Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 817 Where are the people? !

In the dark space,

Captain Yuan Hong is thinking about how to contact the Laiya civilization.

With a basic idea in mind, I let the spacecraft fly forward for a short distance.

As a result, something embarrassing happened!

They have entered the space identification zone designated by the other party, and the result...

No one is sending navigational warnings against them!

"What's going on?"

Yuan Hong looked at the intelligence adjutant with some confusion.

"I don't know. The detection team is sure that we have come into contact with the Raiya people's navigation beacon. The other party should have discovered us?"

The intelligence adjutant also called it outrageous.

We all want to hit the navigation mark. I also sent you a sailing application in accordance with the alliance regulations.

As a result, no one responded!

This is as outrageous as,

On Earth, my fighter jets flew directly to your coast. As a result, there was no movement from your air defense radar and combat radar, and no one paid attention to you!

"What is the other party doing?"

Captain Yuan Hong was a little undecided.

If you resist fiercely or come to drive me away, I have something to say.

As a result, you ignored me.

He was also a little afraid that this was the opponent's "trap"!

"Immediately detect the situation of the opponent's spacecraft in orbit. I'm afraid this is a scam!"

Captain Yuan Hong felt wary in his heart.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Could it be that the other party wants to lure you into a trap and then besiege us?

So insidious,

It is worthy of stepping out of the civilization of predators like white sharks!

Captain Yuan Hong thought cautiously, but the fact was that he was completely overthinking it.

The intelligence adjutant scratched his head and immediately asked the detection team to verify the situation in the opponent's orbit. As a result, the life detector, energy detector and particle wave detector were all scanned.

Everyone in the cockpit was stunned, and the intelligence adjutant widened his eyes and said with a look of disbelief:

"Report to captain, the test results are out,"

"Outside the orbit of the Rhiya home planet, all aircraft did not open their shields and energy fields, so the fluctuations of the particle detectors and life detectors successfully penetrated their spacecraft. The results show..."

"There are no living things on the spaceship!"

No living thing!

When the test results came out, Fang Jing was so surprised that he kept scratching his head.

What's going on?

The spaceship, the permanent planetary defenses, the planetary observer... there is no one inside!

Moreover, the armed patrol fleet has disappeared!

This Laiya civilization is simply wide open, and there is no defense at all at the moment. In other words, everyone has disappeared to their posts, not knowing what to do!

In the eyes of Yuan Hong and other people in this universe, this is simply unreasonable.

Abandoned the defense of the home planet and deserted their posts on a large scale,

This kind of person,

If you take him out and shoot him, you have to hit a drum!

After execution, the bullet pile can only contain a small amount of corpse fragments!

"The Laiya people...are really unconventional!"

Professor Dong is also a little confused. He cannot understand or empathize. Who can empathize with a "psychopath"?

"However, there is another discovery. The energy detector found that the energy content in some areas of the opponent's planet is simply off the charts at the moment. Look, Captain!"

The intelligence adjutant was also very confused. He carefully looked at the detection report inside and out several times, and finally found some abnormalities.

That's the planet!

On the home planet of the Raiya people, there is an area with extremely abnormal energy content!

Bring out the picture,

The entire Laiya star is blue in the energy detector, except for a small area near the South Pole, which is purple at the moment, purple and black!

"This energy has been enriched to an abnormal level..."

Seeing this picture, Professor Dong's eyes suddenly became sharp.

In other words, the eyes of everyone in the cockpit of the entire fleet suddenly became sharp!

It seems that

Some very "good" things happened on the Raiya home planet!

The Raiya home planet, outside the forbidden area,

At this moment, this place has become a Raiya paradise,

The Kingdom of God is open!

No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, as long as you are a Laiya, you are naturally connected to the Kingdom of God, so after hearing the news, everyone came to pay homage!

Absorb and absorb energy by the way!

This is a carnival for the Raiya people, a carnival for all!

In the sea, the original darkness was illuminated by the enriched energy. There were rows of Laiyas and vertical rows of Laiyas. They were neatly arranged and floating in the sea, with their bodies next to each other, vertically and horizontally. Hundreds of miles!

They are connected together like seaweed in the sea, undulating with the waves and dancing with the energy!

One by one, stretching for hundreds of miles, dancing together, covering the entire ocean, it is extremely shocking to watch!

Open your mouth in a forbidden place,

The surging energy spurts out, pure and flawless, endless!

What a gift this is,

It was like a hole suddenly opened in the earth, and gold was spewing out crazily.

You can imagine how crazy the humans you meet will be.

This is the mood of the Raiya people;

It’s such excitement and craziness!

"Elder, even the orbital troops have entered the planet, and we don't even have anyone watching in orbit now!"

In the forbidden area, the place with the most energy, looking at the carnival of all the people in the sea, the soldier beside the great elder felt a little worried.

There is no defense at all in orbit;

This worries him so much!

"Just for a short while, let the soldiers return to their original positions after an alliance!"

The great elder didn't take it seriously.

In this situation, you can't even call them back, so why not let them stay happy for a while.

"Besides, our corner of the universe only lasts for an hour, so there won't be any problems!"

At this moment, the great elder was also very excited and a little over the top.

The feeling of luck came up!

After all, it is a theocratic civilization. Seeing that the Kingdom of God is open and can store seven levels of energy, he has already maintained his sanity!

The rest,

Just crazy!

But what he said makes sense,

How could other civilizations invade such a poor place with no corners and no stars?

If someone wants to invade,

It just happened to happen at this time, that is, the sky was going to kill them.


The Kingdom of God has arrived,

Lucky for the Raiyas, nothing will happen to them!

"That's what you said... After an alliance, I will force them to return to their posts."

The worried soldier actually nodded affirmatively upon hearing this.

The Raiya people really have nothing to worry about. When the predators come, they will feel miserable when they see them. The energy of two units is left to pity them!

"So, go have a blast!"

The great elder chuckled a few times,

No one will miss them!

Except for White Shark and Silver Shark, you two idiots who defected with your tribe!


Have fun and have fun!

Enjoy this gift from the Kingdom of God!

Nothing to worry about!

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