Ender's Game, Earth, somewhere in the southwest of the great Eastern country,

in the conference room,

He Xiyun stood up excitedly, reached out to Pang Hai excitedly, and said:

"Comrade, are you telling the truth?"

The meeting had already started for half an hour, and with Pang Hai's in-depth introduction, excitement appeared on the faces of the big Eastern people present.

What did they hear?

I originally thought it was some kind of special collaboration,

In the end, you said this was cooperation?

Are you sure this is not a gift?

Not only can they join this universe and become members of the future "Multiverse Chinese Republic", they also enjoy the technical assistance of this universe system.

Technical assistance!

This help is uninterrupted and has no upper limit.

The scientists around He Xiyun looked at the technical catalog and

Just for the machine tools listed in the first item, there are more than 20 kinds of industrial machine tools!

The scientific advisor made a mental assessment.

This line of machine tools, the worst of them all, is at least hundreds of years ahead of them!

This is just one of the technology assistance projects of this universe. The remaining 20 major categories and 193 sub-categories of assistance made his pupils shrink, and he wanted to rush over and hug Captain Pang Hai's thigh!

This is not pie in the sky!

"Of course this is true. Before this, we have helped several major Eastern countries in the world, and we already have our own logic for this."

Pang Hai smiled slightly, and on the holographic projection in front of him, the screen turned, revealing the star system where the Zergs were located.

"We have sent territory maps to all human countries. In the future, our territory will only be traded with you. Interstellar trade will make you the center of the earth and the representative of mankind!"

interstellar trade,

This universe is for dogs and will not be handed over to other countries.

In Mr. Zhu’s plan,

In Ender's game world, the great Eastern countries are the humans here, and they are the only partners that can trade and communicate with them.

As the technology of the great Eastern countries continues to advance and develop,

They will gradually be able to widen the gap with other countries.

Like this universe,

In a few decades, without losing any blood, the earth will belong to the great Eastern countries!

"That's great, but I'm afraid other countries won't be convinced!"

He Xiyun looked at the star map of this universe and took a deep breath.

Your star chart...

It simply doesn’t give other countries a way to survive!

Just like the nine-dash line, this star map almost extends to the solar system!

In other words, Centauri and several other star fields within 10 light years are left to the earth because humans have scientific research spacecrafts arriving.

Ten light years away, the entire Milky Way Galaxy is assigned to this universe!

You have arrived at the gate of mankind!

"Not convinced? They can come to me!"

Pang Hai snorted coldly,

I will bring it to your mouth,

What, not convinced?

If you are not convinced, just hold it in!

Being able to delineate a ten-light-year range for other countries is already considered a great act of mercy on his part!

"Haha, that's right."

He Xiyun shrugged,

Yes, in the universe, one relies on strength to speak.

It is so powerful that even if your solar system is included in it, you will have nothing to say.

"In that case, let's start our cooperation!"

Pang Hailang laughed, signed his name on a paper document, and then looked at He Xiyun.

"Of course, our cooperation officially begins!"

He Xiyun did not hesitate and signed his name on the document.

Cooperate with this universe,

No problem with them,

Even some of the standards of this universe can be directly used by them.

No one will miss this great opportunity!

After signing the contract, the two of them held hands tightly.


In Lao Mi's Space Force base, after receiving an interstellar territory map from a strange fleet in space, Wilson, the five-star general of the U.S. Space Force, smashed the pen in his hand angrily.

He is furious now,

The other party is simply opening its mouth like a lion and playing tricks on them!

"General, what's wrong?"

Beside them, the scientists from the space agency looked at the general in front of them in confusion.

"See for yourselves, this is just too much bullying. Is this how the territorial map is drawn?!"

Wilson's face was filled with anger, his nose was raised, and he looked like he wanted to eat someone.

The space agency scientists quickly turned on the holographic projection and clicked on the information territory map sent from this universe.

This is a detailed star map of the Milky Way.

The center position is the entire spiral galaxy,

The star map of the Milky Way at this time is very strange, a bit like some kind of schematic diagram.

The entire Milky Way is wrapped in a large circle. In a corner of this large circle, magnified to the extreme, there is a small circle.

According to the diagram,

The small circle is human territory; the large circle is "their" territory.

After seeing the entire map clearly, the space agency scientists also fell silent.

This picture is telling them,

The ten light-years centered on the solar system belong to humans, and the rest belongs to the other party!

"This, how can there be such a boundary? Why do they have the right to rule other parts of the galaxy? Do they finally have a living population in these star systems?!"

Scientists from the space agency don’t know how the territory should be calculated.

But that's definitely not how the other party calculated it! ! !

This is the fucking territorial line that has been drawn right up to the doorstep of humanity!

Why the fuck don't you just give you the Milky Way!

How can it be drawn like that?

Pang Hai: We were originally going to declare our rule directly, but when we thought about ruling other humans besides the Eastern powers at that time, we decided to forget it.

"We should file a protest. They are just drawing blindly. They haven't developed other star systems at all!"

"That's right. How can it be considered territories without development and residents? The other party wants to trap us to death within ten light years!"

"We have already filed a protest, but everyone, unfortunately, the other party has ignored us."

Facing the excited scientists, Wilson clenched his fist and shook his head.

These guys are simply bullying too much!

No, those people didn't ignore them!

Facing the protests of various countries,

Pang Hai's fleet just sent a short sentence:

"Anyone who crosses the border will be destroyed and regarded as an invasion and declaration of war!"

This sentence directly hit the lungs of various governments.

Start a war?!

Looking at the giant spaceship that is ten kilometers long and still floating in space,

Politicians from all countries, as long as they are not stupid, will know that

If you go to war with this force,

the other party will let you see what cruelty is!

Wilson clenched his fists.

He hasn't felt so humiliated for a long time.

And this time, this force that suddenly appeared did slap him twice.

The most annoying thing is that

the other party slaps you, and you have to endure it, and you have to smile and shout "good job"!

It's so frustrating, it's really frustrating!

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