The morning after dawn.

Early risen maids are busy working at the Ovenil Mansion in Voldan. Even so, it's strange to say this, not a slave brought by Turius, but an authentic maid. These are the original servants of this Count family, namely, the junior nobleman's courtiers who were sent out for behavioral apprenticeships and the daughters who were born and raised in a family of certain identities among the civilian population.

Such is the extreme of laughter for them, such as the maid of slaves as Turius is carrying. They serve beside the mighty adults, and sometimes they accommodate their children. One stomach aches, for example, when the role is played by a slave flair that is also overlooked by civilians.

There is such a common perception. The maids were mixed with those whom Linus had brought from the king's capital and those who had worked in the mansion of Vordan from the beginning, but they were soon able to break it down. Because the dressed enemy is right beside him.

Slaves who put their sleeves through the same maid's clothes as they do for business - maybe better over there if they look good. They compete for the pet of a young lord named Linus Ovenil, but there was room for friendship if together we were to make a blind opponent our enemy.

Especially for those who come from the Wang capital, no race is more disturbing than female slaves. Lady Simone, who has no desire for servants, is also a horn, and among the women who live in the main residence of the king's capital, it is an open secret that Linus' mistress is a slave. I didn't expect to be picked before I had a chance to get out of my real wife without any signs of pregnancy because of her despicable femininity. That outrage is fostering even stronger hatred of the slave class.

So the presence of the slaves of Turius, who are female slaves and even have their hands on every imitation of a maid on top of that, was nothing short of disgusting to them.

Here he comes.

One of the maids secretly ears a colleague who was carrying laundry. At the end of the horizontal gaze, one of Turius's female slaves was just passing through the hallway. The two maids confirming it exchanges a mean looking grin with each other.

I'll teach you, you little slave, to behave like one. That's what I was up to.

Together, they were maids held by the Ovenil family in the past year or two. That's why I don't know the days when Turius was in the Mansion of the King's Capital. I heard rumors, but I just thought it was like a good suspicious conversation. It was only the tail fins that were sprayed that killed a few slaves in coarse phase. Interpretation would be child deception...... such a perception.

If their predecessors had been here, they would have advised them never to engage the slaves. Until a few years ago, the Mansion of the King's Capital was ruled by slaves. Even when Turius was away in his studies, the slaves of his subordinates who left him were walking wide. Those who recall the acid-nosed massacre that takes place underground in its appearance and who have resigned sick of their hearts are more than they can count with their fingers on both hands.

The maids, who did not know it, were trying to trick the slave into being careless and defenseless. What, Turius, its Lord, as read, is a Viscount under the command of the Earl. Somewhat of a slave molester, there is no way the unsuccessful Count would take it from him if he sued. Getting the title again means I set up a separate house. He bracketed that others would not be able to punish themselves, which were the family of the Count.

"We're going, right?

"Yeah, I know. Three, two, one... whoa!

When he finishes counting the count like a prank, the maid throws the laundry he was carrying forward.

They're going to put a lot of dirt on the walking slave's head. Laundry has many clothes stained with a line of sweat after a long journey. If it touches your face, it will be uncomfortable. If you complain about that, you can say this back. He said you dropped the laundry because you bumped into him. I checked the perimeter, but there are no third party eyes around. I didn't do it. If it's a watershed theory, we don't do people with slave shoulders. I will also lay the blame for carelessly hitting the Count's servant. And let's enjoy how the slaves distort their creepy faces and what excuses they make. I was going to.


"Is that it?"

A full laundry cage that I thought I'd thrown forward. It is in your hands unchanged.

To the bewildered maid, an accomplice came in a frustrating gaze.

"Hey, what are you doing?

"Huh? No, that's..."

If I thought I threw it, I'd be back on hand at some point.

There is no way to say... I'm the one who thinks I'm losing my mind. While searching for excuses, the female slave I was looking for rubbed off with a look like I was not involved.

"Oh, too! If this happens..."

I'll keep falling in and scream flashly at you. That would result in a noise in which slaves or not would be caught up unresponsively.

