Our family is in decline

Chapter 840 Scarlet Courtyard (1)

Business is not only on land, but also on the sea. Lance wants to make Hamlet a bridge between the two continents, creating a stable environment for everyone to make money together and promote the development and progress of society.

Of course, they should know what they can and cannot touch.

The representatives of various merchants gathered again after returning from the meeting. Although the association existed in name only, they had to meet and reach a tacit understanding in order to deal with the giant Hamlet.

"Casinos and brothels cannot be touched. Isn't the market in Hamlet still not open?"

"Look at the list of contraband, it's outrageous. Why does the master care about this? Is it easy for us to sell some goods?"

"Okay, there's no room for negotiation on this."

"Why don't you just not come?"

"Go to the hospital to see those addicts. You are so fucking immoral."

No one echoed the man's complaint. Instead, there were more jokes and sarcasm, because everyone knew everything. The forces behind the man almost monopolized those higher purity addictive drugs, and other people couldn't make this money.

"Nonsense, this is a medicine that calms people's hearts, you know?"

The man wanted to refute, but everyone was not paying attention to this impossible topic, and instead tried to test it.

"But then again, how much medicine did they give you?"

Hamlet still gave them some sweetness. Those who participated in the Huangsha Ancient Road plan could get a certain proportion of medicine, but it was not made public, that is, each family's share was different, but the total was fixed, and they could get more by squeezing people out.

"I didn't expect those medicines to come from Hamlet."

"Hamlet's medical technology is really amazing, much better than those half-baked ones."

No one would answer this question at all, and everyone laughed and changed the subject. From this, it can be seen that Lance easily divided them, and this meeting was destined to be fruitless...

Lance didn't care too much about these ordinary people's affairs. He was mainly preparing for the affairs of those extraordinary people.

The situation he announced before was quickly spread by those people. Most of the extraordinary people were eager to seek shelter, not to mention how precious a basic knowledge and a safe communication place were for those retail investors who pursued the extraordinary but knew nothing.

At least they would not make mistakes in the rituals because of the most basic ancient characters. Failure was fine, but the backlash was over.

There was no need to worry about the church or other extraordinary forces hunting them, of course, the same was true for the same kind.

Spiritual extraordinary people were good materials, but Hamlet prohibited this meaningless internal friction, giving some people a chance to breathe and build a positive and healthy environment.

Development is the hard truth, promoting the standardization of extraordinary people, and not doing evil rituals every day.

As time passed, everything seemed to be on the right track. Since returning from the farm, Lance has spent most of his time on the research on crystals, and now he has achieved results.

In the laboratory, there are several people with spellcasting talents and extraordinary awakenings. These are all trained by Lance since childhood, and now they have begun to work as assistants in related matters.

You can see many palm-sized stone platforms on the field, with ritual runes and patterns carved on them, and a thumb-sized crystal is inserted on them.

At this time, the crystal is releasing light steadily under the power of the ritual, and it can be seen that the light on different platforms separated by the partition is different.

And there are many rats in the surrounding area that are locked in cages to test the impact. After several days of exposure, there is not much impact. Now it seems that they are all very good.

What does this mean?

Another world flashlight, extraordinary light bulb?


It is a high-density energy core, an extraordinary battery, and an energy source.

Today, you can make a lamp, and tomorrow you can use it to drive cars, ships, weapons... It's just a different way of outputting energy.

In other words, Hamlet will be able to develop a crystal technology route with this as the core, a route that uses extraordinary power to improve real productivity.

Imagine, especially when it comes to some small devices, a crystal piece the size of a fingernail allows the mobile phone to be used for a long time and intensively for ten days or half a month without charging, just like changing a phone card, it can be easily replaced and continued to use.

And large equipment, such as a car, can directly insert an energy crystal as thick as an arm, and it can travel thousands of kilometers without refueling.

Of course, these are just Lance's beautiful fantasies, because now just a lamp has given him a headache for a long time, and it is far from complete, and can only emit light.

Moreover, the output of energy must be very huge to support the entire system. With the current output of crystals, even if the technology is mature in the future, it can only support some high-end products at most.

However, Lance did not hesitate, but increased investment, and specially mobilized resources to conduct in-depth research on crystals from all aspects.

"It has been going on for several days, and the output light has not been significantly weakened. The energy contained in this material is very high."

"There is no obvious mutation in the experimental body. The animal experiment has passed. First install it in those places in the sanatorium to see the effect of the human experiment."

"The crystal gunpowder in the laboratory is completed, showing a strong power, at least increased by 20%, and..."

"The crystal potion has also completed the trial, without much therapeutic effect, but it has shown special effects on the cure of some diseases..."

In the laboratory, Lance's conversation with the researcher shows that the military industry and medical care, Hamlet's two main pillar industries, have benefited from it.

Why does Lance want to control those extraordinary people and regulate their research?

From here, we can see that if those extraordinary people get the crystal, they will not do various experiments to determine the threat, but will directly tinker with it and use it directly.

It is okay to harm yourself, but it is usually harming others, and it is not impossible to cause greater trouble.

At present, the research on crystal is still ongoing. It takes time to get results and continue to improve and perfect, so Lance's research is in another aspect.

Lance instigated the pirates to kill each other on the shipwreck island. His blood was taken by him with the blood holy grail and his body was sacrificed.

Now, when he is free, he has begun to study the inheritance left by Alvis, and began to transform the power in the holy grail and purify the spiritual crystal.

Now the energy of the crystal can be released through rituals, but it will be a dull stone after it is consumed. This topic also involves the transformation between energies, and may be applied to whether the crystal can be recharged repeatedly.

However, at this time, the guards brought back a message and a strange corpse.

After Lance discovered the problem of the farm, he realized that there were many pits hidden by the ancestors above Hamlet.

