Out of the cage

Chapter 1356 Chapter 2723 Plane Characteristics

Chapter 1356 Chapter 27.23 Plane Characteristics

The plane of the heavens has a special feature. If the various forces in the plot maintain a balance of power in the "battle", then this plane will remain stable.

In the plot plane, at the moment of extinction, a group of opposing "consciousnesses" will maintain the balance of the plane rules.

That is, once a force transcends the old contradictions, the constant fluctuations of the world will cause new forces to rise and balance the world.

In short, in the cage of the heavens, the obsessions are sandwiched between each other like crabs to ensure that the cage can hold it.

For example: What if there is really a power that is "invincible"? Then we have to "enemies coming from the sky". What if everything coming down from the sky can't be contained? Then it will ascend.

In the "Human Base" world where Zhu Xiaoyan is located next door, when this plane no longer has the power to contain the "Spirit Man Yuanyu", and the world collapses in the apocalypse, the time and space technology of that world suddenly breaks through, and a large number of dimensional channels can be opened to enter. Countless "biological planes".

Note: At present, the situation with He Qiuye is over, and the human base has been "out of the cage". Well, it is the spread of the human emperor's bloodline. Now the whole country is looking at He Chongyun, and He Chongyun is also making its final struggle.

In the future storm plane, in order to ignite the "Heart of Mending Heaven" and create the existence of Guantian Society, Wei Keng always understands that "if he can intervene, others will intervene." Currently, Wei Keng is staring at the constant in the Earth-Moon Gravity Well Facility. fluctuation.

As a supervisor, Bai Linglu has provided Wei Keng with signs that other "technological dimensions" are beginning to communicate with each other.

Bai Linglu in the dimension: He (He Chongyun) now wants to stop you (Wei Keng) even at the expense of destroying the stability of various planes in the "technological side" of the heavens.

Wei Keng didn't feel sad or happy at this time, and even answered in a positive tone: Well, this is how you look like a king.

After a short pause, Wei Keng added, "At least, until the last moment, he didn't quibble." (For Wei Keng, it's okay if the person who made the mistake doesn't quibble)

Bai Linglu couldn't help but be startled, then thought about it, and finally responded: Maybe he is disdainful of you admitting defeat, but if you had a higher style and were less rustic, he might have already explained various reasons. (Bai Linglu means: It’s not that people don’t quibble, but they think you are not worthy of his quibbles. Historically, when literati defended Confucianism, they would only explain it to kings, but disdain to explain it to country bumpkins.)

As we reach the later stages of the End of Law, the power of cause and effect becomes more and more uncontrolled, and various Frankenstein monsters begin to develop new plots.

In 2619, when there were signs of all-out war in the Earth-Moon system, at the Ottawa branch of the General Electric Conglomerate in North America, Frankenstein Bate looked at the jumping magnetic field in front of him, his expression flashing with excitement. At this time, the war situation on Earth was becoming more and more serious for the Empire. Under increasingly unfavorable circumstances, as the chief scientist who came with Emperor Mutt, he finally communicated with the approaching timeline again.

The reason why the Condor Empire came to this world is that after the world entered the nuclear power era four hundred years ago, a large amount of nuclear waste accumulated in North America, and a space-time tunnel appeared under the influence of solar storms.

Of course, after Mutt successfully proclaimed himself emperor in North America, he prevented scientists from continuing to explore the tunnel he originally traveled through.

Mutt did this: on the one hand, the power of kings is divinely granted, and the place where he comes must remain mysterious. He kept the source of the empire's high-tech weapons secret, but on the other hand, he did not want to repeat the same mistakes and let the empire be replaced by another space-time storm force again.

Under the high pressure of the empire, "deep research on time and space" was curbed.

However, the imperial scholar class has been quietly exploring "taboos".

At this time, it has been three hundred years since the Condor Empire completely traveled through time. The Condor Empire at this time is no longer the heyday of Emperor Mut in his prime.

There were fierce bureaucratic conflicts within the empire, and the military was in a state of corruption and enjoyment, but the military system was extremely bloated.

After decades of dormancy, the imperial dissidents are ready to move.

Bet who was communicating with the time and space gate at this time was not alone. There was a huge rebel organization behind him, the number of which was unknown, spread across all key departments of the empire.

