces and connected in an irregular way, leading to countless possibilities.

This looks like a road, but in fact it is a maze. To put it simply, the mill is in front of us, but it is not there. Sometimes what the eyes see is not necessarily true..."

As he spoke, Lance took a step to get closer to the mill, but as expected, he seemed to have touched something. Suddenly, a dazzling light burst out from the damaged gap in the mill. When they reacted, they found that the scene had changed, and they were back to the place they entered when they came in. In the birch forest.

Looking at the mill in the distance, it still stands as it was the first time I saw it. They have done so much and it has not changed at all, as if it will be the same in the future.

"So what do we do now?"

Returning here again made everyone feel a little depressed, after all, it felt like they were just one step away.

“Don’t forget that our mission is just to explore, and now we have collected a lot of information here and have a preliminary understanding of this place. We have actually completed the mission, and even killing the miller is an unexpected bonus.

It's not that simple to break this time and space cycle. We will be more prepared next time we come in. What we need now is to leave here. After all, no one knows what happened outside after we came in. "

Lance said something simple to calm everyone down, and then led the team towards the exit.

If you want to get rid of the complex environment, you must enter the mill, and if you want to enter the mill, you must first get rid of the complex environment, so a paradox is formed.

It's like a beam of light shining on the crystal. The light has been refracted countless times inside. They are like the incoming light being trapped in the twists and turns of refraction.

The periphery was far away from the mill, so the space folding situation was not so serious. I simply cleared away the wandering shell monsters and returned to the gap in the stone slab and walked out.

“It’s nice to be on solid ground again.”

When Boudica came out, she was like a runaway husky, and she didn't care even if the fine snow fell on her disheveled red hair.

"Yeah, it's nice to see a real environment without crystals and shell monsters. It's like a nightmare."

Amanda sighed, but Lance murmured thoughtfully, "Dream..."

But the calm Alhazred found something to remind him.

"No, look at this."

These words instantly calmed everyone down. Looking at where he was pointing, there were just a series of footprints left in the snow. What's the problem with this?

But even the most stunned Boudica knew something was wrong without saying anything. She was a hunter and had her own understanding of traces.

"I wonder if these aren't the footprints from when we came here?"

"That's right." Lance already understood what the scholar meant. He raised his head and glanced at the surrounding environment before explaining.

"It's true that there are traces in the snow, but it's been a while since we entered it. No matter how you calculate it, the traces can't be so fresh."

"Unless we have never gone in, or what happened happened in one moment. In reality, we went in and walked out the next second." Amanda agreed, and a trace of emotion appeared on her face. Fear, “Our time is being stolen.”

Lance was still observing, looking up at the position of the sun, and then confirmed again, "The sky seemed to be like this when we entered. It seems that not only space, but also time has been folded."

The distortion of space is not surprising to them. After all, there are many extraordinary rituals that can do it. The Roma rituals to expand space, or the wandering mage teleportation that Lance is currently studying, all involve these.

But the ability to distort time is still a bit incomprehensible to them, even if three of the four here are involved in occult research.

"Then do you want to go in and test it again?"

"No, let's go back and think about how to crack the crystal maze."

Lance accepted it quickly. There was no gain in going in now. Everyone was in poor condition, so it was better to go back and study before making a decision.

For Amanda and Alhazred, this is nothing, but for Boudica, if the mad dog cannot be found, then the matter will not be over for a day, but she also understands that she can only go back and think about it now. way……

After going back, I checked the time and found that that section was missing. Lance didn't know whether it was because the time flow rate in the two places was different, or because the time difference was not long, so he was not sure. This requires more visits and more precise research to get it. .

And Lance came to the sanatorium as soon as he came back. He needed to find Paracelsus to help arrange the materials collected for research.

Petrified bodies, crystals, fluorescent fluids, and of course those fruits and vegetables that were infected but seemed fresh.

Paracelsus seldom appeared outside and spent most of his time in the sanatorium doing research, but in fact Hamlet now has her influence in all aspects.

Those surgical operations, therapeutic drugs, pathological research... although not openly, they have always affected Hamlet.

Most of the captured pirates were forced to do hard labor, but those valuable pirates and those colluding nobles could not be released and could only be imprisoned.

Fortunately, the prison has been built a long time ago. Only the two big pirates and a few noble bureaucrats can be locked up in the sanatorium. Even if there is an interrogation, it does not break the dead silence here.

However, these things did not have much impact on Paracelsus. At most, the approval of experimental materials was a little looser.

And now Lance came to her and briefly told her about the fantastic situation in the farm, and of course the discovery.

"Are these crystals alive?"

Paracelsus looked at the materials placed on the table, picked up a crystal fragment, and seemed to be attracted by the brilliant brilliance.

"It should be said that it used to be. This thing is very strange, but I'm not sure, but it does show a rhythm like a heartbeat or breathing. Under special circumstances, it will even extend a crystal pillar to stab the enemy. When it is injured, A viscous fluorescent liquid will flow out, and it will turn into this simple crystal after death. "

As he spoke, Lance picked up a strange liquid that was collected in a potion bottle and emitted faint fluorescence and handed it over. "There is no need to waste time on animal experiments. Just use people. I want to get the results as soon as possible. This is very important."

Paracelsus finally broke away from the crystal and turned to Lance to ask a question.

"Is there really a power that can distort time?"

