Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 816 Coming again?

war of the worlds,

Earth, orbiting laboratory.

Researcher Zhang Zhiyan came to the laboratory as a routine, opened the experimental bench placed in the center, and prepared to start today's task.

He is affiliated with the Space Gate Base and Life Sciences Research Institute.


The creatures he studied were the Raiyas with strange abilities!

"Being able to establish a connection with a certain scale is considered a 'weird' thing in the entire multiverse!"

Zhang Zhiyan held the task list and looked at the information introduction with excitement on his face.

Their laboratory can actually get this kind of "rare" experimental body, so they can't study it properly!

"Although I am only the third group of researchers, maybe there will be new discoveries?"

Now that you have it, there is no reason to miss it!

Therefore, this research institute immediately began research on the Laiya people.

The experimental requirements are that the experimental subjects cannot die or be seriously injured.

Therefore, Zhang Zhiyan did not choose electric shock, but used anesthesia.

This is an anesthetic containing high-energy energy. After being injected into the bodies of Raiya people, it will directly put them into "pure white light" mode.

"The introduction said that after this creature enters the pure white light mode, it will be connected to the legendary 'infinite realm' in their civilization and will absorb energy,"

“The norm is to absorb energy.”

Seeing this, the researcher's eyes lit up, he held the energy release device and looked curiously at the Riya man who was locked in the glass cabin.

Because of the anesthetic,

It had fainted, and the glare all over its body had turned to white light.

Just when he was about to release his energy,

Zhang Zhiyan opened his eyes and saw a scene that surprised him.

This Laiya man's "heart aperture" is actually spewing energy!

"Why did you directly enter the mode of spitting out energy? No...there is a situation!"

Haven't you started filling in energy yet?

Why did you start vomiting!

Looking down suddenly, Zhang Zhiyan saw the precautions on the mission sheet.

Especially the line of red words:

If during the World War, the Raiya people spit out energy, report it immediately!


Without hesitation, he immediately chose to report it!

However, what he actually didn't know was that just before he reported it, his assistant had already transmitted the findings here to Mr. Zhu.

in the office,

When Mr. Zhu saw the information, he frowned and was a little surprised.

"Did the Raiya people start spitting out energy again?"

They already know that the infinite realm connected by the Raiya people is a place where energy gathers at an unobservable scale.

At this moment, the Rayians of the World War spit out energy,

This means...someone is researching energy technology?

"Could it be...an alliance?"

"It's most likely the Alliance. Let's notify them and ask the people from the Observation Department to keep an eye on the Alliance to see what they are doing!"

Mr. Zhu thinks,

It shouldn't be a big deal,

After all, after Tiger’s lesson, these people in the alliance should not continue to mess around.

After all, it’s a lesson learned from the past!

"Buzz buzz-"

On the dark boundary wall, hidden in the huge spherical space,

The subspace core, which had fully recovered from its injuries, looked at the orange light that was constantly beating on the entire boundary wall in front of it, and felt a sense of joy in its heart.

"They found it, haha, finally found it."

"Keep studying, keep studying!"

"Almost there, almost there!"

Feeling that there were even some unhealed wounds on his body, the subspace core suddenly felt a little cold, wishing that the damn alliance could complete its breakthrough now.

Then he can call his friends and kill them directly, completely wiping them out!

Just wait,


Soon you'll find out who you've messed with!

In the dark universe,

The huge fleet is moving slowly,

The fleet led by the stargrazer in this universe has entered the deceleration stage and is about to enter the target star field.

In the cockpit,

Fang Jing, Zhou Yuan and others, who had already woken up, sat in the observation seats and fastened their seat belts, looking curiously at the picture displayed on the main screen.

It was pitch black,

It is almost the same as the background scene of the universe. If they did not know in advance that this location is the home planet of the Raiya people, they would probably just regard it as a wandering planet!

"The alliance's information does not mention the location of the Raiya people. If I hadn't asked from White Shark, who would have thought that intelligent life could actually be born on this kind of planet!"

Yuan Hong felt a little emotional,

On this kind of planet, it would be very difficult for life to be born!

Without the light and heat of stars, relying only on the low heat of the planet itself, civilization and wisdom were actually born. This is indeed a miracle in the universe and a miracle of life!

"This is it, it's so... amazing."

Fang Jing was also a little shocked when he looked at the huge planet that was scanned with a particle detector.

The sphere is very large,

In the dim environment, miraculously, liquid water still exists in most areas inside the planet, and there are very obvious cube-shaped intelligent creations in orbit.

Obviously, this should be a Rhian spacecraft.


It seems that the Raiya people attach great importance to the aesthetics of such regular-shaped objects.

"I now wonder whether the birth of life on this planet is also related to the 'infinite realm'. In a normal cosmic environment, how could life be born in a place like this?"

Professor Dong, the accompanying scientist, frowned.

Originally, they knew from White Shark that Planet Laiya has no stars and is a world of eternal darkness. They only had a rough impression and guessed that the planet's geological activities should be very active.

But now,

I actually arrived at the scene and saw this planet,

Professor Dong was stunned when he saw the active conditions of the planet address displayed on the detector.

It cannot be said that this geological activity does not exist, it can only be said that it is almost dead!

If such a planet could give birth to life, or even intelligent life, by relying on natural conditions,


In this universe, intelligent life should be everywhere in the universe!

Why is it floating around in the universe?

Because there are so many that they can’t be crammed into the planet!

Is life so precious?

Although the birth conditions are not few in the entire universe, they are not so cheap!

Professor Dong absolutely does not believe that this kind of planet can give birth to life without any problems!

"No matter what the problem is, now that we are here, now that we are here, the truth will be revealed!"

Fang Jing grinned lightly,

That’s right if you have a problem!

They came here just because there was a problem!

"However, when it comes to the other party's beliefs, I guess we will have to argue again later!"

Professor Dong nodded and agreed with Fang Jing's statement, but he was worried about the communication at the meeting.

Infinity is, after all, people’s “Kingdom of God”.

Just go up and say, "Bring out your Kingdom of God and let me study it."

Guess what?

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