Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 474: How dare you be so arrogant after drinking a few glasses of wine?

Ender's Game World,

With the strong debut of this universe, the original division of forces on the entire earth was completely chaotic.

The original development of solar system resources immediately came to a standstill.

After all, there is now a "big daddy" docked in Earth orbit,

No one knows what else they need besides territory!

Big Eastern country, in the conference room,

As He Xiyun signed the cooperation contract, the Eastern powers here were officially included in the multiverse alliance of this universe.

So that night, a grand banquet was held in the base.

During the meeting, all the guests who came were laughing loudly.

This includes people from the military, government departments, business circles and civilians.

They learned about the purpose of this universe and the general technical support projects provided by the cooperation. They were so excited that they couldn't sleep!

With these technologies,

They can even jump directly across several industrial revolutions and rush directly to the real interstellar era!

"Except for technical support, only you can trade with us from now on. You still have a mission here."

Pang Hai's eyes flashed fiercely, he raised his cup to He Xiyun and said seriously:

"While helping you develop technology, you must also turn other countries on the earth into commodity dumping grounds. You should know how important this is."

Turn other countries into product dumping grounds!

This can not only suppress the development of other countries, but also provide a steady stream of funds for the industrial upgrading of the big eastern countries!

over the years,

This is how the West treats the non-Western world;

Now, this universe is trying to turn the Eastern powers here around!

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. After all, trade barriers... are not easy to break down."

He Xiyun was very moved. He looked at Pang Hai and retorted tentatively.

Of course, it's not that he really doesn't want to break through, but he wants to see how far this universe can support it.

"I know there are high barriers to trade between countries, but it's time to end."

Pang Hai just answered lightly,

High trade barriers?

That is equal strength, or a barrier between the strong and the weak!

I have never heard of a weak person daring to set up trade barriers against a strong person.

Countries in this world dare to object?

Then hit them until they have to open the country!

This is called treating another person with his own taste. Isn't that what these Western pirates did two hundred years ago?

As the saying goes, the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, no one will be spared by heaven!

Pang Hai had no time to talk nonsense with them.

As this universe governs more and more parallel universes, and its territory becomes wider and wider,

Little Karami like this will become a minority after they know how to recognize each other, and they will say hello, me, and everyone; if they don't know how to recognize each other, they will be beaten severely. If they fear power but not morality, then beat them!

When they were forbearing in the past, the great Eastern countries tried their best to show their royal behavior, but do they still need it now?

Just go for the bully!

But at that time the fleet was lying in the opponent's volley,

Open the door to free trade!

It depends on whether the other party will obey or not!


Seeing Pang Hai's indifferent expression, He Xiyun immediately understood what he was thinking.

This is the benefit of sharing the same culture and race. There is no cultural barrier between the two parties.

In fact, as long as Pang Hai gave a little hint, He Xiyun could understand what he meant in an instant!

"We probably understand. However, there is something we need to trouble Captain Pang Hai. At this time, various countries are requesting to see the captain."

After receiving the news from his subordinates, He Xiyun said it directly without hesitation.

This thing is also simple,

Such a large fleet is parked in the orbit of the earth, parked on the earth,

Countries around the world are also very uneasy and want to come over to ask about the specific situation.

"In that case, let's meet, just in time to clarify certain things!"

Pang Hai nodded lightly,

It seems that

The time has come to establish your authority!

The global digital conference officially launched,

Holographic projections of representatives from various countries appeared in the conference room.

These representatives looked curiously at Pang Hai, who was sitting in the first seat, with curiosity, vigilance, and resentment in their eyes.

Pang Hai doesn't care about these emotions at all!

"Captain Pang, are you, the 'node civilization', too overbearing? All the star fields 10 light-years away from the solar system are allocated to you. This is simply unacceptable!"

Representative Liben glanced at Wilson not far away, and immediately acted as a vanguard and began to protest.

"Yes, does your civilization use so many star systems? Are there any logical differences in our definitions of territory?"

The representative of Great Britain is also itchy.

Looking at Pang Hai, the surprise of this "alien" who was no different from humans was directly forgotten by them in the face of interests.

No matter if you are an alien species or not,

If your territory is divided like this, they will never agree!

"Yes, the so-called territory must at least have residents on it. Has your civilization already colonized the entire galaxy?!"

The stick representative also stood up at this time, and followed Li Ben as the vanguard of a certain country, and they all started barking.

However, even though Xiao Jiujiu knew these two representatives, their words also aroused the approval of representatives from other countries present.

to territory,

Especially this kind of interstellar territory, you haven't colonized it, so why should you declare it as your own territory?

"What representatives Liben and Nanbang said makes sense. At least there should be colonization and development activities, right?"

"That's right, we don't need all the people in a star system, but at least there should be corresponding colonial bases!"

"That's right. How can we directly declare an empty place as our own territory!"


Someone took the lead, and representatives from various countries immediately started talking.

Most countries feel that this territorial map is extremely unreasonable.

As a result, many wary eyes looked at Pang Hai.

"I have no obligation to explain to you. If you think the demarcation is unreasonable, you can use war to get back the territory you think is reasonable, if you can win."

In the end, Pang Hai just replied lightly. When he said "if you can win" at the end, he couldn't help laughing.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the representatives present changed wildly.

Liben, who pinned his prosperity on the development of interstellar colonies, looked at Pang Hai with vicious eyes.

Too arrogant,

The other party didn't take them seriously at all!

This frivolous sentence is simply an insult to them!

"In addition, I would like to remind some countries with unrealistic aspirations that you can decide when the war will start, but when the war ends, your complete defeat will be the result."

Pang Hai didn't care at all when he said this.

With the current technology of this universe, it is too easy to solve the problem without blood.

He didn't want to waste too much time on this.

not to mention,

The cannibalistic look in the eyes of a certain Liben representative really made him feel very uncomfortable!


After figuring out the reason, Pang Hai felt relieved again.

Because, Liben started betting on the fate of the country again!

This time, the bet is to squeeze into space and colonize outside the system!


He died before he left the army. The plan had just started to be implemented when the universe came to him!

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