In the eighth space teleportation experiment, a "brain in a vat embedded with a large number of computing crystals" was transmitted from the space gate.

Bet was stunned for a moment when he looked at this "object from heaven" teleported in different time and space. Then when the "alloy life" formed the skull, he realized that this was the person he was communicating with, and took off his hat and said: "Friend, I am finally See you guys”.

This metal bald head is printing the rest of his body, which is now only the upper body. He uses his arms to support himself and moves to a larger mechanical platform to assemble the omni-machine prosthesis. At the same time, he responds to the professor who summoned him: "You should be grateful to God. Let’s meet.”

…As the space-time gate opened again, the dimensional rules spread like ripples, and Wei Keng was keenly aware of it…

After returning from the moon, Wei Keng, wearing a ceramic protective suit, entered the disinfection room at the northern Sichuan military base.

Multiple sets of robotic arms on the top of the maintenance cabin began to perform major health care on Wei Keng's digital alloy body, such as replacing the protective film on the armor, popping out the old energy battery from the socket on the back waist and replacing it with a new one.

In Laboratory No. 3, Zhu Xiaoyan, who is guarding the earth's gravity well, is gathering limited information to deduce the impact of this "constant fluctuation" on the world.

Wei Keng listed the information about the empire in the Future Storm plot.

Wei Keng: The emperor of the Condor Empire is old, but the stability of the country is still good. Although the military below was restless, the imperial power was still able to suppress it. Most importantly, it seemed that their lives were being extended according to some mysterious "mechanical ritual". (Quite blessed by the God of Machinery from multiple planes.)

Zhu Xiaoyan now has extra gossip: What is this method of extending life?

Wei Keng did not let Zhu Xiaoyan continue to imagine. As a time and space mercenary, Zhu Xiaoyan had to leave when it was time to leave. She could not be allowed to forcibly copy certain experiences from other planes to this plane. Because many other plane elements are not necessary for this plane, and there is no harm seen at present, but they will crowd out the practice of the correct route by future wisdom.

After all, time travelers like Zhu Xiaoyan only learned "physical" and "intelligent" through "moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor", and their moral education is still lacking. Wei Keng's moral education can be traced back to its origins, that is, only investing enthusiasm in the direction of "increased possibilities" and restraining the urge to waste energy in the direction of "beauty".

For example, in a row of glass warehouses behind Zhu Xiaoyan are "female humanoid robots." Zhu Xiaoyan brought her artificial human from the "Martial Arts Plane of the Solar System" to the omnic plane.

Dimensional Engineering has determined the situation of "scattered consciousness" in the omnic plane. Therefore, it is determining whether the omnic serves as a "container" to carry part of the scattered consciousness. ——Just like in the grooves on the seaside, it is possible to accumulate some small fish at low tide.

However, although Wei Keng did not object to Zhu Xiaoyan's project, he was a little wary.

Wei Keng said silently: "Whether it is the East or the West, in fact, the idea of ​​'owning slaves' still exists in human cultural genes. We cannot be the 'initiators' of human-like wisdom! Wisdom cannot be divided into three, six or nine grades. If human beings are real It is impossible to treat the intelligence of every life form equally, so it is best not to create alien species of intelligence with your own hands."

Wei Keng said to Zhu Xiaoyan: "We should leave this plane and let the civilization develop on its own for a while."

Zhu Xiaoyan paused her work. A series of mechanical arms that observed time and space, verified the digital alloy, and rotor machines all stopped temporarily. Zhu Xiaoyan said to Wei Keng: "Are you leaving again?"

Wei Keng: "Yes, next I will take you out of this plane area of ​​the heavens, and you will see the full picture of the current confrontation in time and space." (Wei Keng is preparing to bring Zhu Xiaoyan to the perspective of the main world)

Zhu Xiaoyan nodded. Wei Keng didn't know it at this time. As Zhu Xiaoyan's consciousness became increasingly ignited, she had connected with Qin Xiaoyan's original consciousness and knew some of the causes and consequences of this plane war.

...Of course, before leaving the position, Wei Keng has to put some plot points in order...

