Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 46: Doubt is an illness that come from knowledge and leads to madness

After their humiliating defeat, by Rick’s hands, even if he didn’t use them, the Foxy pirates were not in position to do anything. Nami and Chopper joined once more the small crew, along with 500 other members that the strawhats' captain didn’t want. The 500 losers didn’t want to change crew either, too terrified of Rick, so in the end Luffy being Luffy just took their big sail with the jolly roger on it. He even gave them another one where he had painted their symbol on it. It was butt ugly but they didn’t care, they just wished to be as far away as possible. Currently, our protagonists were looking at their former opponent’s ship sailing away at great speed. Nami and Rick stood side by side.

“So. Did you get anything?”(Rick)

“The correct question would be ‘what didn’t I get?’ .”(Nami)

“How long before they notice ?”(Rick)

“With how broken you made them? A week at least.”(Nami)

They didn’t look at each other, their eyes were glued on the ship at the horizon. Rick raised his left hand and presented it to Nami, who in turn raised her right. The both high fived each other for a work well done.

“Why are the two of you high fiving each other exactly?” asked Usopp, suspicious.

“The success of our masterful heist.” (Rick)

“Heist? What’s that?” (Luffy)

“A robbery.” (Robin)

“Can you explain a bit more?” (Zoro)

“When Nami got taken from us, I didn’t attract her to me for the only purpose of hugging her.” declared Rick eyeing Sanji from the corner of his eyes. The cook was still not over that.

“Rick played the concerned crewmate for…” (Nami)

“I didn’t play, I was concerned.” cut in Rick with a frown.

“... Anyway, he whispered to me an idea he had on the spot. Since I was a new member of the foxy pirates, I could go wherever I wanted.”(Nami)

“So?” (Zoro)

“No way! You didn’t!” (Robin)

““Oh yes she/I did.”” (Rick and Nami) They both answered with a smile from ear to ear.

“Did what?” asked Chopper.

“Well since those guys were utter morons...”(Rick)

“Except the guy who told their captain to pick you at the end of the second round.” said Robin with a smirk.

“Well except THAT guy; Nami had total freedom to do whatever she wanted and as a master thief…”(Rick)

“I went inside their ship and stole everything valuable without anyone even asking me what I was doing. It was mainly gold and medicinal herbs.”(Nami)

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp had their jaws touching the ground.

“Where is everything then?”(Chopper)

“I took a spare sail they had and put everything in it, then threw it overboard, while everyone was watching the Hit and Dead Ball match. Now Rick if you please, it landed around here.” she said pointing her finger and an area in the sea before them.

Rick used his gravity and made a big square of water float. Luckily the depth was not that great.

“Anyone see anything?” (Rick)


“Then in that case let’s use another method.” (Rick)

He focused on the sea and separated it in half.

‘So that’s what Moses felt.’ he thought.

The effort was strenuous but nothing he couldn’t handle and when he didn’t find anything he just ‘moved’ his gravity to the side to cover a new zone. Quickly he found their booty and made it float and laid it on the ground. Nami opened the sail and presented its content to the rest of the crew. The loot wasn’t inconsequential, far from it.

“I’m so glad you two don’t work often together and that you’re on our side.” (Usopp)

Chopper was looking at the medicinal herbs with happiness, plenty of them he needed badly and the rest were some he only saw in books. They all would be useful. He gathered them and went to put them in the Merry. Not before checking one last time on Rick. After Foxy’s onslaught on the Vice-captain face, there were bruises everywhere. But everything was already healing, including the broken nose which was mending nicely.

It was a bit past lunch when Luffy decided to go through the forest to hunt for food. Chopper was leading and Robin and Rick closed their formation.

“Hey guys! What do you think is that trail on the ground?”(Chopper)

“I don’t, but it’s really uniform.” (Usopp)

‘OH SHIT! How could I have forgotten about HIM!’

Seeing panic on her companion’s face Robin asked.

