Seven consecutive number columns, this is the only information that Gu Wu has tried his best to interpret.

Any more will not work.

The intercepted data is too isolated.

This is the reason why it is difficult to prove a single case.

Gu Wu even thinks that if the civilization represented by this string of data has been extinct and no other information is left, then this will be the biggest unsolved mystery in the history of scientists!

It is so outrageous!

"Why seven?"

Gu Wu frowned and was very confused after exporting the data.

The scientists in the field are all studying various languages, and they are also confused about the meaning of this number column. On the contrary, the soldier guarding the door raised his eyebrows and looked a little surprised.

"Squad leader Wang, what did you find?"

Gu Wu was able to become the director of this institute, and he also had his own unique skills. He looked around and listened to all directions, and saw the guard who was hesitant to speak at a glance.

"Oh, scholars, I don't really understand this either, but we have a course in navigation training called "Space Bridge Teleport Positioning Method", which says that navigation or teleportation in the universe generally requires seven points for positioning. I wonder if this is... some kind of coordinates, navigation coordinates?"

Squad leader Wang scratched his head, and seemed a little restrained in front of a group of knowledgeable people.

"Navigation coordinates?!"

This made Gu Wu's eyes light up, and he immediately said in a hurry:

"Assistant, immediately import this string of data into the Mecca star cluster for elimination!"


When navigating in the universe, coordinate positioning generally uses three-dimensional coordinates, that is, XYZ; but with the continuous increase in navigation needs and the high-precision navigation required by superluminal spacecraft, the three-dimensional coordinates are expanded from the original XYZ axis to six points to ensure that there is no deviation.

But here, there are only six points?

Don't forget that the starting point of the spacecraft's flight is also considered a point, so this adds up to exactly seven points!

The principle is so simple, but it is not so easy to find it.

Because the navigation target is uncertain, these six are to serve the navigation target.

The points of star systems and planets are fixed; but for some moving targets, these six punctuation marks will also move with them.

Now Gu Wu only prays,

This target must be a fixed point!

"The simulation is completed. From the perspective of the Mecca star cluster, the six fixed points used by the civilization that sent the information are: Omega AB, Lora CD, Sirius II, and Arcturus I, these six super stars."

Change your mindset and solve problems quickly.

The artificial intelligence assistant immediately locked the target.

From the perspective of the Mecca star cluster, the timeline of the movement of these six stars must be extended by hundreds of millions of years, which is perfect as a positioning punctuation mark.

"So this is a fixed point, maybe a star system?"

Gu Wu's heart suddenly began to beat wildly,

Have they discovered each other's home planet? !

"Yes, I have programmed the model, the position has been determined, and the coordinates show - Xinggong Xu star system!"

While explaining,

the assistant started the holographic projection and projected the image of a star system.

The Xinggong Xu star system is located in the core area of ​​the Mecca star cluster, and is only 0.7 light years away from the Xinggong Wu next to it. This distance is extremely close!

This also causes the stars of the two star systems to perform dual-body motion with a period of 10 million years.

And now,

various evidences show that

it is in these two star systems that an alien intelligent civilization that is completely different from humans may have been born!


Zhao Guangyao hurriedly pushed the door and walked into the meeting room of Project 237. He quickly came to Mr. Zhu and said in surprise:

“Good news, the temporary decryption team has news.”

“That information is a single case and has not been decoded, so it is impossible to decrypt it at present, but they have deciphered the target of the other party’s navigation through the logical chain of the data itself. This is the coordinates of a star system!”


Mr. Zhu took the file handed over by Zhao Guangyao, lowered his head and flipped through it, pointing to the data on it and asked:

“This is the navigation coordinates, so where is the starting point of this string of data?”

“According to the data calculation, the distance from the starting point to the end point is exactly 0.7 light years. We suspect that Xinggong Wu is the starting point.”

Zhao Guangyao sorted out his thoughts and answered immediately.

"In other words, the two star systems of Xinggong and Wuxu have forces in each other's system?"

Old Zhu raised his eyebrows and said vigilantly:

"It is possible to cross the star system. Although it is only 0.7 light years, it is enough to explain many problems."

"What Old Zhu is talking about is, what should we do next?"

Zhao Guangyao frowned, thinking that this matter is very tricky.

"Let the fleet go first, we will go around the two star systems of Tiangong and Wuxu for 100 light years, check them bit by bit, and test their bottom line first."

Old Zhu sighed, gently threw the documents in his hand on the table, and gave the order helplessly.

What else can we do?

This is our universe. Whether it is a blessing or a curse, they have to bite the bullet!

"The military also means this. Let's see the strength of this civilization's detection of the surrounding area first, and then proceed to the next step."

Zhao Guangyao nodded and issued the order through the intelligent system.

When encountering a strange civilization, you should be so cautious!

After all, you can't just fly up and use a probe to shoot at their home planet, right?

Put yourself in their shoes.

If someone suddenly flies to a place 6 light years away from the solar system and uses a probe to shoot at the solar system and Alpha Centauri, this universe will be furious.

This is equivalent to declaring war!

The star system is your territory. If you shoot at the probe, who knows if you are trying to find out the internal defense situation and then focus on attacking?

So this universe finally decided to adopt a roundabout strategy,

using the encirclement method to search for traces of the other party's civilization activities bit by bit,

through the territory of the other party's activities, you can roughly analyze their overall civilization level.

"This is our human 'first' contact with alien civilization, we must be cautious!"

Old Zhu nodded,

The plan has been issued, and he believes that their people can complete the task well.


When Zhao Guangyao heard this for the first time, his mouth twitched, but he still nodded in response.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Then, a crisp knock on the door rang.

"The door is not closed, please come in!"


The door was opened, and the tall Horus walked in with a document, scratched his head, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Zhu, this is this month's research report."

"Oh, where do you put it!"

Mr. Zhu pointed to the closet by the door.


Horus opened the closet, put the document in, and then walked away quickly.

After walking a long distance out of the door, he suddenly scratched his head, suddenly realized something, and clapped his hands in surprise:

"First time to contact with alien civilization?"

"That means that engineers are not considered 'alien' civilization!"

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