Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 487 Cracking the Numbers

Jehol Fleet,

Everyone on the ship also received the message sent from the home star.

In addition to the military taking over the entire fleet, this message also contained an order that made the scientists' eyesight go dark.

"The general outline of the "Extraterrestrial Life Contact Enforcement Act", this law aims to better protect..."

Noisy reading sounds came one after another, making the entire spaceship conference room look very like a high school.

After receiving instructions from their superiors, scientists from various departments immediately organized a study meeting into groups.

We must ask everyone to study this newly introduced law seriously.

And crucially, they are not allowed to use virtual devices!

In other words, each of them must read this law in detail three times!

"Look, keep reading. This is also to prevent some people from rushing for quick success and getting into big trouble!"

Amidst the reading, several old men sighed and started discussing among the noisy voices.

"We are the front-line scientists in contact. Once we make a mistake, it is a big mistake. This learning will be necessary."

"Safety first, system first, we understand!"

Those who can perform such tasks are carefully selected scientists.

In terms of justice, they can stand the test and understand the decisions made by the above.

after all,

No one wants to send a boatload of "pathogens" back home.

If that were the case,

They can really commit suicide and apologize!

Here, scientists are studying contact regulations every day, and military personnel have completed the integration of the fleet.

"The Jehol Fleet has already hidden behind the asteroid in the edge area of ​​the Obeya star system. All communications that will be intercepted by frequency radio remain silent. The science team is deciphering the intercepted signals. Now we need to wait for support from the home port!"

"The support from the home port has been sent out and will arrive soon!"

The intelligence adjutant kept reporting the situation in a very serious tone.

"Well, I understand!"

The captain of the Gorgeous Feather King took a deep breath and said solemnly to the crew present and the pilots of several ships in the light wave communication band:

"Everyone, this is a historic moment. The more times like this, the more we must show a high degree of discipline. Now, the entire ship has entered level one combat readiness. We still don't know the quality of the alien intelligent civilization we have come into contact with, so we Prepare for the worst, are you ready?"

"Always be prepared!"

In the regional communication channel using short-wave optical paths, the entire Jehol Fleet sounded excited voices.

They are ready,

No matter who the opponent is, as long as there is a threat, they are the sharpest swords in the universe!

Enough to kill all invading enemies!

"very good!"

Hearing this powerful shout, the flagship captain nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at the munitions adjutant and said sternly:

"Lock the large-scale area where the signal comes from, set up the annihilation cannon, and be ready to carry out cross-strike strikes at any time!"


The arms adjutant took the order and gave a solemn military salute.

This is the universe,

In the universe, any strange signal you encounter may be an enemy!

They must not be soft-hearted. Once they take action, they must kill like thunder to ensure that the opponent has no killing methods that may harm human civilization!

The Gorgeous Feather King, this spaceship with a unique allegorical name, has a ferocious convex metal weapon slowly protruding from the bow. It is like a strange and fascinating thing. Just standing there like this makes people feel sad. fear.

The spherical energy concentrator slowly reflects the condensed light. Once it is activated, its explosive power is enough to scare the enemy!

This is the foundation of this universe,

The confidence brought by strength!

"Deciphering is in progress. The regular segment is being reorganized. The reorganization failed. The next set of deductions will be carried out."

At the same time,

In this universe, on Node Island, a temporary deciphering team is busy cooperating with artificial intelligence assistants to decipher intercepted alien signals.

"Data is wrong, similarity is 20%, rejected."

"The data is incorrect, the similarity is 25%, rejected!"

Since the signals discovered by the Jehol Fleet were communication signals within the group and did not have their own decoders, this made many alien language researchers confused.

"This is not a language constructed with the physical constants of the universe. It may be the daily communication between the two spacecrafts. The result was accidentally refracted. What the hell, there has been no progress in the key part. We have to solve this problem!"

Gu Wu, a researcher on extraterrestrial languages, was holding a chicken coop on his head, his eyes were blood red and he was about to explode.

How would you describe the difficulty of deciphering this information? An example of this is:

The aliens picked up a certain signal that our space fleet communicated in Chinese, and deciphered this signal without understanding the culture, history, human characteristics and level of civilization of the great Eastern country.

It’s such a mess to decipher!

Come to a compressed idiom package and it will be destroyed immediately!

"The assistant conducted hundreds of billions of deductions and screened out millions of possibilities, but because this signal was too short, we couldn't narrow it down at all."

The researcher put down the instrument helplessly, with a look of despair on his face.

I originally thought I had taken on a big job that would go down in history.

The result is a cauldron? !

Who can decipher this? !

But the delineated information was too small, and they simply couldn't lock in the scope.

"No, there is still a chance, there is still a chance. This information uses a ternary computer. The three symbols of the base must be numbers. After determining these three numbers, based on the position and direction of the Mecca Cluster, we can crack the opponent's numbers!"

The researcher was desperate, and Gu Wu felt that he could still rescue it.

"Yes, if we can find something from the numbers, it will be a great discovery!"

The desperate researcher's eyes suddenly lit up.

The entire communication information has too few characters, even if Taishang Laojun comes, he can't crack it.

So, their current task has changed from successfully cracking this string of information to-

As long as they can crack something from this string of information, it will be considered a success!

And the simplest one is the number!

I can't bully the language, but I can't bully your numbers? !

I don't believe that your alien civilization uses one character to represent one number!

"According to the model, the other party's data base is being reshaped, and the calculation is in progress..."

"The results are exported, with an accuracy rate of 90%, and the export is completed."

The artificial intelligence assistant runs quickly.

Finally, based on the approximate location of the Mecca cluster and the ternary underlying code of this string of data, a whole string of alien number fields was determined.

"Okay, it's a success!"

Seeing the number 90%, Gu Wu shouted excitedly.

Sure enough, you have to pick the soft persimmons!

"Quickly see what kind of numbers it is!"

Several researchers crowded up excitedly, stretched their necks, and looked closely.

"Seven number fields, this is..."

The extraterrestrial language researcher looked at the number fields that were deciphered, and the assistant speculated that there was a "90% accuracy rate", and was a little confused.

Seven consecutive different number fields,

Does this thing have any special meaning?

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