Out of the cage

Chapter 1325 Chapter 2703 Technology moves forward, society moves backward

In this plot plane code-named "Future Storm".

After traveling through the sixth month, Wei Keng was speechless about the war here and could no longer sing cheerful tunes. And he repeatedly cursed the low-level development of this world, Wei Keng: This is using the most high-tech weapons to fight a war that cannot be explained in words.

After the Great Time Travel era, as multiple historical lines opened up, materialist historians found a phenomenon after summarizing that in certain historical periods, with the slow development of technology, war organizations may not necessarily increase, and the level of civilized warfare will recede. .

For example, classical empires such as Qin, Han and Rome had the most efficient agricultural mobilization system at that time.

By the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Middle Ages, technological and economic development had long been different. Iron tools were widely popularized. Animal power and water conservancy allowed the social economy to control large amounts of farmland with less manpower. However, there was a regression in military organization.

During the Song and Song Dynasties, the professional and standardized troops of the Qin and Han Dynasties disappeared, and all those with combat effectiveness became the Wubao armed forces of local clans and the armed forces of Western knights. The kind of nationwide army battles that occurred during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty can no longer be seen.

Wei Keng: This is because the development of civilization is a seesaw. Economic development and military development are at two ends of the same lever. When technology serves as a weight on the economic end, the military end becomes lighter.

Because when society develops on the economic side, the economically advantaged class occupies the economically advantaged class, and uses less resources to control others more cost-effectively, without having to consider controlling the hearts and minds of the grassroots, thus weakening the country's military consciousness.

Right now, this is the war between the Star Sea Alliance and the Condor Empire.

With the level of information technology, everyone has electronic monitoring, but the noncommissioned officer system has been reduced to the level before Napoleon, and grassroots soldiers are not allowed to have independent and subjective war thoughts. .

At this time, the military ethics of the Star Sea Federation in this plane were compared to those of the former industrial countries two hundred years ago. Wei Keng had to compare it with the Song Dynasty, and the military level of the Song Dynasty was almost the same as that of the Warring States countries before the reform.

Oh, the difficulty of the Qin, Qi, Zhao, Wei and Chu reforms was to overwhelm all the powerful domestic officials. More than a thousand years later, the scholar-official class of the Song Dynasty was comparable to the officials of the Warring States Period. At this time, the moral character of the business and private oligarchs who have been rich for n generations is not much better than that of the landlords and clan leaders.

…In this era, the ministers and officials are chatting and laughing in elegant residences, while more people are staying in mountain temples on snowy nights…

As Military Operation Order No. 0345 was issued, six hours later, as the final executor, Wei Keng avoided landmines during the death march, but could not escape the onrushing self-exploding tires.

Suddenly a lot of people were wiped out, but Wei Keng escaped by relying on the explosion crater and letting the tires fly over his head. Immediately afterwards came the Imperial Grenadiers from all directions, as well as the 30-meter-tall Judge Land Armor three kilometers away in front of him, rotating the turret platform on the mechanical feet and pointing the muzzle in his direction.

Just when Wei Keng was ready to "rout", he heard the heart-wrenching sound of mechanical feet clicking from behind, and turned around to see it was a large mecha Reaper.

This is a five-meter-tall "butcher-level intelligent weapon" that can open intermittent space folding within a range of 400 meters.

Wei Keng saw this kind of "Avengers camp" killing machine for the first time and was about to pretend to be dead, but suddenly remembered the plot. At present, the "human-machine fusion" Avengers camp has not rebelled yet and still belongs to the Federation. Belongs to one's own reinforcements. ——From another perspective, the federal commanders used machine gunners like Wei Keng to attack mines, and then took out these expensive combat machines.

The Reaper's scythe is an absolute nightmare for infantry.

In the future storm, fallen soldiers can be resurrected, but the pain before death will not be relieved.

For infantrymen, being cut in half is not the most painful thing after encountering this kind of omnic. The most painful thing is being slashed diagonally from the shoulder to the crotch by the Reaper's scythe.

As the huge Reaper mecha rushed near him, even though he knew that its target was not him, Wei Keng's whole body became more sensitive to an unprecedented height under the vibration of buzzing space energy.

