Out of the cage

Chapter 1383 Chapter 2803 (Part 1) Between the Stardust

In 3467, the major territories of the main world announced organizational adjustments.

First of all, the major planetary space-time bureaus in the solar system stopped using the name of the king. This six-hundred-year-old king era is over.

In the mezzanine of the Mars dimension, Li Ximeng intercepted Michaelena's consciousness, and the enemies were quite speechless when they met.

After Li Ximeng stared at Mi Jia for a long time, he didn't wait for an answer: "What do you mean by hiding from me?!"

Mijia: "Well, I am Mijia, not Michaelena."

Li Ximeng's eyes turned cold, and then he looked sad: "In the era when I was born, my culture could not accept this kind of change." The civilization in the river basin has been stable and passed down for thousands of years, and it is quite conservative.

Once upon a time, Li Ximeng liked the handsome Michaelina who understood her (she was a boy at the time), but now she suddenly felt that she was defeated by Bai Linglu. At least Wei Keng has always maintained an upright self-awareness and cooperated with Bai Linglu.

Mi Jia: "Let's get down to business." The blond lady doesn't want to continue this bad relationship (the evolution of Keng is ongoing).

Li Ximeng asked like a little girl: "When we (she, Qin Tianfang and others) formulated the territorial rules, he was not in the country, and we were unable to get his opinions in time. As for what happened later, due to handover issues, He Chongyun, who took over, did not understand the previous situation in time. Later, in his eagerness to seize power, public law sanctioned him, triggering a confrontation that continues to this day."

Mi Jia sighed: "What on earth do you want to say? The conflict is over. There are no unsolvable knots. It's you who is still obsessed with it."

Li Ximeng said bitterly: "I can't forget it because I want to wait for the person I want to wait for to come back." She stared at the dimension like a stone looking at her husband.

Mi Jia sighed, deliberately not understanding, and said instead: "Li Yishuang's consciousness still exists in multiple dimensions. You don't have to worry about her, she has her future."

Then, Mijia disappeared into the mouth of the gravity well. At the end, she added: "You should go to the direction of Canis Major to find me. Instead of waiting for someone you don't know here in the gravity well." (Mikalena has already differentiated. It becomes two.)

Just like the great war in the early twentieth century, the crown fell away and no one picked it up, the family was divided, everyone was regarded as an individual, and each regional nation was divided separately. Now, at the end of the King's Age, those reborn wills have lost their cohesion and will be regarded as separate individuals.

Li Ximeng watched Mi Jia leave. At this time, her group also lost its cohesion. After another eight hundred years, her many complicated wills began to go their separate ways...

…Just as the core cohesion of Eastern and Western countries is different in the 21st century, the “self-identity” of different regeneration clusters in this dimension is also different…

At the same time on earth, a young boy Wei Keng licked his nostrils and then looked at the stars in the sky. ——This is Wei Keng who returned from the plane after five years.

In the main world treaty, Wei Keng defaulted to the basic principle that "elements from other dimensions shall not interfere with the development of the main world". But in fact, how to "non-interference", as Wei Keng's consciousness grew up in the dimension, there are actually no clear regulations in the main world.

The "Kang Consciousness Group" that has now quietly returned to the main world from the earth's gravity well has always maintained a number of three hundred people every month.

These three hundred people live their daily lives on the earth and spend their time as humans in a very low-key manner. They are preparing to enter the universe and fly towards the orbit of Pluto and beyond when they become adults.

Wei Keng, who does not sit in a high position, only abides by the "non-interference in the main world" treaty as "no one talks about himself".

At present, in the "city" (inner ring of the solar system) Wei Keng will not be "hyperactive or restless" from everyone's perspective. Will find a "field edge" by myself to have fun

The sea of ​​stars in the universe is a field waiting to be developed.

Wei Keng, the new generation who flew into space, smiled brightly, because the sea of ​​​​stars is big enough to dig up the soil!

A softly humming song floats in the outer orbit of Pluto, "Our hometown, in the field of hope, the smoke from the kitchen is floating on the newly built houses, the small river flows beside the beautiful village, a piece of winter wheat, a piece of sorghum, a ten-mile lotus pond and a ten-mile fruit fragrant"

…Every time before the tide of the times begins, there is always a storm...

In the 35th century of the main world, the space outside the orbit of Saturn was extremely empty at this time. Although the sun was wrapped in a Dyson sphere and revealed red light, in Wei Keng's view, such star control was not enough.

According to the physical rules of the main world, it is very difficult to break through to the core of the sun.

The latest technical report from the Stellar Department: According to current technology, the best we can do in the past five hundred years is to control the stability of the sunspot cycle on the sun.

If humans want to gradually stabilize the solar oscillations. It is necessary to eliminate the "irregular tremors" accumulated by the surrounding stars on the sun for hundreds of millions of years. This is a ten-thousand-year project!

Wei Keng: If the current "human intelligence" on the earth is allowed to make a plan of 10,000 years of hard work, it will be too long! Given that the current foundation of human civilization is too shallow, will human civilization be able to survive in 10,000 years?