Never willing, she fell deliberately, sprinkling the laundry.

"- It hurt. - Whoa! What are you doing, you slave!?

"Oh, what's up?

"What's wrong, it's not! Are you walking right in front of me?

"Hey, hey! Awkward. Yikes!?

A colleague raises a hurry for some reason and stops it. She interpreted her companion to be confused by the adrift. I don't care about that, now I attribute it to this man - man?

"I was going to look right in the front and walk...... you are the one carrying such big baggage at once, you can't see the front and it's dangerous, right? It is advisable to carry it in several portions even if it is cumbersome."

As I say, picking up laundry scattered all over the floor in discipline is your blonde princess. Definitely not a maid of honor with a collar.

"Vi, Sir Viktor Lorje!?

I accidentally raise my voice upside down. This man is not a slave or anything, but a historic Turius minister, who is also a big man among the big men: the birth of the Count family, even though it is a common son. Maid style was not a good opponent due to it.

"Whatever. I'm Viktor... how can you be so surprised? Did you see me as someone else?

"Yes, yes, eh! There is no annihilation!

Apologizing for the flat apology, staring at his coworker's maid on the sidelines. I was wondering if there wasn't a crowd other than the target. Guess we wondered, too, and asked Auntie and Viktor to that effect.

"Um, I didn't see you until earlier, but when?

"Is that it? There was an emergency business, which I ran to, although it was illegal. Then it was better next to you, so as soon as I stopped in a hurry."

His hair, saying so, does flake slightly and sweat seeps slightly into his forehead. Is it a perk that is unique to the second one when it is seen as refreshing and loving rather than ugly?

"By the way, did you hear what slaves were like?

"Ah, yes! That's right, the wrong slave just hung me up. So I fell."

To Viktor's inquiry, he says once and for all that it is a ship across the street. At this point, tailor him as a witness. I thought eight times that it was a reward for embarrassing me in front of a colored man.


"... where did that slave go?


Viktor shows behind the maids with his jaw. Behind it was a deserted hallway. Naturally, I don't see any slaves anywhere.

"Ki, I must have hidden somewhere in the halfway room. Be smart."

"True, wicked slave!

The eyes of Viktor, who sees the maids who say so, were also a white breeze somewhere. But it also for a moment, when I immediately get a serious look on my face, I continue to ask in all sincerity.

"So, what are the characteristics of that slave? If it's true, you have to punish it. I'd like you to tell me."

"Yeah, that's it, she's a brunette daughter and her eyes were green!

"The colors are white too... so much that I don't know if I really work as a slave. I'm sure he's a lazy guy who tends to go back to work!

"That's right! Put a brilliant armband on your left arm, or lower your weapon from your hips! You're an insane slave!

The maids who testify that this is the only place they've ever argued. I won't tell you if my mouth is torn that I was beautiful, etc. Because that inspires their inferiority again - though you'll never admit it is.

"You're a characteristic slave for a long time. Uhm, overall, our chief... wasn't... you look like uni"

"Well, he was a servant of the Viscount."

"Fire immediately, no. It's better for you. … and was this too much to say"

That's what I say with a cat's voice to Viktor, who makes a face that looks sorry.


"… what have you done, Sir Viktor"

A slave dressed in a maid of honor appeared without footsteps.

Viktor's, from behind.

"Oh, Chi-Uni. Just fine. This lady said she bumped into you and took off the laundry?

"No, I don't remember myself"

"Really?... Here's what she says, what do you think?

The two maids couldn't react to the appearance of the target they were trying to bully, or to Viktor's kind words.

In fear, it was frozen.

(What, why...?

Where did this slave called Uni come from? Why, rubbing off with ourselves and leaving behind, following Viktor - show up from before ourselves? In the first place, did you have time to hide in the right room once you lost it? Did you make that noise again?

Several questions ran around his head, and the answer never came up. Or I have to assume that's not possible.

He disappeared when he thought he had left behind, and when he realized it, he appeared without a sound from before.

Now it's like a ghost.

"Shh, excuse me. It seems to have been my fault."

