Out of the cage

Chapter 1332 Chapter 2707 (Part 2) Backward Compatibility

Chapter 1332 Chapter 27.07 (Part 2) Backward Compatibility

On August 8, 2601, in the Eighth District of Jihai, in the Asia-East Regional Military Office Center of the Star Sea Federation, the Star Sea Federation military meeting was being held, with the focus on the Myanmar River area, the Nanyang area and the battlefield of the Condor Empire marked in red. , there are still a large number of areas marked yellow, that is, low-intensity armed rebellion in large areas of the upper reaches of the Jingjiang River.

The blue star symbol on the military building is now flashing three times per minute, prompting the Sky Force helicopter to land on the top of the building, and the receptionist on the top of the building has been waiting to invite these military leaders into the VIP passage of the building.

Qian Ruimu, a time traveler sent by the vast land space-time department, and as a lieutenant colonel of the Federation at this time, participated in this collective meeting of generals.

The blue projected light shows that the Star Sea Federation is now facing various military threats. At the same time, the Qian Ruimu system begins to focus on a certain point on the map - the "guerrillas" appearing in the upper reaches of the Jingjiang River are about to develop into a serious problem for the Federation!

But it wasn't her decision about the flow of the meeting.

The East Asia Capital Conference of the Star Sea Federation only took thirty minutes to introduce the suppressive war in the entire upper reaches of the Jingjiang River.

It is mainly the backline officers who announce their achievements in "annihilating enemies," "suppressing bandits," and "pacifying public order" (similar to "I worked hard and was not afraid of hardship or fatigue" in the work report).

These local garrison officers, who were wearing combat armor for a show, used a large number of battle clips in the video to introduce the battle process. The scenes included: strong use of aerial firepower to level off the hills one after another, while armored firepower completed the recovery of strongholds. But how many specific kills? Not sure.

And Qian Ruimu discovered something bad. After the rebel army was wiped out, what information did the local security forces have on the rebel army?

Now all the backbones of the non-illegal armed forces come from personnel trained by the Star Sea Federation.

When these "deserters" are killed, theoretically, the Federation can recruit them again among the clones from the "dimensional starry sky", and these soldiers who fall into the Federation camp will also reveal their deserter career.

However, the Federation is still shrouded in mystery about the organizational structure and location of the rebel army.

Qian Ruimu stroked his military cap: "Then there is only one truth, and that is that this rebel army has mastered the technology of summoning combat-dead individuals from the "dimensional starry sky". Therefore, even if there are small-scale battle losses, the Federation can still The first step is to summon the backup individual information in the dimensional starry sky into their consciousness preservation crystal cabin."

The forces that have the ability to maintain the "consciousness preservation crystal" are by no means ordinary gangster warlord forces.

Qian Ruimu's guess was correct. Guantianshe did have a mechanism to recall the complete "battle damage awareness" while accommodating the "omnic" silicon supercomputing system...

Of course, Wei Keng's attitude towards "death in battle" is the company system, that is, if one person dies in battle, the whole class will be held accountable; if the whole class dies in battle, the whole company will be held accountable; if the whole company dies in war, the whole group will be held accountable. Accountability requires writing a large number of summaries and reports.

Wei Keng: I just want to correct the bad habit of "meat detection". There are drones but not drones. There is a problem with my thinking.

In fact, starting in 2601, as the main force of the Federation began a high-pressure sweep, the Jingchuan Xinhuo Army seamlessly switched to a strategic avoidance state. At the same time, the main force moved directly to the northern Qinling Mountains to open up a new battlefield.

You know: the entire federation only has the ability to maintain 400,000 troops in East Asia.

Although the battle losses of these 400,000 troops can be continuously replenished by resources to maintain the total scale, and even each soldier dies and is recruited again, and can withstand millions of casualties, 400,000 troops cannot do 400,000 casualties. The workload of ten thousand people.

Wei Keng continued to mobilize his effective forces to new battlefields, fought patiently with the old forces, and strategically took the initiative in the battle.

