Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 472 How to explain? I can’t explain it!

On the bow of the upstream Yongchuan ship, in the wheelhouse,

Pang Haicai doesn't care what the countries in this universe think of their fleet.

They were panicked, scared, and happy, what did that have to do with him?

Absolute strength prevents him from paying attention to these things.

He came to Earth for one thing only, to bring the Eastern powers here into the alliance.

"Captain, the information on the establishment of diplomatic relations has been sent; in addition, the information on our sphere of influence has also been sent to all countries in the world."

The intelligence adjutant received the information and immediately reported the situation.

"Well, let's ask the great Eastern country here for permission to land!"

"Sent, waiting for reply!"

Pang Hai nodded and stood in the command room, waiting quietly.

Since we are both compatriots from a large Eastern country, we still need to be polite and drop by, but don’t let the relationship get bad!

At the moment when the spacecraft message was sent,

The command station on the ground of the great Eastern country immediately received the news.

"There's news from that fleet!"

"Transfer to base immediately!"

They acted quickly and immediately forwarded the news to the base.

And in a secret base somewhere in the southwest,

This was originally a military base for researching some secret equipment. He Xiyun, who was in charge of this place, immediately received two messages from the command platform.

in the conference room,

When these two pieces of information were released, they immediately caused an uproar.

"What, this...parallel universe?"

"Is this true!"

"It should be true. Look, aren't they quite polite? At least they knew how to apply for permission to land from us."

"I think this cooperation is somewhat credible!"

"I don't think it's credible!"

"I can't believe what I can do. You just use your words to drive away the fleet!"

It was this hot-tempered researcher at the end who made everyone's eyes clear with just one sentence.


The current situation is that the opponent is strong and is giving you face!

What should you do if you are shameless and the other person becomes angry?

That's Starfleet!

"Don't worry too much, the other party's attitude is very sincere."

He Xiyun stood up at this time and calmed everyone who was a little flustered. Then he paused and decided:

"In this case, let's allow the other party to land, but the landing location should be decided by us!"

"Then Mr. He, where is the best place to land?"

someone asked worriedly.

"Just at this base, let me meet them personally."

He Xiyun took a deep breath and said:

"Aren't they here to discuss cooperation?"

"If the other party is sincere enough, this is still a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us. What we need to be sure of now is that the other party is really a great Eastern country in the parallel universe!"

As long as you are really from a big country in the East, even if you are from a parallel universe,

Parallel universes, parallel universes, and unique cultural core will bring them together!

He firmly believes this!

Also because of this,

As long as the true identity of the other party is confirmed, there is nothing to worry about!

"It's what Mr. He said. There's nothing to worry about. At least the other party sent the letter politely. At least he's not a villain!"

At this moment, everyone who had calmed down could only hope that this was true.

Because, if this is true,

Not only did they not have any crisis, but they were able to rise to prominence smoothly from then on!

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes became more expectant.

The huge fleet began to land according to the position sent by He Xiyun and the others.

All that landed were aerial battleships.

Space battleships such as the destroyer brought to suppress the situation allowed him to continue to stay in orbit.

With a length of ten kilometers, unless it is a waste of energy to maintain the spacecraft with space instruments, it will definitely be broken during re-entry!

Ender's Game, Earth, in the southwest hinterland of the great Eastern country, outside a certain secret base,

Over the top of the mountain, a huge fleet of ships came from the sky,

He Xiyun, who was standing outside the base, looked up at the ships with an unprecedented serious look on his face.

Friend or enemy?

It depends now!

Since there is not much open space in front of this secret base, only the "Upstream Yongchuan" ship as the temporary flagship will land.

A giant steel beast slowly landed in front of everyone,

What kind of spaceship is this?

The whole body is made of strange metal painted black. When it falls to the ground, the steel actually carries a chill, which is enough to show how excellent the heat dissipation ability of these metals is.

At the same time, on the steel spacecraft, the scientific advisor beside He Xiyun could not even see a single crack. Through the mirror-like smooth surface, what he saw was the terrifying precision processing capabilities.

Looking at the spaceship from a distance, the scientist knew that humans could not defeat it; looking at the spacecraft up close, the scientist revised his opinion. It was not that it could not be defeated, it was that it could not even hurt the opponent's hair!

"Puff puff puff——"

At the bow of the spacecraft, the hatch opened, and countless metal particles appeared, forming a steel gangway.

This picture,

From this universe's point of view, it's just a trick using deformed metal.

But from the perspective of people here,

It’s simply a miraculous skill!

The moment the gangway appeared, Pang Hai finally came out with the diplomats.

And at the moment they came out,

He Xiyun and everyone around him breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

The other party is a human being, wearing a uniform similar to that of the Air Force. The armbands and various decorations on it are enough to prove that the information sent by the other party is true!

The other party is really an oriental power in a parallel universe!

"Welcome to you, I am the person in charge here, He Xiyun!"

Taking a deep breath, He Xiyun stepped forward and stretched out his right hand to Pang Hai who had already walked down the gangway.

Pang Hai, with a stern face and a resolute character of a soldier, smiled slightly and firmly stretched out his right hand.

The two hands were clasped together heavily!

"I am the person in charge of the fleet, Pang Hai!"

"General Pang Hai, shall we go to the conference room to discuss in detail?"

After shaking hands, feeling the familiar temperament, He Xiyun's vigilance in his heart dropped by half, and he raised his hand to propose.

"Please lead the way!"

Pang Hai nodded and agreed to the other party's request.

So, a team of people went straight into the base.

They started talking here,

and the countries around the world who focused their attention here were not very calm.

What is going on? !

In the United Nations, Lao Mi directly broadcast the process outside the base captured by the low-orbit satellite to everyone in the conference room.

Watching the people coming down from the spacecraft and following the people from the Eastern power into the room,

Lao Mi's representative turned his head and looked at Representative Pang, who is stationed at the United Nations:

"Lao Pang, can you explain what's going on?"

"I really don't know. Now we can only wait for the results of the domestic talks. Please be patient."

Representative Pang's mouth twitched.

Damn, how can I explain this? I can't explain it!

The corners of the mouths of representatives from other countries also twitched.

Why do they have a feeling of pills in the dark? !

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