Out of the cage

Chapter 1326 Chapter 2704 (Part 1) The second escape

In the world of Zhutian plots, Wei Keng made the following remarks when faced with the background culture of various bizarre plots: The history of aristocrats is a process of continuous strife and advancement under the hereditary social advantages.

For example, at the beginning of the Han Dynasty, one of the five soldiers who killed Xiang Yu, Yang Xi, jumped up and crossed the class threshold. Then, his great-grandson Yang Chang, the prime minister of the Western Han Dynasty, became the first ancestor of the Yang family in Hongnong. Yang Zhen, the great-great-grandson of Yang Chang, lived as a Taiwei in the Eastern Han Dynasty and was known as the "Confucius of Guanxi". His sons Yang Bing, Sun Yangci, and great-grandson Yang Biao were all Taiwei, and they were called the "Fourth Taiwei" at that time.

Wei Keng: "When the initial capital accumulation is successful, they adapt to the rules of the game, participate in the revision of the rules, and maintain their advantages from generation to generation, they will become aristocratic families. Even if a few reformers adjust the rules in order to break the class monopoly, such as the imperial examination system Even if they appear, this group of aristocratic families will still use their connections and vision to adapt to the rules faster than others."

In the world of heaven, even in the modern high-tech era, aristocratic families still exist. In technology, military. As well as the field of "superpowers", elements of "bloodline" can be seen.

At present, in the latest field of "time and space premonition" on the future storm plane, it is still the monopoly of "Aristocratic Family".

Wei Keng entered the "school-level" officer section of the Star Sea Federation. Wei Keng, who was born as a top soldier, has an extremely ordinary status and is a trainer in this social circle.

Among this group of colleagues who all have families, Wei Keng had a hard time getting along, and could only play a marginal role at the reception. Of course, it would be good to be admitted, and Wei Keng knew that the key to his admission was not "being able to speak gregarious words at the cocktail party". That was what a beautiful social butterfly had to learn, and he relied on his current strength.

Federal Experiment Center No. 9344, in the blue test field, small balls are shuttled back and forth. Wei Keng is testing his "power of time". Wei Keng's power of time can see small balls within a hundred meters. Track and dodge.

In three months of training, future vision improved from four seconds to seven seconds.

In the training hall, cameras can be seen everywhere, just like the arrangement at the Winter Olympics to prevent cheating, which can magnify every moment of the examiner's movements.

In the test field, the uniformed examiner picked up the tablet electronic recorder and ticked several key indicators, confirming that Wei Keng had an above-average qualification.

The mid-to-high level, similar to Lu Yun who traveled to the past in the "Mill Plane", can become an artificial intelligence cluster commander, a large ship driver in the future, and of course, at the worst, an agent who can carry a sniper rifle.

By the way, Wei Keng's current identity is "Lu Yun".

In the society of the upper class of the Federation (a total of about three to four million people in the world), those who have awakened the power of time and space are rare talents.

...working hard quietly, preparing to make a big splash, but it was decided by the superiors...

Regardless of the test, Wei Keng is almost the most ordinary person in the training camp. He has no close friends, no favorites, and even no eye-catching hobbies. Bai Linglu: "There's no stove here for him to touch."

Wei Keng is a relatively marginalized person in the army. Of course, he cannot be said to be lonely, because he also talks to his teammates around him, but he can never get into the center of the conversation.

But after this assessment, the upper-level leaders of the federation had a conversation with him.

Wei Keng, who is directly affiliated with the military major general, obviously received the news in advance from the assessment department and did the ideological work of "Lu Yun" before the artificial intelligence system announced the results.

In the book-filled office, Wei Keng drank tea cakes worth thousands of dollars, listened to official talk about the need to "obey the overall situation," and finally said in a "drowsy" way that he would continue to serve as an Osprey fighter pilot in the military. Members, don't compete for the commander's spot.

In this society where everyone is ranked according to their seniority and at the same time merit is important, if the "middle-aged person" completely abides by the social order, he will be severely restricted.

After walking out of the Star Sea Federation's test hall, the "senior citizens of the Federation" who lined up behind to come in for the test didn't even know that Wei Keng got all A-levels.

You must know that at the gate, a young man got an a and obtained the elite level notification. He greeted his friends in the corridor and asked for a meal at the bar.

It is impossible for an initial civilian to reach the top by working hard. If he gets all A's in the exam, he will not be able to become an official if he does not find connections.

Mr. Wei left the examination hall and went straight to the Welfare Bureau. While waiting in the luxuriously decorated social welfare guest house, he drank three cups of Longjing for free and took out three plates of cakes. He happily left the barracks with his "consumption card" .

Wei Keng: It’s enough to have welfare and food. As for stepping into that complicated circle, I’m too weak to adapt.

In fact, as a time traveler, Wei Keng is also in this "dead state".

At this time, the old people in Haotu, such as Yan Beixiang, described it this way: In the Qin Tianfang era, if Wei Keng was assigned a staff, he would abide by the rules, but in the He Chongyun era, when Diao was targeted for elimination, People will be excited and excited! He took out the surplus accumulated in his previous fishing process and started to rebel.

So for He Chongyun: Anyone who is a leader will be angry with this kind of person: "He is a cunning person, has no ability, is not active in work, is the first in rebellion, takes the lead in every incident, and surprises (scares) me. )."

Wei, although he is winning steadily in multiple dimensions, he is only a veteran traveler of about three hundred years, and is reflecting on it.

The reputation of "diaomin" among the new generation of time-travelers and supervisors is extremely bad.