“Something’s wrong?”

“I really, really hope not.”(Rick)

‘I can’t have them fight, I can’t have them fight. Please goddess, don’t let them fight.’

“Another feeling?”(Robin)

Rick just nodded.



“Hey! I found a giant black mushroom.”(Chopper)

The ex-marine barely contained a growl.

Chopper ran towards the big rock standing in the middle of a clearing. Behind it you could see some kind of mushroom protruding over it. The doctor got around the boulder and disappeared out of view from everyone. He reappeared a few seconds later rolling backwards and stopped on his ass. Luffy ran to him and looked in the direction his deer friend was looking.

“Hey! Who’s that guy?”

At the mention of the word ‘guy’ everyone regrouped around Chopper. Robin and Rick lagging behind.

“Oh? Who are you guys?”.

Rick recognized the voice, it could never forget it, not after all the time spent with its owner, even after ten years. It made him nostalgic but also panicked.

“Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!”(Rick)

He said it out loud, Robin didn’t say anything but the look on his face said it all. The stranger was bad news.

When the two of them arrived behind the others Robin froze and fell backwards, fortunately for her, Rick was there and caught her in time. She was having a panic attack.

“It’s okay Robin, breath, just breath.”(Rick)

Everyone turned around to look at her, and were confused about her state.

“ Oh my... That’s some faces I haven't seen in a decade or two. Relax, I’m not on mission right now. Well I am but I decided to take a break for a day or two” (Aokiji)

“On a mission? For who?” (Zoro)

Robin following Rick’s instruction was now breathing normally, but she was still tense as proved by her hand squeezing Rick’s. She was not aware of it but the reason why she recovered so fast was because he was holding her.

“He’s a marine. An admiral for the marine HQ. His name is Aokiji.”(Robin)

““““““An admiral?!””””””

“That’s not just anyone.” (Sanji)

“There are only three people in the marines with this rank. Only the fleet admiral is above them. They are the most powerful people working in the marine corp. This man is one of them.”(Robin)

“Why is an admiral here? Don’t you have bigger pirates to catch?”(Usopp)

Aokiji ignored the sniper as he saw Nami close to him.

“Wh.. What?”(Nami)

“You’re a beauty with nice curves. Are you free tonight?” was all he said while towering over her.

In a flash she was pulled back towards Rick. Sanji was yelling profanities at him.

“You didn’t change one bit.”(Rick)

Robin raised her head to look at him and let go of his hand. Doubt was on her face. He didn’t miss that.

“Rick you know him?!”(Luffy)

“Of course he knows me. We met when he was seven and he sailed under my command for a few years.”(Aokiji)


She couldn’t help herself, the lone survivor of O’hara escaped Rick’s hold and put some distance between them by hiding behind Nami. Despite his Acting skill at max level he failed to mask completely how much her action hurt him.

“I have to say, I’m not surprised to find you in a pirate crew Nico Robin, however Rick, when I heard the report from a smoker that you joined one. I couldn’t believe my ears, neither did your uncle.” (Aokiji)

“...” (Robin)

“...” (Rick)

“Wait! I thought Rick was an orphan? Who’s that uncle then?”(Usopp)

“Fleet admiral Sengoku.”(Aokiji)


That was a festival. Revelation upon revelation.

“That man is nothing to me, Aokiji!”(Rick)

“Aokiji? Where did ‘uncle nice’ go? It’s disheartening. I’m sure your uncle would be too when he’ll hear what you said about him.”(Aokiji)

“That doesn’t matter to me!”(Rick)

“Wait! You’re his uncle too?”(Sanji)

“Oh, no! It’s the nickname he gave me when he was a kid.”(Aokiji)

“ENOUGH! What do you want?”(Rick)

“Right now take a nap.” *yawn*

“Otherwise, I was investigating Nico Robin's disappearance after Alabasta. As expected she’s with you all. I’d have to make a report to HQ about it.(Aokiji)

“Gomu.. Gomu no…” (Luffy)

“Luffy are you crazy?!”(Ussop)

Before Luffy could attack he was squashed on the ground by gravity.