"Oh, it was something you were up early in the morning, and you even daydreamed about it? A, ahahaha......"

- To mislead such an association, the two of us raised a convoluted loving laugh.

Enough. It's creepy. Scary.... I don't want to get involved.

The maids, who had been hit by an incredible phenomenon since the middle of the summer morning, were imprisoned by a strong aversion to the slaves dressed as squire.

Turning to her blue-faced daughters, Viktor says.

"You don't seem to be feeling well. What do you say, Uni? What do you mean, you're taking their place here?

"Yes, no problem, Sir Viktor. Are you sure you want to run your laundry and dry in the garden later?

"Yep. By the time I can take in the dry laundry, their addition and subtraction will be better... what do you say?

"Ah, yes..."

"Oh, please"

Handing the parrot and the full laundry cage to Uni, the two maids walk away early enough. I gave up my duties, but what do you fear when you're a slave? That kind of reasoning had disappeared from my head. Now I want to get away from people with horns and silver collars. That's all that occupies my heart.

On this day, there will be another increase in the number of myths surrounding the slaves of Turius.

Knowing it or not, Viktor exhales deeply.

"... I hope you keep my use for stock, Lord Chief Maid"

"Yes, Sir Viktor. I'll worry about that as much as I can. Unless your husband needs you."

"That means it could be in the future. Ha..."

Douye Schwartzer was bewildered. Over here since I met Turius, I have been accustomed to abrupt events and unusual and incredible events. But what was happening in front of me was separate from what was conventional and interesting.

"Um, well, could you please calm down and talk to me first?

Turius is in trouble. No, this man is human, too. He's a demon from the truth, and he's the kind of guy who wants to find out if he's hiding his horns, feathers and tail, but unfortunately he's human. There will be trouble and troubles.

It is unexpected, however, that we will have trouble getting into this situation.

"Help, Sir Turius! I can't do this anymore! I can't stand living with that guy!

It was Simone, Turius's brother-in-law, who said that and cried.

I thought she didn't even show up at the breakfast table, and when I went back to my room, she showed up. When he passed indoors in wonder, he went to his brother-in-law, crying.

"Ha... Did my brother say something again?

"I hate you, I don't want to tell you, don't ask!

"What do you want me to do?

Do something about it, and they'll send you a gaze, but there's nothing you can do about it, Dooey. A woman crying will have to make her cry until she feels better. I find it difficult to expect a man who had an overnight pleasure, such as dating a woman, to deal with a sword move. Even making it the deepest hangout dry for him wasn't until he was cute, like showing a man tears in front of him.

There was no treatment, and he did not say anything about the next good while clapping his shoulders.

"How dare you talk to me? Shall I go outside? I mean call me if anything happens..."

With that said, Turius looked blatantly disgusted. I'm talking about this man, I guess I'd rather have a little escort leave the side than be left with Simone with no sign of calm.

Fortunately, Simone buries his face in Turius' chest and lets him cry, so he doesn't have to see the unpleasant look on his brother-in-law's tongue. If I had watched it, I would have shut up.

"Ugh... please, that's how it is. I don't want anyone else to ask me..."

"Oh, I get it.... I can't help it, the Dooes are out of the room. Don't go anywhere on your own"

"Heck. Look, let's go, you guys"

"" Yes ""

Take the mass-produced slaves you were packing in the room with you and go out in the hallway.

A little while after closing the door, the consultation began.

It's not like I'm listening, but Hate Dooey is Turius' 'work'. My hearing is also enhanced as a result of getting my hands all over my body. One wall, one door at a time, it doesn't even make a collision.

"Drink some tea first and be calm. I'm sorry for my poor brewing."

"Gu... Oh, thank you. I'll take it."

"I wish Uni had been here, but you said hatred and errands. It should be a little further back."

Turius is right, Uni has been away from the Lord in the morning for work. If that were to happen, the plot to lose Linus would have brought him closer to achievement. Simone will be crying to a man who tries to fall for his husband. There was nothing to talk about.

"It's warm, your tea... Ouch"

"Oh, what's up? Could it be you're cutting your mouth off? Excuse me, may I have a look?"