The ability to foresee time and space appeared again, and it successfully predicted that the robot would swing the electromagnetic vibrating blade and activate super electromagnetic acceleration to rush towards the Empire's tanks ahead.

Wei Keng immediately turned around, and a beautiful "spirit rat rolling oil pan" rolled into the mecha's arms, and then stuck to the mecha's arms like a sucker fish, and then.

Wei Keng, a machine gunner, charged with the mecha like a shadow. As a pendant on the waist of the five-meter-tall intelligent machine, Wei Keng was shooting with a Gauss rifle as the mecha struck. ——When lightweight omni-devices are combined with human subjective initiative, they already look like Dragon Guards.

Ever since, in the federal monitoring system's military merit determination, this special case of "a beneficial combination of the two" was quickly noticed. Generally, the Avenger omnic's loss rate is as high as 40% after three rounds of charge, while the Defender's In the arms of the Keng mecha, after using the Gauss rifle to cover it, the mechas Wei Keng was attached to moved in and out seven times.

Note: The regional intelligent evaluation system quickly determined Wei Keng’s military exploits and calibrated that Wei Keng may have completed the “Future Awakening”.

Forty minutes later, Wei Keng climbed down and hid on the side of his own "armored core" (a five-meter suspended ball-state mecha), feeling the "premonition of time and space" just now. Just now, his premonition of time and space, in The time is extended by four seconds, and targets within a range of thirty meters can be seen in space.

Wei Keng took a breath: "The "source energy" of this world is based on time and space."

Wei Keng has just completed the first stage of "tracing to the source". Tracing to the source only represents the intensity of "consciousness". "Consciousness" "twists the rules" in various plot worlds in the heavens to produce "source energy", so powerful consciousness can exist in different heavens. The "super effects" of planes are different...

Three hours later, the combat mission ended, and Wei Keng was recalled to the base. In the super-time-space plane composed of nano clouds in the base, which was like a 3D printed mirror, Wei Keng was teleported to the base.

Wei Keng realized that during the space jump just now, every molecule of the entire body was transformed into one dimension, as if his consciousness could feel the "stars" in the interdimensional layer.

Wei Keng confirmed and affirmed: If he wanted to, he could escape from this plane just now.

Now Wei Keng, as an "elite" who has awakened the premonition of time and space, no longer has to walk through the rusty passage full of cigarettes and alcohol smell.

When he arrived at his exclusive position, Wei Keng saw those non-commissioned officers with obviously higher "quality" talking about the news in twos and threes. ——They all have the ability to have premonitions in time and space. (Wei Keng later learned that these elites only have microsecond-level premonitions during a crisis, which is different from his own future vision of tens of seconds.)

Judging the "quality" of a social class, Wei Keng: When people in this class pay attention to daily details, they will reduce "overdraft" consumption

For example, among the current non-commissioned officers, Wei Keng obviously found that they were different from the grassroots soldiers in that they did not drink or smoke.

After Wei Keng opened the system and checked the information, he sighed that they would pay more attention to their own health and stability.

Although in this era, every soldier also has a "time and space template" backup, but among the top military officials, they will not waste their lives endlessly.

Because research shows that every death will damage a person's "seeing" ability in time and space. Yes, in the future storm plane, physics allows for warping. Everyone theoretically has future vision, but most people In the confusion of not paying attention to the development of life again and again, this "future vision" is lost.

Wei Keng opened the public introduction system here and confirmed: The elites now pay special attention to the time and space sensitivity of their consciousness during the transition process.

Perhaps when these elites are on the battlefield, their consciousness of the crisis is only momentary, but it is very useful.

Since this kind of "time and space prediction" is related to one's own identity and rank, these elite soldiers will naturally not squander it at will.

Wei Keng lamented: “This is the reason why the property owners are sometimes said to be of higher quality than the have-nots in commercialism. Because of the promotion of values ​​of different classes, the higher classes are propagandized to value certain values, while the lower classes are propagated not to value them. "

As a unruly citizen, what Wei Keng hates most is those sanctimonious guys: in directions that have no development potential and require large amounts of investment, they shout for everyone to work together selflessly for the public good. It seems that they are important promoters, but the truly valuable resources and potential development directions are optimally allocated based on the judgment of "competent people".