“Rick, what the hell?!” (Sanji)

Zoro was ready to strike his Vice-Captain. The revelation that Aokiji delivered made him start to doubt him too.

“I’m saving your lives you idiots! Even twenty of me wouldn’t be able to do anything against him.”(Rick)

“You should listen to him, he’s right on that.”(Aokiji)

“I won’t let you take Robin!” yelled Luffy from his position on the ground.

“I told you, I’m on break. And my mission is just to report her whereabouts. Although…”(Aokiji)

“Oh crap!”(Usopp and Nami)

“I have another mission, I must deliver a message to Rick, from the Fleet admiral.”(Aokiji)


“He wants you back in the marines.”(Aokiji)


“A press release is already made. Exonerating you for your crimes. The story is… You went undercover for the world nobles and now your mission is done.”(Aokiji)

“NO.” This time, Rick’s tone was forceful.

“Rick, this is your last chance to realise your dream.”(Aokiji)

“...” (Rick)

The conversation was cut short, as people dressed in rags entered the clearing.

“Who are those guys?”(Sanji)

“Are you... Are you really from the marine?” asked one of the new arrivants to Aokiji.

“I am.”

“Can you… Can you help us, please? We’ve been shipwrecked on this island for a month now.”

They were clearly malnourished and wounded. Chopper took the time to do a check up on everyone while Rick went back to the Merry to pick up what was left of their food. Nami followed him out of worry.

“Are you alright?”(Nami)

“Why the question?”(Rick)

“Sorry, it was a stupid question, you’re obviously not.”

“What made you think that? Was it Zoro ready to cut me down if he had to? Or was it everyone not standing up for me?  Personally I’d bet my money on Robin getting as far away as she could from me like I was the most dangerous disease in the world.”

“It’s not like that!”

“Yes it is and you know it. You all had doubts about me on your faces when Aokiji asked for me to come back. But it’s fine, and I’ll be fine. It won’t interfere with my job, you don’t have to worry.” He patted her head then walked again towards the Merry. The conversation was done and over. In complete silence they gathered the bit of food they had left and went back to the clearing. Nami was carrying a small bag on her back, she didn’t have to as Rick could have made everything float, but she insisted on it.

The civilians were thankful for the meal, they didn’t really have one in a month. They all were fine, some bruises and scratches here and there, and suffered from a bit of exhaustion but it was all good. When all had their stomachs full, Aokiji led everyone toward the other side of the island. On the way the strawhats gathered food for them and made a makeshift cart. Once close to the sea, Aokiji signaled everyone to stay back.

“Everyone stay back, it’s dangerous.”

He came close to the water and dipped his hand into it.

“What is he doing?”(Usopp)

“He’s making a way for the civilians to reach the other island.”(Rick)

The admiral had told them about the particularity of the island they were currently on. It was a gigantic ring made of ten little islands, that with the tide of the sea, it was overwhelmed by water. Inhabitants were nomads going from one island to another periodically. Right now they were on the next one. The plan was for the civilians to join them and wait for a marine ship to come and rescue them.

“Making a way?” (Sanji)

Before he could do anything a sea king surfaced and attacked the admiral. Unfortunately for him the marine was faster and turned him and the sea into ice in a flash.


It was Usopp who voiced what everyone present was thinking.

“Do you understand now? We can’t beat him. Just like Ener was a logia of thunder, he is a logia of ice. And even in the remote case where we could deal with his devil fruit, which we don’t, he’s a master of the first two Haki. We wouldn’t even be a warm up for him.”(Rick)

These pieces of information brought down any desire to fight from Zoro and Luffy. They may not have been the brightest but even they knew when they were severely outclassed. Rick to everyone’s surprise broke the sea king ice statue.