"Uh... yeah. Please."

The sound of floors, the rubbing of clothes between different garments, such things jump into my ears.

I assume Turius approached Simone to examine him.

"Yes, please open your mouth. Ahem."

"Ah, uh..."

"Hmm. You're cut pretty big. You bled, too, didn't you? Because they didn't take care of me when I hung up?

"It's, uh..."

"Well, if it's hard to say, I won't force you to ask. I saw him to cure it.... Yes, it's healed. I think it's okay to put a drink in your mouth."


It would be the magic of recovery, a slight glitch of magic. The sound of the body leaving. Remnants of a woman's voice.

What the hell, this development? Why are you raising your voice in this situation? Are you even going to tell me that Madame, at last, I really care about Turius?

Dooe shakes her head to her imagination. Impossible. Even the previous favorable attitude is like some kind of mistake. On top of this, I'm even more in love with it than I am with sanity. At any rate, when the Turius Shrounan Ovenil, it's like being the opposite of the male statue preferred by the women of the world. It is cold, self-centered, does not take into account the thoughts of others, and if it is to survive, it is flat to put a woman on the arrow. Far from the generalized like-minded statue of a gentle, dependable, etc. Such as a woman who can love a man like this, that would be the only people who are getting brain-miso rubbed.

On the other hand, if my relationship with my husband, Linus, is coming to a breakdown, I think. Then I have no desire to embarrass my brother-in-law, who is badly reconciled with the pavilion owner, nor to develop into a love affair.

(Besides, I've also learned to fix the outside here lately, that bastard)

There must have been some desperate rhetoric about Viktor and Rubel. You seem to be behaving somewhat like your son. At least not much more than a doue.

Looking back again, Simone sees little of the bad side of Turius. Her knowing Turius is her brother-in-law, who rushed to the wedding from afar to bless her, the one who patiently listened to her stupidity about her marriage, but the one who turned Lavalle and the others over for slavery to fight through and show her. Dirt, etc., is probably the anecdote of [Slave Killing], but it can also be assumed that it was offset by the appearance of breaking bones for Uni in the example trial.

... If so, it was a hell of a misunderstanding.

It's just a love for that guy not to create waste of time, like a smile on someone else. I don't care who they are, so I'll make them laugh. Such as when Turius smiles from the heart, that's when the experiment is going well, or when the results show satisfactory performance. Speaking of that expression, I can't really say it in words.

Saving Uni was also until she did it because she was a useful handkerchief and had a huge budget to get it back with less effort. If she failed, she was going to burn every king's capital immediately and flee.

It is not surprising to make a good impression if you try to bullet it, but if you peel it off, it is like this, such as who Turius is.

(Ma'am, this is too much for me...)

Smile bitterly and cut off thoughts that have no benefits. It's not about swordsmen, such as meditating on the swollen in love of men. When Dooe coughed small to delude the awkwardness, he again focused his consciousness on guarding.

Inside the room, Simone was finally trying to get to the bottom of the requirements he had been rushing into.

"So, I'm talking to you about your life with your brother, because that wound is the cause?

"Yeah, it is. … No, I should say that, too, to be exact"

No matter how much you try to focus on guarding, enhanced hearing picks up your indoor voice at will.

This is what she said when she scratched and lined up.

She followed Linus, who abruptly sat in the dining room last night, to the couple's bedroom. Then oddly enough, her husband squatted on the bed with the lights off and said he was groaning somehow. I was worried about the boulder and tried to speak up... how Linus woke up or suddenly laid Simone abusively and forced her to have an exchange without consent.

"They grabbed my hair and forced me down. When I didn't like it and resisted, I was beaten to death. You wouldn't believe it, would you? Surely, I was married to that man's son. But... what... isn't that much of a way? Even if you don't love me, can you treat a woman who will have her own child so miserably?

Simone's voice was starting to cry again when she remembered fear and humiliation, not knowing that Dooey was in heaven to talk to her in the morning.

"That's terrible. It's not very much between couples."