In May 2620, the war between the Empire and the Star Sea Federation also came to an end, in the Brazilian Plateau area of ​​​​the South American theater. The Star Sea Federation won the crucial war.

On the rocky South American land over there, the Glory battleship and the Sethus gunboat formed a perfect combination! Aerial missile interception and ultra-long-range ground strikes can be combined at the same time - the Xinhuo Army Staff Department objectively commented: The Star Sea Federation air combat system was imperfect in the past, but now it is perfect.

Sethus, the giant whale in the sky, was stationary in the air. Force fields were inserted into the ground and stood stably in the atmosphere. Powerful ion cannonballs were sprayed three hundred kilometers away. The empire's originally invincible army was blocked by the complex terrain. , was blown to pieces by this artillery fire, and the imperial air power was saturated and strafed by the missile group of the Glory battleship's wide built-in bomb bay.

One of these 100-meter-level floating battleships is facing the ground and the other is facing the air. They coordinate perfectly and are suddenly invincible.

At this time, the two squadrons of Nightingale repair machines from the Star Sea Federation were in the sky, using green nano-repair force fields to repair the shell of the battleship, so that the fleet could continue to fight.

From this moment on, the Star Sea Alliance, which has always been beaten, has achieved success in high-tech weapons.

In the original plot, the Star Sea Federation and the pioneer omnic of the moon reached a military cooperation. From the perspective of the Star Sea Federation where the protagonist is, the "crisis gradually subsided" stage was entered (it was not until the "Djinn God" of the black death omnic appeared on the scene that the crisis was gradually subsided. Entering a new "crisis military situation")

Of course, after defeating the empire, Spike, the infantry commander, was suddenly put in cold storage. In the two years from 19 to 21, he was only assigned to the Marine training camp in the rear areas of South America as a training officer.

At this time, as the battleships flew over the Rio Saint Statue in a row, Spike pulled off the electronic eyepiece of the Marine Power Mecha, looked at the battleships above him and sighed with vicissitudes, and said haggardly: "The Federation has entered Is it the age of the fleet?"

Twenty thousand kilometers away, Wei Keng was also watching federal news programs promote the arrival of the "Sky Dreadnought" era.

Wei Keng, who knew the fatal loopholes in the federal military system, whispered: "The Federation now has two battleships for air control and ground attack. Well, this is when they are proud, and when they are most proud, they are also the most obsessive, arrogant, and arrogant. when."

Next, the Star Sea Federation may fall apart...

Puhai, this is the most shining city in East Asia. It is also the Xinghai Group, one of the most important cities in the world.

The power station is protected by a blue crystal force field. Also heavily protected by this force field are the residences of Xinghai's senior executives. They enter and exit smart battleships and underground fortresses.

At the dazzling banquet in the living and office area, beauties chatting, fine wine, lobsters with roses in the pincers on the white cloth dining table, these are all the pomp and pomp of a classy person.

However, in the city, those squeezed into the square production area by the Splendid Garden are the bankrupt civilians in Jiangnan.

Wei Keng, an individual at the top of the Guantian Society, is preparing to leave this world, but at the grassroots level among ordinary people in this plane, new "Wei Keng" are still emerging.

...people don’t like to climb too high and will never forget their roots. …

At this time, a new Wei Keng split "Wen San" came to Puhai's "low-cost housing area" (slum area). These dormitories were built with public funds, and the cement walls were covered with all kinds of graffiti.

The overall structure of these dormitory buildings is similar to the layout of a shopping mall. On each circular floor, you can overlook the bottom.

The circuit system is also very extensive, with the main pipes in the building leading directly to each floor, connected to rows of sockets, and then each resident needs to buy a long plug and connect it to his or her room. There are no specialized electricians in the slums, so everything seems very "chaotic". It is common for these randomly inserted wires to cause sparks to trip. However, due to the high personnel density, every small fire can be detected in time, so there has been no trouble for more than ten years.

Of course, there is no thought of egalitarianism here. The rooms on each floor near the power generation pillars are occupied by gangsters on this floor. They directly occupy half of the power strips and connect them to their own rooms. It is euphemistically called property power supply. , the electricity bill was shared.

Of course, property fees such as garbage removal and energy management are also shared equally among all residents on this floor.