"Nothing is impossible. Our inability to understand sometimes may just be at a too low level. Perhaps for some beings, distorting time and space is as simple as writing a sentence."

There is nothing to hide from Dr. Lance. Not understanding the situation may lead to problems in research, such as ignoring the dangers of materials, not knowing how to deal with accidents, etc. Anyway, he would not do such a stupid thing.

"I will arrange it as soon as possible." The doctor didn't talk too much about this and accepted the medicine bottle. It was obvious that she was also very interested in these materials.

Just when Paracelsus was about to get busy, Lance said something else.

"How about I build you a new institute?"

Lance has really considered what Greendale said, and moved some things that should not be exposed too much to ordinary people to the island, so that he can be more open about confidentiality and experiments.

Especially those who conduct human experiments every day and study extraordinary powers. Don't forget those monsters that are imprisoned and used to make medicine. To put it bluntly, even if something goes wrong, it is within control.

You must know that with the Hamlet town expansion plan, the sanatorium is still in the central area, but for the sake of confidentiality, a large area around it is empty.

"It doesn't matter."

Paracelsus didn't bother to pay attention to him at all. He made it clear that-you can just handle such small things, I'm very busy.

Lance didn't pay too much attention to this. These things really had nothing to do with her. She had no interest in anything other than research.

He already knew the result when he mentioned this, and asked her to see if she had any opinions or requests. This is respect for talents.

After sending the samples for inspection, Lance found Greendale again, told her about these things, and at the same time took out the fruits and vegetables.

"You're the expert on this. Look at these fruits and vegetables."

"Full and rich in vitality, but these are no longer ordinary fruits and vegetables, but extraordinary materials."

After hearing this, Lance couldn't help but get slightly entangled and asked, "Can you just say no?"

"No, it looks fresh only on the outside. I can't feel the vitality of the plant. It's like a bottle of potion that you can't let me grow."

Greendale slowly shook her head. She knew the reason why Lance came to her for this. Everyone could see the vitality on it. If she could cultivate it, maybe she could take a bite of it if she was injured. It could be regarded as a substitute for healing potions to make up for the lack of production. situation.

But unfortunately this was impossible, and Lance quickly accepted it. After all, it was hard to say how the vitality on these fruits and vegetables was condensed. The power of crystals was indeed worthy of study.

"But these crystals are very interesting. Do you remember asking me to cultivate high-yielding crops?"

"What does this have to do with anything?"

“Even if I could speed up the growth of plants, it would still take a long time to get the desired traits, and it would even take a lot of luck and repeated experiments.

But now that crystals can affect other substances, maybe we can use the power of crystals to affect crop seeds. As long as we grasp that level, we may be able to get what we want. "

Greendale's words reminded Lance that another world would use radiation to affect seeds and increase the probability of mutation. If crystals could do the same...

"It's hard to say. I'll bring some seeds in next time."

From Paracelsus, Grendel to Bigby, from medicine, herbalism, alchemy, and even from the occult aspects of scholars, after Lance returned from the farm, he basically gathered Hamlet's talents to study those crystal.

Not many people know about this, because the level of confidentiality is very high. Only those who participated in the research can learn about it, and the secret of the crystal slowly emerged during the experiment.

But in fact, Hamlet is now busy preparing for another thing, which is the trial of those pirates, and the news has been released long before that.

It is said that during the process of chasing the pirates, some nobles and bureaucrats who were rescued by the pirates from Totnes and wanted to escape were discovered on the ship and would join the trial.

Trial of pirates is nothing, but trial of nobles, this touched the sensitive nerves of some guys.

It was agreed that "no nobles will be punished". Everyone tacitly agreed that nobles would not be killed in wars, not to mention that the empire has never had a case of ordinary people judging nobles. At least the emperor or the church is qualified to judge a noble, and the title must be stripped.

And now Hamlet is not judged as a lord, but as Hamlet, in the name of those who have been harmed by pirates for decades.

This news can be said to be directly trampling on the imperial power and divine power, not adding fuel to the fire, but directly blowing it up.

Whether interested or not, you have to come to join in the fun. Those merchants who have suffered losses have to come to eat melons. I can't beat you, but someone can.

And those imperial nobles have to send people over. Hamlet's radical behavior even makes them feel more dangerous than the emperor of the empire...

But does Lance care?

More and more people came to Hamlet, but he was too lazy to even show up. He kept doing research and looking up the information left by the ancestors, trying to find a way to break the crystal farm.

When there are too many people, there will definitely be chaos. Various forces are fighting on this land. There are too many people who want to see Hamlet make a fool of himself, and even deliberately make trouble to test him.

But the order of Hamlet is not based on that piece of paper, but on power!

The teams of fully armed police on the surface, basically each team can be equipped with a trained hound, and there are also spies in the dark, plus some professional personnel, such as the tomb robber Audrey and the falcon trainer Laura.

Now William and Figgs are working overtime to initially train the hounds they have collected, and when Laura raises those birds of prey, Hamlet's darkness will have many more eyes.

Fighting, petty theft, no nonsense, it's not that easy to get prison food, just put on shackles and drag you to dig frozen soil, you won't be beaten if you don't obey, but if you don't work, you won't eat, and hunger in the cold winter is even more unbearable.

The usual methods used by those scoundrels hired by certain relationships are useless, and it's just too much to think that they can fill Hamlet Prison.

They should even be thankful that Lance is busy doing research, after all, in someone's eyes, the value of these trash is only...

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