Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 45: Game Over

As predicted, team strawhats lost and… Seriously?! You’re skipping the Donut Race?

(Author’s note: Well, yes… It happens just like in the manga and readers already know about it.)

Ooookayyy… So…

(Author’s note: Go on with the story.)

As predicted, team strawhats lost and it was now time for Foxy to take Chopper. The crew was bummed but also tensed, besides Rick, nobody knew who would be selected.

“I already made my decision. I want you!” said Foxy pointing his finger.

‘WTF!’ Rick was dumbfounded

“You; the red-head. The way you read the currents during the race was exceptional. I want you in my crew! Besides, we don’t have red-head women.” (Foxy)

‘This... Since when does that idiot have an eye for talent?! Oh, he’s so going to pay for that.’

Before Nami could be taken to her new crew, he attracted her to him in a tight hug.

“Rick!” (Nami)

“Don’t worry we’ll get you back.” he said while patting her head. She was about to love-punch him when he whispered something in her ear that calmed her immediately. She looked up to him with stars in her eyes and hugged him back just as tight.

“You’re the best!” (Nami)

“I know.” he said with a wink.

Sanji, who was restrained by Usopp and Chopper because of his berserk state when Nami was chosen, was now lying on the ground, tears falling and foaming at the mouth.

“Sanji, instead of crying like a little bitch, work hard to win her back in the next game.”(Rick)

The cook suddenly stood up, fire burning in his eyes.

“I’M GONNA GET YOU BACK NAMI-SWANNN!!!” he yelled before going to the next location.

“You really know how to manipulate people.” said Robin to Rick.

“I prefer calling it ‘motivate’ as it’s good for him, good for Nami and good for the crew.” he answered with a smile earning him a horizontal shake of her head with an almost invisible smile at the corner of her lips.

They followed the rest of the crew towards the Hit and Dead Ball’s field.

“*Sigh* Honestly, I think we’re screwed.”(Rick)

“What makes you say that?”(Robin)

“In the first game, there was Nami, Usopp and you, meaning two smart people and a half.”

“Half? Really?”

“Usopp is ingenious but he needs time to plan, in the race he didn’t have much to do it. And you lost because they cheated. Now this group...”

“There is Chopper.”

“Yes, but I don’t think it will be enough. And Chopper is not the leading type, especially with those brutes around him.”

“I see what you mean.”

“Furthermore, Hit and Dead Ball is the most annoying game of all, there are like a thousand rules, and I bet they know them all when…”

“We don’t know any…”

“Well, thanks to their idiot captain we may still have a chance to win this.”

“How so?”

“He could have picked me. That way for the third game…”

“He wouldn’t have any contestant and win by default.”


“He may have some honor.”

“After every stupid plans he used against you in the race? No he’s just dumb. Thankfully I’m still in the game.”

“I don’t see how that helps with the situation. When you win…”

“When ‘I win’ ? Not if? That’s some faith you have in me. No pressure at all.”

“I doubt any one in their crew can stand up to you. Actually, in our crew as well. Anyway, when you win, we’ll only be able to take Nami or the person they chose in the second round, back.”

“Don’t worry I have a plan.”

“That won’t come to fruition if he chose you at the end of this round.”

“He won’t.”

“Now you’re the one who’s confident.”

“I’ll ‘motivate’ him like he did Luffy to agree to this Davy Back Fight.”

“Taunt him, goad him and ensnare him?”

“Good to see I’m not the only one good at motivation. We should play together sometimes.” he said with a smile.

They arrived at the H&DB’s field. It was small and clearly favored the opponent team a lot as they were all around. H&DB was just a pirate version of dodgeball, the basic rules were the same so in theory it was not complicated however the number of added rules was insane. Each one was an obstacle towards victory. There was no way they could win.

Rick and Robin received a book listing every single rule of the H&DB. They did their best to read it as fast as they could to increase the chances of their crewmates, but it was not enough. Team strawhats fought well, eliminating group of ten opponents by group of ten but as expected, not knowing the rules was their undoing.

“And another win for us! Now, guys warmly welcome our new member…” said Foxy pointing at Chopper.

“See? I told you he was dumb.” (Rick to Robin)

Unfortunately for him one of the foxy pirates called out to his captain.

“Wait captain! If you take Rick Wald you win by default in the next round!”

Those words made Foxy stop in his choice.

“You were saying?” replied Robin

“I’m still right, he was too dumb to come up with it himself.”

“Fine I chose you Rick Wald.” (Foxy)

“Nah, you don’t.” (Rick)

“Oh?! And why is that?”

