Our family is in decline

Chapter 839: The farm is over

The comet fell with wounds all over it, and fluorescent fluid flowed out of it. At this moment, the fluorescence covering the comet began to dim.

As Lance swung his sword, the crystal even cracked due to the impact with a crisp sound, as if it was about to reveal the real core.

However, the terrifying scene was that the big eye in the gap suddenly opened its strange eyeball, and the keyhole-like pupil seemed to have a different kind of magic.

What Lance spied was not such a scene. An indescribable power escaped from the crack.

Like smoke, it turned into a ball. In his eyes, there were constantly changing colors, even jumping out of the spectrum, rolling and jumping in the darkness, flickering and interweaving.

The strong pollution began to spread...

Lance subconsciously raised his hand to disperse it, but he didn't expect that his hand would emit a ghostly glow. At the same time, his vitality was extracted, and the organic matter began to dry up and turned into a petrified monster like a shrunken shell.

"Back off! Quick!"

Lance's shouting made everyone a little unresponsive, because they couldn't see the gorgeous and changing brilliance at all, but they still took the initiative to move away.

Lance suddenly realized something. Their actions just now broke the crystal and released the power of pollution.

What should we do now?

Lance was also a little flustered, but he reacted in an instant and just killed the source.

He directly opened the blessing, and the endless power removed the abnormal state and restored the petrified arm. The sword was useless except for stirring the colorful light, as if it was invisible.

But the next second, Lance rushed into the starlight without any hesitation. The endless power of the blessing kept his body from being eroded by the colorful light. On his skin, there was a confrontation between petrification and recovery, and the most vulnerable pupils were petrified.

But this did not make him retreat even half a step. His eyes could not see, but his heart could see, and his sword could see!

As he stabbed out with a charging posture, this sword was called moving forward!

The big-eyed monster lost the protection of the stone shell and crystal, and those tentacles were cut off by Lance, leaving only the flesh buds. Facing the sword, it had no power to resist.

The big sword was inserted into it along the crack. Under the familiar touch, the eyeball suddenly shrank, and the power seemed to dissipate.

Lance quickly dodged and pulled away, but felt a strange memory emerging in the brilliance. For a moment, he was distracted. When he reacted, the surrounding oil painting-like scene gradually overlapped with reality.

They returned to the deep pit again, but the next scene was very terrifying, because the comet that was supposed to rise and was defeated by them actually stayed in place as intact as before.

There was no trace of the battle just now in that scene, as if everything happened in a dream, and now they woke up.

"What's going on?"

"Impossible, we just..."

"I can't tell... I can't tell!"

Everyone couldn't help but have an emotional reaction. After all, who can easily accept that they have won after a hard battle, but it disappears in the blink of an eye?

Lance, the only one who was still calm, got some residual memories from the moment of killing just now, and this information made him seem to understand something.

The comet covered with crystals in front of him was actually just an egg. The birth of this void creature required a lot of vitality, so it was attracted to this world.

Normally, it should start to expand its domain after landing, devour this world, and then hatch from it.

But the problem is that although the ancestor summoned it, he found that this thing was also plundering spirituality and turning flesh and blood into fossils, which touched the fundamental interests. It was impossible to leave it alone like the invisible flesh and blood, and directly seal it back.

And just swallowing an egg from a farm was not enough spirituality to hatch, so it could only be forced to fall into a deep sleep until the ancestor had no sealing ceremony to loosen.

In other words, what they faced was just an embryo that had not yet fully developed...

However, what was even more terrifying was that everything they experienced, the constantly changing scenes, and the constantly teleporting space were just in the monster's dream.

In other words, what can be killed normally is just a layer of dream, and it is impossible to kill the real sleeper, and the sleeper has not woken up.

Looking at the comet that seemed to have not moved at all, I finally understood why it was called the Sleeper.

"I had always guessed it before, but now my thoughts have been confirmed. We have been in its dream all the time. We have been teleported by the bud green crystal all the way, but we were dragged into one dream after another, and we were also in the dream it created just now."

This explanation also made everyone understand that when they were teleported here, they had already fallen into the dream of the Sleeper.

"What about now?"

"Of course it is the same now."

Tamara was a little impatient to ask, but the answer she got was very simple, even a little desperate.

"Does that mean we will never be able to kill it?"

"It also has no way to kill us, it can only trap us in a dream..."

Lance's irrelevant answer made the atmosphere on the scene silent. Everyone looked at the comet with a solemnity and uneasiness in their eyes that was difficult to conceal.

They couldn't understand what Lance was thinking. To be honest, it didn't matter whether it could be killed or not. He was entangled in another thing, that is, the crystal was obviously a magical extraordinary material, and it was also a natural high-energy polymer.

If the comet is left behind, and people are constantly sent here to spawn monsters and collect crystals to take out, then they are equivalent to leaving a crystal mine that can steadily and continuously produce an extraordinary material.

Moreover, the various complex monsters that appear in it are very suitable for training soldiers, and the sleeper in the dream cannot kill them either.

It is equivalent to a welfare copy specially used for grinding.

But the only question is how can this thing be controlled by humans? Will it develop?

It is still just an underdeveloped embryo. Even if it is sealed by the ancestor early, it can affect a whole place. Disrupting time and space is just an unconscious dream. What kind of power is this?

And when it actually hatches, what will happen to it as a larvae, let alone an adult?

The few memories intercepted by Lance allowed him to understand more, but he also faced more pressure.


Suddenly Lance spoke, and he even explained with a smile, "I have too many ways, and I'm thinking about which one to use."

The casual tone made the dark clouds that shrouded everyone's hearts dissipate, but only Lance himself knew what he actually thought, and no one noticed the way he looked at the sleeping man.

He has made a decision and cannot leave a big hole behind for the sake of immediate benefits.