Opponents, those who currently hold the right to speak in the dimension are actually "advanced elements" who have good backgrounds and have been specially trained. They are all He Chongyun's party members. When these "advanced cadres" were exercising their leadership abilities, they were suddenly smashed. Plate, of course, doesn't take kindly to unruly people.

At the cocktail party, Wei Keng, as an extra invitee, looked at the federal colonel who took his place. He didn't have much hostility, but whispered: "You are a motivated person, well, you will definitely be dispatched next, it will be very tiring, right?" ."

On the way back to the dormitory, Mr. Wei saw a black cat. Oh, this cat had a bright bell around its neck. …

In the "Future Storm" plane, in 2598, Wei Keng was working in the Star Sea Federation barracks just like an ordinary person.

When teammates discuss the recent economic situation in the Federation and which investments have a high return rate now.

Wei Keng could not say a word, and sometimes seemed very dull. When he spoke, he also predicted the federal military strategy. Because the topic was inappropriate, everyone immediately changed the topic. Not only was the circle not squeezed in, but it was also alienated.

So Wei Keng was forced to start mediocre.

However, in the eyes of the military leaders, "Lu Yun" was honest and honest on the outside, so he began to "take the wrong approach" behind his back.

One year after the Battle of Burma River, after taking the Osprey pilot's license test, he began to apply for "agent" training.

And it just so happens that the Star Sea Federation has a "special mission" in the Arctic Circle. This mission can increase the military rank three times faster than in the past. Of course, it must be high-risk.

In the military camp, Wei Keng "carefully reviewed" the task and stamped his fingerprint on the volunteer form.

…As a person from a family background, when you enter a circle that is not your own, you don’t understand anything. …

In 2599, in Asia, the Star Sea Federation Army requested to escort a group of agents to the rear for in-depth training.

This kind of training is very cruel and has a lot of sequelae of injuries. Among the large number of middle-level and knowledgeable military personnel, no one signs up for it.

In the training camp, most of the children born in aristocratic families understood that this task was not good, so Wei Keng, who seemed stupid to everyone, signed up.

There is a shortage of "agents" at the top of the federal government because the job is very casualty.

In June, Wei Keng was asked to rush to the rear base to report quickly. Wei Keng "actively responded" to the federal general's call and "is not afraid of hardship or fatigue."

However, the federal military group seems to have forgotten that "Lu Yun" had a history of escaping when he was still a top soldier a few years ago.

When returning to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in eastern Asia, the Nightingale transport plane "Lu Yun" was on had to make an emergency landing due to a leak in the fuel tank.

The oil pipe of the Nightingale transport plane was punctured by Wei Keng before takeoff, and the gap was plugged with chewing gum.

When entering high altitudes, the gum will soften as the temperature rises.

While Wei Keng was refueling, he suddenly pressed the pause button. If the oil in the oil pipeline suddenly stops, the "water hammer effect" will occur. If the pressure of the oil in the pipeline increases suddenly, the chewing gum will collapse and leak.

Ever since, after 40 minutes of sailing, Wei Keng suddenly accelerated, and Wei Keng could even feel that a certain pipe in the lower left fighter began to twitch and shake, and then oil began to spray.

After a few minutes, the aircraft's fuel tank pressure gauge began to plummet. So Nightingale made an emergency landing.

The entire criminal plan was invisible to anyone. When looking back at the accident and searching for the black box, I would not have thought that an "honest" guy would do this.

...When Wei Keng left, he removed the bright bell from the neck of the black cat in the dormitory area. From then on, the cat was difficult to see in the shadows...

After the Nightingale made an emergency landing on June 23, the rescue was delayed for a while due to heavy rain, and the spacecraft crashed and the rear medical cabin was lost.

Among the entire air crew, Wei Keng, as the only member who had received special agent training, did his part to help other members of the Nightingale flight crew to find a way, and then left forever.

Because the Star Sea Federation consumes a lot of military personnel at this time. It was impossible to send personnel to search for the missing persons.

Although the Star Sea Federation is backing up the space system, it is certain that Wei Keng is not dead yet. Wei Keng’s military membership has been temporarily cancelled.

…the dividing line for deserters…

In the space-time hall of the Earth Federation, hundreds of millions of space jump coordinates flash in space, and each coordinate is a backup thought.

Scientists from the future storm plane explain: The quantum characteristics of human consciousness are unique in the dimensional film. Its "asymmetry" shows starlight in the seemingly uniform space film.

In the current future storm plane, the Star Sea Federation can re-project the deceased, but it cannot replicate two people appearing in reality at the same time. Because independent consciousness already exists in reality, it will interfere with this "secondary jump" process.

After all, when the jump system copies the human body, when the consciousness in the human body determines its "uniqueness", it will deny the emergence of new individuals.

Therefore, unless the target dies in reality, the Federation cannot recreate "deserters".

There are a large number of deserters in the Federation every year, and these deserters are often from the middle and lower classes. There are very few elite deserters like Wei Keng.

They were holding gauss guns and flamethrowers next to the old nuclear energy and mineral bases in the interior, or driving second-hand infantry fighting vehicles.

What is the federal attitude towards these deserters?

Just like when playing a game, the player sees a "soldier unit" that has escaped from the border of the map. If he can't control it, he might as well kill it.

The Federation also operates this way. After these soldiers become kings in the mountains, they will send troops to eliminate them and return the consciousness of these deserters to a state where they can be jumped and transported.

The Federation will dispatch regular troops to exterminate this group of bandits every year, so that the "human resources" backed up in the dimension can be reused. (End of chapter)

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