Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 849: Zero tolerance!


Core finally repaired the pipes in the boundary wall of the house that had been stolen.

I was thinking about taking a nice rest for a while,

As a result, you will do this for me?

An orange light appears on the limiter, and cracks appear, making this "click" sound.

I was so scared that the subspace soul came out!

The limiter... Broken? !

This is the first time this has happened in the tens of billions of years since its birth.

Looking at the limiter that was firmly guarded by it, it panicked for a moment and didn't know how to deal with it.


Which pipe does the orange light come from? It can instantly reveal the opponent's position.

But this time,

This orange light is generated directly from the limiter!

Where can I find someone like this?

[Core, what happened? There is a lot of movement in the antimatter field, and we are forced to wake up! 】

At this moment, the cleaner was also awakened!

It's not just the limiter that's broken;

The originally extremely calm antimatter field was now causing huge waves. The movement was so great that they had to wake up and come to inquire about the situation.

"The limiter shattered!"

The subspace is a bit of a headache.

[What's going on? Can you lock the position? 】


[You are the creation of the monitor, and even you can’t find it? 】

The cleaners were shocked;

What's the use for you?

"This is no longer an ordinary incident. Ordinary means cannot be found at all. Let the real monitor come out to lock the opponent's location!"

The subspace core is a little helpless,

It is just a creation, its main task is to detect in subspace,

As for the real "monitor", it can't be contacted at all.

Only liquidators with the same status as the other party have contact information.

[I have informed you that the other party has woken up. 】

The Cleaner confirmed the Warp Core's words, then fell silent.

war of the worlds,

In the space gate base, Horos stared at the position of the unmanned spacecraft on the detector, waiting quietly.


After placing the space door in the original disinfection room, Fang Jing walked over slowly.

"Still no movement?"

Some curious inquiries revealed that the unmanned spacecraft was intact.

"Wait, it's not that simple."

Horos took a deep breath, did not look back, still kept his head held high, and replied:

"Since Infinity can detect orange light in real time, they will definitely react. This experiment is just to verify this!"

The subspace core specializes in this line of work.

So this experiment already had results when it started!


They still want to see how big the other party's reaction is!

Horos just finished speaking,

The unmanned spacecraft in the picture made no movement, but the staff of the space exploration team suddenly stood up.

"High-frequency fluctuations have been detected, and these fluctuations are spread throughout the Milky Way... No, it is the two nearby main sequence galaxy clusters. There are such fluctuations in all ranges within a million light years!"

This movement is too big,

The staff stood up and looked at the rising values. They were all shocked.

Within a million light years, all space is filled with this kind of fluctuation?

What is this for?

"The fluctuations are in the form of a dot matrix, flashing in the space, something is coming out!"


In front of everyone, in the picture, a huge light ball shining with purple light appeared outside the solar system.

The ball was the size of Uranus and shone with dazzling light.

"Why did it appear outside the solar system? What happened?"

Looking at the position of the purple ball, Fang Jing clenched his fists, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead and back.

It's terrible,

Appearing silently around the solar system!

"It shouldn't be for the solar system. Every five light-years, these purple light balls appear. They are arranged in an array, all over the entire galaxy, and even in all spaces within a million light-years!"

The detector staff swallowed.

"so much?!"

Not only Fang Jing was shocked, but Horos's eyes also widened.

Within a million light-years, in all spaces, every five light-years, purple light balls will appear up, down, left, front and back. The light balls form an array, neatly...

What are you doing?

"No, why is this ball of light outside the earth a little bit off?"

After calming down, Horos discovered some differences,

That is this ball of light outside the solar system, offset by about a light-year!

"According to predictions, this light ball should have appeared in the Kuiper Belt. However, due to the forbidden air tower, it shifted and moved to the interstellar dust area."

The detection staff checked the defense report of the forbidden air tower and gave a conclusion.

"I see!"

Hearing this, Fang Jingshen took a breath and said,

If so, it's not targeting humans.

But, what on earth is this doing?

In the void, between the extremely far purple light balls, there are faint connections of light paths passing through the narrow tubes. These light paths connect points and connect surfaces, and they continuously scan within the area under their jurisdiction.

"Detected by data scan and intercepted!"

In the testing room, the staff are a little busy.

Emotions, this is scanning!


Horos reacted suddenly, swallowed, and exclaimed:

"Holy crap, such a big movement is heading towards the unmanned spacecraft!"

I thought something big happened,

As a result, you tell me, this scanning array that spreads across millions of light-years is just to find that completely energetic life?

This...is too important!

Horos just said these words,

In the dark universe, somewhere thousands of light years away from the space gate, where the unmanned spacecraft is parked,

A ray of purple light scanned past, and the moment it came into contact with the isolation box where the energy lobster man was kept, the purple lines on it suddenly shook.

At the Space Gate Base, everyone who was attracted by Horos’s words turned to look at the big screen that locked the unmanned spacecraft.

The next moment,

From the depths of the universe, a cold white light flew out from nowhere, directly penetrating the entire star system including the unmanned spacecraft.

Fire, lava, and explosions bloomed in silence,

As far as the eye can see, space is torn apart, planets are broken, stars are destroyed, and wherever the white light reaches, nothing is left!

All matter has been broken into the basic elements of the universe,

The spaceship docked here, together with the energized lobster man in the spaceship,

were destroyed together.


Seeing this scene,

Although it had been expected, it was still beyond Horos' imagination.

He had thought that the other party's reaction would be fierce and tough.


This is too intense, too tough, right?

Unable to find the location, I scanned all locations within the approximate area of ​​10,000 light-years.

After finding it, use thunderous means to kill it directly!


The means are fierce!

It seems that the other party really has zero tolerance for complete energyization!

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