Out of the cage

Chapter 1357 Chapter 2724 (Part 1) Nobility

Chapter 1357 Chapter 27.24 (Part 1) Nobility

Business and private values ​​often form a Matthew effect in their own systems, that is, areas that are too strong will cause other areas to decline rapidly.

For example, in the ancient times of the main world, the financial class, medical care, and lawyers occupied too strong a position, allowing human resources to focus on "expensive" fields first, while other fields defined as "cheap" would quickly decline.

At this time, the Star Sea Federation is like this. Excellent industry buddies gathered together, raised their wine glasses, and used one set of unique circle words after another.

Wei Keng sighed: It’s just that he is too elite and doesn’t seem to have any sense of the overall situation!

At this time, the military's fleet faction was too strong and had become the dominant military force in the Star Sea Federation.

If you place this in the East, those in power will be very keenly aware that this is out of balance. Just like Lao Zhu in the early Ming Dynasty, when he saw that all the students selected for the imperial examination were Jiangnan students, he did not ask whether the test papers were good or bad, but directly held the examiner to political account. Because if we cannot comprehensively select representative talents from all regions in the world, there is no guarantee that these regions will have a loser like the late Tang Dynasty who "reaches the sky and penetrates Chang'an"!

However, in the Star Sea Federation, due to the successive attacks by the Guantian Society on the Eastern Continent, the large-scale military industry has declined, which has led to the manufacturing of new military equipment in the North Atlantic region. The military-industrial group has become unbalanced, so currently all the fleets are from Europa. Commanders, and these European "brotherhood" cultures are completely different from the Eastern "harmony is precious".

The logic of Eastern rule: For the sake of stability, you must leave some bottom line for the aspirants of a regional group.

This is something that Mediterranean civilization simply did not do.

Since Rome, the logic has been that if you are strong, you must kill them all! Just like Carthage, take advantage of victory and leave no room for error.

…The Star Sea Federation’s current business groups, military groups, and political groups are currently pursuing a winner-takes-all approach...

After the fleet power emerged, all the soldiers fighting on the surface were pushed to the back of the management sequence, and the priority of logistics was also dropped.

In the agent training camp, the walls remain high from the outside! When we walked into the camp, the originally clean and tidy corridors were cleaned once every three days instead of three times a day. The white walls began to darken and stains appeared.

The food provided in the canteen of the agent training camp has also changed from steaks and fruits to nutritious meals. This is a toothpaste-like paste. Everyone squeezes out a squirt, and then drinks a cup of sugar water with vitamins from the water dispenser, which is considered a "training meal."

On the first day of the camp, Wen San looked at the dinner plate: This sticky dish is Indian style!

What, complain? The curry-smelling officers brought out their theoretical experience of Ganges asceticism: "When you come to the army, you have to be tested."

Poor food will definitely cause the agents to resist, but the way the Star Sea Federation solves the problem is not to restore the supply of fruits and vegetables, but to add hundreds of guidelines to the control collars around everyone's neck.

These high-pressure policies include not talking to each other while eating, everyone not being allowed to communicate in private, and so on. The guidelines on these collars have effectively prevented "mutinies" one after another. Military bureaucrats feel that "the problem has been perfectly solved."

In the military camp, Wen San looked at the collar and couldn't help but sigh: "At first, this electronic collar was said to be used to coordinate communications between team members, but other suspicions and speculations were dismissed as conspiracy theories.

Gee, history has proven that as long as you wear this tight hoop, don’t expect the person wearing the tight hoop to be kind. When the person wearing the tightrope conflicts with the person controlling the tightrope, the tightrope will become tighter and tighter. "

However, where there is oppression, there is resistance.

...Wei Keng touched his condensed spiritual energy crystal: This is what I came here to do...

What does it take to conduct an agent riot? All it takes is the upper layers to rot.

Wei Keng, who had sneaked in, spent money to bribe the upper management, so some small commodities entered the agent camp, including some newspapers, fresh fruits, and barbecue skewers.

The money earned from the agents will be distributed to the agent camp bureaucrats in order to complete this process.

The underground party in eastern Asia mobilized resources to assist Operation Wen San.

Even local bureaucrats deliberately condoned Wen San's "broker" behavior.

Because the secret service and bureaucratic management were airborne from the Tianzhu area. Yadong's bureaucrats want to put some eye candy on the situation.

Through bribery, Wei Keng paralyzed and corrupted the upper echelons of federal agents. At the same time, an electronic plug-in flowed into the agent group. This electronic plug-in could paralyze the collar around his neck and turn the agents into free men.

In this way, the newly trained agents in 2620 formed a secret connection. Regarding the failure of electronic collars, some loyal management bureaucrats reported the problem. At this time, it was the bureaucracy's turn to waffle. The department responsible for supplying electronic collar components firmly stated that everything complied with "supply standards" and ignored the matter.