"Isn't that right!? But that's not all. That man, what do you think he said in the middle?... about me! You call yourself a slave? You're only here to satisfy me, how dare you laugh at me crying!... Oh, I don't like it anymore!

Finally, he shouts a screaming voice and enters into a genuine cry. He also seemed to forget that the Dooes were holding back just beyond the door.

"I can't do this anymore! Absolutely not, I can't stand it! I hate being with a guy like that! I want to go home... Please, get me home! Go home to your father and mother!... Uh-huh!

As I exhaled my hard feelings, I guess my feelings were too daunting. It was like I finally had a child return. It is not the Countess or the Baroness who is there. He is just a lonely daughter, flirted with and beaten by the men. He's my wife. He said he was my sister-in-law. Even if I put my elbow up, it looked the same as if it didn't make any difference to Turius if I only counted my age. Equals a helpless girl, before equipping herself with the strength to just accept hardship.

I was listening, and I couldn't stop sighing. Simone's home complaining about wanting to go home is nowhere else. My parents are already dead. Both last year, Turius was burning them down. The brainwashing caused the mob to rave the civilians, and they all got caught up in the aftermath.

She doesn't even know that the man she's burying her face in her chest is her parents' enemy, crying for salvation. Dooey can't laugh at it as stupid or pack it as a shallow grave. No, I don't deserve that in the first place. Take the devil's hand without knowing anything, and if you realize it, its accomplice - no, because as a tool, you are infinitely bleeding innocent people.

The demon speaks to her in a clear voice.

Please calm down, sister-in-law.

"Oh no! I'm not your sister-in-law! I'm not that man's wife!

…… Okay, Mr. Simone. "

Turius' words had an unnatural time to fix something. I'm sure you got a look for a moment that you hated the troublesome person, and you pulled it in in in a hurry.

"My brother's body is unexpected, but it must be true from the wounds you sustained. That's what they told us about the lady. I would like to take strict action to prevent this from happening again."

"And you believe me...?

"Believe it. It's nothing else, Simone."

"Better than my real brother?

"Naturally. I wanted to solve many years of obsession last night, and I held a banquet seat and ran out of words, because that one kicked that seat. How can I trust him if he behaves like this?"

What a thing to say. As for the Dooey I'm hearing outside, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

If I were Linus, I would have been unable to contain my intent to kill as soon as I heard about it, such as Turius's dialogue last night. I was told that I was grateful as I bounced all of this trick and was proud of myself for being more powerful than I had been before. Painful irony would be enough. It could also be described as a miracle that he did not die of indignation on the spot.

"I believe in you, Mr. Simone. So trust me, too. I will definitely help you."

The devil groans so intimately. The temptation is gentle and sweet. When I give you my wish for just a little price, I smile and say nothing.

Still, the usual temperament Simone would have gotten away with it. But now, she's cornered and weak. My husband shocked me and confused me.

So there's no way to resist that temptation,

"Yeah, I believe you! No, I've believed you ever since I met you. Much more than Linus or something!

Unaware of its weight, he chose to believe in the devil.

"You have a bad taste, my lord."

"What do you want? I guess I just got up on her advice, didn't I?

After Simone left, when she returned indoors or cut out, her husband returned everything seemingly insignificant. But from Dooey's point of view, fraud of a bad nature is also a good place. In any case, all the events that plague Simone are attributed to a man who unhappily sips his own brewed tea in front of him.

I'm supposed to marry Linus because of a conspiracy against Turius, and this man started the fire that killed her parents. It must also be his fault that Linus became mentally cornered and behaved abnormally.

But he showed them to seek salvation for all their beginnings. Say what this is, not a bad taste.

"Dude, I guess that's something called a tow party, Doue. Don't be bothered if you blame me for everything. It was Lavalle's grandfather who chose that man as his older brother's wife, and it was his older brother who understood that. It was her parents who ultimately made the decision to offer her daughter. Don't let the fire in the Wang Dynasty cover the horns and everything else."

"Well, what about yesterday's miserable encounter?

"Is that what your brother did? For twenty years, I've been here with his brother, but isn't it my first ear to say that he was the owner of that sexuality? Rubel's information tells me he's a mistress, and he's a violent imitator of slaves."