Chongqing alone is very mountainous. Not to mention the current 40,000 federal troops, even if 400,000 troops are thrown in, it will only be drizzle.

Moreover, the road infrastructure here is only highways, which is very unfriendly to the mechanization of the federation.

An armored company in the Federation maintains a high daily consumption of movement. It requires several tons of fresh water alone!

When faced with such complex terrain, "drones", "remotely controlled fireworks" and "rocket launchers" appear every few hours. For ten days and a half, even federal soldiers taking drugs couldn't bear it.

There are no cases of "sudden death" in the army due to long-term overwork, but we often see frequent accidents in the overworked army, such as tanks accidentally overturning and artillery accidentally exploding, all of which are caused by excessive fatigue. .

Of course, the above is still minor. The serious issue is that two troops from different divisions got angry during coordination and directly opened fire and killed senior officers.

Since ancient times, famous generals have calculated the endurance of their armies. In ancient times, those generals who didn't want to settle would let their soldiers indulge in a wave of violence after they captured the city. But in modern times, drugs, military amusement and other systems were used to let the soldiers vent their anger.

The Federation is currently losing too much money in this asymmetric battle.

Therefore, starting in 2601, the federal regiment in the Jingjiang area was more inclined to use low-cost "special warfare" and high-speed air force to penetrate into the rebel area and perform so-called bombing missions.

...The "Xinhuo Army" whose main force has been transferred is using special warfare to deal with special warfare in many areas of Jingyu. …

In multiple firefights from January to March, Tianxin Group agents and federal agents sniped at each other. The two sides stared at each other and tried to be patient on each hilltop. The federal special forces suddenly discovered that there seemed to be more people on the opposite side than themselves. He also has keen spatial awareness and can avoid snipers.

In April, the Osprey fighter jets of the Federal Air Force that took off were frequently locked by red lines emitting from the ground. Then the red light "burned out" and the aircraft was sniped down from the sky.

Wei Keng took out the sniper rifle he got when he was a deserter and copied it.

It’s worth mentioning: the sniper rifles in this world are very unique! That is, the projectiles it fires no longer "shoot out", but "jump out".

At the rear of the sniper rifle is a powerful magnetic chamber, which can deflect a piece of material toward the area locked by the sniper laser.

Of course, the material being deflected will be very unstable, so if a piece of magnesium-aluminum alloy is deflected, after being deflected several kilometers away, the alloy will quickly burst into sparks after being embedded in the tank armor.

Federal agents often use this method to snipe Imperial MiG fighter jets.

The only thing this sniper rifle actually shoots out is the red guidance laser.

In Guantianshe's "Xinhuo Army", not everyone can participate in special warfare. Among the Xinhuo Army, the number of soldiers currently selected is the best in the "Butianxin" assessment.

Of course, here in the Xinhuo Army, "a total of 13,923 people participated in the Muting Heart Examination in 2600 (after selecting one from a hundred, 134 people passed).

As for the federal elite agents in the entire Yadong theater, the number of federal agents determined before Wei Keng left the headquarters as "Lu Yun" was only 455. Most of them were involved in the battle with the Condor Empire. They could fight in Jingchuan. Only a platoon of more than twenty people was used.

Therefore, in the staff department, Wei Keng gave instructions during the special battle: "Don't be a personal hero, use the advantage of the organization to coordinate support with each other, and survive with them. No matter how experienced the eagle is, he can't stand up to a group of eager little roosters when he is stuck in a shed! "

...The "team theory" that beats the "talent theory!" begins to flourish...

Li Yue is a special soldier of the Xinhuo Corps. In his family, his father is an amusement park worker. When he was a child, he watched his father repair roller coasters. He has a gifted mechanical prediction of how the machinery will naturally develop after it is started.

Later, after joining the Xinhuo Alliance, he was extremely talented and always ranked among the best in the "Bu Tianxin" training.

Whether it is the basic introductory assessment of building dominoes or the mid-term training of folding paper airplanes, he can complete it wholeheartedly.