“That would make you a coward. This is one thing to take one member of the opponent team to weaken them in the next round, it’s another to do it to win by default. The Davy Back Fight is a sacred tradition between pirates where you put your pride on the line. If you chose me you’re showing to every pirate's crew out there that you don’t have any balls. What about the image you’re giving to your own crew? Do you think they will still respect you? Furthermore you’re depriving everyone the enjoyment of the festivities, since they will be cut short. And let’s not talk about the fight itself.”(Rick)

“The fight itself?” asked Foxy.

Rick looked around to the crowd and called out to them.

“Raise your arm and yell if you want to see the fight!”(Rick)


“Raise your arm and yell if you want to see your captain defeat one of the most hated sailor by every pirate on the Grand Line!”


“So what is it gonna be, silver fox Foxy? Will you let down your subordinates? Every single pirate with an ounce of honor on the sea? Or will you fight like any true captain of more than 500 men and women would do?”

“Fine! I chose that little raccoon!”


Chopper was immediately taken back on Foxy’s side and given one of those awful masks that every member wore. The ex-marine turned to Robin and whispered in her ear.

“Hook, line …”

“And sinker. That doesn’t solve the problem of getting both Nami AND Chopper back.”(Robin)

“Just watch.”(Rick)

He turned back to Foxy.

“Good! But… Are you satisfied with just that?” (Rick)

“What do you mean?”(Foxy)

“It’s the final round, why not increase the ante?”

““Rick! What are you...”” asked Usopp and Luffy before being interrupted by bloomed hands that covered their mouths.

“Let him talk, he’s getting everyone back.” said Robin in a low voice.

“.... I’m listening.” (Foxy)

“The strawhats are betting everything.”(Rick)


“Everything. Our ship, all of our members, all of our gold, our sail and our flag.” (Rick)

“Is he insane?!” (Sanji)

“Oi! Rick, aren’t you going too far?”(Zoro)

“Fine I accept! I bet 500 of my crew members!”(Foxy)

“That’s too much! Everything we have is not equivalent!”(Rick)

“That’s fine, your descendants and their descendants and so on, will inherit your debt until it’s paid in full!”(Foxy).

“... Deal!”(Rick)

“Okay, You’re completely out of your mind. There is no way…”(Sanji)


He was interrupted by Luffy, who Robin had let go and had the most serious gaze in his eyes.

“Crush him.”

“Aye, captain.”


An official game to Rick.

“Please select one of your mate as a coach and follow me.”(Official)

“I don’t need a coach.” (Rick)

“Those are the rules, you need a coach.”(Official)

“Fine. Robin, please.”(Rick)

She didn’t say anything and accompanied her crewmate. They were led inside Foxy’s ship, in a secluded room where weapons, armors, and disguises of all kinds were presented even some stupid or useless objects were there. 

“You can equip yourself with whatever you want, and how much you want. You have 15 minutes.” said the official before leaving the room.

Robin had noticed that her Vice-captain was now in a really sour mood and was doing his best to control his anger. She wondered what happened to change his mood from triumphant to… the one he had now.




“There are four things I absolutely can’t stand. Failing at my job, someone hurting my family and friends, injustice and above all child abuse.”

“And Foxy ticked them all boxes.”


“Why did you choose me?”

“Because you’re quiet. Everyone else would have babbled or offered some help.”

He looked around the room to see what could be useful to fulfill Luffy’s order. He finally found something he didn’t expect to find. A plan formed in his head and a creepy smile ended up adorning his lips. That wasn’t lost on Robin.

“What did you find?”


He showed her what he was going to use in the coming fight. Robin had a confused expression looking back and forth between Rick and the object.

“I… don’t see…”

“Luffy ordered me to crush them but he didn’t say how.”

“I still don’t understand.”

“I’ll crush both their spirits and bodies.”


“All the members of the Foxy pirates.”

She was about to ask more about his plan but someone knocked on the door.

“It’s time, I hope you’re ready.”(Official)

Before leaving the room Rick said one final thing to Robin.

“Tell the rest of the crew to stay one hundred feet away from the ship. It’s for their safety. Signaled Chopper and Nami to do the same. They have one minute to get away once the fight begins.”

She just nodded and rushed outside to share the information. While joining Luffy & co she saw Nami and Chopper. She bloomed a mouth next to one of their ears and relayed Rick’s words.