He has never been the kind of person who likes to wait for trouble to come, so he sent people to start a deeper exploration of the depths of the wilderness, and now the guards sent out to explore have come back to report a new discovery.

In the northwest of Hamlet, that is, west of the ruins of the old city, there is a large swamp at the foot of the remnants of the mountains, and many animal corpses were found outside the swamp.

And in that swamp covered with thick fog and filled with strange atmosphere, they did not dare to act rashly, so they came back to report and wait for the next instructions.

Lance checked the corpses brought back. Because of the winter, they were relatively well preserved, but they all showed strange phenomena. They were directly sucked into mummies, and the corpses were ulcerated and covered with various traces of gnawing by mouthparts. It is difficult to guess what killed them.

"I will handle this matter. Don't let the news out. Now is the critical moment of Hamlet's transformation. It must be kept secret and not cause panic."


Lance was not surprised by this, but he didn't make it public this time, and even the people around him didn't reveal too much.

Because this matter is also recorded in the diary of the ancestor.

Before the ancestor devoted himself to the pursuit of truly taboo knowledge, he was an active participant in the luxury, elegance, and debauchery of private gatherings in the upper class of society.

At that time, he had completely turned into a madman who followed instincts and impulses, indulging in crazy indulgence all day long and falling into endless emptiness.

All this until a woman came. The charming countess was gentle on the surface, but as an ancestor who was proficient in the struggle of the nobles, he immediately realized that the conspiracy was shrouding Hamlet.

Seeing the countess surrounded by the nobles of the North, the ancestor felt threatened. He plotted to get rid of the charming countess with the most cruel, ruthless and pleasant means.

However, when the murder was imminent, the inhuman scene of the woman was revealed under the moonlight, but as the Lord of Hamlet, the ancestor with family heritage still completed the assassination.

In theory, the matter should have ended like this, in a noble way, and nothing would be shown.

It was just that the ancestor was somewhat seriously ill, and he actually used the blood of the countess to make wine, and then invited all the nobles to taste the wine.

He needed to show his control over Hamlet and demonstrate to the nobles who had previously flattered the countess. In simple terms, it was to declare sovereignty and test obedience.

Naturally, no one dared to disobey the ancestor. He held the wine glass and watched everyone drink the blood wine flatteringly, but just when the ancestor was complacent, the nobles at the table suddenly indulged in their own bodies, and everything was filled with indescribable madness.

But at this time, the ancestor could no longer care about these, because his blood splashed on his face, and he also tasted that drop of forbidden red wine, and the power in it also gave me that dazzling glimpse, revealing the terror that had been dormant under Hamlet for a long time.

From that moment on, the ancestor thought he knew the terrible truth of this world, and then began to study.

It can be said that without the conspiracy, the ancestor would be a rich second-generation with no struggle, and he might die on a woman's belly one day and end his ridiculous life.

But that thing inspired his career, and he started a business, which led to the current situation. It was not until Lance arrived that he finally cleaned up some of it.

In other words, the courtyard was the key to Hamlet's downfall, and even kept evidence of the ancestor's depravity, which meant that Lance must not let the things inside reveal it.

Lance took out the ancestor's map, tapped his finger on one of the locations, and made a decision.

After a simple packing, Lance set off after telling the people below, without preparing anything, because he was enough.

To be honest, after staying in the research for so long, I just wanted to take a breath...

Whether it was day or night, whether it was hot or cold, whether it was wilderness or swamp, it was impossible to stop his steps.

When Lance arrived at the swamp, he also saw the complicated situation.

A large number of trees grow in it. The fertile land and sufficient water sources make it grow more vigorously. The vines can be seen everywhere, either hanging down large tangled plants, dense shrubs and weeds, leaving no place to step.

What's even more weird is that the gray fog spreads, blocking the scene in the depths. From the outside, you can also feel the complex environment of this swamp.

Although the formation of the swamp is due to humidity and lush vegetation, the evaporated water vapor cannot be dispersed, so it will form a long-lasting fog.

But now is not spring and summer. Logically speaking, the low temperature in winter, coupled with the biting cold wind, will turn into snowflakes and fall, and the snow should be white even if it does not disperse.

Nothing can violate the laws of nature, unless it does not belong to nature at all...

And the good news for Lance is that the cold winter during this period has turned the swamp ground into frozen soil, so there is no need to worry about sinking when stepping on it, and there is no need to worry about a foot of mud.

Lance took a quick look and walked towards the depths of the swamp, and then sank into the fog.

The fog seemed to be able to isolate even the cold winter. The sharp cold wind beside my ears subsided, but my vision was also blocked. I walked straight in the fog until the scene in front of me suddenly became clear.

But the weird thing was that what Lance saw was the wilderness in the snow, that is, he walked out again after a circle, but he was clearly walking straight just now.

Sure enough, there was something wrong with this fog. It not only isolates the inside and the outside, but also disrupts perception, or space.

However, this energy is a bit like the one on the ghost ship [Lightless]. Is it still the ritual of the ancestors?

In other words, it should be said that this is the legacy of the Hamlet family. If I can master this power, it will be very useful for confidentiality work such as the research institute, and there is no need to worry about outsiders breaking in.

I originally planned to get along with you as an ordinary person, but now Lance is not pretending anymore. He no longer suppresses his own power and directly takes out the [Prophet's Eyeball] to spy with its power.

Even the illusions created by the sleepers can be seen, so it is even easier to deal with these human creations. The mist becomes thinner in his eyes, and he can even see the traces of flow in it. It is indeed the effect of the extraordinary ritual.

It seems that it would be difficult to attend the "banquet" without an invitation.

Interesting... But I am the host of the banquet!

Soon he penetrated the mist and entered the bloody courtyard shrouded by mist.

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