Narrator: The standard for folding paper airplanes is to stack three paper airplanes in a row and land simultaneously in a circle with a diameter of one meter fifty meters away from the hall during the release process.

If dominoes only require simple patience, you can gain "future control" over the dominoes falling one after another. This kind of paper airplane training will cause the airplane to go out of shape if you are impatient.

"Controlling the future" requires "holding the present tightly" with both hands

And the "heart energy" that focuses on the future and implements all the details in the present is the "Heaven Heart" - "Bu Tian Xin" is a very rigorous self-cultivation system.

In March 2001, his consciousness entered the artificial space-time crystal. Through repeated construction, it was supported to order millions of times. After returning to reality, he had a premonition in his consciousness.

Back to the present, Li Yue operates a variety of special warfare equipment and works closely with his teammates (seizing the moment), constantly calculating the actions of the Federation in advance.

On March 23, the Federation sent ace snipers to try to destroy the Xinhuo Group’s aerial drones.

But when the federal agents confronted Li Rui across the hill, they fell short. The two sides are constantly entangled in the vision of the future.

In the end, the federal sniper fired first in reality, and then Li Rui fired a "concussive bomb" and jumped over with an electromagnetic explosive bomb, which opened a large hole in the federal's specially provided nano-protective shield. The opponent had to return to optical stealth, and at the same time had to retreat in order to avoid Xinhuo aerial drone surveillance.

As soon as the federal agents withdrew, Li Yue began to close in closely, and at the same time called on his teammates to surround him from behind.

Xinhuo's special team relied on fan skateboards to move on a small scale in the mountain cols. Of course, more in valley areas with complex airflow, they relied on zip lines set up in advance to move quickly.

These Xinhuo combatants wearing nano combat uniforms may have received only six months of special agent military training, which is far less than the brutal elimination training of the Federation.

But in this war, through an outstanding team and brave competition, the federal elite agents were distracted and unable to do anything.

During the battle, Li Yue won safe space and time for his own air defense regiment, and one missile after another successfully prevented the federal air force from running amok.

Xinhuo Guidance Department: When you don't stop, even a small enemy team will dare to swagger through your defense area. At this time, the pressure and task of the rear cadres and comrades who need to strategically shift is very high.

Therefore, the federal elites were able to perform their combat tasks well, but their victory was only partial, while Xinhuo dominated the entire Jingchuan area.

During this six-month-long guerrilla war, the Xinhuo attack destroyed 26 aircraft, and shelled more than 50 key military targets in the Xinghai Federation area throughout the Chongqing District, a total of more than 6,400 times.

Star Sea Federation Bandit Suppression Commander, in this "itching" battle, the army repeatedly "scratched" at a huge cost, and still could not catch the main force of the bandits that had been "annihilated in advance" in their battle reports.

In 2601, the Fire Corps led tens of thousands of federal troops in the mountainous area in constant circles. On average, there were dozens of firefights every day. Even at the best of times, federal personnel suffered three or four casualties every day, which turned the annihilation of the area into a difficult task. A kind of battle that cannot close your eyes and endure patience.

The huge consumption has aroused opposition from many business and private individuals in cities in the region. Business and private individuals in these cities began to reprimand the military for wasting resources...

In March 2602, Major General Zhao Hanlin, who was responsible for commanding the suppression of bandits, announced to the federal summit that the mission had been successfully completed.

He also produced a series of kill data and captured equipment.

These equipments are individual flamethrowers and old artillery in the hands of those warlords. These are indeed the important firepower of the old warlords in the area. But the Xinhuo Army, which has been pursuing standardization, no longer cares about these "IWC modified goods".

At the federal military conference, professional reports quickly turned decay into magic.

Although the federal center knew that the bandits had not been completely wiped out yet, due to the very detailed nature of this ppt, they tacitly concluded that the bandit suppression was over.

In April, as soon as the main federal army left, Xinhuo immediately counterattacked the area and liberated the private mining sites in these areas.

They also fired rockets and dropped leaflets into the city, proclaiming that "Heaven's heart can be mended."

