A sociological experiment in the world of Transformers,

There, after finding the broken subspace, there is still a long process of transformation and verification.

This is destined to be a big project,

But it means a lot,

Not only can they take this opportunity to recruit many "workers" to help them eliminate the remains of ancient Cybertron; they can also use this "white glove" to develop and grow.

Whether it is the number of civilizations or some technical details,

This all takes time!

Selling those less important technologies,

The small civilization below has been polished, modified and improved with various ideas, and then bought back, which can save a lot of time in this universe.

Even this process uses the currency issued by this universe itself!

This is just one of the benefits!

The more benefits are too numerous to count!

And the process only requires payment from this universe, a currency based on energy?


For the Alliance, they only want to hang out in the Milky Way, so they have to save some energy.

But for this universe,

Energy is not a thing at all!

Consuming energy is a fundamental necessity of civilization.

But having mastered force and energy,

This universe holds the lifeblood of those civilizations.

"Look, we're here, Shattered Warp!"

On the spaceship, Stroh pointed to the star field in the distance filled with various mechanical debris, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Finally found it!

"The detector has locked on!"

Optimus Prime also cheered up,

In the star field, which is dark and filled with all kinds of debris, and even occasionally floats through the huge body of an ancient Cybertronian life, a permanent dark hole opens in the center,

Among them, holes were broken into the dark boundary wall, and the connected infinite boundary disappeared.

The Broken Infinite Boundary at this moment is completely a natural space node!

The crack can be opened from any position,

Inside, be able to open cracks and go anywhere!

"It's here that there is no longer any fluctuation of the eroding body, and it has been abandoned by the infinite, becoming a completely independent space bubble! A solidified space bubble!"

Why does the Warp have the property of being able to go anywhere?

Optimus Prime explained it very clearly,

The entire subspace is a solidified space bubble!

The kind that envelopes the object every time when the space bridge transmits!

"Use equipment to drag this thing to the vacuum zone, summon the manpower from the Space Gate Base, and we are ready to transform it!"

Optimus Prime's eyes flashed with excitement,

The new Cybertron of fraternity and peace will start from repairing this broken subspace!

This place, which has been silent for a long time, will become more prosperous!

"Already notified!"

Stroh has already sent the communication back to the base.

The other party will come soon,

The renovation here is about to begin!

"Okay, let's go take a look at this broken subspace. The detected structure is complete enough, so there shouldn't be any big problems."

Optimus Prime nodded, controlled the spacecraft, and flew towards the destination.

Getting closer and looking at more and more corpses of ancient Cybertron warriors floating in space, his expression became a little complicated,

It seems that

The war here was extremely brutal back then!

I counted casually and found that the number of corpses had reached 100,000!

Optimus Prime is completing his mission,

In the surface world of the black hole, Horos also looked serious at this moment.

in front of him,

There is a strange pioneer lobster man. He maintains his physical form, but currently wears a special helmet on his head. From the gap between his head and the helmet, silver light continuously spurts out.

"The transformation of the brain has been completed, and the assistant has been able to remotely control the life form."

"Good, take off your helmet."

Horos took a deep breath and gave the order.

The order was translated by the assistant and conveyed to the transformed pioneer.


The pioneer waved his pliers, actually took off the helmet on his head, and carefully placed it on the experimental table at hand.

"Put on the air-locking suit and enter the air-locked isolation cabin!"

Horos then ordered, and the lobster man complied completely, walked into the isolation cabin nearby, and then stopped moving.


Close the isolation compartment and vent the air pressure,

Horos took a deep breath, pushed the isolation capsule and walked out of the laboratory.

The safety of energy technology has been verified through these days of experiments.

The current step is the experiment of the last project.

What will energized creatures encounter after entering other universes? !

"Captain Wu Tong, I leave it to you!"

After handing the isolation capsule to Captain Wu Tong and watching him put it into the cabin of the unmanned spacecraft, Horos quickly arrived at the War of the Worlds space gate base.

In line with the Fang Jing of this mission, the space door was immediately peeled off.

And took Pang Hai's ship to a selected area thousands of light years away, reopened the space door at the settled place, and used the space door to return to the universe.

"The unmanned spaceship sets sail and enters the world war!"

The unmanned ship moved upon hearing the order and passed through the space gate instantly.

Fang Jing, who had been staring at it for a long time, immediately stepped forward and took back the space door again.

In the World War, in the base, Horos stared at the data on the detector.

The unmanned spacecraft entered this world, and the lobster man remained in the physical body, without any abnormality.

This result made Horos feel relieved.

If it is a life after energy, even if it remains in the physical body, it will be targeted,

then Fang Jing is finished!

After entering the new world, wouldn’t he be targeted by the subspace at the first time?

"The automatic program counts down for ten seconds!"

Next, it is the focus of this experiment,

Horos clenched his fists!

"Ten, nine... three, two, one!"

"The automatic program of the unmanned spacecraft is activated, and the shipboard artificial intelligence estimate has been ordered!"

The detector personnel reminded loudly.

"Quick, raise all detectors, pay attention!"

Horos finally got nervous, what on earth would happen...

Inside the unmanned spacecraft,

In the isolation cabin, after hearing the command of the ship-borne artificial intelligence, the controlled lobster man's body began to change immediately. The originally gray-black skin and the reddish claws at that stage burst into orange light.

Almost instantly,

it turned into an orange light ball, transforming the material body into an energy body.

The whole process was extremely smooth!

However, after the transformation was completed,

a strange scene appeared. The energy fixed in the body by the orange light ball was actually constantly dissipating.

And, in a place of eternal darkness in the universe,

the subspace core, which had just wiped out the alliance and repaired the stolen pipes, suddenly turned around, and the valve of the subspace closed opened. It looked in horror in the direction of the boundary wall.

No, to be precise, it was in the direction of the limiter!

"Buzz buzz buzz--"

An orange light appeared on the limiter, and the purple limiter, that small pipe, suddenly had countless cracks on it, which looked extremely scary.


A crisp sound scared the souls of the subspace out.

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