The transformation from a big soldier to an elite is a small step for Wei Keng.

Wei Keng's new barracks is a gathering place for the military's two technological branches, such as energy tanks, Poseidon chariots, Nightingale healing spaceships, Osprey delta-wing high-speed fighters, and various vehicle personnel gather here.

The value of these large pieces of equipment is much higher, so people with a sense of timing need to operate with caution.

...Shangsi talks about "everyone is free and equal together" but in fact, he considers everyone's value in his heart...

In the elite barracks, Wei Keng stood blankly at the exit of the hall for a minute. If he were in the original first-level barracks, he would have been immediately targeted by everyone, and then he would show off his power.

But here, Wei Keng stood in the circle of light, waiting for orders, and no one paid attention.

After the system arrived, Wei Keng was led to the scheduled registration area and wartime training began.

During the training and assessment in the holographic warehouse, Wei Keng was assigned to the pilot department and received an Osprey fighter jet.

Wei Keng completed the training in six days. As the war in the South became more intense, more and more heavy equipment was put into the Burma River battlefield.

The base deployed by the Federation in the area underwent two rounds of resource upgrades sixteen days later and successfully determined a large-scale equipment jump channel, becoming the Sanben Technology Base.

Today's Star Sea Federation has gradually abolished traditional maritime warships due to the advancement of its energy system. Turn to the development of "air battleship" units for strategic projection.

Because tens of thousands of tons of metal vehicles of the same size are enough to put down fusion power energy and anti-gravity systems, then why should we develop surface combat ships? This is just like the advancement of mobile phones, Walkman, MP4, and mobile phone have been cancelled.

Space printing technology can quickly and cheaply produce various large-scale vehicles, which has brought unprecedented productivity prosperity.

…It’s a wonderful business era where both “people” and “devices” can be squandered. …

Wei Keng looked at the screen in the cockpit: A few months ago, during the air parade over Puhai City, the armed battleship Glory slowly floated past the top of the city's skyscrapers.

It is eighty meters long and thirty meters wide. The central cockpit is a hemispherical water drop. When the ship is parked, it is fully 21 meters above the ground. The total tonnage of the warship ranges from 1,700 tons to 2,300 tons.

The difference in tonnage mainly depends on what kind of combat module is loaded. ——Some are loaded with a large number of air missiles, and some have modified the escape cabins for combat purposes for the sake of personnel safety.

Judging from Wei Keng's perspective, this "Glory Class Battleship" cannot be called a battleship. It is just a large, wingless fighter.

Although the name is a "battleship," its operating platform is only as large as a traditional bomber, only twenty square meters.

There are no more than five drivers. Moreover, the operation center is still designed according to the streamlined water drop warehouse where the pilot is located, ensuring the pilot's aerial observation angle, but it is slightly larger.

Note: The water-drop cockpit of the 21st century third-generation fighter jet is only half a meter wide, but the bomber cabin is three meters wide.

The controller of the Honor Battleship sits on a handle-like seat, and his body can sway along with the one-meter-high handle. The presence of several people in the cockpit without moving around shows that this is a combat unit, not a strategic unit. Because there is no "strategy room."

The most obvious way to distinguish strategic and tactical units is to look at the "highest military rank they carry."

Strategic units often have a vital position in the "chain of command."

If the Honor Battleship is a strategic unit, it will be equipped with meeting space for the command team.

According to the current overall military level, this decision-making space can at least allow the commander, staff team and logistics officers, more than thirty people, to make strategic decisions.

Even a simple decision-making space, such as a cave dwelling on a high loess slope, cannot be accommodated on an airplane.

For example, when the head of state drew a circle on the map before calling him "scumbag" in the Doomsday Fortress, there would be a circle of people surrounding him. It looked crowded, but the internal facilities were complete.

In the combat hall of a real strategic "ship", the "school" level officer responsible for commanding the entire ship is in the work area, responsible for coordinating the collaboration of various working groups such as "radar" and "firepower".

The "general" class responsible for theater command is on the other side, looking at the command desktop map and making fleet decisions. Occasionally, he will observe through the thick bulletproof glass and steel railings, as if looking out from the bunker, but he does not participate in the operation. Battleship sailing, full-time thinking and command.

