Out of the cage

Chapter 1333 Chapter 2707 (Part 2) The focus of the federal military.

In May 2603, in the Starsea Federation military base in Jicheng, huge heavy-duty trucks continued to transport supplies here. At this time, Guantianshe's guerrillas had arrived in the Yishan area. However, the documents related to these "country bumpkin rebels" have been suppressed by civil servants in the pile of old papers.

The most important documents now are about the battlefields in Southeast Asia. Dozens of generals discussed the deployment points of the new jump base and had a heated discussion. Oh, this base deployment location involves the interests of the mining shareholders behind the generals.

Under the emphasis of the Star Sea Federation Center, the "authoritarianism" of in-depth study and resistance is being strengthened everywhere. Oh, the representative of authoritarianism is the Condor Empire, and in the headquarters of Jicheng, the video of the Condor Empire that is played every day is projected on Military armaments. Let it go every day, every month, and show that we attach great importance to it.

Wei Keng: I think back to when I was a poor student. When I was pretending to study, I would put study materials on the table for parents to check.

1: The most common infantry in the empire, Destroyer Vanguard (mecha infantry that launches grenades), the most common vehicles: Armored Destroyer (50-ton light tank), and Land Shield Vehicle. Vulture helicopters and MiG fighters are indeed more practical in warfare.

2: Large units, such as the Juggernaut Tank (a two-thousand-ton tracked land cruiser) and the Inquisitor Mecha (a large robot 45 meters high carrying an air defense and anti-missile system), during a frontal assault, the federal troops are like paper shells. Same as son.

How to put it this way, the Star Ocean Federation is more like an alliance of mining companies, and the weapon design considerations are "high-tech" (the most conceptual and the lowest price in the tender)

As for the armaments of the Condor Empire, "practical" is the standard.

The empire's mineral resources may be lacking, but the empire's army can pursue the federal crispy troops without any problem.

Wei Keng made a more in-depth evaluation: Although the empire is also corrupt, the general class is from military aristocratic families. Compared with the Star Sea Federation, the business aristocrats have been mixed into the military command, and they seem to be superior in military concepts. Of course, the lame man and the nearly blind man with severe myopia together make a wonderful pair of opponents.

The imperial army is now quite strong in Southeast Asia, with a battle loss ratio of 1 to 1.5, but the strength of the federal troops is twice that of the empire.

As long as the Imperial forces advance slightly inland, the stretched front will reveal loopholes, which can be penetrated by Osprey troops and rapidly leaping Marines to destroy mineral supply points.

…These two superpowers are fighting together and will be inseparable in the short term…

As the spring of 2603 ended and the rainy season passed, the swamps of Southeast Asia were muddy, mosquitoes began to fly, and the hot summer came again.

The new wave of federal troops set off from the Guangfu area. At the base at the mouth of the Red River, Qian Xingyu (the general brother of the time traveler Qian Ruimu in this dimension) was looking at the newly arrived batch of three combat forces on the interface. .

At this time, the Star Sea Federation and the cone base have opened like a flower. The two-hundred-meter outer shell bounces outwards, and the fifty-meter mining ball inside is rapidly pumping underground minerals.

After the federal commanders in the Myanmar River obtained enough resources, they unlocked a quantum channel for higher-tech transmission.

What was transmitted this time was the Star Shield combat mecha. Three units of the Star Alliance. All blue ceramic.

Because the body is spherical and the power limbs are very solid cylinders, it looks like a giant dwarf.

This mecha is only thirty meters tall but has a weight of 500 tons. It looks like a spherical body with short, thick tubes forming arms. The arms are two 65mm particle cannons. The energy density of such particle cannons is comparable to that of Empire Destruction 105 The thin rod of a 65mm caliber armor-piercing projectile penetrates metal with the same metal flow energy, but the cross-sectional area of ​​the thin rod of the armor-piercing projectile is only 15mm, while the total energy of the 65mm caliber particle beam is 170 times that.

The Star Shield mecha is a rare product of the Star Sea Alliance, and can easily penetrate the armor of any light vehicle. Its line resistance is stronger than that of the Imperial Judgment Mecha, but the Imperial Judgment Mecha is actually anti-aircraft. The Empire's three trump cards are the Dominator Tanks.

The Star Shield Guardian mecha is smaller in size compared to the Juggernaut Tank, but its tonnage is not weak at all, and it has an active skill. The defense system uses a force field generator, which can really develop a light blue spherical force field. This can withstand Imperial artillery.

But now, Xingyu's expression is not very happy, because no matter how good the weapon is, it seems difficult to save the stubbornness of some bureaucrats.

At this time, the top commander of the Star Sea Federation in Southeast Asia is General Cruise.

Many federal soldiers don't know what qualifications this general relied on to get the position of general.

...About the negative NPCs in this world, almost all kinds of "stupid" features are set up to set off the wisdom of the main protagonist...

Wei Keng opened the information and saw the general: Good guy, his qualifications are very impressive. Ah, a series of beautiful resumes in the Middle East and North Africa, including but not limited to the elimination of a large number of terrorists.

General Cruz participated in a series of foreign military activities in the last peace era.

With such qualifications, if you are a non-commissioned officer, you have excellent practical experience. However, at the level of general, it is a situation where all the officials in the court in the late Ming Dynasty take credit for "strategy planning".

Note: When bureaucrats in the late Ming Dynasty encountered a certain great victory, they would all share the credit for such and such a victory, "making arrangements from the center, strategizing, and winning the battle thousands of miles away."

This General Cruise is a very important promoter of the historical plot. After the Federation failed in a series of military decisions, he used the energy of his connections to release the "Black Death" to stop the imperial troops.

But the artificial intelligence was later implanted with revenge, lost control, and became an independent fourth force.

...In this way, the NPC that is holding back the first place is the target of common complaints from the plot protagonists of the Federation and the Empire...

General Qian Xingyu was mobilizing troops and preparing to continue the attack on the Imperial Highlands a hundred kilometers away, when a female agent walked in. When this female agent met Qian Xingyu, she was a gentle and sweet sister for a moment, but soon became an arrogant and cold-hearted and sensible subordinate.

The agent was Qian Ruimu. After she reported it, Qian Xingyu stood aside and opened the map and began to issue an investigation mission to his sister.

Qian Ruimu was on the high ground of Watchtower No. 15, where the Imperial Group jumped three Dora cannons. Please note that it is a jump. Jumping means that you can attack the Star Sea Federation unexpectedly on some extremely difficult to reach high ground.

In the images transmitted by the frontline agents, these heavy artillery, which is twenty meters high and has a caliber of three hundred millimeters, is set up on high ground to deter the surrounding fifty kilometers, and within that range, both the east and west roads are blocked. , any federal troops entering the area would be bombarded with such shells.

The federal shaped energy tank has a range of thirty kilometers, but it still cannot reach the cannon dropped by the empire on the hilltop.

Qian Xingyu gave his sister and subordinate an "order" in a tone that sounded like a superior to a subordinate: "Your target is these two Vulcan anti-aircraft guns. After you destroy these two Vulcan anti-aircraft guns, I will send Osprey fighter jets from Blow up the Dora Cannon in the air." - His tone was an order, but his eyes were an instruction from his brother to his sister.

Those two Vulcan anti-aircraft guns have six tubes and can spray thousands of bullets a minute. They are a nightmare for the air force.

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