Ouroboros Record ~Circus of Oubeniel~

058 [Tabernacle] Weak and Weak

While on a summer platter, she was in a freezing comfort.

He is killing his breath as he rounds his lean body to his knees in a corner of a large mansion, in a further corner of a narrow room. You have a job or you have to stay out of sight that way until he calls you in. That is her identity.

The woman was a slave.

I am not a born slave. Prior to being tied to a collar, she was a clean civilian and the daughter of an artisan from a local city. However, it was the end of his luck that his father borrowed money to defray the family line on the other side of the world, where he fell ill with alcohol and suffered. Debt swelled while I said goodbye, and my mother, who raised her roots in distress, evaporated. My nerve-rubbing father with a crude booze poison sold her off in exchange for a month's worth of alcohol. I remember being relieved away from my father, who kicks me drunk and beats me up, more than the misery of falling into slavery.

Fortunately, should I say? Slave traders did not sell her cheap. Because she was a woman and she didn't look bad, I guess. If she had been a little more beautiful, she would have been planted for work at night, and on the contrary, if she seemed to be slightly inferior to her appearance now, she would have been thrown into a harsh workplace as a servant slave to many people. Not good, not bad. Having been given such an assessment, she will be sold as a slave performing a chore in a noble mansion.

It was a young Earl who bought her.

"I don't want anything from you."

Do what anyone can do without difficulty.

The buyer's man said so to throw up, with a frustrating look on his face that didn't suit him excellently. As the saying goes, they don't make you deal with the night, they don't get an extraordinarily miserable maneuver. The task entrusted to me was really nothing. Except for the large number and the fact that it was not dirty, there was no great difficulty. There is no such thing as the contemptuous gaze of family members. It has been a familiar thing since it was placed in a slave market cage, or when it was repelled as a drinking debtor daughter. There's nothing I can actually do to raise my hand. Because slaves are the property of their owners, if they break or hurt themselves, they hurt the Count's face.

If you consider yourself a dog or something, there is nothing easier than a slave to the nobility. The quality of the diet is the same as it was when we were civilians, or sometimes even surpasses it. Because this is a leftover bribe, your diet is beyond the imagination of your people.

If I do a determined job every day, I can eat there. Maids, as long as you endure the shadow of a housemaid, you will not be subjected to violence like a bastard father. Boring and gloomy, but peaceful days. She thanked her husband that she could spend every day that way.

But one day...

"... Damn!

What she saw as she headed to clean up after the guest left was her husband, who was unprecedentedly furious and sprinkled with tea utensils. He has stepped on his feet over and over again as he hoisted his temples and dyed his white face red and black. He had a strong eclampsia and was not in any way yelled at, but I had first seen him strip away his ferocity even though he was dealing with things.


Unexpectedly, a short scream was leaking.

What I recall is a life with my father that was even worse than falling into slavery. He left it to drunkenness to ramble around, smashing it unsightly from family possessions to work tools, and beating his daughter when there was nothing left to break. Memories painted apart by the gray colour of poverty and the polar colour of pain are revived and overlap with the sight in front of them.

The fear of the resurrected plain experience stiffened her.

"What, those eyes...?

A voice like a beast roaring. For the first time since I heard that, I realized my husband was looking at this one.

Running blood in anger, and in the gaze of the Lord plagued by suspicion, she is forced to be tongued without being able to float her aggressive words.

"Yes, what, uh"

Know that your feet were choosing to retreat faster than they would have liked to because of the feeling your heels touched the pier. But the speed was hilariously slow. My hips are missing, but my extremities are stretched out in reverse. Still trying to force him to back down, he grabbed his ass cake as it was.

Twitching distorts vision. It was so horrible, it came to tears.

No, it's not just fear. More than that, she was sad.

The Lord, who was not gentle but gave himself peace, is stripping him of his fierceness, just like that father. I was feeling as if I had been betrayed by the way I just saw it.

Fear, sorrow and slight rebellion. In the sight of several emotions, the Lord further distorts his face.

"'Don't look at me like that' Huh!!

Reacting to the magical caged wording, the collar admonished her body. The eyelids are closed according to the collar of obedience, and the red and black darkness covers the sight.

This was the first time she was used primarily by collar magic.

And I understand it again for the first time at this time.

The true fear of being a slave, deprived of all liberty in one word of the Lord.

"No, please stop, my lord!

With his sight deprived, he frames himself on the floor and begs for forgiveness diligently. Because she knew from experience what would happen next if she didn't have the patience.

"Shut up, shut up!

Fulfilling, he behaved as expected. I can slap a hot chunk on my cheek wondering if it grabbed my hair and caused my body to ramble.

I was beaten.

Before I recognized the pain, I felt the shock of shaking my head. The man comes aboard her as she falls and lays on the floor.

"Why do I have to hear that now!? Why do you still have to look at me like that!?

He continued to be struck with his fist, calling out what was unexplained. The spear tip is obstinately facial, facial, and facial. She doesn't have the skill to exchange the sanctions that are wielded by the momentum of beating and crushing. As a child, I had to sweeten the abuse from my drunken father.

(Wah, I... am I going to die like this?