…Weikeng’s tandem has even expanded to multiple land combat armored units…

In August 2620, the upper echelons of the federation were discussing the Baikal Region Fire Alliance's "crossing the line".

At the conference, Yadong's bureaucrats whose interests had been harmed constantly reiterated that they must deal with the rebel forces accurately and quickly. In short, they did not want mines and certain industries to be blown up by Sethus gunboats sent by the fleet. However, the European fleet faction, which had just ended the South American campaign, was very strong and demanded intervention. After the arguments of the members of the Yadong Federation, they finally decided to airborne the special agent corps.

Of course, as the two sides argue, there are technical discussions about "the Tianxin people of Guantian Society can hack omni-devices", and as the technical representatives are caught in the loopholes in their answers by the bureaucrats' "semi-technical layman questioning", they fall into a disadvantage. Neng sighed and walked out of the conference hall holding the information, putting the related technical issues on hold.

As the saying goes, "a little bit of bad above will cause a lot of bad things below."

There is a partisan struggle at the top of the federation, which makes the upper-level officials face piles of reports submitted by mid-level bureaucrats and have no time to turn to the last page to understand them. Many projects that require "coordinating the work of various technical departments at the same time" are constantly postponed, and these serious tasks achieve nothing, making each relevant department look like a joke.

Once upon a time, the Xinhuo Alliance could only be backward compatible and absorb loan evaders.

However, the changes in the world and the current rotten atmosphere in the Federation have made some far-sighted technicians consider taking sides...

In the northern part of the Beixing'an Mountains, the Star Sea Federation military operation began, and a group of agents such as Wei Keng split carried out the mission.

Wen San, who had mixed up with the agent leader, still knew nothing about it before he was sent to the cabin. At this time, while swaying in the plane seat, he saw the Xinghai agent equipped with eyepieces giving combat objectives. The main objective was to invade Xinhuo Base, and the side mission was It was Yadong's unknown sponsor (Yadong Federation oligarch) who requested to infiltrate the Federation's omnic minerals in the Arctic Ocean.

After Wen San contacted the organization, the organization made a decisive decision to let Wen San lead the team to implement the branch objectives first!

A few hours later, as Wen San's superiors in the Star Sea Federation bureaucracy were unable to contact this "expensive tool" agent team, he could only declare the mission failure at a high-level military meeting with a heavy face. "Some members were captured and messages may have been deciphered."

...A group of agents just disappeared, and then new forces that adapted to this "constant fluctuation" were about to begin to rise...

Immediately afterwards, the artificial intelligence of the Star Sea Federation in Lake Baikal announced on the radio that the Federation had betrayed mankind, and the Moon Pioneers had also become heretics, were engaged in secret experiments, and were not worthy of continuing to represent the righteous line of "silicon-based carbon-based life fusion".

This revelation really deceived the Pioneer Group because it was a rumor. Such an omnic that actively spreads rumors naturally has a pusher behind it.

The artificial intelligence in this region has long been replaced by "carbon-based intelligent machines" by Zhu Xiaoyan, which are those in the shape of human flesh and blood, but the core is still the "consciousness mother box" of silicon-based storage.

When this kind of thing was actually implemented, Wei Keng had already handed over his official power.

Wei Keng usually digs holes after descending from the "Jade Terrace Dragon Steps".

Qin Tianfang wanted to give Wei Keng the tiger talisman back then, but the reason why Wei Keng refused to accept it was that once he received the royal seal, he could not act unscrupulously. ——Wei Keng: I am not suitable to hold jade in earth, but after holding jade, my virtue must be worthy of the beauty of a gentleman.

...The process of an omnic rebellion against omnics began, and the fusion force came on the scene. This fusion called itself the Silicon Heart...

A silicon-based core, a carbon-based brain, intertwined flesh and blood and nerve bundles create a third category in artificial intelligence and humans. Just like the innovation of gender in modern times. ——The Silicon Heart people with "Silicon Heart Titanium Bone Ferritin Blood" perfectly fit in with the Federation's so-called "respect for omnics" concept in recent years! Yes, when omnics lack independent strategies, businesses and private parties forcefully impose the so-called "independent concept" on omnics. When these genders are really "armed helicopters" and group forces that combine the characteristics of omnics and humans appear on the scene, then I'm afraid It's the extermination of mutants in X-Men.

With the latest appearance of the "silicon-centered forces", the camps of several big bosses in the federal cabinet began urgent overnight meetings.

The final research plan is not to rescue or suppress the suspected rebel agents in Lake Baikal.

Instead, the federal media reported that the artificial intelligence application route of many large federal technology companies is safe.

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