“We need to move.” (Robin)

“What? Why?” (Luffy)

“Rick said that for our safety we should move at least a hundred feet from the ship” (Robin)

“What’s his plan?” (Zoro)

“I don’t know exactly. What I do know is that he’s beyond angry, he’s furious, and he intends and I’m quoting ‘ to crush everyone's spirit and body.’ .” (Robin)

“Oh boy… I don’t know about you but I’m moving.” (Usopp)

Everyone agreed and moved as fast and as far as they could. They were way beyond the bleachers and the Foxy pirates sitting on them. Thankfully for everyone, the announcer was flying high in the sky, filming the arena and displaying it on the ship's big sail thanks to a special den den mushi.







“Wow. What a difference of welcome.”(Usopp)

“That’s fine! We’re better at cheering! GO RICK!” yelled Luffy.

Both fighters at the call of their names exited the inside of the ship by the ear of the fox-like figurehead. Foxy had completely changed his clothes. He was now shirtless with a simple short wearing purple- blue boxing gloves. Rick was still clothed the same.

“Wasn’t he supposed to arm himself?” (Zoro)

“Yes, but he chose not to.”(Robin)

“He didn’t take anything?!” (Sanji)

“No, he did but…” (Robin)

“But?” (Usopp)

“...You’ll see.” (Robin)

Foxy was staring at his opponent. No he was doing more than that, he was studying him from head to toe. He spoke up.

“I don’t know if you’re brave or foolish to not take anything that was at your disposal.”

“Oh! But I did. Look.”

He brought out from his pocket a small object easily fitting in his hand.

“...” (Luffy)

“...” (Zoro)

“...” (Sanji)

“...” (Usopp)

““““ROBIN!”””” they yelled in sync.

“I don’t understand either! “ she defended herself.

“He completely lost his marbles” (Zoro)

“NO!!! NAMI-SWAAAN!” (Sanji)

“We’re doomed!” (Usopp)

The spectators were laughing their ass off.

“An alarm clock? Really? What are you going to do with that.” mocked Foxy.

“I’m giving you 60 seconds. Not 59. Not 61. One minute. To attack me with everything you have. I will not move an inch. I will not dodge. I will not block. But if at the end of this minute you didn’t defeat me… well you’ll see...” said Rick with a smile.

‘That’s official, Nami and I are the only smart ones on this crew.’ thought Robin.

Rick put down the alarm clock and timed it exactly with the start of the fight, then simply stood straight with his arms crossed in front of his chest. When the fight started Foxy used first his Noro Noro no mi abilities on Rick to slow him down then followed up with his special attack Megaton Kyubi rush.

“That’s not good.” (Zoro)

“Why? Rick can take punches.” (Luffy)

“He’s been slowed down. When the slow effect disappear he’s going to feel every single punch he received at the same time.(Sanji)

“Oh crap.”(Usopp)


“What bastard! They telling Foxy that he need to re-apply his slow effect on Rick” (Sanji)

And Indeed before 30 seconds passed the silver fox slowed down the ex-marine again before assaulting him again.

“Ugh, it’s painful to watch.”(Usopp)

“4! 3! 2! 1!” (Announcer)

Zero came. Everyone stopped making noise, leaving a deathly silence. The alarm-clock rang, Foxy had stopped his assault, exhausted.

Rick’s head, which was the focal point of attack for his opponent, surprisingly didn’t move. The skin on his face was moving in all directions, indicating that indeed it had been hit, his nose was soon broken and blood was falling from his nostrils. When the ex-marine’s face stopped acting crazily, he sent Foxy a murderous glare, and said only one word.


Suddenly a gravity field appeared with Rick at his center. Let alone Foxy, even his crew in the bleachers and on the ground were affected. Everyone standing up was immediately on their knees. That included his opponent. But he was not done and spoke once more.


The gravity rose. The wood of the ship was creaking, the same for the bleachers. Some people were already passed out cold from the pressure. Nobody could move, all were lying face down. The vice-captain walked very slowly towards Foxy. Once in front of him he used once again his gravity on his head to raise it. Determination was still filling the eyes of the down man. Then Rick said one final word.


The gravity raised even higher. The bleachers collapsed, the ship began to sink into the water despite its resistance. Foxy’s determination was gone. Replaced by a primal fear. He, and his whole crew were done for by the pressure, the ship itself was breaking and sinking and yet the man in front of him was perfectly fine.


“That’s the first time I ever saw Rick fighting seriously.” ( Zoro)

“I’m...I’m never pissing him off. Nope. Not happening.” said Usopp, trembling.

Neither Robin or Luffy said anything but both were not indifferent in front of this show of strength.

‘He really did what he said he would. They are completely crushed, both in spirit and body.’ thought the archaeologist.

The Vice-captain released the pressure. Everyone who was under it could now breathe again albeit with great difficulty.

“I… I … For...feit” said the captain of the foxy pirates out of breath.

Without another word, or another look, Rick floated towards his friends.

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