Such a fear passed my head in my closed sight, in my distant consciousness.

Jinjin and his whole face have heat, and when he says he's falling on the floor, he tastes an unrealistic floating feeling like he was thrown out into the air with no scaffolding. I couldn't feel any more pain or shock. There is no reason to think that this is the moment.

But it wasn't.

A man simply stopped his hand beating him and switched the direction of the abuse.

"Stop,... oh, what, what...?

I can put my hands on my clothes. An unnatural hot strong tension is pressed over the belly of the horse rider. If that were the case, I knew what they would do, no matter how hard they looked.

"Ya, stop -"

The sound of tearing the screaming clothes cut it off halfway through the real thing.

... reshaped atrocities, however, increase their intensity even further.

He cracked open a body that had not been broken as if to rip a raw tree. I was butted up like a horse would whip me. I was bitten to the soft spot of my skin to the point where I thought I would be eaten to death. Hands spinning around his limbs and neck had too much blameless force in them to say embrace.

Tied to the arbitrariness of the right, and devoured by the violent exchange, the deeds of the beast.

Even the remnants of our dignity as human beings, which we kept among those denigrated by slaves, are pushed away into the storm.

If she's an ordinary woman, they'll even think she'll have to die after it's over.

But she didn't.

"Hih... ugh... guh...!

I hear a leak between rough breaths, a sobbing voice. That's not hers. I didn't have the strength to squeeze that out anymore.

The cry belonged to my husband.

"Why not... why not me... I have all this..."

Soon, the orders hung on the collar had been lifted. She opens her swollen eyelids wondering.

It was not the kingdom nobility, nor the master of slaves, nor the despicable man who assembles women there. What emerged in the hazy vision was the appearance of a man who, like a child taken from his mother, nibbled tears as he buried his face in the woman's chest.

"Takeshi, Mother...! Guys, nobody's taunting me. My father is already dead. He, Turius, wipes my ass out...! No, no... no... no...!

That's how he divulges his sniffles and cries.

that his family name was greatly damaged by his brother, who had an unusual sexual habit of slaughtering into slavery. That a new spark has been created again, even though he said he drove it to a remote place. That the dead father was cold and incomprehensible of his efforts. Besides being incompetent as the owner of this, I was unable to correct my brother, who is a cancer in the house. Being treated cold from around because of a reputation you don't remember. Being under heavy pressure to succeed to a doorway that has been greatly damaged and damaged by the reputation of the period.

And most importantly, I'm simply scared. I don't know what that bloody cold-blooded animal looks like. My real brother.

He said that the strongest and most disgusted beings in this world exist as brothers who have divided their blood, because they are frustrated and afraid, and they don't like it.

The chronology was ruinous, the rhetorical monologue with no context or anything, but it was certainly the revelation of his heart.


She was silent and listening to it. No, sometimes I even hit the vague gavel. It is an action that does not seem to make the body the perpetrator in the midst of being worked. It would be normal to refuse to do anything unsolicited and to make a grudge out of it here. But it seemed natural to her then to do so.

You are flirted with by a family who has not been busy since childhood, ruining your life with utter convenience and desire of others. It could have resembled herself, which became the feather of falling into slavery by her drunken father and then her mother, who fled alone.

As soon as I felt that way, everything changed.

"Well, it is..."

Saying, I can hold his head in horror as it buries in my chest.

"I will not betray your master. I won't even refuse. I'll accept all of them..."

That's what he said as he combed up his blonde hair with his fingers.

The weight of laying this body together, the temperature of others who should only have thought it was a creepy fever, and the pain of sticking up their organs, wonder and everything must not seem loving.

The pain, the wounds, the cursing, were nothing short of what the man's heartache revealed.

What the hell was that psychology?

Sympathy or pity? You misplaced submission and acceptance? Did you mistake the tension and agitation caused by the abuse for the highs in your chest? Is it a false favor to try to greet the other party to prevent further assault? Or have you remembered the fallen sufficiency to be enthusiastically sought after by others, even at the mercy of depression?

I don't get that kind of reasoning on her. It is a concept that reaches an unknown field that is not sufficiently learned, lacks experience and no one has come up with in this world in the first place.

She just believed that the emotions that arose the moment he was flaunted were called love. That's all we're talking about.

- When the man looks up with a rough look, he moves out again. Along the way, he also abruptly beat her, cursing, angry, crying and sweetening. In a voice like a child's return, he was also called his mother. She accepted it all as she had sworn earlier.

At the end there was joy for both of us.

When it was over, he hit and changed and behaved arrogantly. My husband is a man of high temper. It would only be an intolerable disgrace to be sane, bury your face in the chest of a slave and reveal your true heart, etc. No matter how strong they were, they couldn't behave like plain veins. It should show a strong upset, not least. This is as if you had completely forgotten what you did earlier.

No, I guess I actually forgot. It is clear from that abuse that he was losing degrees, beyond his overstretched emotions. Because she forgot me in the audience, it was impossible that she didn't remember the act.

When she recognized that, she felt like a zombie current running on her spine.

