Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 88 Since we are compatriots, no one can die!

Compass Biolabs.

This is a mysterious biological laboratory of the US Army.

All information about the laboratory is highly confidential, and to this day, the United States still has not declassified it at all.

The only relevant information.

It was also China that intercepted the data from the Da Mao hackers in 2014.

Such a questionable laboratory.

No matter how you look at it, there is a problem.

"Yeah, what a coincidence, but..."

Zhang Xun also believed it, but he thought helplessly:

"That's the territory of the United States, and it's a military laboratory. How should we 'explore' it?"

His question is very realistic.

That's the border of the United States.

They have already suffered a defeat and are angry.

And the biological laboratory is so sensitive.

If Hua wants to make contact, there are no windows, let alone doors!

That is simply impossible!

"This matter cannot be solved by us. I will report the information we discussed just now and let the higher ups go away from the headache."

The bald man smiled softly.

They don't need to worry about these things.


Fang Jing also smiled easily.

He doesn't have to worry about how to handle this matter at all.

This is the benefit of having a big tree at your back.

If Fang Jing came alone, he might not be able to complete this task in his life.

That's the Mijun Biological Laboratory.

To put it another way, it is an American who wants to go down the underground Great Wall of China.

Do you think it's possible?

My ashes will be raised for you!

"This time the destination is in the United States, haha. Let's see what strategy Mr. Zhu has to solve this problem."

Fang Jing chuckled.

This problem is not easy to solve.

But the time and benefits are much greater than going to Jupiter.

Fang Jing felt that the people above would not miss this opportunity.

This is a world!

No one can resist the temptation!

Bauhinia Pavilion.

In the conference room, Mr. Zhu was negotiating with the Minister of Commerce.

"Mr. Zhu, I have completed the task you gave me."

The Minister of Commerce smiled softly. Although he did not understand, he still reported seriously:

“Not only did I openly express my goodwill to the US Secretary of Commerce, but I also expressed my goodwill for cooperation to the West Coast states and opened my mouth.”


At this point, the Minister of Commerce's face became a little ugly.

The United States is shameless.

Their good intentions were a warm face but a cold butt.

"As you know, American pharmaceutical companies have begun embargoing the product."

The other party's meaning is obvious.

I won’t play with you!

"Well, you did a good job."

Mr. Zhu didn't say much, just smiled lightly and poured himself a pot of tea.


The Commerce Secretary looked puzzled.

This isn’t a deal that fell apart, so how could it be done well?

Could it be?

The Secretary of Commerce glared sharply.

He understood that Mr. Zhu had never expected the other party to agree.

This is going to cause trouble!

"Haha, as long as you understand, then continue to show kindness, but don't let the other party really agree, handle it well."

Seeing his sudden look, Mr. Zhu chuckled.

He raised his hand and took a sip of tea, feeling so beautiful in his heart!

The plan worked perfectly.

Now the west coast of the United States is in conflict with other places!

Next, all it takes is a shocking hammer blow.

Enough benefits will drive those people on the west coast completely crazy!

"Controllable nuclear fusion... this hammer can open up a new world. Those who cooperate with us will live, and those who are our enemies will die!"

"Those businessmen on the West Coast are smart and they know what to choose!"

After saying "Jie Jie Jie" several times, Mr. Zhu felt that these days were really getting more and more promising!

That's when.

The door to the conference room was pushed open in a hurry.

The person who came in was the secretary-general of No. 1.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. After coming in, he held the door and took a breath.

Then he walked quickly to Mr. Zhu and whispered in his ear.

After hearing what he said, Mr. Zhu's eyes widened instantly, obviously excited and confused.

After these emotions passed, he laughed loudly and slapped his thigh:


"Hahaha, okay, this location is great!"

"Go and tell Zhao Guangyao that this matter should be settled properly."

"Yes!" The Secretary-General nodded immediately, smiled at the Minister of Commerce, and immediately prepared to leave.

The Minister of Commerce also finished his work and simply left.

Mr. Zhu was left alone here, his eyes bright and his expression extraordinary.

"Compass BioLabs, Texas."

"If it were in other places, in the middle of the country, or on the east coast, maybe we would really have some difficulties."

“But in Texas, it’s a big deal!”

Don't forget what Mr. Zhu is doing now.

Prepare to boil water to boil the eagle, then go and accompany Big Brother!

By then the eagle is dead and cracked open like Big Brother.

Guess who these West Coast states, which rely on China’s huge market, will get close to?

At that time, benefits will be exchanged directly.

Allowing their goods to enter the market comes at the cost of...

Compass BioLabs.

Can they disagree?

This biological laboratory is just a piece of cake. Is it important that they have big capitalists making money?

Allowing China to get involved in these things will damage its sovereignty. Is it important for their big capitalists to make money?

None, that's nothing!

So this matter, if it happened a few months ago, would have been enough to make Zhu Lao's head a few circles.

But the past is the past.


This is not a problem!

"Another world, what kind of world will it be this time?"

Zhu Lao was looking forward to it at the first time.

But after thinking for a while, he lowered his eyelids and sighed again.

"The Wandering Earth world has been enough for us to digest for a long time."

"You can't chew too much."

"I hope that this world can help the Wandering Earth world."

"Help our poor and respectable compatriots."

Zhu Lao and Zhou Zhezhi from the Wandering Earth world had a long conversation.

Since they met, he no longer had any doubts about their identity as comrades and compatriots.

2500 years of journey, 25,000 miles of long march.

This spiritual connection is better than anything else!

We and them have the same culture, the same civilization, and the same spirit!

Since we are comrades and compatriots.

Then, we should do everything we can to help!

However, the crisis of the Wandering Earth is too great.

The sun is about to explode!

Our universe is not as technologically advanced as others, so the only way we can help is to take them in.

But the Earth is so small.

Where can we fit 8 billion people?

Let alone 8 billion, there is no place for the 1.4 billion people who must be saved!

For this reason, he and No. 1 even considered moving people here first and letting them transform the Northwest by themselves.

If the entire Northwest is transformed.

1.4 billion people is not a big problem.

But that is the Northwest!

There are too many problems to face!

This matter can only be thought about slowly.

Fortunately, there is still time on the other side!

Thinking of the large number of compatriots who died in the original story because of the Wandering Earth Plan.

Mr. Zhu's eyes were a little moist.

These are all living people, and they are Chinese!


Can't bear to see this.


Will never allow these things to really happen!

Mr. Zhu's eyes were more determined than ever!

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