Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 87 No, you just give me a string of numbers? Who can guess it? Oh, there must be an expert!

The magical machine in my brain has undergone strange changes.

Not only did there appear two small white dots, one large and one small.

And, the most interesting thing is the way these two little dots are arranged!

The small white spots are like appendages, branches branching off from the main trunk.

"It is known that the big red dot is the wandering earth universe that I have already visited, and the big white dot is the new world that can only be opened by going to Jupiter."

"Red means you have been there, white means it is not open yet."

"The big white dot and the big red dot refer to the same level."

"Then this little white dot, according to logic, should represent a world that has not yet been opened, and its importance level is lower than that of the Wandering Earth Universe."

Fang Jing consciously paid attention to the changes that occurred on the machine in his mind.


Constant speculation.

He felt that they would definitely be inseparable this time!

Moreover, his consciousness came into contact with Xiao Baidian and received an astonishing message.

"I want to see the expert team immediately, there is something new!"

Fang Jing, who had been walking for a while, suddenly stood up with an excited tone.

He hurriedly bid farewell to Zhou Yuan and left in large strides.


Zhou Yuan was so frightened by Fang Jing's sudden voice that he trembled all over.

When I came back to my senses, there was a big question mark on my head.

Hey, this kid, scared him!

Fang Jing came to the expert group and told all the changes he had discovered.

"Your analysis is correct. The big dots may be the main trunk, and the small dots may be the branches. But now we only come into contact with the wandering earth world, and the samples are too small to distinguish the difference."

Zhang Xun is engaged in theoretical physics, and he spoke first.

After hearing Fang Jing's words, he could only shake his head helplessly and record the information in the database.

Others, due to too few samples, can only be considered "suspected".

"That's right, but I have another piece of news, which may be related to that little white dot world!"

Fang Jing knew that this news was the big deal.

That news just now was just the appetizer.

"The big white dot gave me a hint to go to the orbit of Jupiter, but the little white dot actually gave me another hint!"

"Another tip?!"

Zhang Xun's eyes widened.


Every prompt from the machine in Fang Jing's consciousness could mean something big was going to happen.

The first prompt was completed, opening the space door to the wandering earth universe.

The second reminder is not yet complete, but it is very possible to communicate a new parallel universe.

Now, the third prompt appears.

Moreover, this time, it is very likely that a new parallel universe can be communicated!

Zhang Xun's head was spinning.

This is caused by excitement.

Just a wandering earth world has caused such changes in the country of China in this universe.

Now, two more came at once! ! !

This, this, this is simply unimaginable!

"Content, what is the content of the prompt?!"

Zhang Xun's eyes were wide and round, his breathing was rapid, and he looked at Fang Jing anxiously.

This is about a world.

It’s about the future of this universe.

If you can communicate.

Just open the space door.

Even an ancient society can provide a steady stream of resources to this universe.

Extremely important.

It only took Zhang Xun a second to determine that this news was extremely important!

"The information this time is very strange..."

Fang Jing's eyes looked strange when he mentioned the prompts given by the machine.

Thinking about it, he scratched his head and explained somewhat confusedly:

"What the machine prompted this time was actually a series of numbers."



Zhang Xun also looked confused.

What is this?

He is engaged in quantum physics, and he cannot guess the secret words of numbers.

What is this long series of numbers?

This doesn’t look like a QQ account either?

Fang Jing didn't understand either, so the two of them could only look at each other, speechless.

It was obvious that neither of them could understand.

But fortunately, someone in the expert group reacted immediately.

"It's the latitude and longitude. The leading numbers 2 and 04 should indicate the direction."

There was a middle-aged man with an obviously powerful hairstyle, who was deep in thought after listening to what the two said.

Suddenly, he raised his head in surprise, and the top of his head glowed with golden light under the reflection of the light!

"Latitude and longitude!?"

Fang Jing and Zhang Xun turned their heads in shock.

The result was a stab in the eye, and he subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes.

Damn, it’s so bright!

"Yes, the leading 2 means west, 93.74 west longitude; 04 means north, 33.04 north latitude!"

The big man's tone became more confident, he pushed his eyes with his right hand, raised the corner of his mouth, waved his hand violently, placed it on the military satellite map, and quickly entered his estimated location.

"So, the location given by that machine is——"

As soon as the data is entered, a huge image is projected on the giant screen in the office.

At the same time, a small cross star was pointed at a strange land.

The bald man raised his head confidently and read out the result loudly: "Texas, United States!"

Sure enough, military satellites also gave the answer at this time, but the satellites in the military information database were obviously more professional and detailed.

Specifically, it should be:

USA, Texas, Compass Biological Laboratory!

"Compass Biological Laboratory?"

Fang Jing raised his eyebrows and looked at the overlooking building on the map, remaining silent and thoughtful.

"Is this really how this string of numbers is interpreted? If it is true, why this biological laboratory?"

Zhang Xun frowned.

Although this big man’s analysis is correct, is this really his interpretation?

"At this point, that's all I can think of."

The bald man shrugged.

This is the only answer that can be deduced within the scope of his knowledge.

His opinion has been made.

The rest is left to the rest of the expert team.

"Dimensions, coordinates, this is the most likely one at the moment."

Fang Jing stared at the Compass Biological Laboratory shown on the map, and an idea gradually formed in his mind.

"Are there any outstanding research results in this biological laboratory?"

"According to information from the military website, Compass Biological Laboratory is a biological and chemical weapons experimental base affiliated to the US military. The base's confidentiality level is already the highest in the US. However, in the 1970s, the laboratory had shocking revelations. scandal."

Zhang Xun immediately opened the information on the military website and pulled up a black and white newspaper.

The newspaper looks very old at first glance.

The front page used a close-up of a terrifying-looking elk.

And accompanied by exaggerated text.

"Shocking to the world, the mysterious virus from the Compass Laboratory was leaked, and the nearby elk were infected with the 'death virus'!"

Stare at the photo of the elk with eerie eyes.

Fang Jing felt his scalp numb.

This elk looks so penetrating!

Fang Jing couldn't help but look away, and continued to look.

The message continued:

"In 2014, during the war in Syria, hackers hacked into the US Department of Defense and stole the data. We intercepted the returned data flow."

"This newspaper is the only report leaked by the Compass biological experiment. All the remaining information has been blocked by the US military and is unknown."

After reading it, Fang Jing's eyes were blank.

There is something wrong with this laboratory!

What a coincidence, it can't be such a coincidence!

This string of data is converted into longitude and latitude, which happens to be the laboratory.

And it just so happens that the laboratory is still so weird.

"Maybe the target is really here!"

Fang Jing raised his head suddenly, his eyes burning.

See the information about the Compass Biological Laboratory on the military website.

He believed the big shot's speculation just now.

That string of numbers is probably referring to here!

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