Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 814 The Kingdom of God Opens

World War,

Earth Orbital Military Port, the polygonal dock where this space battleship is docked, Captain Yuan Hong, carrying a briefcase and wearing a space army suit, got off the ferry and came here.

Because there is no artificial gravity outside the military port in space,

so in order to save space, the docks are no longer arranged in parallel like on the ground, but are directly combined together to form a diamond-shaped polygonal space around the channel.

"Is this my flagship this time, the star raider?"

Floating in front of the main dock, looking at the huge battleship docked in it, Yuan Hong's heart flashed with excitement.

This is not like a spaceship used to assault the space gate.

In order to attack the space gate and save time, it can only be half a kilometer in size!

These spaceships are going to enter space, and they may even encounter interstellar wars on the way, so the ones on this time are absolutely complete!

The overall shape is still a shuttle, painted black, and the length-to-width ratio is still maintained at 7:2, but its length has reached the level of 10 kilometers, and there are omnidirectional particle wave detectors every kilometer on the hull.

In the main cabin of the hull, there are deployable main gun ports every half a kilometer, and the dense balls are all over the ship. This is a field jammer. With tens of millions of balls in full operation,

this star-snatching ship can even directly use the field on the hull to resist high-energy particle beams and star-destroying attacks!


It's the hull!

This doesn't count the shield!

"Captain Yuan Hong, welcome to the fleet flagship!"

Beside him, the deputy of the spacecraft who had been waiting here for a long time smiled and led the way for the other party. He introduced the situation of this flagship while leading the way.

The general operation is similar to the simplified version of the spacecraft,

plus there is a brain plug interface. If you don't understand it now, you will understand everything when you get to the cockpit and dock!

The two walked quickly,

After they left, the intelligence adjutant brought Fang Jing, Zhou Yuan and others into the venue.

That's right,

Since Fang Jing knew about this kind of excitement, it's impossible for him not to join in!

"Is this the new spaceship?"

Fang Jing looked at the huge warship with a bright look in his eyes.

As the saying goes, big is good, more is beautiful, and caliber is justice!

This spaceship is big enough, with enough gun muzzles and a large caliber. It is simply his dream ship!

"The star-raider ship integrates the technology obtained from the alliance, and adds tens of millions of field jammers to the hull. When attacked, the field jammers will make the hull not afraid of particle penetration and can withstand particle beam attacks."

"And this is a spaceship that uses dual supernova star sources,"

"One is for navigation, and the other is for attack and defense, with abundant energy!"

The intelligence adjutant of the ship knew the ship thoroughly, and was a little proud when introducing it, with his head held high and his eyes full of excitement.

"Wow, supernova energy source, specially used for attack and defense, the firepower of this ship..."

After listening, Fang Jing was slightly shocked,

The firepower of this ship must be sky-high!

Supernova energy source, it is estimated that this star-raider ship will fight a small battle every day and a big battle every week. When the ship reaches the end of its service life and is retired, this energy will not be exhausted!

"Okay, let's get on board, let's go to the hibernation cabin. This time we have to sail a hundred light years away before starting to jump, to avoid being discovered by the alliance."

The intelligence adjutant smiled lightly,

It's impossible that the alliance just left, and then looked back and saw that human civilization was sailing directly on the space bridge?

Wouldn't that confirm that there is something wrong with humans?

So this voyage, we have to shoot secretly!

"Okay, let's go!"

Fang Jing followed him on board, secretly excited in his heart,

The Rhaeyans,

They are here!


On the dark and gloomy planet,

This is a perpetually dark area without stars. On the planet, there are only artificial light towers that emit a faint light that can bring light and heat to the creatures in it, and the gathering places are also produced from this.

However, most of these gathering places are on the planet, and the ring-shaped Rhaeyans in them are also floating in the sea water at will, like a floating corpse, as if they have no will of their own.

In the orbit of the planet,

there are strange buildings in the shape of cubes. They are stacked on top of each other. From a distance, they look like a palace of gods,

cold and mysterious.

In the center of the largest cube building, a Laiya man is hanging upside down.

His ring-shaped body is hanging upside down on a hook. The flashing signal on the hook keeps pouring into the ring's body until a little light disappears. Then he slowly opens the "eyes" around his body.

"What's the matter?"

Below the palace, another Laiya man floats in and respectfully bows in front of the upside-down Laiya elder.

After entering space and adapting to living in the sea, they have no feeling of weightlessness at all!

"Elder, we have confirmed that White Shark..."

"I have confirmed that he disappeared. The reaction is very different. Silver Shark is dead, and the infinite world has withdrawn its connection with him, but the interface of White Shark is still there."

The upside-down elder sighed,

Sometimes disappearance is much more terrifying than death, especially when they are connected to the infinite world.

"But... how is this possible?"

The tone of the Laiya people below was surprised and full of disbelief.

Their tribe had established a deep connection with the infinite world in ancient times. From the birth of the tribe members, they would establish a connection with the infinite world, and it would not be taken back until death.

This connection is called the guide back to the "Kingdom of God" by them.

In the wild era, children without this connection would even be called "blasphemers" and executed!

In other words,

this is the first time that the interface is still there, but the person has disappeared, like White Shark!

"Nothing is impossible, the scale that the infinite world cannot touch, the subspace, the fragments of the high-dimensional universe, and even... traveling through the universe, everything is possible."

The upside-down elder sighed,

They are no longer the Lai Ya people of the wild era. Although they still maintain a lofty belief in the infinite world,

but they have a clear understanding of the infinite world.


itself is an ordinary scale that is not easy to be discovered.

It is just that on the Lai Ya planet, in this visible universe, its channel has been opened for the first time.

"Forget it, those two have already left us. I just hope they won't bring us trouble."

The elder sighed deeply, as if he remembered something, and asked:

"How is the passage?"

"It's still the same. We can't detect it and can't be sure."

The Laiya people below sighed deeply, with a look of melancholy on their faces.

When the two were entangled and fantasizing about the infinite world in their hearts, several hurried figures rushed in directly from outside the palace.

These people rushed in with bright faces and ecstasy on their faces.

As soon as they came in, they shouted loudly:

"Elder, the cracks in the infinite world are moving again, and a lot of energy is flowing out of it!"

"Pure energy, high-purity energy!"


The elder who fell down was surprised,

The infinite world began to spew energy again!

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