Because he is not an ancestor, he does not believe in the wisdom of future generations, let alone overestimate human abilities. If he really believes in that, he will be finished.

The sleeper is of greatest value to the world only if he dies in sleep.

Lance stepped forward, resisted the disturbing aura, and launched the sacrifice.

I love the God of Killing in my dream!

The result actually passed directly, and Lance understood that they were indeed still in the sleeper's dream.

The void engulfed him in the next second, and the sleeper seemed to have just reacted. The ground seemed to be shaking, and the crystals around the sleeper bloomed with intense brilliance in an attempt to resist the unknown force.

But it's useless. The power of sacrifice is that there is no limit. Even the sleeper who can stir up time and space can only struggle slightly in front of it.

But in the next second, the stone shell shattered, and a stream of intertwined colored lights burst out, as if it was about to explode itself. Powerful power surged out from the cracks and faced Lance head-on.

But the power of the sacrifice still dragged it into the void first, and as if it was involved, when the comet disappeared, the crazy colors it released disappeared with it, and even light could not escape.

Lance's movement also paused, and when he looked at him, he was covered in petrification. Fortunately, when the colored light disappeared, many traces of fragmentation soon appeared on the petrified layer. As the movement continued, the entire surface layer fell off, revealing Out of Lance's figure.

It was as if he had just changed his skin. He didn't expect that this thing would corrode him so badly. If his flesh and blood hadn't been growing continuously, he might have been drained dry.

Shaking off the debris, Lance focused his gaze forward, fearing that something would happen again and he would sacrifice directly.

Swallowed by the void, the comet was directly eliminated, leaving only a crater in its place.

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you lose that sustaining power?

Then there was movement above the head, and when he looked up, he saw that they were underground in the mill. You must know that the reason why the mill could not survive was the sleeper's force field. Now it also collapsed, and all kinds of masonry and wood fell down.


Lance warned. Fortunately, the main building of the mill was tilted outwards, so only a small amount of bricks fell. Although this situation was a bit embarrassing, it did not pose much of a threat.

However, the collapse of the mill opened up the space above their heads. When it calmed down again, everyone realized that there was no longer a chaotic night sky above their heads, but a day with fine snow falling.

The appearance of this scene proved that the time and space that had been disrupted by unknown forces began to be corrected by reality. The cold was eroding this desolate land, but it made everyone feel relieved inexplicably.

"Is this snow... over?"

"We succeeded!"

"Let's go out first."

Lance motioned for them to go out and left along the steps made of collapsed masonry.

Lance, who was left behind, raised his hand and grabbed it into the void. In his hand, there was only a strange sphere the size of a human head. The surface was covered with a stone shell full of veins, and there were some irregular cracks on it that were divided into pieces.

Lance stimulated it with some curiosity, and the stone shell loosened, revealing a core condensed from a crystal cluster.

He looked at the thing floating in his hand, but wasn't this thing the Sleeper's trumpet that appeared among the flat-shell monsters?

Just by turning on the changing colored light a little, it was revealed that the power began to affect the outside world, which scared Lance and quickly closed it, but the brief contact just now also made him understand something.

This thing is the [Crystal Seed], the core of the Sleeper, and the effect is very direct, it is to crystallize everything that is plundered by the surrounding life force.

If you had this thing when you were playing in the dungeon, just take it out and take a photo, and the flesh and blood would crystallize.

Lance suddenly became more determined in his choice, killing the sleeper to obtain the controllable crystal craft.

"grown ups!"

The call from above made Lance react. When he walked up, he realized that the surrounding environment seemed to have accelerated for more than ten years in an instant. Things like wood rotted quickly, and the buildings that originally belonged to the farm basically collapsed. .

Lance bent down and pinched some soil, looking helpless.

Even Hamlet's originally fertile land has become barren, as if it were polluted land, and a weed may never grow here again.

Now a thin layer of snow is spread on this land, which makes it even more desolate...

"Pack up and go back."



The pirate trial has ended after more than ten days. Only the corpses that were watered and frozen in the square have not been removed. Next to each corpse is a notice full of charges, announcing to outsiders what happened here. .

Some people were even frightened to death when they saw those guys dying in various ways when they were escorted there.

Compared with ordinary pirates, ordinary people care more about the nobles. Lance specially arranged for a low-level pirate to dissect with a noble and show everyone in the most intuitive way that there is no difference between the so-called nobles and lowly pirates.

Doctors are even arranged to explain the operation of human organs and the principles of disease to break various long-standing rumors and perceptions and promote Hamlet's new medical system.

The impact of this method was huge, because the dissected corpses and their organs were frozen in ice and displayed to everyone.

Nobles are no different from ordinary people. Once this concept appears, it will spread quickly and many people cannot accept it.

As the event ended, the excitement did not subside. On the contrary, more and more people came here, especially the businessmen.

The so-called merchants association was originally an extremely loose organization, mainly a platform for several big businessmen to communicate with each other.

Now that Lance has exposed various things, it's okay that these things are not on the scale, but now that they are exposed directly, their internal conflicts have been provoked.

Strangely enough, Totnes also killed them, but secretly looked for pirates to kill them. Hamlet still killed many businessmen who Totnes supported and colluded with the pirates. Although it was not shown openly, everyone disappeared immediately. What can you guess.

However, those businessmen still come here to seek opportunities, because Hamlet kills people according to the law, and he will only kill you if you are guilty.

Of course, it is more because of interests that Hamlet has announced to restart the trade route, and now he has come up with a preliminary plan for those businessmen to come over and discuss it.

It’s not that I won’t let you do business, you just have to follow my rules.

In the face of profit, no one cares about the dead businessmen. They are all eager to get a piece of the pie from restarting the trade route.

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