“We don’t need to hunt anymore now. And as a bonus it’s perfectly preserved. Sanji, have you ever cooked sea king’s meat?”(Rick)

“No, but I’m willing to try.”(Sanji)

“Cool! We have sea king for dinner!”(Luffy)

Aokiji just looked at the crew with interest and was pondering something.

“Yeah, maybe I should change my mind and get rid of you.”

Those words sent a chill down everyone’s spine. Zoro, Luffy and Sanji took a fighting stance.

“But no, I don’t need to do it myself.”(Aokiji)

“What do you mean?”(Usopp)

“Every group, every organization, every pirate crew that Nico Robin joined was destroyed, one way or another by her betrayal. She will do the same to you too.”

“There’s no way Robin would ever betray us!”(Luffy)

“If not her then…” he didn’t go further but it turned towards Rick.

No one said anything except, surprisingly to everyone, Nami.

“That won’t happen too.”(Nami)

“He is a traitor. It’s in the poster description. You take a dictionary and search for ‘traitor’ and there is just his portrait. I don’t know what he’s doing in that little group of yours but that can’t be good, he loathes pirates. Your crew is doomed with one of them let alone two… and in the end Nico Robin will be dealt with and Rick will be back in the marines where he belongs.”(Aokiji)

That was too much for Luffy and he charged at the admiral followed by Zoro and Sanji. They didn’t go very far as they soon were lying face down on the ground.

“Enough with your bullshit Aokiji. Leave us alone.”(Rick)

“Very well.”(Aokiji).

He walked towards the trees and came back with a bicycle.

“You’ve been warned.” were the last words he left them with before riding his ride on the sea.

Once the admiral was gone, the ex-marine released everyone under his gravity. He let out the breath he was holding and laid down. Some of his crewmates were not very happy with him.

“What’s the deal Rick!”(Luffy)

“I saved your lives again, you’re welcome. And you should feel lucky it was Aokiji. Kizaru would have let us go before stabbing us in the back and Akainu would have burned us to ashes on the spot.”(Rick)

“Who are they?”(Chopper)

“They are the other two admirals.”(Robin)

“And they are just as strong.” (Rick)

No more was said and the crew went back to the Merry. Chopper was once again leading the way but this time with Robin. Rick lagged behind alone, before Nami joined him.





“I don’t believe him.”(Nami)


“You, betraying us. After our conversation earlier, I thought about the situation of the crew since we met a lot.”


“You know what I found?”


“You’ve been taking care of us all this time. Training the boys, saving our lives, making sure everyone is having fun.”(Nami)

“That could be a ploy to deceived all of you.”(Rick)

“Yes, but I don’t believe that for a second.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“You could say… I’ve got a feeling.~~”

“That’s so lame. Do I sound like that?”

“Nah, you sound better.”

Rick patted her head by reflex.

“I understand now why Vivi liked it so much and wanted more.”(Nami)

“How do you know that?”(Rick)

“She confided it to me. She said it felt good, warm, making her feel safe, protected and peaceful.”

“I didn’t know any of that. I just did it because her hair is as smooth as silk. It felt good to the touch.”

“I’m sure she’d be happy to hear that.”

The Merry was noticeable not so far ahead, when Rick sighed loudly, Nami asked him what was wrong.

“You all are probably going to have a talk about what to do soon. Without me being present.”(Rick)

“Why would you not be there?”(Nami)

“Because the talk will be about how to deal with me.”(Rick)

“They won’t do that!”

“ ‘Course they will. Aokiji planted doubt in their heads.”

“Well at least you’ll be with Robin.”

“No, Robin will be part of the talk.”

“Why her and not you?”

“Because Robin has always been a criminal whereas me, I played for the other team and that’s all the difference. If I have to bet, I’d say I’ll still be part of the crew but I’ll be watched all the time for a while. Until their doubts disappear or they are consumed by them.”

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