... I'm the only one who knows exactly what happened on this occasion right now. With anyone in the house, and not even himself, I don't know, secret secrets. His secret is his own.

When I dampened my trembling lips with my wet tongue, it tasted dreary and sweet.

Then every time something happened, he called me in and made me deal with him. To the boulder. He lost me as little as he did in the beginning, but still he doesn't get any crying in a young tone from time to time. When I gently stroke him as I scratch and hold his head, her heart is filled with unspeakable fullness. For that delightful pleasure, I could bear anything. I can endure whatever treatment I get from my husband, trying to be snored out by a mean maid, trying to force me to do hard hard hard work or dirty work. No, Ning Lo, in the moment you love him, you turn quickly into a spice that adds more depth to your satisfaction.

She was happy. I believe I am happy that I will be abused and despised by people. And I loved him from the bottom of my heart for giving me happiness. I will always accept and mercy a man who is clumsy and delicate and who does not try to connect himself and let go. That's all I wanted.

But right now, that aspiration cannot be met. He is not going to the mansion of this king's capital, but to a remote and isolated territory. It is the nobility's duty to rule the self-government. Being a slave, she understands that as well.

Still, the loneliness of being separated from the one you love is intolerable. The cold separated from the human skin is enough to recall winter in the summer platter. The skin throughout his body was in love with his intensity, which was hot and even painful.

There's another thing that makes her gloomy.

Last year, she suddenly showed up at this mansion, that woman. The woman who occupied his wife's throne, without any foretaste, accompanies him. To her, no one hates her more than that lady. I'm angry just to be lined up with our faces next to my dear man, but in addition, I didn't even care about the crowd. She is an insensitive and tender woman who hangs her upbringing and character on her nose to discuss others and points out the shortcomings of others with a thick expression. Naturally, there is no familiarity with him, and it is an open secret in the mansion that there are arguments between the couple as they do every day. The habit, which plagues him, his husband, says he has a close exchange of words with his second son in the matter. At the earliest, I just thought there was malice towards him.

Since his marriage, he has also lost degrees more frequently during intimate meetings. It was obvious to my eyes that I was building up further hard work in my relationship with my wife. She's the one who hurts her partner, and still looks worse. It seems natural to get tired of hanging out. I even felt like a bad girl who combined all the bad aspects of her parents.

"Oh, woman--"

Bossoli and her voice leaks out of her lips.

"- Such a woman, your husband doesn't deserve it..."

It was a murmur mixed with curse and passion.


After I say it, I'll be hacked. The solitary now was inadvertent. It would be an unscrupulous extreme, such as being a slave, but also sounding an outrage at the Countess. If, in the unlikely event that someone hears you, you are good and snitched and banished. If you make it worse, they can even kill you. Fortunately, the muttering folks like the maids beside her are traveling to the Lord's return to leave the mansion behind, but there are still many who don't feel good about her.

I hope those guys don't listen to me...

The fear was only half rewarded.

"Hum... jealous. That's not a very good emotion."

Suddenly he sounded in the room, a spiral laugh like a snort. To that voice, she freezes unexpectedly.


Asked. They asked me. Words that control my own death have been put in the ears of others.

She distorts her face to despair, where she finds herself.

(Is that...? Voice now, heard from inside the room -)

Currently, few slave rooms in the mansion were used, and this room was like one of hers. Therefore, when it was useless, it was possible to hold one knee and delay the recollection.

How can you abruptly hear someone else there?

To her confused, the Lord of the Voice continues.

"You can't be so frightened. I'm here to help you."

In the darkness of a room without windows with closed doors, the shade of the human form floats slightly. Though flattering, there was certainly someone in front of him. There was no sign of anyone passing through the entrance to the room. So, does anyone who hears their whining say they broke into the room without opening the door?

Blink and tremble at the sawdust as if you ran into a ghost. No, the person standing in front of you might be a genuine ghost for a moment.

But there was something that rocked her heart harder than fear.

"To me, cooperation…?

Someone who shows up says he can help her. What is it to help a slave who is not even capable of excellence in status, wealth, or power, but is just the crossroads of the owner's indignation and desire?

He appeared suddenly before a helpless human being, and an inexperienced being who tries to cooperate with him with kindness.

It's like,

"Are you the devil?

A monster that seduces and corrupts people and stirs up flesh and soul, often told in gaga stories. Associate such things into words.

Then the presence that appeared in front of him leaked a tickle and a grin.

"Ooh, ooh. How can you say that to a well-meaning opponent? I'm not that tight tied to an asshole contract."

Saying, the Lord of the Voice raises his hand to the height of his own face. It was such a trick, not sure in the dark, but like removing something that was in the eye position.

"I spoke to you once. Actually, it doesn't make any sense. … I work with you irrelevantly and only serve my purpose."

As soon as possible, an ominous light lights up in the air.

It had just come from a place that touched the left eye of the shadow.

Purple, light.

(I knew... it wasn't the devil)

In diminishing consciousness, she thought so.

A monster with glowing eyes who appears in darkness and ridicules humans. There is no way that such a thing is a demon.

However, that in front of me was worse in nature than I heard in gaga. Anyway, I'm going to do whatever I want without a contract.

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