Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 815 I don’t quite understand these people’s logic

Raiya people,

The abandoned people of the “Kingdom of God”,

A race that has always wanted to return to the golden age!

Compared with the current ocean, at that time the infinite world was wide open and the seabed with gushing energy was indeed like the kingdom of God.


The Laiya people just soaked in the sea of ​​energy. They didn't need to do anything. They only needed to float slowly with the energy tide. Immortality, hunger, and disease were all gone away from them.

In this environment,

Those with ambitions keep thinking and developing science and technology; those without ambitions are like sponges in the sea, just be unrestrained.

However, as the infinite boundary closes,

This kind of life was suddenly shattered. Fortunately, with the help of that golden age, the aspiring Laiya people, that is, the great elders, have developed into a spaceflight civilization.


Compared with finding energy and developing this miserable life by yourself,

Who wouldn’t miss the era of unlimited energy and squandering?

Originally this was just an obsession in my heart,

However, now, the infinite crack has begun to spit out energy again!

When the news reached the Great Elder, the entire palace was silent at first, and then when he confirmed it, everyone became excited.

"Wait...it wasn't strong just now, now you close your eyes!"

The great elder's tone was excited and he closed his eyes to feel it carefully.

The people below the palace also followed suit and closed their eyes.

In the darkness, they seemed to see a door. The door cracked a little. The surging energy leaked out from the gap and leaked to the outside world, as majestic as the sea.

Pure, clear energy!

Familiar feeling!

"This is it, this is it. The infinite world has opened its cracks again. Do we have a chance to return to the Kingdom of God?"

"There's still a chance!"

The great elder's tone was excited, even a little tearful,

For thousands of years since he became the Great Elder, like his predecessor, he has been constantly searching for a way to open the infinite realm and bring the Kingdom of God to come.


Finally saw hope!

Infinity opens a little gap,

But just from this gap, the energy flowing out is more than the energy produced by the entire Laiya civilization!

"Quick, let's go to the forbidden area!"

The Great Elder got off the hanging hook and eagerly led everyone onto the spacecraft, leaving the palace in the orbit of the planet and heading to the interior of the planet.

The area around the Infinite Crack has been turned into a forbidden area.

The whole thing was sealed with alloy and guarded by the Raiya army.

When the Great Elder took the ferry boat and entered the interior of the planet, then entered the ocean, and came to the gate of the forbidden land, he took a deep breath and entered the transition cabin with anxiety.

The door opened slowly,

It was this door that cracked a little, and the clear and pure energy surged out directly from within!

Wait until the door is fully opened,

Inside the entire forbidden area, the scene was even more exaggerated!

In the void, a space crack unfolded. The crack was only a few millimeters wide, but within these few millimeters, energy was released and spewed out.

This energy is endless. At this moment, the entire closed forbidden area has become a world of energy.

Just bringing it to this place,

The Great Elder and several others felt extremely comfortable in their bodies, just like fish jumping into the water, and birds spreading their wings again and flying into the sky. Intoxication and comfort suddenly emerged in their hearts.

"Really, the Infinite Realm has really reopened!"

“The Kingdom of God has not abandoned us!”

The great elder's tone was so excited that he almost kowtowed in thanks!

"Quickly, store 70% of the energy, and use the rest to open the gate to the forbidden area so that our people can enjoy this gift from the 'Kingdom of God'!"

"This is the good fortune of our civilization!"

“Everyone, enjoy it!”

I don't know why,

The Raiya people's divine kingdom, with its infinite boundaries, actually left the gap!

Moreover, there is abundant energy gushing out from it,

Soon after the gate to the forbidden area opened, the entire sea area was filled with energy!

This is 70% of the energy stored by the Great Elder. It is unimaginable that if all is released, not only the entire sea area, but also the air will be flooded with energy!

Now, the Laiya people are really happy!

Endless energy spurts out,

To them, this thing is completely free of charge!

Energy flushes the body, allowing those body functions that were once dormant to resume.

Many of their body structures were originally designed to adapt to a high-purity energy environment, but their functions were shut down due to the loss of this environment.

Now, they're all activated!

"It feels so comfortable, like coming home!"

"Look, I can use this energy to condense one hand, not more than one!"

"I don't even have to eat. The energy ring goes along the path once, and I'm full and full!"

"The Great Elder said that the Kingdom of God has opened a crack, praising the Infinite Bounds!"

"Praise without bounds!"


In the dark world, the Raiya people fell into a carnival,

The opening of the infinite realm made all the Laiya people go crazy. They felt the abundant energy around their bodies, constantly dazzling in the ocean, and danced gracefully.

Suddenly, the dark ocean was filled with glare,

It looks magical!

"This is the infinite realm, the blessing of the Kingdom of God, have a good time!"

Standing under the energy tower, the great elder also shouted excitedly,

The Kingdom of God is back!!!

As for why the infinite world was opened, why there is such a huge and pure energy in the infinite world,

these great elders have never thought about it,

or rather, no Laiya people have thought about it.

The evaluation of the League on the Laiya people that "there is path dependence, it cannot be broken, and the future is limited" is indeed not nonsense.

Just when the Laiya people were reveling,

far away in the borderland of the League, in the star system isolated from the visible universe,

Stoke and Yalila were also reveling!

"In the sixteenth experiment, the energy filtration of the experimental body reached an astonishing 70%!"

"We just made fine adjustments, why is it so easy, does this machine of Tianshu civilization have such divine power?"

Looking at the results of the experiment,

the orange energy peak reached 76%, which is close to 80%!

The progress of this experiment exceeded the accumulation of tens of thousands of years of the League before!

It was so fast that the two people even felt a sense of absurdity after being excited!

"Should we continue?"

Ariella took a deep breath and asked his teammates cautiously.

"Why not continue? Tiger attracted the enemy only when he was 99%. We just need to keep it below this level!"

Stoke rubbed his hands.

Experiment, continue the experiment!

Energy, pour it into the experimental subject!

They will complete the technology that the alliance has always dreamed of here!

Even if they dare not really make it,

it will be enough for them to go down in history!

Therefore, on the entire ship scene,

countless pure energy, as if it were free, was poured into the experimental subject, desperately!

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