In the final analysis, the foundation of humanity in the main world is the human consciousness of the earth, moon, metal, fire, and several major ecological circles.

This bit of human consciousness is already a drizzle on the first-stage Dyson ring. Wanting to complete the deep control of the sun is like a grain of salt the size of sand, trying to soak the entire freshwater lake with flavor.

Even though Wei Keng shouts about the stars and the sea, he always maintains an objective respect for the vast universe!

Narrator: It is possible that Wei Keng's consciousness remaining in the main world could suddenly gain the power to control the entire star in the "desperate situation". However, whether it is the peaceful environment of the main world at this time or his long-standing habit of hoarding "surplus", The bar for being in a desperate situation is a little high.

Therefore, in the Chinese way of thinking about the development of civilization: it is better to take fewer steps to advance by relying on some "geniuses" and "lonely talents".

Now Wei Keng of the Hengxing Department has discovered that after hundreds of years of development, the main world has lost its stamina. But he did not fall into the thinking trap of "criticizing the current values ​​of the main world".

Wei Keng: Criticism cannot solve the problem of the cessation of "human civilization". The Administration of Space and Time does not strive for progress from generation to generation. This is not the reason for the stagnation of earth's civilization, but the result of it. The current foundation of the earth is too weak to support higher-level development.

In the ancient industrial era, a small country with a few million people could complete the first industrial revolution, but it could not lead the second industrial revolution. By the third industrial revolution, only an industrialized country with a billion people can lead the world.

Wei Keng: If you get caught up in genius thinking, focus on the high end, and try to be the best without increasing your foundation, you will eventually fall to your death. Therefore, we must look at the main world issues from the perspective of “increasing the foundation”.

As long as the foundation of civilization is solid enough, even if you don't need a genius, you can be a "middle-class person" on the road to heaven.

Wei Keng unfolded the interstellar map, took a deep breath at the countless chaotic dust in space, and determined his future: "moving bricks in the sea of ​​stars."

Moving bricks outside is easier than carrying out nuclear fusion in the sun, but this path requires simple accumulation.

Master Wei's idea is this. Since it is difficult to control high-energy stars, we should make steady adjustments to edge reclamation.

...Starfield has been cultivated since then...

Before the 35th century, the cosmic dust outside the orbit of the main world Saturn was in a "chaotic" state. This chaotic stardust was unable to convert the starlight in the inner layer of the star into enthalpy.

But if there is such a "field", the "enthalpy" emitted by the stars is collected! So can the concept of Jiangshan Sheji be transferred from the world to beyond the thirty-third heaven?

Serious science: In 1944, Dutch astronomers discovered the phenomenon that the nuclei and electrons of hydrogen atoms (each hydrogen atom has only one electron) can line up in the same direction or in opposite directions, each time when the hydrogen atom is converted from one form to another. In another form, it emits microwaves with a wavelength of 21 centimeters. The microwave emission period of this hydrogen atom is 11 years!

Human beings farm according to the astronomical calendar, which is to identify the number of days. In other words, as long as there are days, there will be fields to plant.

The idea of ​​​​the Chinese: If every grain of interstellar dust condenses into standard "small particles" of tens of microns, one hundred meters apart, and is spread throughout the entire space, with a cycle of five years, a group of brick-moving teams of our own will , each group of people in the outer solar system is responsible for a few hundred light seconds.

These star fields are connected together to filter out the cosmic clutter and establish a stable "field ridge zone", which can absorb enough "enthalpy" from the deterministic changes of the sun and surrounding stars in large cycles.

At this time, Wei Keng of the Deep Space Department, the part of Wei Keng who refuted "Don't rush me to do it" to himself in the Stellar Department, was designing the "field" of the star sea.

The "Star Field" uses a cubic astronomical unit (one astronomical unit is the distance from the earth to the sun) as a grid to collect the information enthalpy of the star sea.

The function of "Star Field" is to collect negative entropy more extensively. Wei Keng: As long as negative entropy is enough, it can provide human consciousness with survival.

This is like, as long as there is enough solar energy solidified in a piece of land (rice field), the grain produced can be enough for human survival.

The sea of ​​stars also contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and even amino acids. In nebulae, this organic reaction is very slow.

Wei Keng: This is because the original chemical reactions in the star sea without "intensive cultivation" can only support the production of simple amino acids. What if the farming technology is in place? So can the accumulated "negative entropy" provide for advanced creatures like humans to reproduce in the sea of ​​​​stars?

..."Male", using "strength" to apply "field"...

Nowadays, all the consciousnesses in the main world who have had enough wandering in the alien plane have come back, and they all take the idea of ​​​​voyaging.

Bai Linglu, who is now gradually taking over Wei Keng's "textile industry" in the sun: This man in my family always thinks differently.

This may be due to Wei Keng’s deep-rooted farming thoughts as the inheritor of the great river system civilization.

Well, using an unflattering description is just the mentality of an old farmer.

Completing such a "historical" trend requires many, many "individuals".

Wei Keng: I will be like a farmer, cultivating astronomical areas near the solar system, facing the stardust and turning my back to the sun.

As early as the beginning of the fifth plane war in the 33rd century, Wei Keng had already anchored this plan.