I can't feel any guilt or heartache from that tone. Ningro, he's throwing his gaze into the universe like he blames Linus for working the body on Simone.

"I couldn't imagine doing that to my sister-in-law. Because I want to act like a slave to my wife, you surrounded me with a slave concubine? Yet. Yesterday was your first day back in the realm, right? So you treat your wife roughly without patience. It's been done normally before."

"You let your sexuality fool you, that Earl has fallen too. But what speech did you give last night at dinner? That's a fine provocation. It wouldn't be strange to sit on your stomach and act like a flying man."

To that point, Turius blinks in wonder.

"Huh? Why?

An even unexpected look, as if pointing out that there were boring mistakes in the answer that should have been full score. Douhe was stuck in two sentences unexpectedly.

Could it really have said that unintentionally? Did you say a dialogue that hung a backstroke on Linus' humiliated nerves without any shards of malice?

If so, what insensitivity?

"Because now my enemies are not individuals like my brother or grandfather. It's an organization called a centralist, isn't it? If my brother says he's going to cut his hands off with them, I have no reason to fight him either. On the contrary, Marlan gave me a land dressed for research. I'm grateful now.... Oh, yeah. Until my sister-in-law asked me for help, I was willing to put a little more effort into the future."

"... I'm frightened. Did you really think we could make up brothers now?

"That's a boulder, right? But it's in my favor to fight that old man these days. In the first place, the centralists are not factions that fit the ideas of their older brother. My faction, which is the back shield to the development of Marlan given as a territory. With all this ingredient, wouldn't it be surprising if you'd come back to sleep over here?

Sure, there would be a choice to work with Turius in terms of interest. But if you split things up just for the benefit of it.

"Number one, all I want from my brother is to stay out of the way of research, that's all. If you do, you won't be able to lend him wisdom or strength. He always said that before he became an Earl, and before I became a Viscount, but my brother was being weird. I don't think so."

Dooe tried to go on with something and stopped right away.

It's no use saying anything to this man. With the business of opening, twisting, and twisting the brains of others, Turius does not understand the human mind.

No, you'll have enough ability to understand psychology. Otherwise, even if a counter-argument technique called alchemy was used, there would be no constraint on every imitation of the plot.

But the ability to empathize with others' moods is fundamentally lacking. For too much reason that he does not die, the value of others in him is lower, first and second class, than that of the ordinary man. People other than yourself are tools or dust mustard. I just think that's what you think.

Otherwise, it would be impossible, albeit slave, to offer many human beings to human experiments. There would be no such thing as the idea of choking people's heads and subjugating them to themselves from their core. You won't sacrifice a man who counts as many as 10,000 just to escape the plot.

So he doesn't understand Linus' suffering. Assuming you find that you are suffering, you do not take into account the feeling that you cannot prioritize the profit or loss over it. Because no matter how much my brother hated, angered, and feared himself, he couldn't sympathize with that emotion. Because you can't pay attention to the thoughts of someone else - another person - to a man who can't see himself as a human being.

"... let's leave that story alone. So, what are we gonna do about that lady?

I changed the subject because I had no choice. It only makes me even more uncomfortable if I continue any further.

… although the unconventional topic is also clear enough of an unpleasant development.

Simone presented a limit to her conjugal life. What to do with her. Turius, pointing at the water, answers as he is forced by the chair.

"I have an idea. I'd appreciate it if I could be good to myself. [M] If my sister-in-law wants to help me, I'll try to help her as much as I can."

"Whatever you can,"

It was a discredited word. Do the best you can for someone who puts you first. In other words, in the process of accomplishing one's purpose, is it just to reach out and do as one does at last? And the method used by Turius is demonized alchemy, as an example. Would Simone be happy to be helped by it?

"Well, why don't we discuss the matter later with Uni and Viktor? You should consider my tummy proposal."

"Right.... then I'll be ready to hear it."

After a while, discussions took place between the rendezvous Uni and Viktor et al.

...... Dooey's readiness to decide unfortunately did not go to waste.

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