Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 813 Stop talking, take it to the mine!

Interstellar dust, chaotic asteroid belt,

On the other 6 predator warships that escaped,

From the cockpit to the transfer cabin, from the bow to the stern, from ship No. 1 to ship No. 7,

All the predators stayed where they were, too scared to speak!

One shot,

Just one attack, directly turned ship No. 3 into cosmic dust and cosmic minerals!

It's hard to imagine,

Do they really want to rob this civilization?

"Just that instant attack, the energy level is 10 times higher than our focused energy beam!!"

The captain of the main ship took a deep breath and was completely dumbfounded.

This is fucking,

I've hit the wall!

Oh, it turns out you're so strong, when you followed the alliance to find someone, it seems you were just slacking off!

Pretending to be hardworking, right!

A casual attack, starting with zero frames, is that the upper limit of their attack?

The opponent can turn them into ashes with a casual blow; and their attack may not even be enough to scrape the opponent,

What kind of fight is this!

"Deputy, tell me, if I tell them now that I am joking, will human civilization believe it?"

The captain trembled, his heart was full of fear.


The deputy's mouth twitched,

Believe, they will definitely believe it,

Then say I believe it while beating the shit out of us!


What to do in this situation,

The captain can only say, the wind is tight, just run!

In space,

The cylindrical spacecraft simply did not cancel the curvature bubble, ready to go all out and run away at superluminal speed!

As long as he runs fast enough,

This is a spacecraft using the Alliance engine. If you can't beat it, run away at least!


The ideal is good, but when it was really implemented, the deputy and the captain were dumbfounded,

because the detector showed that

they were surrounded by two fleets and had no way out!


The captain shook violently, then made up his mind and decisively...


If he didn't surrender, he would have to go to the same table with the people of Ship No. 3!

In space, in the command room of Pang Hai's ship, an hour and a half passed,

the captain of the plundering group, who was tightly bound by various equipment and clearly sealed, was sent to Pang Hai.


Seeing the captain's true body, Pang Hai raised his eyebrows,



it's still a silicon-based life!

"Well, I'm deeply sorry for our offense, we can compensate!"

The captain was so timid at the moment that he immediately admitted his mistake to Pang Hai.

"You have money?"

Pang Hai raised his eyebrows,

Is it because he is seeking excitement to be a plunderer even if he has money?


The captain of the plundering group was silent.

The truth is the sharpest knife. Although he was very unhappy with the tone of this rhetorical question, he also wanted to jump up and say that I have plenty of money,

but the reality is that they really don't have it.

"We can take out a loan, from the Alliance...you!"

Originally, the captain wanted to say that he would take out a loan from the Alliance, but thinking that the Shining Plundering Group had no assets to mortgage, he could only change his words temporarily.

As soon as this was said,

Pang Hai couldn't hold it back.

You fucking loaned us money, then redeemed us with the money, and then just found a place to run away and hide, right!

"What, what, we will definitely pay it back!"

The captain's tone was weak, and he vowed that he would definitely pay it back.

Talking about credibility with plunderers and wanderers?

Pang Hai just grinned and laughed "haha", then pointed to the door and said loudly:

"Pull it back, someone who can drive a spaceship, a high-end mining talent!"

"Send it to the mine!"

You want to run away after provoking this universe,

Don't struggle!

The mine is your destination!

World War, clearing the stranded malicious people, this is a small matter for this universe.

Originally, there was more than one "Shining Looting Group" in the distance,

but when Pang Hai launched a high-energy particle beam attack, the remaining ill-intentioned ones all scattered.

If you don't run away,

this human civilization hides its strength, who knows what kind of attack the other party can take out!

Space Gate Base,

Mr. Zhu was checking the recent scientific research progress in his office. Next to him, Zhao Guangyao, who got the news, smiled and said:

"Mr. Zhu, the alliance fleet has left, and the remaining covetous people have also been killed by us to scare the monkeys, and they are afraid to flee. What should we do next?"

Based on Zhao Guangyao's understanding of Mr. Zhu,

since he came to this universe, he must not only come to check the scientific research progress, but there must be something else!

"You still understand me!"

Old Zhu waved his hand and asked Zhao Guangyao to sit down, then waved his hand.

In the air, a star map of the entire Milky Way appeared.

Under the control of Old Zhu, the star map continued to expand. Finally, on the other side of the Milky Way, in a corner of a prosperous star cluster, a dark and gloomy wandering star cluster without the light of stars was marked with a red mark.

"I'm going to send people here, the home planet of the Laiya people!"

"The place where the 'Infinity' once opened a crack!"

"What is this for?"

Zhao Guangyao still remembered that the Laiya people,

the marine creatures that looked like giant donuts, were also captured aliens on the way back from the alliance by Fang Jing and his team.

But why go to find them now?

"Horos speculated that the infinite limit is an unobservable scale through which the energy of the entire universe will flow after being transformed. I always feel that there is a big connection there."

"Maybe it can advance our energy research progress."

Mr. Zhu touched his chin,

He had such a strong feeling, so out of a mentality that he didn't want to miss out, he decided to take a good look.

"Pang Hai and Captain Wu Tong are very busy recently, let Yuan Hong go."


Zhao Guangyao took the order,

According to the alliance's information, the Raiyas are not too strong;

In the Alliance's Civilization Level Record Manual, the Raiyas are classified as a second-class civilization, that is, a civilization that can create hyper-light engines, but cannot maintain a sailing speed of one hundred times the speed of light, and has an activity range within 10,000 light-years.

Moreover, the energy utilization rate of the entire civilization is very low,

It is judged by Alliance researchers as a civilization that is heavily dependent on technological paths, has not yet gotten rid of this dependence, and has worrying prospects for evolution.

Simply put,

Can't beat this universe.

"By the way, Fang Jing's place happens to be fine. If he wants to go, he doesn't need to ask me, he just agrees!"

When Zhao Guangyao was about to walk out the door, Mr. Zhu stopped him.


When he said these words, Mr. Zhu knew very clearly,

As long as Fang Jing knows about it, he will definitely join in the fun.

after all,

Fang Jing discovered that the Laiya people had such strange abilities!

"I see!"

Zhao Guangyao nodded and took the order to go out.

"Before the new world opens, the multiverse will fall into peace again!"

Mr. Zhu took a sip of tea and seemed a little leisurely.


Will it really be peaceful...?

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