As a cadre member of the staff who promotes the planning process, Wei Keng reminded the enthusiastic cadres in the area: "It is still early for the slogan to be shouted, and we have not completely won a victory that will convince the world. The team members recruited in the short term, There must be a mixed bag of people, and we must pay attention to screening important positions. Of course, we still need to "propaganda" early, because if we don't raise our "flag" now, then we will fight in more areas in the future and temporarily If we give an explanation, we will fall into the inferior category. If we want to describe justice, it will be usurped by people who sneak in."

Wei Keng said at the guidance department: "Challenges exist, but don't be afraid of challenges. As an advanced force, you should have the obligation to use advanced ideological education to temper the masses into steel! Don't expect the heroes of the world to join in one after another, but to Turn everyone on our side into a hero.”

Li Yue, Fang Rui and many others who have become heroes applauded from the bottom of their hearts after Wei Keng's speech.

I said something silently in my mind: Yes, is it possible? We are the heroic species, and we can make others become heroes!

...When the "dust" is trampled on the earth, the wind blows and the clouds fly! Heroic…

Within a year of 2602, the armed struggle began to expand from one point to an area, and the population of the base area gradually expanded from 300,000 to 4.5 million after the Jingchuan struggle. Developing with unprecedented momentum.

The red zone extends from Chongqing to Shu, Anhui and other regions. Fought thousands of battles with old-school mineral owners everywhere.

During this period, just as Wei Keng judged, the federal army was at war with the Condor Empire on the southeastern front, and the sudden civil strife they encountered became the last straw that overwhelmed the federal whitewash of "freedom"!

In 2602, federal taxes became increasingly heavy and various commercial loans became more and more liberal.

Many young people began to go bankrupt. It can be said that these young people who took out loans are not self-disciplined in the business trend.

If you fail to withstand the temptation of capital, you will lose everything.

Zhongren: But if a society requires everyone to exercise strict self-discipline to function normally, then there is obviously a problem with governance.

You must know that these "credit businesses" that have bankrupted a large number of young people are all encouraged by business and private policies.

Diao Min: “The rise of ‘smart people’ in society has set up a large number of investment traps, specifically targeting young people who have just entered the society (entrepreneurship and franchising), and the elderly who have lost their ability to discern information (health products such as brain x gold). ), attracting money, and starting to package business myths after getting rich, are all serious dereliction of duty by the governance group."

For the federation: Young people who are the first to go bankrupt can be forced into factories to work hard and make contributions.

But now there is another option, which is to enter the mountains. But this is for these young people with ideological problems.

Going into the mountains is not a good option either.

Overnight, the prosperous Internet and holographic games were abandoned. The Internet environment began to be isolated from the world, and students began to study boringly. They ran from one hilltop to another to do grassroots work. Many young people couldn't stand it and ran away. After going back, of course a large number of people still stayed.

If you escape back, you will still be caught by the debt collection company and sent to the capitalization army. In the end, he may go around in circles and be captured during the subsequent conquest of the Guantian Society.

Wei Keng said in the latest working meeting of Guantianshe Middle School: "The problem of newly joined youth" must be solved. We cannot avoid the problem by blaming them as "problem youth".

Mr. Wei knows that his "Xinhuo Alliance" is a gangster in the eyes of the world, and he has no right to dislike these brothers who fail to repay their loans. We will provide strict life care to these brothers who join us. They will work, study, and play together every day. Of course, they must follow strict disciplines and follow the cycle.

Wei Keng: We are rebelling at the middle and lower levels. The mud-legged people are revolting. The people who can take refuge now are of this quality. Do you expect "Li Jing" and "Zhuge Liang" to surrender to this earthen plaque? …

In several anti-encirclement and suppression campaigns, the Xinhuo Group's current recruits were mostly loan-escape youths who could not survive in the city.

These young cannon fodders are often dispersed in a rush when deported by the federal police. In the eyes of the federal aristocrats, this is "a piece of waste that cannot be carved out of a dead tree, lying there, not thinking about itself, not working hard, and blaming society for the lack of salary increase."

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