When a large number of satellites continue to come out of the gravity well, all parties in the main world will not feel that "there are too many satellites interfering with the main world", because the satellites are scattered in the universe like gravel.

The universe is very large, and the range of influence of the solar system's stellar wind is one cubic light-year. To Wei Keng at the moment, this is like a person facing a vast plain.

Just like looking back on old history today, when the Yanhuang clan first came to the Central Plains with abundant water and grass, they might have lamented that this was an endless land.

Wei Keng vaguely felt the path his "ancestors" had taken.

Wei Keng: If the plan I implement succeeds, will it be possible for me to cultivate it for a long, long time?

How long is it exactly? This long period is not a number of years, but a large number of historical processes.

Wei Keng, who walked out of the earth in the 35th century and was about to enter the deep universe, stared at the place in East Asia for the last time before transforming into a hot carbon-based state, and couldn't help but say: "Looking back seven thousand years, Kyushu is surrounded by wilderness. Looking at the Spring and Autumn Period now, it is thousands of miles away. Mountains and rivers have turned into mulberry fields.”

"Extraterrestrial accumulated enthalpy" is the long-term route of Hezhong Accumulation. Compared with directly creating a Dyson sphere, it is not high-end enough and requires a lot of manpower and material resources over a long period of time. However, there is one benefit to civilized "common people". That is, you only need to be patient, and everyone can participate. Leave the rest to civilization and time.

…Introducing the dividing line of the Dyson Loop route…

In the Hengxing Department, Bai Linglu silently compiled the latest information enthalpy ledger of the Hengxing Department according to the division of labor between men and women.

Bai Linglu: The "extremely outstanding" smart man has no successor on the Dyson Ring. This system requires fewer people, but the threshold is too high. The closer you get to the interior of a star, the more complex it becomes.

In a civilized society, if the elite who have crossed the threshold think that the world only needs them and others are useless, then the civilized route will be narrowed.

From a grassroots perspective, many people don't work hard because they think "it's useless to work hard."

Civilization is for the masses, and everyone must feel that their efforts are rewarded, so that they will invest more and more efforts step by step.

Mr. Wei, the master of "Lingping", used his rich experience in making egg fried rice and sword refining to think that this is the most civilized principle.

Therefore, if you want to achieve eternal greatness, you must mobilize the interest of the vast majority of people in the world.

Bai Linglu: "Well, have you ever considered mobilizing the consciousness of multiple civilizations in the dimension to build the main world center?"

Wei Keng was silent for a while: "Linglu, I will build my hometown, and I am not used to leading other people there. I have not yet embarked on the road to success!"

…the dividing line that returns to the ordinary…

In 3483, a certain Wei Keng who set off from the cradle of the earth and entered outer space looked at the vast universe and said calmly, "This is good. At least for hundreds of years or thousands of years, I can calmly accumulate , which suits me quite well.”

Wei Keng remembers the feeling of doing something big with great vigor. It was the expectation that ordinary people would have when they were teenagers.

But the real journey of being an ordinary person in every era is:

Farming Era: ‘The loess is turned to the sky, looking forward to the family granary being full’

Industrial Age: "Working for a living, watching your savings, waiting for your mortgage to be eliminated, and watching your children grow up little by little."

For every day's small accumulation, weak satisfaction.

Even though the hope of entering the next era becomes increasingly slim,

Even though I have limited knowledge and cannot help scientists,

Even if it is too ordinary, not fashionable enough, not new enough, it will be regarded as too ordinary by the people passing by, not worthy of a glance.

But my meager accumulation is in the same direction as "the right path of human vicissitudes", and I feel at ease.

…The 35th century has passed like this. At the end of Wei Keng’s first thousand years in this world, history has taken a big step forward…

At the Time and Space Management Bureau, after Wei Keng signed the peace agreement with the kings of the heavens, he gave an exit speech, "modestly" boasting about himself: "I, as a person, have never liked to make trouble, and I am very honest in all aspects. I’m just an ordinary person.”

Under the watchful eyes of He Chongyun and many other abdicated kings, the 80-year-old Wei Keng individuals on the earth who had gone through 60 years of compulsory education decomposed their aging bodies and transformed them into diamond-shaped carbon-based bodies that fit the Xinghai space capsule.

Under the action of the Hall thruster, this Xinghai space capsule began to drag hundreds of kilometers of huge electromagnetic nets to filter interstellar dust, just like an old scalper plowing the fields.

This first piece of farmland was cultivated along the interstellar passage of Sirius.

Oh, it's the relay station route between Sirius and the sun designed by Wei Keng for Qin Tianfang and other star aviation factions.

This farmland is arranged along the line, obviously to invite those guys who are anxious in the "Star Core" to come and work on their fields in the future.

Mr. Wei of "Tian" wants to plant, and Master Tukang of "Tao" wants to cultivate. As for the "blade", shovel dancers need to forge it.

In the outer reaches of the solar system, as the information enthalpy is gathered, nanodots are carved one by one. Start laying one kilometer at a time.

In the main world, we now have to wait for the next historical era.

bgm: Galaxy Era Bo Caisheng

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