The Scourge-class air battleship that the Condor Empire is quietly studying at this time is the real "battleship"-class unit.

The Glory-class battleship is just a "battleship" in propaganda.

Narrator: Due to the nature of business and private affairs, federal commanders have to review again and again when using expensive "tactical units", which is more cumbersome than the imperial generals who are favored by the emperor and use strategic units...

At this time in the battle on the southeast island, it seems that the commanders of both sides are holding on to their trump cards and have not yet used their strongest air units. …the era is running towards an even crazier pace…

Three months later, on the lush Red River Plains, supersonic aircraft flew over the treetops! Avoid radar fire at low altitude.

The five-meter-long Osprey fighter piloted by Wei Keng relied on a 30-millimeter particle cannon to flexibly shoot at the ground. It dismantled the Dora turrets, watchtowers and other units that the empire had set up on the highlands, and also fired at the enemy's fire. Divine anti-aircraft guns and MiG-37s quickly escaped under the encirclement and suppression.

But Wei Keng, who has made many military exploits, understands that he must always look for opportunities to escape.

At this time, Wei Keng felt the ripples of the dimensional rules and knew that the vast land traveler had also entered this plane...

…camp dividing line…

In Bobin City, in the Xinghai Federation base, Qian Ruimu opened his eyes in the life-sustaining warehouse.

She is a time-traveler with the rank of sergeant. She joined the super-time team in 3301.

Now Qian Ruimu's inherited identity in this plane is that of the legitimate daughter of the fifth branch of the Qian family, one of the top families in the Xinghai Federation.

The fifth house, that is, the fifth wife of the current head of the family in a state of polygamy. The current head of the family is over a hundred years old, so the fifth house has also begun to spread its leaves, and there are a large number of people.

In this timeline, the Qian family is not the royal family in the Zhenwu world plot line, but they are still powerful.

There are a total of eight families under the current head of the family, and these eight families are currently the core disciples of the family.

Outside of these eight houses, the bloodlines of the current family head's past brothers, sisters, and cousins ​​are now all external branches.

The family benefits received by the outer branch are not as good as those of the inner branch, and they can only go to public schools invested by the clan.

Not to mention social advancement.

This hierarchical difference within the Galaxy Alliance family has allowed a large number of ethnic groups to be firmly united at the center of the family.

Because outstanding outer branch disciples will also be promoted to the inner circle because of their abilities. Just like other princes and kings surnamed Ji in the Zhou Dynasty, they united around the clan.

Of course, the inner branch of the direct line cannot always be the inner branch, and the inner branch is constantly eliminated and streamlined. A gentleman’s legacy will be cut down after five generations.

At present, these eight families are considered internal clan members. Once the old man dies, one family will be selected as the clan now. Then the other rooms will become external departments. So now there are cliques and competition among all parties.

Qian Ruimu is a strong competitor in the fifth house where she is currently. Her brother is Qian Xingyu, a young general in the army who is currently stationed in Yazhong.

As for her, this time-traveling predecessor suffered from severe symptoms of brain psychic loss of control, and she had been staying in the control cabin.

Of course, now that she has reached consciousness, the psychic defects of her brain have been repaired by the time traveler Welfare.

Qian Ruimu got up from the training warehouse. At this time, multiple sets of cameras around her locked onto her to prevent her next psychic damage.

Qian Ruimu calmly finished dressing up and moved quietly in the closed warehouse. She knew that the observation period for her was thirty days. As long as the thirty days were stable, someone outside would naturally arrange for her to come out.

At this time, she also had to connect with another teammate, who was now arriving at the northern port of the Condor Empire and was also the only son of a family.

The main world sent two of them to come at the same time, just to lock down the "invaders" on this plane.

According to the information obtained by Qian Ruimu, the leader of the "axis force" that the kings of the heavens are currently hostile to has an extremely tenacious and patient nature. He often launches violent changes and impacts at the lower levels, but it cannot be ruled out that he will also Showing up at the top creates a shakeup.

The Haotu system issued a mission: "Thwart the rebels' actions and reward them with one dozen points."

Qian Ruimu held her chin up and thought. In the mirror, she didn't apply any makeup, but she still had a beautiful heart. However, she couldn't see the sun for a long time, so there wasn't much color on her lips.

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