What? Not paying property fees?

The "property managers" of public housing will break in overnight and beat you until your nose is bruised and your face is swollen.

In such a chaotic and terrible environment, Urami was able to continuously recruit troops here. Posters of Marines holding gauss guns were posted on the billboard in the center of the building - attracting countless teenagers from the slums, who dreamed of joining the army and one day becoming successful.

Wei Keng, who was mixed in, took a look at the building and saw no disabled people. Time and space warping can repair all physical disabilities, but most people have expressions that alternate between joy and sadness like hippies, and they are already mentally disabled. .

After the warping technology matures, soldiers who participate in wars and survive will not lose their arms and legs. However, most people have experienced dozens of deaths and will accumulate various traumas on their personalities.

It is said that there is a billboard advertising euthanasia outside the gate of the military camp where service ends.

For the federal government, as long as it disposes of those "weak garbage" and does not appear in this civilian society, it seems that the pain of the war will not be seen.

Half an hour later, Wei Keng had an "accident" and had a conflict with the residents.

"Force field! You are a telepath!" The gangsters who came to collect protection fees were frightened by the air crystals that appeared out of thin air and backed away frequently.

Wei Keng looked at the retreating crowd and took a careful breath. Looking at the struggling people who were frozen in the force field, he whispered: "Fortunately, no one was killed. I'm really lucky."

A force field is a source of energy from another plane.

After 2619, due to the fluctuation of the constant rules again, some people often awakened "abnormal abilities". These all come from the "dimensional loopholes" caused by the empire's space-time experiments, which have affected some human consciousness.

Soon the military recruitment administrator of the Star Sea Alliance came to pick up Wen San before the local security officers arrived.

The constant wars every year have left the Federation in urgent need of "war resources."

It is worth mentioning that after 20 years, Wei Keng joined the army as Wen San. When he entered the East Asian training camp of the Star Sea Federation again, he saw that the chief officer was an Indian, and neither the instructors nor the organization were mainly East Asians.

Narrator: The personnel changes in some important positions can see a group faction reshuffled. The rise of the Federation Fleet Faction has created all this...

A month later, after a series of tests, Wei Keng's qualifications were entered into the database.

Then Wensan was assigned to the special agent team, and at the same time wore a set of collars that "restrained telekinesis". Begin transfer to new training base for further war training.

In the new base, Wei Keng put on a new mechanical suit and a matching mechanical helmet.

During this process, Wei Keng felt like he was a firearm with parts constantly being installed.

Wei Keng, who always has a cunning mentality: The federal bureaucrats' attitude of "employing people like consumables" is not surprising that omnics will rebel after awakening their consciousness.

The middle and lower social areas in the world of heaven are too indifferent and will turn anyone who was once enthusiastic and cheerful into a degenerate person.

But Wei Keng is not as obsessed as the "omnic" now, with endless anger and hatred towards this "indifferent world". ——Wei Keng: I only know how to use a knife to dissect the root of this "black heart"

Wei Keng, who entered the federal military camp again, began to write in his diary on the first day after training: "The weather is very good today, and the training was very enjoyable, in the morning..., in the afternoon...".

In the diary, it is not the words from the heart, but the words that are quite satisfactory. However, some entries in the diary record what Wei Keng saw, which can help Wei Keng recall.

For example, when you mention curry rice, it means that the Indian commander in the army is starting to act like a monster.

After finishing the diary, Wei Keng looked at tomorrow's schedule leisurely. The agents had finished training, and next they had to arrange intelligent adjutants, that is, the monitoring intelligence in each person's helmet.

Wei Keng looked at the surveillance drone on the playground and whispered: "When the local owner used dogs to monitor the long-term workers, he only knew that the long-term workers were efficient, and he could save time and sleep, but he did not know that the long-term workers had objections. .”

Wei Keng felt happy in his heart: "It seems that the Federation does not need agents anymore. I will come to help the Star Sea Federation."

Agents who judge the Federation from the perspective of the Fire Force take the threat it poses very seriously.

The Secret Service is the scout in war.

The Federation is now proud of its own fleet. When the forces behind the Fleet Faction began to gain power, they had no idea that the more arrogant they became and ostracizing everyone, the more shaky the Federation became.

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